Revisiting Romney vs Obama: Why Romney and the GOP lost

Romney lost because he was a weak candidate who ran a bad campaign I know lots of people have a really tough time accepting that the simple answer is the correct one but in this case it really is.

Not only was romney rejected but repubs in the congress also. Dems got more votes than repubs for congress but gerrymandering kept them out of controlling the house. Americans and now with this billionaire funded tea party shutdown, the whole world is beginning to see that republicans represent corporations and the very wealthy period.
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

Some retired and disabled veterans will soon see how much repubs love them if this shutdown goes through and lasts any amount of time. All working class people will soon find out that they have no business voting republican
Romney lost because he was a weak candidate who ran a bad campaign I know lots of people have a really tough time accepting that the simple answer is the correct one but in this case it really is.

Not only was romney rejected but repubs in the congress also. Dems got more votes than repubs for congress but gerrymandering kept them out of controlling the house. Americans and now with this billionaire funded tea party shutdown, the whole world is beginning to see that republicans represent corporations and the very wealthy period.

If you want to post talking points fine that's your right but at least make a effort to come up with something original.
Sen. Tom Coburn stands by effort to delay bill for disabled vets | News OK

Tom Coburn Named as Senator Holding up Veterans Bill | Veterans Today

Thirteen major military and veterans groups have joined forces to try to force one senator — Republican Tom Coburn of Oklahoma — to release a hold that he has placed on a major veterans benefits bill. Coburn has been identified by Senate aides as the lawmaker preventing consideration of S 1963, the Veterans’ Caregiver and Omnibus Health Benefits Act of 2009, by using an informal but legal practice of putting a hold on a bill.


I have to admit. Those Republicans sure know how to treat the military, don't they? I guess these right wingers are now going to say "Veterans Today" are a bunch of liberal liars, right?
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I'm going to give some free advice to the Republicans nominate a Presidential candidate who will bring your base out you might lose a election without the moderates or independents you will lose a election without the base this was proven by both McCain and Romney both good decent men but men who did not enthuse the base. Look at the recent history Reagan could reve up the base so could Clinton both Bush's did enough to manage and Obama could this is one thing they all have in common along with the fact their opposition could not do it.
Oh! A Romny thread! And it's Halloween!

Romney Rash

I was in my quiet room late one night
When my eyes beheld a young gun
of the right
He wrote a marvelous budget and his star began to rise
Name of Paul Ryan and much to my surprise

He had the rash
He had the Romney Rash
The Romney Rash
It was a Wall Street smash
He had the rash
He caught it in a flash
He had the rash
He had the Romney rash

It's something in your past that's icky and itchy
And you don't dare explain 'cause it's sticky and fishy
A guy like that could be another jokester and funster
And on top of that, he looks just like ...Eddie Munster

Suddenly they were all in my room
Celebrating what Ryan caught so soon
The also-rans so clueless and confused on facts
Crawling out the doors of Ann's two Cadillacs

There's Rick Santorum with Michele Bachmann
Without her husband but with her eyes wide open
Newt Gringrich and his Booty Callista
Brought her favorite party favor, a game of twister

There was Rick Perry, all forgiving with no regret
Trying hard to remember the Texas Two Step
And Herman Cain was looking so fine
Ready to Tea Party like it's 18-999

I put on a lampshade, made of magic underwear
We partied all night and nobody mentioned Romneycare
I was glad the gang was all there and getting down
For what is a circus without all the clowns

They had the rash
The Romney Rash
They brought the cash
The Romney cash
It's in my stash
The Romney stash
We're ready to bash
At the Romney Bash

Sarah Palin fell out of the dumbwaiter with a scream
Seems she was troubled by just one thing
She looked around the room and shook her fist
And said, "Whatever happened to my Peppermint Twist?"

We'll take back the White House, wait and see
Who wouldn't vote for an Anglo-Saxon like me?
We'll win on Tuesday without much hullabaloo
Then there'll be no more Watusi or Boogaloo

The USA will have the Rash
They'll have the Romney Rash
The Romney Rash
It was a Wall Street smash
It caught on in a flash
Since we had the cash
To buy the white trash
The Romney white trash
When Republicans chose a candidate just slightly to the left of Obama it was over.

Those who didn't just stay home decided that if they were going to have a socialist they might as well at least score points for having shown they weren't racist.

And this is why 95% of America laughs at such nonsense.

No, that's why Moderates are 0-2 against Obama
To the OP- I think Romney carrying the Tea Party crazy to where government workers were the "enemy" because they didn't bend over and take it like private sector workers did was part of the problem.

But I think it was larger than that.

Republicans used to not hate government, they just felt it should promote business and run more efficiently. This was the Republican Party of Ike, Nixon, Ford and I would go so far as to even include Reagan and Bush Sr.

But somewhere along the line, the crazies took over.

The bottom line was that Romney himself was a horrible candidate.

He was a naked plutocrat who didn't hide the plutocracy pill in a wrapping of Culture War Bacon.

He was rich and successful and he didn't let you forget that he was the guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

If the GOP is ever going to get back into power, it needs a candidate who understands working people.
Obama's had 5 straight years of 7% unemployment, has one downgrade under his belt and is begging for his second. Yeah let's talk Romney
I'm going to give some free advice to the Republicans nominate a Presidential candidate who will bring your base out you might lose a election without the moderates or independents you will lose a election without the base this was proven by both McCain and Romney both good decent men but men who did not enthuse the base. Look at the recent history Reagan could reve up the base so could Clinton both Bush's did enough to manage and Obama could this is one thing they all have in common along with the fact their opposition could not do it.


Romney did not lose because the "base" stayed home.

Looking at the numbers.

Bush-43 got 62 million votes in 2004, the most votes a Republican has EVER gotten in raw numbers.

McCain got 59.5 million, while Romney got 60.5 million.

So. McCain got 2.5 less, and Romney got 1.5 less.

Nope, sorry, it was NOT that the "conservatives" failed to turn out.

Looking at the demographics, and you tell the tale.

White folks- Bush got 58% of the White vote, McCain got 54% of the White Vote, and Romney got 59% of the White vote. That indicates that all the conservative, white angry old people Romney was going to get out he did. Even those Evangelicals who screamed about Romney being a Mormon Heretic in 2008 suddenly loved themselves some Mormonism in 2012. We had to get the Negro out!!!

Sadly, though, White folks were 76% of the electorate in 2004, but they were only 72% of the electorate in 2012.

So then we have to look at the other races.

Okay. Blacks. Bush got 11% of the black vote, which wasn't that bad, and McCain got 4%. Romney improved that to 6%, which given Obama's status as the first black preisdent, is a bit of an improvement.

Hispanics are telling. Bush got 44% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. A credit to his attempts to buld bridges. McCain denounced his own immigration reform plans and embraced Tancredo and the Minutemen, and as a result, he got 31% of the Hispanic vote. Romney did even worse, denouncing the Dream Act and otherwise pandering to the right on this issue, and as a result, got 27% of the Hispanic vote.

Asians although being a small part of the electorate, tell a similar tale. Bush got 44% of them, McCain 35%, Romney sank to 26%.

So, long story short. Romney did not lose because "the Base" didn't show up. Romney lost because he didn't expand much beyond the base.

And the thing was, 2012 was winnable by the GOP. All they really had to do was point out that Obama failed to turn things around.
Obama's had 5 straight years of 7% unemployment, has one downgrade under his belt and is begging for his second. Yeah let's talk Romney

Yeah, it is important to understand how the Insane Wing screwed this up so they don't do it again.

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