Revolt of the masses: The left overplayed their hand

No, im just not as dumb, self righteous and ignorant of myself as you.
Seriously how the fuck do you parade around here patting yourself on the back all day when you say shit that directly contradicts your actions ALL THE TIME?
It wouldnt even be a big deal if you werent so self righteous and had an ego the size of trumps ass. You would just be another pathetic hack on here.
Gotcha. You guys really need to stop fantasizing about using violence to get your way.

Because this last week there's been a lot of people getting really pissy at the suggestion that anyone on the right would use violence to get their way, a la, terrorists.

A party gets control and immediately declares a "mandate" and proceeds to shove its agenda down our throats.

We the People don't like that, so we tell them to fuck off and vote them out.

Then the other party does the same thing and the process repeats. Neither party learns.

This duopoly is killing us.

Another Redcoat!
Gotcha. You guys really need to stop fantasizing about using violence to get your way.

Because this last week there's been a lot of people getting really pissy at the suggestion that anyone on the right would use violence to get their way, a la, terrorists.
The "T" word is becoming as meaningless as the "R" word. Y'all used to think you could intimidate us into silence by using those words. Now look at how many of us just no longer care.
Seriously how the fuck do you parade around here patting yourself on the back all day when you say shit that directly contradicts your actions ALL THE TIME?
It wouldnt even be a big deal if you werent so self righteous and had an ego the size of trumps ass. You would just be another pathetic hack on here.
mac dont like it when you say shit like that...after all we see him all the time bad mouthing the democrats...
An opinion piece but very well said.

Americans don't like government authoritarians

Washington Times: Revolt of the masses: The left has overplayed its hand.
Of course they overplayed their hand. They always do. Thing with the left is they never ever quit. They will continue to do everything in their power to destroy this country . They will not be denied . The right will slap them around a little and then get complacent, that is when lefty will attack again and again. The never quit . Lie, cheat steal , rig elections, rig the voting machines. They have no morals and don't give a flying fuck about rules or what anyone else wants. They will not be denied. There is only one thing that has slowed their destruction of America and Americans, that is the second amendment. And the reason they want to take that away as quickly as possible. And anyone tells you democrats don't want your guns. They lied to you. Period.
You just cant help yourself :rofl:
You need a fuckin therapist. And a mirror the size of Texas.
It is hilarious though.. Hilarious that you cant understand YOUR OWN fucking words and then point at other people. As if you have a step to stand on.
Goddamn, I love this place :lol:
I cannot disagree. He got you on that one, Mac.

Even the words below your avatar "Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism" are completely contradictory to your positions on a whole host of topics you discuss here.
It isnt even that i disagreed what his initial comment, its the fact he acts all high and mighty, when he contributes to the very problem he complains about.
I know. I have called him out on it repeatedly. He needs a mirror.

I think he really flipped the switch with his Trump hate. All principles went out the window for Mac because Trump didn't behave "presidential" enough for Mac's liking, meanwhile we have a laundry list of "presidential-acting" presidents who did NOTHING but fuck us over.

A Trump presidency really brought out the shallow bullshit people rely on when making important decisions.
Some would say he's misusing that authority. You don't go after parents who are bitching to a school board. We ain't talking about widespread riots here, or a bunch of people across the country getting their ass kicked.
Yeah, not to mention the pecuniary interest for some in the Biden Administration in making certain to stifle parental control over curriculum (looking at you, Merrick).
An opinion piece but very well said.

Americans don't like government authoritarians

Washington Times: Revolt of the masses: The left has overplayed its hand.

The article is a pack of lies. What you have are mobs trying to threaten school officials through violence and intimidation. The fact is that CRT is not being taught. The cause of this is demagoguery and propaganda on the right. However right wing fascists want to ignore slavery, segregation and other racial issues. They are the ones who want to hijack our history lessons to white man good, black man bad.

It iks the right wing fascists who are authoritarians. They want to make voting difficult to keep themselves in power, they want to tell local governmentsa and private businesses how to handle the coronavirus issues.
Unless they are able to do what all other totalitarian regimes have done and rig all elections.

You're spot on here. They did use the impeachments, as in plural, as a diversion, to rig the swing states in the 2020 election, with a heavy dose of Dominion thrown in!

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