Rewriting the Dictionary - Anchor Baby now "offensive"


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
A decision by the American Heritage Dictionary to revise its definition of "anchor baby" -- labeling it an offensive and disparaging term -- is an attempt to manipulate the "linguistic landscape" and push a leftist agenda, some opponents of illegal immigration say.

"Anchor baby" was among roughly 10,000 words -- including "hoodie" and "babydaddy" -- added to the dictionary's fifth edition last month.

Read more: Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News

Control language; control thought. :eusa_shhh:
It's always been an offensive slur.
It is a good thing that we, on USMessageBoard, are not constrained by political correctness,

There is nothing wrong with using babies as anchors in port....with enough lead...
"The 'anchor baby' thing needs to be fixed ... Anchor babies are an unconstitutional declaration of citizenship to those born of non-Americans. It's wrong, and it's immoral."

'Anchor Baby' Phrase Has Controversial History - ABC News

We know they're really assholes but we though we'd be nice and just call them Anchor Babies instead.
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I guarantee that many illegals refer to their own children as "anchors". (Ooops, perhaps I should have said "undocumented")
A decision by the American Heritage Dictionary to revise its definition of "anchor baby" -- labeling it an offensive and disparaging term -- is an attempt to manipulate the "linguistic landscape" and push a leftist agenda, some opponents of illegal immigration say.

"Anchor baby" was among roughly 10,000 words -- including "hoodie" and "babydaddy" -- added to the dictionary's fifth edition last month.

Read more: Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News

Control language; control thought. :eusa_shhh:

You and obama agree ;)

[ame=]Obama in Wisconsin: Words Matter - YouTube[/ame]
Bastardization of the 14th Amendment... thats all.

[ame=]South Park's Officer Barbrady Nothing To See Here - YouTube[/ame]
I am getting really sick and tired of the left dictating to the population at large what will and will not be deemed 'offensive'. If it is okay to call a person 'white', it is okay to call a person 'black' instead of "African American', most especially when the person is a natural born, red blooded, American who has never been out of the country.

If it is okay for black people to use the 'n' word in song and rap lyrics and ethnic poetry, then it is okay for ANYBODY to use the 'n' word. Conversely, if it is wrong for some people to use that word, then it is wrong for everybody to use that word. The same applies to 'ho and any other number of words that have found their way into our vernacular.

I say Merry Christmas to everybody no matter what they look like or how they are dressed. It is my personal glad tidings of the season and if it offends somebody, that somebody should get over it now.

For me 'liberal' and 'conservative' in America have unique and identifiable characteristics and it save a ton of time to use the labels instead of having to spell out those characteristics in every conversation. Those who don't like it can find something else to do.

And as for anchor baby, that is exactly what these kids are. Mom feels the beginnings of labor pains and scurries across the border to an American hospital to have the baby - or she ducks ICE long enough here to get pregant and deliver. That way her baby will be a U.S. citizen under current law and we generous Americans simply don't have the heart to rip that new citizen out of her arms and send her home. The baby 'anchors' her to the USA and makes it politically difficult to deport her. It is absurd to label it a derogatory term when it is what it is.

I tell you people, if we don't start standing up on our hind legs and defending the American language and culture and rule of law, we are going to lose it. And today is as good a day to start defending it as any.
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reason for a sound policy based on fairness and principle. We simply cannot stand for anymore lazzie fair left wing-ninnery. We said no- WE MEAN NO! Our elected leaders will start governing for America, not to it -or we will continue to go to the polls and sweep them out of office, until we get the government we want. Namely one that is for AMERICA!
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Step 1 - classify "politically incorrect" language as "offensive"
Step 2 - Southern Poverty Law Center labels any group who uses "offensive language" as a "hate group"
Step 3 - Legal ramifications for those who use "hate speech"

Orwellian prophesy?
Step 1 - classify "politically incorrect" language as "offensive"
Step 2 - Southern Poverty Law Center labels any group who uses "offensive language" as a "hate group"
Step 3 - Legal ramifications for those who use "hate speech"

Orwellian prophesy?

"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it." - George Orwell, Nineteen eighty-four
Perhaps they meant that using a child to break the law is offensive. Yeah. Maybe that's the ticket. :D
Control language; control thought.

Whether or not ‘offensive’ the term is legally inaccurate and misleading; the ‘thought’ is offensive to the Constitution and doctrine of inalienable rights, as those born in the United States are citizens of the United States.

It is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic to ‘classify’ citizens other than ‘citizen’ or ‘naturalized.’

The motive or status of one’s parents at the time of his birth is irrelevant, as one may not be subject to punitive measures as a consequence of his parents’ misdeeds. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

…an attempt to manipulate the "linguistic landscape" and push a leftist agenda, some opponents of illegal immigration say.

There is no 'leftist agenda.' And those who believe the above only exhibit their ignorance, as citizenship by birth is a fact of Constitutional law, having nothing to do with illegal immigration.

I am getting really sick and tired of the left dictating to the population at large what will and will not be deemed 'offensive'.

As many others are getting really sick and tired of the right exhibiting its ignorance of Constitutional case law and contempt for the Founding Document.

Otherwise, ‘political correctness’ is a rightist contrivance and example of conservative hypocrisy, as the American Heritage Dictionary and other private sector entities are free to use words as they see fit, as is the case with the rest of the Nation.

Legal ramifications for those who use "hate speech"

‘Hate speech’ is subject to a particular legal doctrine, determined Constitutional by the Supreme Court:

n Wisconsin v. Mitchell (1993), the Supreme Court unanimously upheld a Wisconsin statute which provides for an enhanced sentence where the defendant "intentionally selects the person against whom the crime [is committed] because of the race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry of that person."

Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 47 (1993).

‘Anchor baby’ does not constitute hate speech.

To advocate, therefore, that those born in the United States of parents illegally in the country not have their citizenship bestowed upon them accordingly, is to advocate a disastrous, criminal, and un-Constitutional ‘remedy.’
Yes dear We haven't gotten to steps 2 or 3. Yet. But the writing is on the wall. (Figuratively, in case you wanted "proof') Sheez.

Birthright citizenship is something we can no longer afford. Our generosity towards visitors that have overstayed their welcome, has run its course. Times have changed and so must our policies.
Is it "PC" or is it just being a decent person? How has it that good manners become such a political issue?

Terms like ******, cracker, fundie, and yes anchor-baby are slurs designed to insult and hurt. Folks have a right to say them but don't whine and scream about "political thought control" when a dictionary defines them accurately as slurs.
"The future of the United States is a place where you cannot speak your mind freely or engage in any terms or comments deemed inappropriate by the thought police," Gheen said. "What's really offensive is how these pro-illegal immigrant groups are telling people how they can talk."

Read more: Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News


Cite any Federal, state, or local law that subjects anyone who utters the words ‘anchor-baby’ to criminal prosecution.

Cite any Federal, state, or local law that forbids one to speak his mind freely or engage in any terms or comments deemed inappropriate.

Cite any ‘pro-illegal immigrant’ organization claiming it has the authority to tell ‘people how they can talk.’

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