RFK Jr. is no JFK

All that word salad to prove you're clueless.
Kennedy was pro civilian militia and pro second amendment.
By calling attention to 'a well regulated militia,' 'the security of the nation,' and the right of each citizen 'to keep and bear arms,' our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy... The Second Amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the Second Amendment will always be important.

John F. Kennedy
You are pathetic.

Many liberals support the 2nd. Many are registered gun owners.

Officially he only claims to be Bobby Kennedy which of course is undeniably true.
He constantly uses phrases that link him to the previous generation of Kennedys. The only reason he ever got noticed after his extensive drug abuse history was that he was a son of RFK and had stayed out of prison because he was a Kennedy. People felt sorry for him, and he played on it.
He constantly uses phrases that link him to the previous generation of Kennedys.
if he were the candidate of the party the media would be hammering that home.
The only reason he ever got noticed after his extensive drug abuse history was that he was a son of RFK and had stayed out of prison because he was a Kennedy. People felt sorry for him, and he played on it.
pretty much nails teddy kennedy minus the really ugly stuff.
if he were the candidate of the party the media would be hammering that home.

pretty much nails teddy kennedy minus the really ugly stuff.
Teddy did much to help his constituents and the nation. He was even able to make friends with serious opponents across the aisle.

Incredible leader, incredible man
JFK was a liberal. Facts are not on your side.
JFK was a playboy replacement for his deceased older brother (Joe Jr.) who was intended to fulfill his father's dream of a Kennedy presidency. The entire clan were opportunists who valued electioneering over any philosophical considerations (which put them squarely in the Democrat camp). Old Joe Sr. was even a Nazi sympathizer before WW2, so any argument about them being true "liberals" is poppycock.
JFK was a playboy replacement for his deceased older brother (Joe Jr.) who was intended to fulfill his father's dream of a Kennedy presidency. The entire clan were opportunists who valued electioneering over any philosophical considerations (which put them squarely in the Democrat camp). Old Joe Sr. was even a Nazi sympathizer before WW2, so any argument about them being true "liberals" is poppycock.
Whatever, loser.
JFK was a playboy replacement for his deceased older brother (Joe Jr.) who was intended to fulfill his father's dream of a Kennedy presidency. The entire clan were opportunists who valued electioneering over any philosophical considerations (which put them squarely in the Democrat camp). Old Joe Sr. was even a Nazi sympathizer before WW2, so any argument about them being true "liberals" is poppycock.
JFK did have those Mob connections
Sure and his daddy wasn't a bootlegger Nazi lover :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::itsok:

Actually, Joe Kennedy did not "love" the Nazis. Joe was not the bootlegger some people believe.

I grew up around people who personally knew the Kennedy's in Boston. I knew much about them that Doris Kearns Goodwin the historian had to do research on.

People like you are so easily led astray. It's a constant.

Actually, Joe Kennedy did not "love" the Nazis. Joe was not the bootlegger some people believe.

I grew up around people who personally knew the Kennedy's in Boston. I knew much about them that Doris Kearns Goodwin the historian had to do research on.

People like you are so easily led astray. It's a constant.

Again he was a bootlegger and there is your mob connection
RFK Jr., is no JFK.

For starters, because unlike his Uncle, Bobby Jr. is into his senior years. He's 70 years old, whereas his Uncle was 42 years old when he campaigned for President. Bobby has none of the Kennedy campaign people or even Kennedy family people behind his campaign. He reminds me of those people with the Kennedy name, who were no relation to the storied Kennedy political machine, who would appear on ballots , many times being paid to take votes away from another candidate.
He’s no RFK, for that matter.

He’s nothing but a rightwing loon.

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