RFRA a.k.a. Jesus Crow laws

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Justadude with a keyboard
Feb 19, 2011

















You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......
Since the author of this thread has no clue about jim crow laws....(he obviously is a graduate of a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....the party that created the actual jim crow laws.....)

Here is a quick course on jim crow.....

National Review

And that’s exactly what happened. When Reconstruction came toward the end of the 19th century, racist Southern politicians, all Democrats, who never much liked economic liberty (duh — they liked slavery), slinked back into power. They started passing laws that made it hard or illegal for blacks to move freely for work. Vagrancy laws basically made it illegal for blacks to be unemployed, even when simply switching jobs. It became illegal to solicit labor across state lines, etc. RELATED: The Advantages of Being Disadvantaged While plantation owners liked these statist economic regulations, other businesses didn’t. Southern streetcar businesses often opposed the forced separation of black and white passengers on the grounds that it was simply a burdensome regulation (requiring more cars, more conductors, and offending valued customers, etc.). Economist Thomas Sowell recounts how streetcar companies in Mobile, Montgomery, Augusta, Savannah and other Southern cities defied Jim Crow laws passed in the late 1890s and early 1900s, sometimes for years, only relenting when the conductors were arrested and fined for disobeying the law. There’s a reason that the NAACP’s first major Supreme Court victory in 1917 hinged on economic liberty, arguing that residential segregation violated property rights.Read more at: National Review

Thomas Sowell on jim crow...

RealClearPolitics - Commentary - Rosa Parks and History by Thomas Sowell

Those who see government as the solution to social problems may be surprised to learn that it was government which created this problem. Many, if not most, municipal transit systems were privately owned in the 19th century and the private owners of these systems had no incentive to segregate the races.

These owners may have been racists themselves but they were in business to make a profit -- and you don't make a profit by alienating a lot of your customers. There was not enough market demand for Jim Crow seating on municipal transit to bring it about.

It was politics that segregated the races because the incentives of the political process are different from the incentives of the economic process. Both blacks and whites spent money to ride the buses but, after the disenfranchisement of black voters in the late 19th and early 20th century, only whites counted in the political process.

Please...read up on jim crow....and you will see it is the gays practicing government discrimination against christians......
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......

Just because it's a religious belief doesn't mean it's worthy of respect.
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......

Just because it's a religious belief doesn't mean it's worthy of respect.

Who ever said that....? I don't respect several religions but I would still stand by their religious freedom.....and those churches that actually perform gay weddings.....or bakeries that serve gay weddings...I support their right to do that as well.....it is called freedom.....you guys really need to study it......
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......

Just because it's a religious belief doesn't mean it's worthy of respect.

Who ever said that....? I don't respect several religions but I would still stand by their religious freedom.....and those churches that actually perform gay weddings.....or bakeries that serve gay weddings...I support their right to do that as well.....it is called freedom.....you guys really need to study it......

You're not free to break the law because doing so might be consistent with your religious delusions.
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......

Just because it's a religious belief doesn't mean it's worthy of respect.

Who ever said that....? I don't respect several religions but I would still stand by their religious freedom.....and those churches that actually perform gay weddings.....or bakeries that serve gay weddings...I support their right to do that as well.....it is called freedom.....you guys really need to study it......

You're not free to break the law because doing so might be consistent with your religious delusions.

And neither were all those blacks who sat at the lunch counters.....right? You support the law that gave the power to the government to arrest them...right?
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......
We are treating you folks the same we treated the KKK and the lunch counter folks, etc.

You will not victimize the victims, and then claim foul.
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......

Just because it's a religious belief doesn't mean it's worthy of respect.

Who ever said that....? I don't respect several religions but I would still stand by their religious freedom.....and those churches that actually perform gay weddings.....or bakeries that serve gay weddings...I support their right to do that as well.....it is called freedom.....you guys really need to study it......

You're not free to break the law because doing so might be consistent with your religious delusions.

The Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects religious freedom whether you like it or not. Ditto 31 State RFRA laws.

This protection has now been expanded by the ruling in the Burwell vs Hobby Lobby case to "closely held for profits".

Deal with it.
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......
We are treating you folks the same we treated the KKK and the lunch counter folks, etc.

You will not victimize the victims, and then claim foul.

Have you lost your mind? These laws stand.
td, act your age.

No one is concerned about religious freedom laws not protecting legitimate issues. They do.

They do not apply to civil rights and public accommodation laws where they are in force.
You don't realize that jim crow laws were state enforced discrimination....using fines, and jail to force people to do what the government wanted......now we have the government using fines and jail to force religious people to violate their religious beliefs....

But thanks for trying......

Just because it's a religious belief doesn't mean it's worthy of respect.

Who ever said that....? I don't respect several religions but I would still stand by their religious freedom.....and those churches that actually perform gay weddings.....or bakeries that serve gay weddings...I support their right to do that as well.....it is called freedom.....you guys really need to study it......

You're not free to break the law because doing so might be consistent with your religious delusions.

The Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects religious freedom whether you like it or not. Ditto 31 State RFRA laws.

This protection has now been expanded by the ruling in the Burwell vs Hobby Lobby case to "closely held for profits".

Deal with it.

Right wing Red states just got so full of themselves after the Hobby Lobby decision/buy off of SCOTUS. Now it's backfired right up your collective con asses. It's downright spectacular to witness

Businesses know that 25% of their customer bases are LGBT and that's why they are boycotting Indiana. They spend millions annually to know who their customers are. Deal with reality.
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