Rhetorical Question - but WTF is WRONG with people?

I have never fixed them any other way.

And since we're talking sandwiches, I usually fix a grilled cheese with Colby. Add a little Welch's grape jelly to the bread when it's done is r-e-a-l good. And if you get really daring, a slice of sweet onion will top it off.

I put chopped onion on my husband's grilled cheese (or "cheese toasties" as they are called in Indiana :) ). Never tried Colby, but it sounds good. :)
who still EATS bologna??? That stuff is made with worse than SPAM or hot dogs... my dad used to work in a meat-packing plant-he refuses to eat bologna now. For the same price you can get turkey or ham...

I mostly just feed it to the kids. lol! :D
My son David will only eat Mac& Cheese with ketchup. I agree, it's disgusting.

you crazy woman. geesh

Ketchup on Mac & Cheese is fantastic - not as good as lots of pepper, and a couple shots of tobasco, however :)
you crazy woman. geesh

Ketchup on Mac & Cheese is fantastic - not as good as lots of pepper, and a couple shots of tobasco, however :)

That's how my husband eats Mac & Cheese.

Ketchup is NOT for Mac & Cheese. Ketchup is for eggs. :)
Fried balogna and fried hot dogs ... the staples for this bachelor!

But not with peanut butter! Some people are really really sick! Peanut butter and jam/jelly or peanut butter and bananas but NEVER, NEVER, with meat!

Don't be such a square. Try crispy bacon with your peanut butter next time.

And Manu, I hope that dog was fried. :laugh:

PS: I took my window unit out a month ago. I hate you, I really, really hate you. +5 is the high for tomorrow. :cry:
you crazy woman. geesh

Ketchup on Mac & Cheese is fantastic - not as good as lots of pepper, and a couple shots of tobasco, however :)

...which is almost as good as Mac 'n Cheese seasoned with


There's no way I would put peanut butter on a fried baloney sandwich. Mustard usually did the trick tho. Fried baloney tastes very similar to a fried hot dog.

My grandmother once made me a grilled cheese sandwich that had mayonaise on it.

But she was 92 so I forgave her.
It's pretty amazing the things people don't want.

When I had my kitchen remodelled I wanted to get rid of my old fridge. The thing was less than 5 years old. Nobody wanted it. Free, and nobody wanted it. I finally ended up hiring movers to come and move it into the new utility room I had built to house the new HVAC system I put in. It's great having an extra fridge. I buy stuff on sale, and store it in the freezer. I keep extra beer and soda in it. It was worth the $300 it cost me for the movers.

I love my central air. Best money I spent on the whole remodel. What a difference in the quality of life.
It's pretty amazing the things people don't want.

When I had my kitchen remodelled I wanted to get rid of my old fridge. The thing was less than 5 years old. Nobody wanted it. Free, and nobody wanted it. I finally ended up hiring movers to come and move it into the new utility room I had built to house the new HVAC system I put in. It's great having an extra fridge. I buy stuff on sale, and store it in the freezer. I keep extra beer and soda in it. It was worth the $300 it cost me for the movers.

I love my central air. Best money I spent on the whole remodel. What a difference in the quality of life.

Hey, I would of taken it off your hands...I live eighty miles from the big stores, so we have to travel 170mls round trip for our grocery shopping...
I have already, two fridges, one in house one in heated garage for when it gets fifty below...We had a huge freezer, well it just went kaputt...But pretty soon we'll just be able to set it outside and keep it frozen for the next 4 or 5months.........All we do is open the door and go out on our porch and grap a hunk of meat..........:rotflmao:
My son David will only eat Mac& Cheese with ketchup. I agree, it's disgusting.

The best mac & cheese is Stouffer's mac & cheese. It's to die for, and if you put anything else on it, you're defiling it, and should court marshalled, shot, and sent to the Russian front. :D

Chopped onion on a toasted cheese. Hmmm, sounds good. I'll have to try it.
Hey, I would of taken it off your hands...I live eighty miles from the big stores, so we have to travel 170mls round trip for our grocery shopping...
I have already, two fridges, one in house one in heated garage for when it gets fifty below...We had a huge freezer, well it just went kaputt...But pretty soon we'll just be able to set it outside and keep it frozen for the next 4 or 5months.........All we do is open the door and go out on our porch and grap a hunk of meat..........:rotflmao:

Holy freakin' GOD Stephanie... what in blue blazes ever gave you the inclination to live in such a place?
The best mac & cheese is Stouffer's mac & cheese. It's to die for, and if you put anything else on it, you're defiling it, and should court marshalled, shot, and sent to the Russian front. :D

Chopped onion on a toasted cheese. Hmmm, sounds good. I'll have to try it.

Stouffers is good, Pale, but I wish I could give you some of my homemade mac & cheese. It's my MIL's recipe, and it's darn good.

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