Rhode Island dems submit bill to double state income tax for parents of unvaccinated

I guess I have to spell it out . Both involve behaviors - a choice to do something or to not do something. In both cases, that choice does not only effect the person making the choice. It effects the health and safety of others who did not participate in that choice. No apples or elephants. Just a lot of dead people.

Let's do a companion bill taxing faggots for AIDS. Now, how do you like them apples? Every time you buttfuck or suck off your boyfriend, you need to pay your tax!
The unvaccinated need to be separated from normal people.

Making them pay more in taxes to pay for the damage they do seems reasonable.
Democrats who believe things like this are pure evil. This Democrat talks like something Hitler would say.

Until the ppl stand up as one even the pukes who love their jabs, America will lose what freedom is left.
Nobody deserves to be “ FORCED”, nor blackmailed into taking something that is obviously killing ppl.

Yeah, clearly unconstitutional
Let's do a companion bill taxing faggots for AIDS. Now, how do you like them apples? Every time you buttfuck or suck off your boyfriend, you need to pay your tax!
Holy Sit Sailor Boy!! I find it interesting that with you EVERYTHING becomes homosexuality and gay sex! You think about gay sex more than gay people think about gay sex. How many times a day do you think about gay sex. Is there something that you need help with Sailor Boy ?

As for YOUR analogy, it is stupid. People having sex usually do so consensually and know the risks. They are not unwillingly exposed to a disease by some unvaxed fool, or unexpectedly run down by someone running a stop sign.

Big fucking fail Sailor boy
You might have a case if the vaccine stopped transmission.

But it doesn't.

So you don't.
Most everything Democrat is revenge or punishment oriented
BLM, woke, reparations, AA, masks, shots, lockdowns, white Privledge, defund police, mail ins, and please add others.
Not even a little bit reasonable.

First off, it is none of the state's business who is and who is not vaccinated in general.

Second, there is no good reason for children to get the COVID vaccine.

Third, the purpose of taxes is to generate revenue for the state, not to punish people for not toeing the line.

Not to mention, this is pretty much 100% fake news. None of the site that talk about it link to the actual bill.

Good luck explaining that to the biofascists like rightwinger. They just want to see everyone they disagree with dead.
Democrats stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way

Which one is your "Make the USSR Great Again" friend standing for?

Seems like a good idea

The unvaccinated should not be treated like normal people
This is punishing because of an ideology and threatens freedom under the 1st Amendment and Fourth Amendment.

What is the difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated? Both can get Covid, both can spread Covid. Not much difference.
This is punishing because of an ideology and threatens freedom under the 1st Amendment and Fourth Amendment.

What is the difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated? Both can get Covid, both can spread Covid. Not much difference.

The unvaccinated are more likely to contract and spread COVID
The unvaccinated need to be separated from normal people.

Making them pay more in taxes to pay for the damage they do seems reasonable.
Those vaccinated need to pay more as they now spread the virus easier than those who that aren't vaccinated. We could triple the tax!!

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