Rhode Island dems submit bill to double state income tax for parents of unvaccinated

It is punitive action for political reasons that has nothing at all to do with income, much less the lawful taxation of said income. It the absurd childish notions that liberals carry that somehow dissent is now something that must be punished on every level. You anti-American trash are a disgrace to all the Constitution encompasses.
Do you go through red lights and stop signs without expecting to penalized ?

Do you see the analogy?
The unvaccinated need to be separated from normal people.

Making them pay more in taxes to pay for the damage they do seems reasonable.
First - I am vaccinated.

Second - Wrong.
The unvaccinated did not do ANY, direct financial damage.
Almost 100% of the financial damage was done by the lockdowns.

And it has been proven that the lockdowns did NOT automatically save even one life.
They actually may have cost lives.

Sweden did not lockdown and their deaths per 1 million population is miles lower than America, that did lockdown.

Thus, the lockdowns were what caused the financial damage - NOT the unvaccinated.
So then it should be all those who were in favor of the lockdowns (even though they were unconstitutional) who should be financially punished.
Like you.
The unvaccinated need to be separated from normal people.

Making them pay more in taxes to pay for the damage they do seems reasonable.
What or who are “normal” people? Making the unvaccinated pay more in taxes and be punished for the damage they cause?? What a concept. How about that same policy be applied to people with AIDS who have unprotected sex or political activists and supporters whose protests result in damage to cities and individual lives and livelihoods?
What or who are “normal” people? Making the unvaccinated pay more in taxes and be punished for the damage they cause?? What a concept. How about that same policy be applied to people with AIDS who have unprotected sex or political activists and supporters whose protests result in damage to cities and individual lives and livelihoods?
Normal people are concerned with the health and safety of themselves and others

Raise taxes on the unvaccinated
Normal people are concerned with the health and safety of themselves and others

Raise taxes on the unvaccinated

Then those people can get vaccinated.

There is no connection between taxes and vaccination status.
Normal people are concerned with the health and safety of themselves and others

Raise taxes on the unvaccinated
Why are you only limiting it to the unvaccinated? People knowing they have AIDS going out and having sex with multiple partners and not disclosing it are clearly not concerned with the health of others.
Fake news
I’m so glad im not as stupid as you.

try learning how to go past the headline dumb ass!!

Until the ppl stand up as one even the pukes who love their jabs, America will lose what freedom is left.
Nobody deserves to be “ FORCED”, nor blackmailed into taking something that is obviously killing ppl.
Do you compare apples and elephants expecting to be taken seriously?
I guess I have to spell it out . Both involve behaviors - a choice to do something or to not do something. In both cases, that choice does not only effect the person making the choice. It effects the health and safety of others who did not participate in that choice. No apples or elephants. Just a lot of dead people.

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