Rich Democrats buy elections ...who said Republicans are the "party of the rich'

From the Billionaire who bought the Illinois governorship, to the Hollywood leftist who poured tens of millions into Texas in an attempt to take out Cruze, to Steyer who almost bought the election in FL for the nutjob, racist leftist...Money talks with the elitist, leftist, frauds
House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"

Top GOP congressman: My donors told me to pass the Republican tax bill or 'don't ever call me again'

Big donors ready to reward Republicans for tax cuts

Oh these dumb fuks just kill me. We know the truth. How do we know? Fuking Republicans told us! Believe them!


It’s neither funny nor clever.

That's the government's money right?:rolleyes:
Republican donors believe it’s their money.
From the Billionaire who bought the Illinois governorship, to the Hollywood leftist who poured tens of millions into Texas in an attempt to take out Cruze, to Steyer who almost bought the election in FL for the nutjob, racist leftist...Money talks with the elitist, leftist, frauds
House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"

Top GOP congressman: My donors told me to pass the Republican tax bill or 'don't ever call me again'

Big donors ready to reward Republicans for tax cuts

Oh these dumb fuks just kill me. We know the truth. How do we know? Fuking Republicans told us! Believe them!


It’s neither funny nor clever.

That's the government's money right?:rolleyes:
Congress has the power to Tax to pay for right wing problems and right wing insecurities due to their being, such lousy capitalists.

We subscribe to Capitalism; everything should be fine and wonderful under Capitalism.
From the Billionaire who bought the Illinois governorship, to the Hollywood leftist who poured tens of millions into Texas in an attempt to take out Cruze, to Steyer who almost bought the election in FL for the nutjob, racist leftist...Money talks with the elitist, leftist, frauds

Rich Democrats said it of course. But they lie. The Democrats have always been run by wealthy elites for wealthy elites. They take like 95% of the vote in Beverly Hills and Silicon Valley and Upper Manhattan. The corporate boardrooms are democrat. Wall Street is Democrat. Celebutards are Democrats. The huge media conglomerates are run by Democrats. The billionaire internet tycoons are Democrats.
You can lay a map of census bureau wealth data over a map of the election and see the wealthy voting Democrat. But you see something else too..strange until you understand it. The slums vote Democrat as well. Lay another map of crime statistics and you will see that crime correlates directly with voting Democrat as strongly as does wealth. (And the border areas with high numbers of illegals a well)

Why would that be?

Simple really. The wealthy elites have formed a coalition with the underclass against the middle class. The Democratic Party is for you if you are a billionaire..or if you are standing with your hand out saying "you owes me" and waiting for your government check..or your free healthcare...or section 8...or food stamps or whatever it is the elites stole from the middle class to buy your vote. In exchange the wealthy get political power.
Look at Nancy Pelosi. Her net worth is north of 16 million dollars..(not counting what she has hidden with family members.) Do you think she became worth 16 million dollars giving her own money away? Doesnt work that way. She became a millionaire, on a mediocre salary, by giving the money working people earned away in exchange for votes.

A deadly combination this coalition of the ultra-wealthy and serfs who eat only by government paychecks. They will threaten violence if they believe their handouts are to be cut off.
You got that right, don't forget Arizona. We have a straight up Leftist Sinema who was packaged as a moderate with massive Democratic funding. Now oddly Arizona has tons of paper ballots that showed up and our election results won't be out for DAYS. Wtf?

Here is your wtf moment: Voter suppression techniques aren't working. In fact, they're backfiring. The very people you're trying to keep away from the polls, are registering and they're coming out in droves, and they're voting AGAINST the party which is trying to suppress their vote. This is especially true of women, and minorities.

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