Rick Moranis sucker punched in NYC.

.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
so blacks do not support BLM???!!! hahahahahhahaha
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
whites 5 times the population of blacks--yet:
white on black murder -234
black on white murders 514 - TEN times the rate
.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
where the f have you been the last few months!!!??
BLM looting/vandalizing and BLM says it's GOOD!!!
kicking defenseless people in the head!!!
...blacks murder whites at TEN times vice versa---WHITES should be protesting.....BLM and Black MURDER/violence should be denounced--not white supremacy
.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
you must be blind--because the word BLACKS is in that post
..of course you HATE police defending the community and LOVE criminals like this jackass--no wonder the black race is so fked up
Actor Rick Moranis is “randomly” attacked, from black man who apparently is doing the “knockout game” which does target older white people mainly.

Hashtag BLM?

Why did you put randomly in quotes ijit? Having trouble with syntax and grammar?

Do you really think the black guy was going to randomly attack another black man?

Happens a lot in this stupid game.
The media is calling it a “random attack”. No, it’s not, these are black thugs specifically targeting white people.

But, but, but, White Supremes are the real threat to America.

Since you know all the "facts" - what do we need police for?
We need police to catch thugs like this and throw them in jail for a long time.

Horrible idea. What if the black guy that sucker punched the 67 year old white guy resists arrest and gets injured, or worse dies while fighting the police? Just leave the black guy alone and we’ll call it a peaceful protest.
.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
you must be blind--because the word BLACKS is in that post
..of course you HATE police defending the community and LOVE criminals like this jackass--no wonder the black race is so fked up
Arrest him and put him in prison for a while . You are horribly misinformed, hater dupe. Cops are fine but need a little training in de-escalation and mental illness and probably some assistance. Democrats are for reform of the police like that, and it would help if Trump de-escalated the situation himself. He should make body cameras the law.
Rick is 67 but will pull through.
May the Schwartz be with him.
I had noticed when I went to New York after de Blassio was elected that there were many more bums on the street.

NYC is the greatest city in the world. But it wasn't always that way. It used to be a shithole in the 60s and 70s. It only became the greatest city in the world after Giuliani cleaned it up.

People won't want to live in NYC if we revert to the crime and chaos of back then.
Actor Rick Moranis is “randomly” attacked, from black man who apparently is doing the “knockout game” which does target older white people mainly.

Hashtag BLM?

I hate the knockout game. Why is this acceptable?
RE: Post 35

It is "acceptable" because the bigwigs have decided that any criticism of sucker punching is "racist."

Of course, you would see a big change in attitude if those bigwigs or their loved ones were ever victims. That is highly unlikely because bigwigs don't walk on the street (or take the subway) with (the) hoi polloi.
Nobody says it is acceptable, hater dupe
Actor Rick Moranis is “randomly” attacked, from black man who apparently is doing the “knockout game” which does target older white people mainly.

Hashtag BLM?

Good reason to keep carrying my Luftwaffe Stiletto.
.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
so blacks do not support BLM???!!! hahahahahhahaha
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
whites 5 times the population of blacks--yet:
white on black murder -234
black on white murders 514 - TEN times the rate
Math isn’t a strong suit for Dems.
Eventually this knuckledragger will run into someone prepared to defend himself and there will be monkey brains dripping off everything for 30 yards.... just sayin'....
RE: Post 35

It is "acceptable" because the bigwigs have decided that any criticism of sucker punching is "racist."

Of course, you would see a big change in attitude if those bigwigs or their loved ones were ever victims. That is highly unlikely because bigwigs don't walk on the street (or take the subway) with (the) hoi polloi.
Nobody says it is acceptable, hater dupe

How about some accountability?
.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
you must be blind--because the word BLACKS is in that post
..of course you HATE police defending the community and LOVE criminals like this jackass--no wonder the black race is so fked up
Arrest him and put him in prison for a while . You are horribly misinformed, hater dupe. Cops are fine but need a little training in de-escalation and mental illness and probably some assistance. Democrats are for reform of the police like that, and it would help if Trump de-escalated the situation himself. He should make body cameras the law.
...police do not need reform --you cop/America/white hater and criminal lover
..THE problem is blacks committing crime at HIGH rates and graduating at low rates =FACT
..there is no problem of police brutality/etc..all facts here:
I had noticed when I went to New York after de Blassio was elected that there were many more bums on the street.

NYC is the greatest city in the world. But it wasn't always that way. It used to be a shithole in the 60s and 70s. It only became the greatest city in the world after Giuliani cleaned it up.

People won't want to live in NYC if we revert to the crime and chaos of back then.

Sadly, the 1960s were a time when some folks thought that they had a green light to act badly.

We all thought that the 1960s would usher in an era of harmony between all groups in this strange country.

Boy! Were we wrong!
Eventually this knuckledragger will run into someone prepared to defend himself and there will be monkey brains dripping off everything for 30 yards.... just sayin'....

Yes, many of those bad individuals eventually get their comeuppance from another bad individual.

But that is of cold comfort to the poor victim who was sucker punched, only to see his attacker eventually released. Can't be mean to those poor little dears, you know!
.....MORE evidence that BLM/blacks should be denounced and not fake white supremacy
The last I know no BLM member had been accused of any violence of any kind. The only actual spike in violence according to FBI statistics is right wingers attacking Jews gays blacks Muslims and now Asians. But carry on with the garbage racist GOP propaganda.
you must be blind--because the word BLACKS is in that post
..of course you HATE police defending the community and LOVE criminals like this jackass--no wonder the black race is so fked up
Arrest him and put him in prison for a while . You are horribly misinformed, hater dupe. Cops are fine but need a little training in de-escalation and mental illness and probably some assistance. Democrats are for reform of the police like that, and it would help if Trump de-escalated the situation himself. He should make body cameras the law.
...police do not need reform --you cop/America/white hater and criminal lover
..THE problem is blacks committing crime at HIGH rates and graduating at low rates =FACT
..there is no problem of police brutality/etc..all facts here:
Actually they had over 200 blacks unarmed being shot by police...... Not to mention blacks are stopped in their cars four or five times as often as whites and then trouble starts period of course it is a mess and needs reform. Cops don't know how to de-escalate. Much like the orange clown.

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