Rick Perry: Debunking the lie.

That book is gonna sink his candidacy.

Doubtful.... that book is pretty good.

Seniors like SSI. You will to when you get up there in age. Perry called it a Ponzi scam.


It is a ponzi scheme... there wont be any $$$ for me by the time I am that age.

Hell, I dont plan on having to use it. I plan to take care of myself like I am doing now.

SSI needs to be audited and the results need to be made public.
Perry didn't create the jobs. The federal government (i.e. Obama) created those jobs.......

It sounds like an outsized Texas boast, but the numbers support Rick Perry when he claims that Texas has created more than one-third of the jobs in the United States since the economic recovery began in 2009.

There's an important caveat, however, that the Texas governor is unlikely to volunteer: Virtually all of those new jobs are in the government sector, not in private enterprise.

How Rick Perry Created Jobs in Texas - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

As far as taking care of teachers and education? Epic fail, he's got a hiring freeze on teachers, and is going to fire quite a few come the fall.

The failed governor from Texas relied on the Federal Government for most new jobs, He relied on Federal Stimulus money to balance his budget rather than fund public works jobs

Then he has the audacity to threaten secession if "Washington coontinues to thumb its nose at the American people"

Damn....I wish Washington would thumb its nose at my state like that

And Perry wants to kill Social Security, Medicare, and the EPA.

Obama is going to stomp Perry like a rat in the closet.

Doubtful.... that book is pretty good.

Seniors like SSI. You will to when you get up there in age. Perry called it a Ponzi scam.


It is a ponzi scheme... there wont be any $$$ for me by the time I am that age.

Hell, I dont plan on having to use it. I plan to take care of myself like I am doing now.

SSI needs to be audited and the results need to be made public.


Social Security has worked extremely well for 75 years and will continue to do so long after you or I am gone.

Doubtful.... that book is pretty good.

Seniors like SSI. You will to when you get up there in age. Perry called it a Ponzi scam.


It is a ponzi scheme... there wont be any $$$ for me by the time I am that age.

Hell, I dont plan on having to use it. I plan to take care of myself like I am doing now.

SSI needs to be audited and the results need to be made public.

Boy...that is some Ponzi scheme

It has been paying off for 75 years......and Republicans have been screaming that it will collapse the whole time.
Boy...that is some Ponzi scheme

It has been paying off for 75 years......and Republicans have been screaming that it will collapse the whole time.

Did you engage all 71 of your IQ points to come up with that?

{In 1983 an economist named Alan Greenspan chaired a presidential commission. It was charged with finding a way to "save Social Security" because the program was approaching collapse. It was clear that future tax collections would be far short of promised benefits.

Washington didn't want the checks to bounce.}

Burns: Social Security bailout left out longer life factor - Houston Chronicle

Stupid is as leftists does.....
Boy...that is some Ponzi scheme

It has been paying off for 75 years......and Republicans have been screaming that it will collapse the whole time.

Did you engage all 71 of your IQ points to come up with that?

{In 1983 an economist named Alan Greenspan chaired a presidential commission. It was charged with finding a way to "save Social Security" because the program was approaching collapse. It was clear that future tax collections would be far short of promised benefits.

Washington didn't want the checks to bounce.}

Burns: Social Security bailout left out longer life factor - Houston Chronicle

Stupid is as leftists does.....

That bogus Ponzi scheme has provided retirement security to millions of Americans for 75 years. Seniors defend it and it is a very popular program

It is only the Republicans who have been screaming "the sky is falling" for 75 years
That bogus Ponzi scheme has provided retirement security to millions of Americans for 75 years. Seniors defend it and it is a very popular program

Say, I heard Amway is still in business..

As long as there are more new entries than old entries, Ponzi schemes work.

It is only the Republicans who have been screaming "the sky is falling" for 75 years

Yeah, I think you're just a partisan hack who spews shit, knowing it's shit, on behalf of your shameful party. I think that you have no integrity at all and would piss in your gramma's lemonade if it would get a leftist in power.

If I'm wrong and you believe so much as one word of the bullshit you post, then you are astoundingly stupid.
That bogus Ponzi scheme has provided retirement security to millions of Americans for 75 years. Seniors defend it and it is a very popular program

Say, I heard Amway is still in business..

As long as there are more new entries than old entries, Ponzi schemes work.

It is only the Republicans who have been screaming "the sky is falling" for 75 years

Yeah, I think you're just a partisan hack who spews shit, knowing it's shit, on behalf of your shameful party. I think that you have no integrity at all and would piss in your gramma's lemonade if it would get a leftist in power.

If I'm wrong and you believe so much as one word of the bullshit you post, then you are astoundingly stupid.

Social Security is a proven success story for 75 years. It needs an adjustment of the retirement age to 70 for those under 35 and raising the annual threshold. Minor fixes

Republicans want to tear it down and give it ti their corporate buddies
In ten years, the Failed Governor of Texas has succeeded in turning his state into the equivalent of a third world country

The very rich got much richer while the average worker saw his wages and benefits diminish, education collapse and received the worst healthcare coverage in the nation.

With oil profits going through the roof, the failed governor ensured that the money would remain with the corporations and not end up in the workers hands. As oil and gas boomed by 30%, none of that profit managed to reach the workers

Perry has created his own banana republic in Texas and wants to do the same for the rest of us

Wait, so oil companies created the jobs boom but none of that went to salaries for oil workers? I guess Texas has slavery or something that people are willing to move there to work for nothing.

Do you realize how idiotic you sound? Every post can be demolished with the slightest application of fact and reason.

The failed governor of Texas has created a Banana Republic where workers have given up their rights to unionize, get health benefits, work in a safe environment and maintain a basic standard of living

Texas goes out of its way to ensure that Corporations are pampered while workers are kept under control

This is why Texas has increased its population over 20% in 10 years while Michigan has lost population and CA's increase was half of that, due mainly to immigration? I guess people in the US are unlike everyplace else: they want to immigrate to poor areas with low standards of living.
You are a loon.
Social Security is a proven success story for 75 years.

No stupid, it isn't. It's had to be rescued on 5 occasions and is once again on the brink of collapse.

It needs an adjustment of the retirement age to 70 for those under 35 and raising the annual threshold. Minor fixes

Republicans want to tear it down and give it ti their corporate buddies

For a person making $100K a year, Social Security consumes 12.8% of their income. Add 12.8% additionally to a Roth IRA or 401K, the person will be VASTLY better off than with Social Security.

You're too busy being a partisan hack to ever allow a ray of reason to penetrate your thinking.
Boy...that is some Ponzi scheme

It has been paying off for 75 years......and Republicans have been screaming that it will collapse the whole time.

Did you engage all 71 of your IQ points to come up with that?

{In 1983 an economist named Alan Greenspan chaired a presidential commission. It was charged with finding a way to "save Social Security" because the program was approaching collapse. It was clear that future tax collections would be far short of promised benefits.

Washington didn't want the checks to bounce.}

Burns: Social Security bailout left out longer life factor - Houston Chronicle

Stupid is as leftists does.....

That bogus Ponzi scheme has provided retirement security to millions of Americans for 75 years. Seniors defend it and it is a very popular program

It is only the Republicans who have been screaming "the sky is falling" for 75 years

Ponzi Scheme: Taking money from later investors to pay off earlier investors.

Sounds like a good description of Social Security. What does SS invest its money in after it deducts it from workers' paychecks?
Social Security Press Office: Social Security Board of Trustees:projected Trust Fund Exhaustion One Year Sooner

Looks like the last 75 years were the golden age of SS.

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