Rick Perry: Debunking the lie.

Elmer Fudd could do a better than Obama has done.... so bring Perry on.... he'd get my vote!

Hell, I have voted for him as governor every time so far.

He does need to tighten up on the border though. He is VERY weak on the border, and that I dont like at all about him.

I never voted for him, but will if he is the guy who go's up against Bammer.
Wait, so oil companies created the jobs boom but none of that went to salaries for oil workers? I guess Texas has slavery or something that people are willing to move there to work for nothing.

Do you realize how idiotic you sound? Every post can be demolished with the slightest application of fact and reason.

The failed governor of Texas has created a Banana Republic where workers have given up their rights to unionize, get health benefits, work in a safe environment and maintain a basic standard of living

Texas goes out of its way to ensure that Corporations are pampered while workers are kept under control

This is why Texas has increased its population over 20% in 10 years while Michigan has lost population and CA's increase was half of that, due mainly to immigration? I guess people in the US are unlike everyplace else: they want to immigrate to poor areas with low standards of living.
You are a loon.

Being on the border with Mexico sure helps. Lots of cheap labor for the failed governors corporate buddies

While Texas leads the nation in minimum wage jobs....they get Mexicans to work even cheaper

Perry does not have a single accomplishment as governor
Perry will get the slap slapped out of him in the election. If the economy is bad enough, he just may slide in to office, but badly badly damaged. And it wont' matter, because he won't have anything new to offer.
The failed governor of Texas has created a Banana Republic where workers have given up their rights to unionize, get health benefits, work in a safe environment and maintain a basic standard of living

Texas goes out of its way to ensure that Corporations are pampered while workers are kept under control

This is why Texas has increased its population over 20% in 10 years while Michigan has lost population and CA's increase was half of that, due mainly to immigration? I guess people in the US are unlike everyplace else: they want to immigrate to poor areas with low standards of living.
You are a loon.

Being on the border with Mexico sure helps. Lots of cheap labor for the failed governors corporate buddies

While Texas leads the nation in minimum wage jobs....they get Mexicans to work even cheaper

Perry does not have a single accomplishment as governor

The illegals I know make a superb wage. Throw in the food stamps and they have it made. Perry is weak on illegal immigration. About as bad as Bammer. I would take anyone over Obama, hell I would take Hillery over Obama at this point.
This is why Texas has increased its population over 20% in 10 years while Michigan has lost population and CA's increase was half of that, due mainly to immigration? I guess people in the US are unlike everyplace else: they want to immigrate to poor areas with low standards of living.
You are a loon.

Being on the border with Mexico sure helps. Lots of cheap labor for the failed governors corporate buddies

While Texas leads the nation in minimum wage jobs....they get Mexicans to work even cheaper

Perry does not have a single accomplishment as governor

The illegals I know make a superb wage. Throw in the food stamps and they have it made. Perry is weak on illegal immigration. About as bad as Bammer. I would take anyone over Obama, hell I would take Hillery over Obama at this point.

So you know three who make good money? Take it to the dog house with the other boners. stupid comment.
Rick Perry is a true American hero who will turn this country around. He will turn all of America into a thriving Texas of prosperity.
With almost 30% of the children in poverty, 1/4th of Texans without insurance, all time highs of food stamps, schools losing money to so businesses can have write offs.

You bet. Where have we heard "island of poverty" in an America brimming of goodness and wealth before. Hmmm . . . just 48 years and a few days ago in Washington, DC, I bet.
You dont have a clue what you are talking about.

PHOENIX, August 15, 2011- Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on Saturday that he is running for president in 2012.

Gov. Perry will undoubtedly run on his strong economic record in Texas. After all, 38% of all jobs created in the United States have been in Texas since the “recovery.”

However, what Rick Perry cannot run on is his very questionable, liberal immigration record.

Perry appears to be a strong conservative candidate, but when you dig deep into his record, a different narrative emerges.

Perry has an immigration problem.

In 2001, Perry signed into law the very first Texas “Dream ACT.” It allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at any Texas university, as long as they graduated from a Texas high school.
You dont have a clue what you are talking about.

PHOENIX, August 15, 2011- Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on Saturday that he is running for president in 2012.

Gov. Perry will undoubtedly run on his strong economic record in Texas. After all, 38% of all jobs created in the United States have been in Texas since the “recovery.”

However, what Rick Perry cannot run on is his very questionable, liberal immigration record.

Perry appears to be a strong conservative candidate, but when you dig deep into his record, a different narrative emerges.

Perry has an immigration problem.

In 2001, Perry signed into law the very first Texas “Dream ACT.” It allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at any Texas university, as long as they graduated from a Texas high school.

That will not cost him a nomination or an election whatsoever.
You dont have a clue what you are talking about.

PHOENIX, August 15, 2011- Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on Saturday that he is running for president in 2012.

Gov. Perry will undoubtedly run on his strong economic record in Texas. After all, 38% of all jobs created in the United States have been in Texas since the “recovery.”

However, what Rick Perry cannot run on is his very questionable, liberal immigration record.

Perry appears to be a strong conservative candidate, but when you dig deep into his record, a different narrative emerges.

Perry has an immigration problem.

In 2001, Perry signed into law the very first Texas “Dream ACT.” It allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at any Texas university, as long as they graduated from a Texas high school.

That will not cost him a nomination or an election whatsoever.

No, it may not, after all, he and Obama see eye to eye on illegal immigration. And he is not the great white messiah people are making him out to be. He is just the lesser of two evils and nothing more.
They are all neo-cons of one sort or another and a tool of the corporations, including BHO.
You dont have a clue what you are talking about.

PHOENIX, August 15, 2011- Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on Saturday that he is running for president in 2012.

Gov. Perry will undoubtedly run on his strong economic record in Texas. After all, 38% of all jobs created in the United States have been in Texas since the “recovery.”

However, what Rick Perry cannot run on is his very questionable, liberal immigration record.

Perry appears to be a strong conservative candidate, but when you dig deep into his record, a different narrative emerges.

Perry has an immigration problem.

In 2001, Perry signed into law the very first Texas “Dream ACT.” It allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at any Texas university, as long as they graduated from a Texas high school.

That will not cost him a nomination or an election whatsoever.

No, it may not, after all, he and Obama see eye to eye on illegal immigration. And he is not the great white messiah people are making him out to be. He is just the lesser of two evils and nothing more.

He wants illegals to pay their way. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is very American. According liberals, immigrants should be given handouts.
The failed governor of Texas has created a Banana Republic where workers have given up their rights to unionize, get health benefits, work in a safe environment and maintain a basic standard of living

Texas goes out of its way to ensure that Corporations are pampered while workers are kept under control

This is why Texas has increased its population over 20% in 10 years while Michigan has lost population and CA's increase was half of that, due mainly to immigration? I guess people in the US are unlike everyplace else: they want to immigrate to poor areas with low standards of living.
You are a loon.

Being on the border with Mexico sure helps. Lots of cheap labor for the failed governors corporate buddies

While Texas leads the nation in minimum wage jobs....they get Mexicans to work even cheaper

Perry does not have a single accomplishment as governor

I guess that' why AZ and other border states didnt have the same increase in population as Texas.

Dude, you need to get your story straight. First you say Perry's only accomplishment is being first in executions. Then you say he has no accomplishments at all.
Make up your mind. Assuming you have one.
This is from the Houston Chronicle. Obama has been tougher then Perry on illegals.

Gov. Rick Perry said in a statement he released late Thursday that portions of Arizona's tough immigration law concern him and that “it would not be the right direction for Texas.”

The governor did not say whether he would veto similar legislation. When asked about the controversial Arizona law earlier in the week, Perry, through a spokesman, simply called immigration policy a federal responsibility.

And I guess you did not read the part ware he was the first to sign a type of "dream Act" for illegals.
This is from the Houston Chronicle. Obama has been tougher then Perry on illegals.

Gov. Rick Perry said in a statement he released late Thursday that portions of Arizona's tough immigration law concern him and that “it would not be the right direction for Texas.”

The governor did not say whether he would veto similar legislation. When asked about the controversial Arizona law earlier in the week, Perry, through a spokesman, simply called immigration policy a federal responsibility.

And I guess you did not read the part ware he was the first to sign a type of "dream Act" for illegals.

What does any of that prove? Perry is right: immigration is a Federal responsibility. How much illegal immigration has Arizona stopped? How much has it cost them both in enforcement and court costs?
Perry cannot sign a "dream act" for illegals because, as he says, immigration is a Federal responsibility.
You dont have a clue what you are talking about.

PHOENIX, August 15, 2011- Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on Saturday that he is running for president in 2012.

Gov. Perry will undoubtedly run on his strong economic record in Texas. After all, 38% of all jobs created in the United States have been in Texas since the “recovery.”

However, what Rick Perry cannot run on is his very questionable, liberal immigration record.

Perry appears to be a strong conservative candidate, but when you dig deep into his record, a different narrative emerges.

Perry has an immigration problem.

In 2001, Perry signed into law the very first Texas “Dream ACT.” It allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at any Texas university, as long as they graduated from a Texas high school.

He can't run on jobs either, as all those jobs were provided by the federal government (i.e. Obama).
This is from the Houston Chronicle. Obama has been tougher then Perry on illegals.

Gov. Rick Perry said in a statement he released late Thursday that portions of Arizona's tough immigration law concern him and that “it would not be the right direction for Texas.”

The governor did not say whether he would veto similar legislation. When asked about the controversial Arizona law earlier in the week, Perry, through a spokesman, simply called immigration policy a federal responsibility.

And I guess you did not read the part ware he was the first to sign a type of "dream Act" for illegals.

What does any of that prove? Perry is right: immigration is a Federal responsibility. How much illegal immigration has Arizona stopped? How much has it cost them both in enforcement and court costs?
Perry cannot sign a "dream act" for illegals because, as he says, immigration is a Federal responsibility.

That does not even include the illegals that go to collage on pel grants. Sure, Perry may beat Bammer, but he is only barely an improvement.

Read the article. It was posted above. He did singe a dream act for the state of Texas. And he gets lots of money when the trans taxes corridor is built to. Dont lie to make the guy look good. Look what that got us the last time around. Sounds like a bunch of Paulbots.

Mr. Perry’s Dream Act - The Washington Post

As governor in 2001, Mr. Perry signed legislation to grant in-state tuition discounts to youngsters educated in Texas high schools without regard to their immigration status. That bill became the model for similar measures in about a dozen states, including Maryland, that have passed their own version of what’s now known as the Dream Act. Last year alone, some 16,500 undocumented Texas youth benefited from the law — about 1 percent of all students enrolled in the state’s community colleges and universities.
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Being on the border with Mexico sure helps. Lots of cheap labor for the failed governors corporate buddies

Why hasn't it helped the failed president?

While Texas leads the nation in minimum wage jobs....they get Mexicans to work even cheaper

Perry does not have a single accomplishment as governor

Perry has a lot of accomplishment.

The one with no accomplishments is your Messiah® - Obamalini.
Perry will get the slap slapped out of him in the election. If the economy is bad enough, he just may slide in to office, but badly badly damaged. And it wont' matter, because he won't have anything new to offer.

Of course he will, Sparky.

KOS said it, you repeat it - no need to pass it through what substitutes for a brain with you....

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