Rick Perry sends National Guard to border!!!

Well, from the RW pov, its sure as hell a lot better than actually addressing the problem.

The bill the Rs agreed to has been on Boehner's desk for more than year.


And, Rick "oops" Perry can't even pay to take care of his state but still spends money he doesn't have to put on a show that will accomplish nothing at all.

SSDD from him as well.

The brainless Pootarians truly have a lot to celebrate.

Rather than address the problem with a Bill that has passed the Senate with bipartisan support, the GOP has decided to put a band aide on the situation. Sooner or later they will have to come up with an immigration plan. It may be too late by then. They have lost the black vote and are working hard on losing the Hispanic vote totally. BUT AT LEAST THEY KEEP THE MILLIONAIRE AND BILLIONAIRES!

I listened to Rubio this morning and he was very careful in his support of immigration reform. He may very well be the GOP nominee in 2016 if he can convince the TP loons that he is not a proponent of immigration reform.

You know, just keep saying....SECURE THE BORDER! SECURE THE BORDER!
Or he can just ignore the obvious political grandstanding. Like he's doing. It's that grownup thing, so you conservatives wouldn't understand. And Rick Perry will eventually have to explain why he spent millions of dollars to have the NG stand around.

the state should just start a lottery to pay for it
Money it's going to cost an estimated 12 million a month to do this but it has reached the point where there is no choice now the federal government won't act so the states will have to. This may have a cascade effect if the illegals are having a harder time getting into Texas they will likely head for the other border states who may in turn call out the guard as well.

Who better to police the borders than those who live in the states?

Texass doesn't have the money.

Blue states will have to pay the bill.

Locals already do guard the southern border. They work for Border Patrol.

This is nothing but showing off by Perry and everyone knows it.

And as usual, the liberals always have an excuse to not guard our borders.
If America needs an example to follow on how to protect the country from illegals, it simply has to look at the now defunct IRON CURTAIN.

Good bet that many of the younger posters here no idea what that was and how successful it was.
So, what will the NG be doing at the border? Shooting children?

The Texas Guard knows the land, roads, and people better than national forces obviously. As long as they are NOT using violence, the Texas Guard are the people to guard the Texas bordor. But if Perry demands Federal money, he better have a coherent reason.

The Border Patrol agents live in the areas that they patrol...they know the area just fine.

The thing is, what is the National Guard going to do...capture them after they already crossed the border and turn them over to the Border Patrol...so they go through the same process? Ok...a deterrent...so they illegals just cross at NM or another border state. This is purely a political move because there is nothing 1,000 national guard troops can actually do except capture illegals and put them into the system.

However, if you were an illegal trying to sneak into the U.S. and you saw men in uniforms, that alone may be enough to deter you. Now yes, they may simply begin the trek to another border state, but if you're responsible for securing your states border, then you've done your job by at least attempting to keep order.
Who better to police the borders than those who live in the states?

Texass doesn't have the money.

Blue states will have to pay the bill.

Locals already do guard the southern border. They work for Border Patrol.

This is nothing but showing off by Perry and everyone knows it.

And as usual, the liberals always have an excuse to not guard our borders.

it is frikkin hilarious that a lib complains that there is no money for such and such
Texass doesn't have the money.

Blue states will have to pay the bill.

Locals already do guard the southern border. They work for Border Patrol.

This is nothing but showing off by Perry and everyone knows it.

And as usual, the liberals always have an excuse to not guard our borders.

it is frikkin hilarious that a lib complains that there is no money for such and such

And this thread is just another reminder of why you should NEVER vote for any Dimocrat if you believe in strong borders. They always have an excuse to not do anything.
Texass doesn't have the money.

Blue states will have to pay the bill.

Locals already do guard the southern border. They work for Border Patrol.

This is nothing but showing off by Perry and everyone knows it.

And as usual, the liberals always have an excuse to not guard our borders.

it is frikkin hilarious that a lib complains that there is no money for such and such

The GOP Speaker is sitting on the Bill. Just like he is sitting on the Immigration Reform Bill. The GOP obstruction continues.
So, what will the NG be doing at the border? Shooting children?


every god damned fuckin' one of em. right between the blades
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I haven't seen statistics lately---certain they are available--but by ? 2050--thereabouts the majority of the US is predicted to be Latino/Hispanic--never certain which term is correct. Maybe that figure needs to be increased.

Not up to date on what is going on in central/south America---seems like we have been told to not intervene--but how is this better? Legal immigration---good--but this idea of just go and once you are there--just don't show up for a deportation hearing. Laws--we have laws--or we did.

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