Rick Scott's Own People say there is no Voter Fraud.

This kind of thing is why so many people don't vote if they have to mail it in or do a provisional ballot. They only count them if the vote is close, and now the Republicans are trying to make it so they don't get counted at all. Sounds like a violation of rights, and voter suppression to me. These older people, military, etc. that have no other way of voting other than mail-in or provisional will just no longer take the time to vote. I mean why do it if they aren't going to get counted?

Or... they could take it to the Supreme Court that it is their constitutional right to be able to vote and have their voice heard.
Gov. Rick Scott asked state law enforcement to investigate Broward County election officials because of potential “rampant [voter] fraud,” even though monitors from his own administration say they have seen none in that county.

“Our staff has seen no evidence of criminal activity at this time,” Department of State spokeswoman Sarah Revell wrote in an email on Saturday. Scott is the state’s current governor and the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate with a narrow lead over incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

Rick Scott's monitors agree with state cops: No Florida voter fraud

Trump and his doppelganger crook, Rick Scott, need to stop lying and getting their supporters hysterical. Their supporters should use some common sense as well. They should realize Trump is a friggin liar and take what he says for what it is worth. Which is nothing. His words are as bankrupt as Trump U and Trump casinos. Further consider Scott's past criminal conduct. These people have no ethics or morals

Rick Scott knows fraud.
He's a master, next to his butt buddy Trump.

Rick Scott 'oversaw the largest Medicare fraud' in U.S. history, Florida Democratic Party says

Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or had not been ordered by physicians;

• The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;

• The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;

• Columbia billed the government for home health care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.

The government settled a second series of similar claims with Columbia/HCA in 2002 for an additional $881 million. The total for the two fines was $1.7 billion.

On Scott’s 2010 campaign website, he admitted to the $1.7 billion fine, though the link is no longer on the site.
Gov. Rick Scott asked state law enforcement to investigate Broward County election officials because of potential “rampant [voter] fraud,” even though monitors from his own administration say they have seen none in that county.

“Our staff has seen no evidence of criminal activity at this time,” Department of State spokeswoman Sarah Revell wrote in an email on Saturday. Scott is the state’s current governor and the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate with a narrow lead over incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

Rick Scott's monitors agree with state cops: No Florida voter fraud

Trump and his doppelganger crook, Rick Scott, need to stop lying and getting their supporters hysterical. Their supporters should use some common sense as well. They should realize Trump is a friggin liar and take what he says for what it is worth. Which is nothing. His words are as bankrupt as Trump U and Trump casinos. Further consider Scott's past criminal conduct. These people have no ethics or morals
Conservatives are going to continue to lie about fraud, of course.
Gov. Rick Scott asked state law enforcement to investigate Broward County election officials because of potential “rampant [voter] fraud,” even though monitors from his own administration say they have seen none in that county.

“Our staff has seen no evidence of criminal activity at this time,” Department of State spokeswoman Sarah Revell wrote in an email on Saturday. Scott is the state’s current governor and the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate with a narrow lead over incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

Rick Scott's monitors agree with state cops: No Florida voter fraud

Trump and his doppelganger crook, Rick Scott, need to stop lying and getting their supporters hysterical. Their supporters should use some common sense as well. They should realize Trump is a friggin liar and take what he says for what it is worth. Which is nothing. His words are as bankrupt as Trump U and Trump casinos. Further consider Scott's past criminal conduct. These people have no ethics or morals
Conservatives are going to continue to lie about fraud, of course.

Have you had yourself checked for dementia ?
Wow! C Clayton Jones is having a real heyday tonight. His funny finger prowess just went wild! 7 in a row for me on this thread alone! Hope you enjoyed it. ;)
The incredibly stupid and ignorant people of Florida elected a Medicare fraudster twice.
Save me from the stupid red states and their myopia.
Gov. Rick Scott asked state law enforcement to investigate Broward County election officials because of potential “rampant [voter] fraud,” even though monitors from his own administration say they have seen none in that county.

“Our staff has seen no evidence of criminal activity at this time,” Department of State spokeswoman Sarah Revell wrote in an email on Saturday. Scott is the state’s current governor and the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate with a narrow lead over incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

Rick Scott's monitors agree with state cops: No Florida voter fraud

Trump and his doppelganger crook, Rick Scott, need to stop lying and getting their supporters hysterical. Their supporters should use some common sense as well. They should realize Trump is a friggin liar and take what he says for what it is worth. Which is nothing. His words are as bankrupt as Trump U and Trump casinos. Further consider Scott's past criminal conduct. These people have no ethics or morals

The Broward County board has broken the law.
The incredibly stupid and ignorant people of Florida elected a Medicare fraudster twice.
Save me from the stupid red states and their myopia.

Do us a all a favor and move to Cuba.

Florida: The state that gave you both Alan Grayson and Debbie Ugly Wasserman Shultz

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