Rifle used by couple to stop democrat party terrorists confiscated....expect to see the protestors attack...

You Tube Video from the Missouri Attorney General (post #156) explains things very well and clears up so
much fart dust being spread around by hopeless unpaid keyboard attorneys for the rioters.

Kimberly Gardner, a not well considered democrat activist circuit attorney in St. Louis has made a bad move
and people tresspassing and making violent threats against two home owners should be the ones in legal
hot water but of course the courts will have to sort out the mess she's made. Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search: report
The leftists got smart and started taking over DA and prosecutor positions around the state. Pretty easy to do since almost all major cities are run by Democrats, and it gives them power over who gets prosecuted and who gets a pass.

Start taking those positions back or at least find out their home addresses and put it out on the net.
Last edited:
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

And by the way... DAMN straight if someone threatens someone's life I'm going to say something. It is against the rules here, and if the mods aren't going to do anything about it, it will be reported to authorities. YOU might think posters on this forum aren't crazy enough to follow through with threats, but there are people who do follow through with it, and just because YOU think just posting that it is against the rules makes you not liable even if you don't actually enforce the rule, it certainly doesn't work that way. When I see threats, I will screenshot them. I will report them to staff, and for the safety of those threatened, if staff do not enforce the rule I will do my duty as a civilian seeing someone threatened, to report it to the proper authorities. Sadly, it shouldn't have to come to that.

Now before you jump my shit for saying all that, YOU opened that door with your post and what you said in it.
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...
The democrat party Circuit Attorney in St. Louis ordered the police to take the guns from the couple who stood up to the terrorists of the democrat party.......antifa and black lives matter....

This is how they did it in Germany in the 1930s....

The question to ask? Did the democrat party Circuit Attorney call the black lives matter and antifa terrorists herself, to let them know the couple is without guns....or did she use a cut out to do it....?

Law enforcement officials in St. Louis have allegedly served a warrant on the St. Louis couple who recently defended their home when a large mob of angry demonstrators allegedly trespassed onto their private property.

Fox News host Shannon Bream tweeted: “BREAKING: Warrant reportedly served on St. Louis couple who stood outside their home with weapons as protesters approached. We’re told weapon(s) seized. We’ve got the warrant and pictures for you at 11p – PLUS, Missouri @AGEricSchmitt joins us LIVE…”

If you stand with your loaded gun pointed at people who are not posing an immediate, clear threat to you, you are violating THEIR rights and being reckless with your gun ownership. They are lucky they ONLY had their gun confiscated instead of also being charged with a crime. Of course you think the rights of the gun owners trump those of everyone else. Go figure.

I thought the "protesters" pushed they way through a gate, if so then they became a threat to the homeowners.
And by the way... DAMN straight if someone threatens someone's life I'm going to say something. It is against the rules here, and if the mods aren't going to do anything about it, it will be reported to authorities.

Then what part of INVADING a private lane and busting up the peace and MAKING LETHAL THREATS by THIS mob -- dont ya understand there Dick Tracy????
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.
And by the way... DAMN straight if someone threatens someone's life I'm going to say something. It is against the rules here, and if the mods aren't going to do anything about it, it will be reported to authorities.

Then what part of INVADING a private lane and busting up the peace and MAKING LETHAL THREATS by THIS mob -- dont ya understand there Dick Tracy????

They came out with their weapons... They weren't outside confronting the "mob" and felt threatened enough to go back inside to get their guns and come back outside. Did they call 911?
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.

Then you will ignore the criminal trespassing on private property?
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.

Then you will ignore the criminal trespassing on private property?

Trespassing is NOT a crime that justifies lethal force. The homeowners should have called the police, and even if they came outside with their guns, they should NOT be pointing them at the crowd of people with their finger on the trigger.
They kind of did. Pointing a gun right at someone is application of deadly force, which is why they might be in trouble.
Negative... They threatened lethal force. They did not USE lethal force. They were trespassing. They are allowed to threaten anything they want. Get off their property.
They may have committed a 4th degree assault...

565.056 said:
1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;


Oh wait... Are you talking about the "protesters" ... That makes sense.
The protesters were not on their property.

View attachment 362146
Private "street." That street is not that home owner's property.
Yes it's their private property

From your link ... Andes Walker: "I think..."

the lawyer at the end of the video said the individuals withing the gate owned the property
St. Louis law

That lawyer is Andes Walker ... the one I quoted.

he also said they (the protesters) were on private property
Missouri Castle Doctrine
Missouri's law is more extensive than those of other states because it allows you to use deadly force to attack an intruder to protect any private property that you own, in addition to yourself or another individual.Oct 10, 2018

Correct!!!! If there was a mob of more than 100 terrorists in front of my property shouting epithets, threattning my family including my dog, I would ceratinly have stood out there with a weapon. In my case it would have been a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with #4Buck.

Missouri recognizes the "castle doctrine" and allows residents to use force against intruders, without the duty to retreat, based on the notion that your home is your "castle." This legal doctrine assumes that if an invader disrupts the sanctity of your home, they intend to do you harm and therefore you should be able to repel their advances.

You would be as stupid and wrong as they were. It is a terrible tactical position. No cover, no ability to reach cover in any quick manner. You would be exposed, and bullets fly both ways mate. One of Murphy's Laws of Combat is to remember, if the enemy is in range, so are you.

Of course, it is cool to step out there and stare the crowd down. But in this case, they had more people facing them, then they had ammunition. Assuming three rounds per person, a low rate of hit to stop ratio, it is usually much much higher, but we'll give them every benefit of the doubt. They could have stopped perhaps twelve of the hundred. The crowd was also armed, which means they would be shooting back. No cover, not enough ammo, and exposed to possibility of criminal prosecution by waving the bang stick around.

They should be in the next edition of the movie dumb and dumber.

That is why a shotgun in this case would have been the proper tool. Peole tend to run when one shot hits three or four at a time in a mob.

It would depend on the shotgun wouldn’t it? A “riot” gun with a short barrel and no choke would spread out so much that at 50 yards it is liable to miss everyone. A long full choke would only spread out a little meaning one maybe two.

But the biggest problem is again ammunition. Say five rounds. If you hit two. Figure again ten hit. Probably less than three dead. If you have a bigger ammunition reserve perhaps fifteen. But in that case you still have to deal with return fire and no cover.

And not everyone runs from a shotgun. Ask the cops.
Trespassing is NOT a crime that justifies lethal force. The homeowners should have called the police, and even if they came outside with their guns, they should NOT be pointing them at the crowd of people with their finger on the trigger.
Lethal force WAS NEVER USED. You're a liar. You don't know jack about the law.
If you stand with your loaded gun pointed at people who are not posing an immediate, clear threat to you, you are violating THEIR rights and being reckless with your gun ownership. They are lucky they ONLY had their gun confiscated instead of also being charged with a crime. Of course you think the rights of the gun owners trump those of everyone else. Go figure.
The threat posed was immediate and clear based on the roving mobs of people in the wake of the Floyd
death and the fact that they barged their way into a gated property clearly warning people to stay out!

Only an authoritarian punk would abuse and ignore US laws like this. The "crime" you imagine is protecting
your home and property from BLM mobs.

It takes ONE second to raise a gun and point it at someone. NO ONE was within range close enough for the couple to be in an immediate threat that would stop them from being able to do that. Pointing loaded guns with your finger on the trigger at unarmed people exercising their FIRST Amendment right to protest in a public space is not protected under the Second Amendment.

Sell your stupidity to people who vote for the democrat party.....normal people understand how stupid you are.

It wasn't a public space dip shit....it was a private community that they accessed by breaking down a locked gate....you moron.

Hey dipshit, trespassing is NOT a felony nor a crime someone can use lethal force as part of a stand your ground defense. Maybe if you actually read the articles you have bookmarked instead of just cutting and pasting you'd know that.

Simple trespassing, no. Trespassing AND telling the homeowner they were going to kill them, burn down their house and kill their dog IS.

And no lethal force was used dumbass.
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

And by the way... DAMN straight if someone threatens someone's life I'm going to say something. It is against the rules here, and if the mods aren't going to do anything about it, it will be reported to authorities. YOU might think posters on this forum aren't crazy enough to follow through with threats, but there are people who do follow through with it, and just because YOU think just posting that it is against the rules makes you not liable even if you don't actually enforce the rule, it certainly doesn't work that way. When I see threats, I will screenshot them. I will report them to staff, and for the safety of those threatened, if staff do not enforce the rule I will do my duty as a civilian seeing someone threatened, to report it to the proper authorities. Sadly, it shouldn't have to come to that.

Now before you jump my shit for saying all that, YOU opened that door with your post and what you said in it.
Way to MYOB there, guy.
Liberals are so fucking stupid. They call drawing a weapon "lethal force." Hey stupid fucking liberals, "lethal" means SOMEONE DIED. Nobody died so NO LETHAL FORCE WAS USED.

Good god almighty when I don't think liberals can be any fucking more stupid one opens his mouth and removes all doubt.
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.

Then you will ignore the criminal trespassing on private property?

Trespassing is NOT a crime that justifies lethal force. The homeowners should have called the police, and even if they came outside with their guns, they should NOT be pointing them at the crowd of people with their finger on the trigger.

Moron, they called the police...repeatedly, and they didn't shoe up.......the police were told to stand back in the face of antifa and black lives matter terrorists burning, looting and killing.
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.
How were they NOT an immediate threat?

There were more than enough of them to be considered a threat, it's called disparity of force.
They were close enough to rush them so that's pretty "immediate".
And they had already demonstrated a disregard for law by trespassing and stated intent by uttering threats to do harm.

So how are you going to say with a straight face that there was no immediate threat posed?
If you stand with your loaded gun pointed at people who are not posing an immediate, clear threat to you, you are violating THEIR rights and being reckless with your gun ownership. They are lucky they ONLY had their gun confiscated instead of also being charged with a crime. Of course you think the rights of the gun owners trump those of everyone else. Go figure.
The threat posed was immediate and clear based on the roving mobs of people in the wake of the Floyd
death and the fact that they barged their way into a gated property clearly warning people to stay out!

Only an authoritarian punk would abuse and ignore US laws like this. The "crime" you imagine is protecting
your home and property from BLM mobs.

It takes ONE second to raise a gun and point it at someone. NO ONE was within range close enough for the couple to be in an immediate threat that would stop them from being able to do that. Pointing loaded guns with your finger on the trigger at unarmed people exercising their FIRST Amendment right to protest in a public space is not protected under the Second Amendment.

Sell your stupidity to people who vote for the democrat party.....normal people understand how stupid you are.

It wasn't a public space dip shit....it was a private community that they accessed by breaking down a locked gate....you moron.

Hey dipshit, trespassing is NOT a felony nor a crime someone can use lethal force as part of a stand your ground defense. Maybe if you actually read the articles you have bookmarked instead of just cutting and pasting you'd know that.

Simple trespassing, no. Trespassing AND telling the homeowner they were going to kill them, burn down their house and kill their dog IS.

And no lethal force was used dumbass.

You should read up more on the situation. They got caught lying. They first said they simply saw the group of people coming up the road and grabbed their guns to go out and meet them... then AFTER the situation unfolded and they got caught pointing their guns at people they changed their story to say they only got their guns AFTER being threatened. They also said they called 911 before confronting the group... yet the police said they received ZERO 911 calls from the entire neighborhood.
I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.

Then you will ignore the criminal trespassing on private property?

Trespassing is NOT a crime that justifies lethal force. The homeowners should have called the police, and even if they came outside with their guns, they should NOT be pointing them at the crowd of people with their finger on the trigger.

Moron, they called the police...repeatedly, and they didn't shoe up.......the police were told to stand back in the face of antifa and black lives matter terrorists burning, looting and killing.

Wrong. The police said they did not receive ANY phone calls from the entire neighborhood.
If you stand with your loaded gun pointed at people who are not posing an immediate, clear threat to you, you are violating THEIR rights and being reckless with your gun ownership. They are lucky they ONLY had their gun confiscated instead of also being charged with a crime. Of course you think the rights of the gun owners trump those of everyone else. Go figure.
The threat posed was immediate and clear based on the roving mobs of people in the wake of the Floyd
death and the fact that they barged their way into a gated property clearly warning people to stay out!

Only an authoritarian punk would abuse and ignore US laws like this. The "crime" you imagine is protecting
your home and property from BLM mobs.

It takes ONE second to raise a gun and point it at someone. NO ONE was within range close enough for the couple to be in an immediate threat that would stop them from being able to do that. Pointing loaded guns with your finger on the trigger at unarmed people exercising their FIRST Amendment right to protest in a public space is not protected under the Second Amendment.

Sell your stupidity to people who vote for the democrat party.....normal people understand how stupid you are.

It wasn't a public space dip shit....it was a private community that they accessed by breaking down a locked gate....you moron.

Hey dipshit, trespassing is NOT a felony nor a crime someone can use lethal force as part of a stand your ground defense. Maybe if you actually read the articles you have bookmarked instead of just cutting and pasting you'd know that.

Simple trespassing, no. Trespassing AND telling the homeowner they were going to kill them, burn down their house and kill their dog IS.

And no lethal force was used dumbass.

You should read up more on the situation. They got caught lying. They first said they simply saw the group of people coming up the road and grabbed their guns to go out and meet them... then AFTER the situation unfolded and they got caught pointing their guns at people they changed their story to say they only got their guns AFTER being threatened. They also said they called 911 before confronting the group... yet the police said they received ZERO 911 calls from the entire neighborhood.

Glad they confiscated the Karen’s guns

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