Rifle used by couple to stop democrat party terrorists confiscated....expect to see the protestors attack...

I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

Why do you want moderation in here?? Stop paging us for comment or --

we'll just weigh in as members...

Trespassing is NOT enough.. You have to have been given a THREAT to your safety or life.. And according to statements given BY the homeowners -- in the presence of their lawyer -- those verbal threats including killing them, burning the home, killing their dog and "breaking on entering" a posted private drive...

Sufficient enough for me... And clear enough mortal threats...

YOU of all members should RECOGNIZE a "specific mortal threat" since you are always finding them in posts on USMB.. How COME you can't take THESE threats as seriously as some hot wind you saw on the InterWebs??? Can't understand that... And NOBODY (yet) was injured or killed....

Why page moderators to a thread? Because if the wrong moderator sees the report first, nothing gets done and the other moderators don't want to step on the toes of the one that made the decision and nothing gets done about the rule being broken. At least if I page 4 or 5 of you to an obvious rule being broken then I know all of you saw it and it wasn't just cleared by one mod and ignored by the rest.

The owners were caught in a lie. They said they came out with their guns because they heard all these threats towards them. No, they did not... they came out with the guns from the very start before anyone could even threaten them. It's common sense. Just because no one got hurt THIS time doesn't make it okay to point a LOADED gun with your finger on the trigger at UNARMED citizens who are not even close to you to be an immediate threat. That would be like saying it is okay to drive drunk as long as you make it home and no one got killed in an accident. I know you don't agree with me on pretty much anything anymore, and I think you have become nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has lost all touch of reality that a scientist is supposed to have, but you aren't stupid and you know better than to make comments like that.

They did nothing wrong.,. Lane was CLEARLY posted as PRIVATE, not public... There's no "guard shack there", but at the ones I VISIT on private drives, the guards are armed... Can't fix stupid people from ignoring the privacy of others...

There WAS no use of "lethal force"..,. Producing a fire arm is not lethal force.. You just can't accept these RIGHTS as valid.. Which is YOUR problem, not mine..

If the lawyer/owner's last 10 civil rights cases were people of color and he;'s a HUGE lefty -- why were they so "triggered"??? Lots of questions you're not asking.. And lots of FACTS and THREATS that somehow you can just ignore..

YOU DONT KNOW what was yelled over the fences and hedges before the firearms appeared.. NO ONE (i believe) from the protest is PRESSING CHARGES of any kind.. And yet YOU are so SUPER agitated about this, that you can't give it up...

Go read about the 45 yr retired black St. Louis cop David Dorn, KILLED by rioters the week before this dust-up.. HE was a private citizen protecting a business in the same city... Did HE hesitate maybe TOO MUCH to do his job and protect his OWN LIFE??? Bigger tragedies to worry about here...

What is so hard for you to understand? There is a difference in CARRYING a gun for protection, and POINTING A LOADED gun at people with your finger on the trigger that are not an immediate threat of danger? Those are two different circumstances.

Then you will ignore the criminal trespassing on private property?

Trespassing is NOT a crime that justifies lethal force. The homeowners should have called the police, and even if they came outside with their guns, they should NOT be pointing them at the crowd of people with their finger on the trigger.

Moron, they called the police...repeatedly, and they didn't shoe up.......the police were told to stand back in the face of antifa and black lives matter terrorists burning, looting and killing.

Wrong. The police said they did not receive ANY phone calls from the entire neighborhood.

Repeating a lie does not make it true.

St. Louis police told the Post-Dispatch that the couple called 911.

I bet you feel stupid huh?

The pair called the St. Louis Police Department shortly before 7:30 p.m. Sunday.
Last edited:
You should read up more on the situation. They got caught lying. They first said they simply saw the group of people coming up the road and grabbed their guns to go out and meet them... then AFTER the situation unfolded and they got caught pointing their guns at people they changed their story to say they only got their guns AFTER being threatened. They also said they called 911 before confronting the group... yet the police said they received ZERO 911 calls from the entire neighborhood.
You story is not plausible and you really shouldn't be using unsubstantiated statements from the lawyers
and then arguing against what you yourself have input. It's very dishonest.
" Mark said they called 911 and grabbed their guns as they heard the crowd approaching their private, gated community on Portland Place. However, police told News 4 they received no 911 calls from that street during the time of the incident. "


“One fellow standing right in front of me pulled out two pistol magazines, clicked them together and said 'you’re next.' That was the first death threat we got that night,” Mark McCloskey said.

The McCloskeys hired attorney Al Watkins to represent them, and Watkins said the couple grabbed their weapons after the threats were made.

However in an interview with News 4 Monday, McCloskey said he and his wife grabbed their weapons as the crowd was walking toward their home, not after being threatened."

A "thug" is a "violent person," especially a criminal.

What violence did those protesters commit...?
They were stopped by a gun. Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you. That's MY motto.

Betcha McCloskey has another couple of guns in the house. Loons better stay away.
I want to make this very clear as to what I said, and the edited down version that was attributed to me.

I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

What Shelzin edited down to was only, " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime "

WillHaftawaite Coyote flacaltenn Dont Taz Me Bro
*shrugs* I changed it. It doesn't matter to my point. Considering THEY DIDN'T USE LETHAL FORCE.

What I said still stands.

Altering quotes so as to change is against the rules, and in this case it clearly changes the meaning even if unintended. So, just don’t do it again.
Did you not read what I said later? It was already changed. Hell.. You could have looked at the edit to see that.

Your job sucks... I know. But still.

Edit: I even changed it exactly as he wanted it done. The whole point I left it out is because he said "THAT THEY USED LETHAL FORCE" and they most certainly did not. It was an irrelevant statement, so I left it out. It's amazing that someone who studied it for six years ... lol... Nevermind... Whatever.

If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't point loaded guns at them then. You left it out to make it seem like I was saying trespassing isn't a crime. You admitted you knew better a few posts later. No use backtracking now.

Conversely, If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't threaten to kill the occupants of a home and their pets while trespassing on their property which is illegal and punishable under Missouri law.
" Mark said they called 911 and grabbed their guns as they heard the crowd approaching their private, gated community on Portland Place. However, police told News 4 they received no 911 calls from that street during the time of the incident. "


“One fellow standing right in front of me pulled out two pistol magazines, clicked them together and said 'you’re next.' That was the first death threat we got that night,” Mark McCloskey said.

The McCloskeys hired attorney Al Watkins to represent them, and Watkins said the couple grabbed their weapons after the threats were made.

However in an interview with News 4 Monday, McCloskey said he and his wife grabbed their weapons as the crowd was walking toward their home, not after being threatened."

Dude multiple sources say they called the police. Its not in dispute.

Pls quote the law that states that a gun can only be drawn for self defense after police are called.
That couple sounds a bit nuts frankly. There were 6 protestors, they stayed on the sidewalk, none were armed, they were peaceful. None were Antifa.

Even their neighbors thought they went overboard.

And when the Brown Shirts destroyed the Jewish businesses, their neighbors also said the Jews over reacted to the destruction....
These are not Nazis, they are not Jews, and the comparison is as ignorant as those comparing Trump to Hitler.
Oh but Hitler drank water, and so does Trump!
" Mark said they called 911 and grabbed their guns as they heard the crowd approaching their private, gated community on Portland Place. However, police told News 4 they received no 911 calls from that street during the time of the incident. "


“One fellow standing right in front of me pulled out two pistol magazines, clicked them together and said 'you’re next.' That was the first death threat we got that night,” Mark McCloskey said.

The McCloskeys hired attorney Al Watkins to represent them, and Watkins said the couple grabbed their weapons after the threats were made.

However in an interview with News 4 Monday, McCloskey said he and his wife grabbed their weapons as the crowd was walking toward their home, not after being threatened."

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department said it responded to a "call for help" from the 63-year-old man and 61-year-old woman around 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The pair said they went to investigate a loud commotion coming from the street and saw a group of people break an iron gate marked with "No Trespassing" and "Private Street" signs, according to police.
I want to make this very clear as to what I said, and the edited down version that was attributed to me.

I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

What Shelzin edited down to was only, " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime "

WillHaftawaite Coyote flacaltenn Dont Taz Me Bro
*shrugs* I changed it. It doesn't matter to my point. Considering THEY DIDN'T USE LETHAL FORCE.

What I said still stands.

Altering quotes so as to change is against the rules, and in this case it clearly changes the meaning even if unintended. So, just don’t do it again.
Did you not read what I said later? It was already changed. Hell.. You could have looked at the edit to see that.

Your job sucks... I know. But still.

Edit: I even changed it exactly as he wanted it done. The whole point I left it out is because he said "THAT THEY USED LETHAL FORCE" and they most certainly did not. It was an irrelevant statement, so I left it out. It's amazing that someone who studied it for six years ... lol... Nevermind... Whatever.

If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't point loaded guns at them then. You left it out to make it seem like I was saying trespassing isn't a crime. You admitted you knew better a few posts later. No use backtracking now.

Conversely, If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't threaten to kill the occupants of a home and their pets while trespassing on their property which is illegal and punishable under Missouri law.

Did you read the article I posted in which their lawyer provided a statement that was in conflict to direct answers they already gave to the news station? They told the news station they grabbed their guns to confront the protesters BEFORE ever supposedly receiving threats... yet they released a statement AFTER their actions went viral saying they only got their guns AFTER being threatened by the protesters. They got caught lying.

As far as lethal force is concerned, anyone that has taken any sort of gun safety or training will tell you 2 of the most important rules are: #1. Never point a gun at someone unless you are ready to shoot them & #2. You never shoot to warn or maim, you only shoot to kill.
The democrat party Circuit Attorney in St. Louis ordered the police to take the guns from the couple who stood up to the terrorists of the democrat party.......antifa and black lives matter....

This is how they did it in Germany in the 1930s....

The question to ask? Did the democrat party Circuit Attorney call the black lives matter and antifa terrorists herself, to let them know the couple is without guns....or did she use a cut out to do it....?

Law enforcement officials in St. Louis have allegedly served a warrant on the St. Louis couple who recently defended their home when a large mob of angry demonstrators allegedly trespassed onto their private property.

Fox News host Shannon Bream tweeted: “BREAKING: Warrant reportedly served on St. Louis couple who stood outside their home with weapons as protesters approached. We’re told weapon(s) seized. We’ve got the warrant and pictures for you at 11p – PLUS, Missouri @AGEricSchmitt joins us LIVE…”

Yup, it's like taking guns from people during Katrina 2005. Government is never one to shy away from abusing law abiding citizens.
I want to make this very clear as to what I said, and the edited down version that was attributed to me.

I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

What Shelzin edited down to was only, " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime "

WillHaftawaite Coyote flacaltenn Dont Taz Me Bro
*shrugs* I changed it. It doesn't matter to my point. Considering THEY DIDN'T USE LETHAL FORCE.

What I said still stands.

Altering quotes so as to change is against the rules, and in this case it clearly changes the meaning even if unintended. So, just don’t do it again.
Did you not read what I said later? It was already changed. Hell.. You could have looked at the edit to see that.

Your job sucks... I know. But still.

Edit: I even changed it exactly as he wanted it done. The whole point I left it out is because he said "THAT THEY USED LETHAL FORCE" and they most certainly did not. It was an irrelevant statement, so I left it out. It's amazing that someone who studied it for six years ... lol... Nevermind... Whatever.

If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't point loaded guns at them then. You left it out to make it seem like I was saying trespassing isn't a crime. You admitted you knew better a few posts later. No use backtracking now.

Conversely, If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't threaten to kill the occupants of a home and their pets while trespassing on their property which is illegal and punishable under Missouri law.

Did you read the article I posted in which their lawyer provided a statement that was in conflict to direct answers they already gave to the news station? They told the news station they grabbed their guns to confront the protesters BEFORE ever supposedly receiving threats... yet they released a statement AFTER their actions went viral saying they only got their guns AFTER being threatened by the protesters. They got caught lying.

As far as lethal force is concerned, anyone that has taken any sort of gun safety or training will tell you 2 of the most important rules are: #1. Never point a gun at someone unless you are ready to shoot them & #2. You never shoot to warn or maim, you only shoot to kill.

Photos don't show him pointing the AR-15 at anyone. His wife did in fact point her pistol at the crowd in one image.

The democrat party Circuit Attorney in St. Louis ordered the police to take the guns from the couple who stood up to the terrorists of the democrat party.......antifa and black lives matter....

This is how they did it in Germany in the 1930s....

The question to ask? Did the democrat party Circuit Attorney call the black lives matter and antifa terrorists herself, to let them know the couple is without guns....or did she use a cut out to do it....?

Law enforcement officials in St. Louis have allegedly served a warrant on the St. Louis couple who recently defended their home when a large mob of angry demonstrators allegedly trespassed onto their private property.

Fox News host Shannon Bream tweeted: “BREAKING: Warrant reportedly served on St. Louis couple who stood outside their home with weapons as protesters approached. We’re told weapon(s) seized. We’ve got the warrant and pictures for you at 11p – PLUS, Missouri @AGEricSchmitt joins us LIVE…”

Nah they hired the Hells Angels
As far as lethal force is concerned, anyone that has taken any sort of gun safety or training will tell you 2 of the most important rules are: #1. Never point a gun at someone unless you are ready to shoot them & #2. You never shoot to warn or maim, you only shoot to kill.
Did you read the article where it says that 911 was indeed called?

As far as lethal force is concerned... You are a liar. You have not done any law studies. Or if you have, you didn't learn worth a shit. I repeat... You are a liar.
I want to make this very clear as to what I said, and the edited down version that was attributed to me.

I posted: " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime that means a person can use LETHAL force. "

What Shelzin edited down to was only, " Even IF the protesters were trespassing, trespassing is not a crime "

WillHaftawaite Coyote flacaltenn Dont Taz Me Bro
*shrugs* I changed it. It doesn't matter to my point. Considering THEY DIDN'T USE LETHAL FORCE.

What I said still stands.

Altering quotes so as to change is against the rules, and in this case it clearly changes the meaning even if unintended. So, just don’t do it again.
Did you not read what I said later? It was already changed. Hell.. You could have looked at the edit to see that.

Your job sucks... I know. But still.

Edit: I even changed it exactly as he wanted it done. The whole point I left it out is because he said "THAT THEY USED LETHAL FORCE" and they most certainly did not. It was an irrelevant statement, so I left it out. It's amazing that someone who studied it for six years ... lol... Nevermind... Whatever.

If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't point loaded guns at them then. You left it out to make it seem like I was saying trespassing isn't a crime. You admitted you knew better a few posts later. No use backtracking now.

Conversely, If you don't have an intention to use lethal force, you don't threaten to kill the occupants of a home and their pets while trespassing on their property which is illegal and punishable under Missouri law.

Did you read the article I posted in which their lawyer provided a statement that was in conflict to direct answers they already gave to the news station? They told the news station they grabbed their guns to confront the protesters BEFORE ever supposedly receiving threats... yet they released a statement AFTER their actions went viral saying they only got their guns AFTER being threatened by the protesters. They got caught lying.

As far as lethal force is concerned, anyone that has taken any sort of gun safety or training will tell you 2 of the most important rules are: #1. Never point a gun at someone unless you are ready to shoot them & #2. You never shoot to warn or maim, you only shoot to kill.

Photos don't show him pointing the AR-15 at anyone. His wife did in fact point her pistol at the crowd in one image.


You can watch the video and see it isn't just some still images.

You can even in fact see most of the crowd telling each other to just keep walking by the house.


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