Right Message?............NO!!


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Aug 27, 2010
Interesting when you think November is just around the corner now, RNC low on cash for ads, but if they had the cash, they would still have no united message as this article points out. Stick these candidates into Congress and choas will rein throughout. The Tea Party has done a good job on the Party of NO.

Despite [McCain] enjoying a 10-point advantage in a generic ballot poll released earlier this week, established Republicans admit they lack a "united message" to present to the American people in November, and Democrats claim the right wing of the GOP has usurped the power to issue that message.

"Right now - and this is a problem for them - I do think Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, they are the leaders of the party," Barack Obama's 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "There is an intolerance in that party and an extremism that I think is where the real energy is."

Read more: McCain embraces the GOP's right - Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com
Whining about the GOP isn't going to improve the dems chances in November. The dems failed, the "new & improved" GOP gets another turn. I hope that the young vets can do whats right instead of just pissing more money away. Your post fails to make the case for the dems. They failed at just aboout everything. Go back home, go to townhall meetings, find out what voters want, and then try again in 2012 1nd 2014.
Whining about the GOP isn't going to improve the dems chances in November. The dems failed, the "new & improved" GOP gets another turn. I hope that the young vets can do whats right instead of just pissing more money away. Your post fails to make the case for the dems. They failed at just aboout everything. Go back home, go to townhall meetings, find out what voters want, and then try again in 2012 1nd 2014.

So all you got is the Dems did it for a message? Why do you think I was making a case for the Dems? You are attempting to distract from the message, and a poor attempt at that. You get to play again. Tell me what the republican united message is.......................
In a word, JOBS

OK, that is a start, and well reasoned logical response I would want on this thread. How could the republicans create jobs, and better than Obama has already done? And are they going to use capitalism to do it, or government intervention? If all they are going to do is leave things alone and let happen what is going to happen, I don't see that as a means to jobs. What do you think? What can they offer as the means to creating jobs?
Whining about the GOP isn't going to improve the dems chances in November. The dems failed, the "new & improved" GOP gets another turn. I hope that the young vets can do whats right instead of just pissing more money away. Your post fails to make the case for the dems. They failed at just aboout everything. Go back home, go to townhall meetings, find out what voters want, and then try again in 2012 1nd 2014.

So all you got is the Dems did it for a message? Why do you think I was making a case for the Dems? You are attempting to distract from the message, and a poor attempt at that. You get to play again. Tell me what the republican united message is.......................

I think that you're confused about a "message" if you're looking for another "Contract W/America" type of platform for the dems to dump on. All the GOP needs to do is say that the dems have no clue, just look at the mess we're in. How about "are you better-off now than you were in 2008?" How about the "energy prices necessarily need to skyrocket?" Then there is the cost of UHC and other programs. All the GOP needs to say is that "we will cut spending" and save SS & Medicare. There are many web sites that you can cut spending programs to get the debt trending down.
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Interesting when you think November is just around the corner now, RNC low on cash for ads, but if they had the cash, they would still have no united message as this article points out. Stick these candidates into Congress and choas will rein throughout. The Tea Party has done a good job on the Party of NO.

Despite [McCain] enjoying a 10-point advantage in a generic ballot poll released earlier this week, established Republicans admit they lack a "united message" to present to the American people in November, and Democrats claim the right wing of the GOP has usurped the power to issue that message.

"Right now - and this is a problem for them - I do think Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, they are the leaders of the party," Barack Obama's 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "There is an intolerance in that party and an extremism that I think is where the real energy is."

Read more: McCain embraces the GOP's right - Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

Same ole shit with SHITao.....1/10th or so of truth balooned to 1000% OBFUSCATION and DISTORTION in favor of ......

The EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Black Racist , Muslim PC Protector, Palestinian Guardian, CHARITY-type contributions to Terrorist and semi-Terrorist affiliated Muslims and their Organizations for "workshops", trips to the Mid East, etc, VICTORY MOSQUE supporter, as well as the Supporter of Illegal Immigrants and Mexican Drug Cartels' Pussy.......OBAMI SALAAMI !!!!
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Whining about the GOP isn't going to improve the dems chances in November. The dems failed, the "new & improved" GOP gets another turn. I hope that the young vets can do whats right instead of just pissing more money away. Your post fails to make the case for the dems. They failed at just aboout everything. Go back home, go to townhall meetings, find out what voters want, and then try again in 2012 1nd 2014.

So all you got is the Dems did it for a message? Why do you think I was making a case for the Dems? You are attempting to distract from the message, and a poor attempt at that. You get to play again. Tell me what the republican united message is.......................

I think that you're confused about a "message" if you're looking for another "Contract W/America" type of platform for the dems to dump on. All the GOP needs to do is say that the dems have no clue, just look at the mess we're in. How about "are you better-off now than you were in 2008?" How about the "energy prices necessarily need to skyrocket?" Then there is the cost of UHC and other programs. All the GOP needs to say is that "we will cut spending" and save SS & Medicare. There are many web sites that you can cut spending progtrams to get the debt trending down.

I am saying the republicans have no united message. It is splintered. Cut spending, save SS & Medicare, isn't going to work, IMO. But it would be a message to put under the umbrella with the jobs. Maybe lower tax rates, tax cuts might help,...sounds attractive whether true or not. :)

[Note: look up the SS article I posted yesterday. Interesting. Here you go, http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/131676-kick-in-a-nickle-and-save-americas-old-folks.html ]
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Same ole shit with SHITao.....1/10th or so of truth balooned to 1000% OBFUSCATION and DISTORTION in favor of ......

The EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Black Racist , Muslim PC Protector, Palestinian Guardian, CHARITY-type contributions to Terrorist and semi-Terrorist affiliated Muslims and their Organizations for "workshops", trips to the Mid East, etc, VICTORY MOSQUE supporter, as well as the Supporter of Illegal Immigrants and Mexican Drug Cartels' Pussy.......OBAMI SALAAMI !!!!

I take it, you haven't a clue what this thread is about, so you dropped in to attack the messenger. Now run along and play with your turds in your tub, and leave this thread to the Real men at USMB. Thks!:lol:
Maybe the Gop should come up with this message...

You have lived through all THE HOPE of the Obama and his Progressive comrades in Arms, and you will soon have LESS CHANGE IN YOUR pockets to pay for it all.

So if you want REAL HOPE AND CHANGE, vote the commie bastards out and VOTE FOR US..:lol:
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Maybe the Gop should come up with this message...

You have lived through all THE HOPE of the Obama and his Progressive comrades in Arms, and you will soon have LESS CHANGE IN YOUR pockets to pay for it all.

So if you want REAL HOPE AND CHANGE, vote the commie bastards out and VOTE FOR US..:lol:

Thats good! Use the Dem message for your own slogan. But once again, that doesn't tell America how the republicans can make their lives better, and how they plan to do it. I really feel the republicans need a real fresh idea. Someone mentioned Contract with America. A firm commitment, you elect us and we are going to do this for you. Maybe that is wrong, I suppose for a party wanting less government (?).

I would give them my vote if they would say we are going to restore the 2nd Amendment to it's orignal intent. You see there is a majority of the population that do not vote. You have to run on what can you do for them, and something you can do that doesn't cost money or hurt people. IMO
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Maybe the Gop should come up with this message...

You have lived through all THE HOPE of the Obama and his Progressive comrades in Arms, and you will soon have LESS CHANGE IN YOUR pockets to pay for it all.

So if you want REAL HOPE AND CHANGE, vote the commie bastards out and VOTE FOR US..:lol:

Thats good! Use the Dem message for your own slogan. But once again, that doesn't tell America how the republicans can make their lives better, and how they plan to do it. I really feel the republicans need a real fresh idea. Someone mentioned Contract with America. A firm commitment, you elect us and we are going to do this for you. Maybe that is wrong, I suppose for a party wanting less government (?).

good gawd man, it's NOT THE GUBERMENTS JOB to make our lives, BETTER.
what the hell don't you UNDERSTAND about that. Strive and MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE BETTER. That was the Message of coming to Amercia, the home of the FREE and the land of the BRAVE.
That is the only message the damn Guberment should be saying.
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Mike Steele should be fired.

He's the only think keeping Demns from losing 100+ seats this November
I think the OP got of to the wrong start. Personally I don't want a party line running track. I'm looking for NEW people to look at the problems in a less socialist and the feds can solve everything mentality. Specifically, I'm looking at people with a track record of job creation outside of government.
Sounds like Shintao sits on his ass waiting on good thinhs to happen. Wonder how that's working?
good gawd man, it's NOT THE GUBERMENTS JOB to make our lives, BETTER. what the hell don't you UNDERSTAND about that. Strive and MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE BETTER. That was the Message of coming to Amercia, the home of the FREE and the land of the BRAVE.

If I didn't support my government to get things done, the American capitalist would never do it, so I support the general welfare clause, and that is what I understand about it.

That is the only message the damn Guberment should be saying.

Ahh, dislike your government enough to curse it. That seems to be a trend among neocons, cons & republicans, some libertarians. Real shame to dislike your country. The nice thing about America is you are free to curse your country, and not use government services and avoid taxation. No one makes you participate.
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good gawd man, it's NOT THE GUBERMENTS JOB to make our lives, BETTER. what the hell don't you UNDERSTAND about that. Strive and MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE BETTER. That was the Message of coming to Amercia, the home of the FREE and the land of the BRAVE.

If I didn't support my government to get things done, the American capitalist would never do it, so I support the general welfare clause, and that is what I understand about it.

That is the only message the damn Guberment should be saying.

Ahh, dislike your government enough to curse it. That seems to be a trend among neocons, cons & republicans, some libertarians. Real shame to dislike your country. The nice thing about America is you are free curse your country, and not use government services and avoid taxation. No one makes you participate.

It's been stated in a post that you, the SHITao live in the Bahamas.

While it is, of course, possible to live in the Bahamas....even on a permanent basis, and still be an American citizen......are you an American citizen ?
It's been stated in a post that you, the SHITao live in the Bahamas.

I lived in the Bahamas, yes. I moved back to my California home last November, and plan on staying here. I am currently buying a new home in California, so will end it here.

While it is, of course, possible to live in the Bahamas....even on a permanent basis, and still be an American citizen......are you an American citizen ?

Since birth, and I still am.
It's been stated in a post that you, the SHITao live in the Bahamas.

I lived in the Bahamas, yes. I moved back to my California home last November, and plan on staying here. I am currently buying a new home in California, so will end it here.

While it is, of course, possible to live in the Bahamas....even on a permanent basis, and still be an American citizen......are you an American citizen ?

Since birth, and I still am.

Well, I hoped you were NOT an American citizen: one less Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoid stooge ( a witting, or unwitting Destroyer of America), ya see.......
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