Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

More indisputable evidence that Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion. Obamacare has been a catastrophic disaster (just as Republicans accurately predicted it would be before it was passed). And yet the left passed it anyway and continues to support it because it feels good to them. Never mind that it has stripped millions of their health insurance, has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket, and has added trillions to the national debt.

5 Ways Obamacare Proves That Government-Run Health Care Is a Disaster
End the drug war, right wingers!
Are you having an Ambien induced sleep walking, typing on your computer episode?
nothing but red herrings, right winger? even wo-men in the non-porn sector, can be as good.

Interesting that you have nothing to say about the rise in premiums, a growing lack of health insurance providers to provide care since Obamacare implemented their mandatory health care policy. It doesn't appear you have an argument to prove government care equates to better care.
End the drug war, right wingers!
Now you just claimed that for dinosaurs to change the climate they needed to have invented the combustion engine
No snowflake...I simply exposed your idiocy. That's why everyone is laughing right now and you're having a meltdown. The Ice Age was monumental "climate change" - and yet there wasn't a single item made by man that could impact it. Oops...

Seriously snowflake - how dumb do you look right now?

There are other factors besides man, dipstick.

As for the ice age: What Triggers Ice Ages? — NOVA | PBS

Just because the climate can change without man does not mean man can't change it.

All right, "science slave". Show us the overwhelming, irrefutable evidence that man is the primary cause of climate change now, that said climate change is catastrophic, and that the counter-methods being recommended will definitively work.
My Master is science.
But that's because you consider Bill Nye "science". For rational, educated people, you're clearly a mindless minion to the Dumbocrats.
You consider Donald Trump science? China made it up?

Anyone who does not grasp the concept that more CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures is a moron.

I will take that as a "I have no proof, just BELIEVE ME!!!"
Just because the climate can change without man does not mean man can't change it.
It unequivocally proves that the climate constantly changes and that even before man, there were drastic shifts in the climate. We have not seen a single climate event that the world hasn't experienced before.

Facts...they are a bitch, uh? You reject them like you reject science.
The bitch is you are too fricken dense to get it. Yes the climate changes due to a wide range of factors. One current factor is man & his spewing of carbon into the atmosphere.

You are sitting there claiming there are many factors going into one's weight - like exercise, food intake, type of food, genetics, etc & then claiming eating 5 pizzas a night can be the reason your ass is so fat.

The real bitch is that you want to present your suppositions as proven facts, without the inconvenience of proving it.

I keep waiting for your posts to include something other than unproven assertions, and it hasn't happened yet.
More indisputable evidence that the left-wing ideology is exclusively built on irrational emotions. For years, automobiles have caused more deaths than firearms. And yet, the left has never called to ban automobiles. Never. Not once. Why?

Because the left likes automobiles and has an irrational fear of firearms. Even now, as England continues to experience mass homicides from automobiles (while guns are banned), nobody on their side of the aisle is calling to ban automobiles.

Van Plows Into Crowd Near London Mosque in Suspected Terror Attack
The wing doesn't like to be legal to federal law. What lousy national socialists.
This is absolutely your most honest, accurate post ever. Well done. Well said. The left-wing absolutely doesn't like to be compliant with law and they are lousy national socialists.
The wing doesn't like to be legal to federal law. What lousy national socialists.
This is absolutely your most honest, accurate post ever. Well done. Well said. The left-wing absolutely doesn't like to be compliant with law and they are lousy national socialists.
lol. Only lousy national socialists are illegal to 10USC311.
Only lousy national socialists are illegal to 10USC311.
I couldn't agree more...
(a)Authority To Enter Into International Exchange Agreements.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may enter into international defense personnel exchange agreements. Any exchange of personnel under such an agreement is subject to paragraph (3).
Only lousy national socialists are illegal to 10USC311.
I couldn't agree more...
(a)Authority To Enter Into International Exchange Agreements.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may enter into international defense personnel exchange agreements. Any exchange of personnel under such an agreement is subject to paragraph (3).
Here is why I don't take the right wing seriously about the law, economics, politics, or the moral of true witness bearing simply for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

10 U.S.C. 311 - Militia: composition and classes
Only lousy national socialists are illegal to 10USC311.
I couldn't agree more...
(a)Authority To Enter Into International Exchange Agreements.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may enter into international defense personnel exchange agreements. Any exchange of personnel under such an agreement is subject to paragraph (3).
Here is why I don't take the right wing seriously about the law, economics, politics, or the moral of true witness bearing simply for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

10 U.S.C. 311 - Militia: composition and classes
Here is why you provide more laughs for this board than anyone...

[USC02] 10 USC 311: Exchange of defense personnel between United States and friendly foreign countries: authority
Only lousy national socialists are illegal to 10USC311.
I couldn't agree more...
(a)Authority To Enter Into International Exchange Agreements.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may enter into international defense personnel exchange agreements. Any exchange of personnel under such an agreement is subject to paragraph (3).
Here is why I don't take the right wing seriously about the law, economics, politics, or the moral of true witness bearing simply for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

10 U.S.C. 311 - Militia: composition and classes
Here is why you provide more laughs for this board than anyone...

[USC02] 10 USC 311: Exchange of defense personnel between United States and friendly foreign countries: authority
Nobody takes the right wing seriously.

[USC10] 10 USC 311: Militia: composition and classes
This is why nobody takes the left seriously about anything.

Your post (at the very top snowflake):
Text contains those laws in effect on January 4, 1995
[USC07] 10 USC 311: Militia: composition and classes

My post (at the very top snowflake):
Text contains those laws in effect on June 21, 2017
[USC02] 10 USC 311: Exchange of defense personnel between United States and friendly foreign countries: authority

It's ok buddy. All progressives are illiterate (that's what makes them progressives).

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