Right Wing Anti-Gay Hate Group Furious At Ryan's Remarks Not To Bring Back DADT

Tell us again...how does our legal marriage affect your legal/religious marriage in any way?

You doing dope doesn't effect me in any way either yet that's not allowed, you going to a prostitute doesn't effect me in any way either yet it's not premitted, so what's your point? My point is that two gays living together as a couple is not a marriage and never will be recognized as such by any sane and rational person. I have no problem with civil unions that bestow some of the tax benefits that married couples enjoy, but those unions will never be marriage regardless of what some liberal judge rules.

Why isn't two men living together considered a 'marriage'? Why not?

Why isn't a Cadillac called a Dodge? Why not? Because a Cadillac is NOT a Dodge that's why not.
Explain to me why belief in a being you cannot prove exists is so important to you?

I don't believe, I KNOW. There's a difference.

I don't have to 'prove God exists', He has already proven His existence to ME.

I know the easter bunny exists, too. I don't have to prove his existence, because he proved his existence to me.

See how retarded that sounds?

I see how retarded that makes you sound, buit I don't see any correlation between your nonsense and a person's knowledge of the God they serve.
Cons like to forget those facts, don't they? Fear not, your post will be ignored.

It's not going to be ingored and it's not that cons forget the facts, it's that we actually KNOW the facts and the facts are ususally quite different than what the liberal or the sodomite put forth. It doesn't matter that the "contract" was between a man and a woman's father, the marriage was STILL between a man and a woman. The fact that polygamy was practiced, and for that matter polyandry is also irelevent as it was STILL a union between a man and a woman just done multiple times, and interacial marriage is also still a union between a man and a woman. What does any of this have to do with making marriage something it's never been, a union between two members of the same gender?

My marriage for 36 years has been one man and one woman.
I am so confident in my marriage, my faith and my religious beliefs that allowing 2 people of the same sex that happen to love each other to marry has NO affect on me and my wife.
Same with everyone else. Show me how gay marriage has ANY effect on any other marriage anywhere.
But let's get this straight. ALL marriage is same sex marriage. The same sex over and over and over again.
It is a long and tedious meal with dessert at the beginning.
You must be a liberal. You support a Constitutional Amendment to take rights AWAY from a certain group of folk you do not like, to ban gay marriage. You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.
Old women with nothing else to do but gossip are interested in such things as gay marriage.
Us southern red necks prefer to mind our own business.
Gay marriage is weird as it gets but who gives a shit? None of anyone's business and AFFECTS NO ONE.

I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not, but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group, that is blatant bull crap, as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away. Gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", is just that, nonsense. It's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been, and always will be, used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves. As for gay marriage harming or not harming my marriage that's irelevent, and is of course a non-issue, nothing but a strawman argument. Something doesn't have to effect me or my situation personally for me to know that either A. there is no such thing or B. it's not good for society as a whole.
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It's not going to be ingored and it's not that cons forget the facts, it's that we actually KNOW the facts and the facts are ususally quite different than what the liberal or the sodomite put forth. It doesn't matter that the "contract" was between a man and a woman's father, the marriage was STILL between a man and a woman. The fact that polygamy was practiced, and for that matter polyandry is also irelevent as it was STILL a union between a man and a woman just done multiple times, and interacial marriage is also still a union between a man and a woman. What does any of this have to do with making marriage something it's never been, a union between two members of the same gender?

My marriage for 36 years has been one man and one woman.
I am so confident in my marriage, my faith and my religious beliefs that allowing 2 people of the same sex that happen to love each other to marry has NO affect on me and my wife.
Same with everyone else. Show me how gay marriage has ANY effect on any other marriage anywhere.
But let's get this straight. ALL marriage is same sex marriage. The same sex over and over and over again.
It is a long and tedious meal with dessert at the beginning.
You must be a liberal. You support a Constitutional Amendment to take rights AWAY from a certain group of folk you do not like, to ban gay marriage. You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.
Old women with nothing else to do but gossip are interested in such things as gay marriage.
Us southern red necks prefer to mind our own business.
Gay marriage is weird as it gets but who gives a shit? None of anyone's business and AFFECTS NO ONE.

I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group is blatant bull crap as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away, gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", it's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been and always will be used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves.

A compelling legal argument, obviously.

It’s as if the Framers of the 14th Amendment had you specifically in mind.
My marriage for 36 years has been one man and one woman.
I am so confident in my marriage, my faith and my religious beliefs that allowing 2 people of the same sex that happen to love each other to marry has NO affect on me and my wife.
Same with everyone else. Show me how gay marriage has ANY effect on any other marriage anywhere.
But let's get this straight. ALL marriage is same sex marriage. The same sex over and over and over again.
It is a long and tedious meal with dessert at the beginning.
You must be a liberal. You support a Constitutional Amendment to take rights AWAY from a certain group of folk you do not like, to ban gay marriage. You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.
Old women with nothing else to do but gossip are interested in such things as gay marriage.
Us southern red necks prefer to mind our own business.
Gay marriage is weird as it gets but who gives a shit? None of anyone's business and AFFECTS NO ONE.

I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group is blatant bull crap as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away, gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", it's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been and always will be used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves.

A compelling legal argument, obviously.

It’s as if the Framers of the 14th Amendment had you specifically in mind.

I wouldn't use the Framer's intent as an argument for gay "marriage", as the Framers never would have even considered two men or two woman living together as a couple anything but sinful and deviant behavior. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and like so many fail to admit, right NOW, the gays have the same EXACT rights as EVERYONE else in this nation when it comes to marriage. They are not happy with having equal protection, they wish to make their deviant relationships a special category. They want eveyone to recognize their lifestyle as natural, normal and acceptable, and many of us will never think that way. As a business owner I will be forced to accept gay marriage inspite of my personal religous beliefs that condemn it so to say it has no effect on me is a lie.
I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group is blatant bull crap as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away, gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", it's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been and always will be used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves.

A compelling legal argument, obviously.

It’s as if the Framers of the 14th Amendment had you specifically in mind.

I wouldn't use the Framer's intent as an argument for gay "marriage", as the Framers never would have even considered two men or two woman living together as a couple anything but sinful and deviant behavior. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and like so many fail to admit, right NOW, the gays have the same EXACT rights as EVERYONE else in this nation when it comes to marriage. They are not happy with having equal protection, they wish to make their deviant relationships a special category. They want eveyone to recognize their lifestyle as natural, normal and acceptable, and many of us will never think that way. As a business owner I will be forced to accept gay marriage inspite of my personal religous beliefs that condemn it so to say it has no effect on me is a lie.

With the exception of your personal repulsion towards gays, their marriage has no impact on you or your business. Nobody is forcing you to accept gays, what they are doing is stopping you from forcing your personal views on the government

The 14th amendment does apply to gays and they don't have the same rights as you do. You can marry the person you love and they can't
I've said it a hundred times on this board, I couldn't care LESS if gays 'get married'. I think they should get the exact same benefits any other married couple gets, taxes, benefits, rights, the whole shooting match.

But if you think gays are not in our schools trying to 'proselytize', teaching prepubescent kids that gay sex is 'normal', you haven't looked at the curriculum in California lately.

By all means, show us EXACTLY what they are teaching. I happen to have pre-pubescent children in CA public schools so I'm interested to see how hyperbole matches reality.

Whatever I post will be ridiculed by you because you and I have different definitions of the word 'normal'. To me, "Heather has Two Mommies" is NOT normal, but then again neither are you.

To you, OTOH, it is COMPLETELY normal.

So I was right, reality doesn't match your hyperbole. Thanks for making that crystal clear.
I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group is blatant bull crap as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away, gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", it's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been and always will be used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves.

A compelling legal argument, obviously.

It’s as if the Framers of the 14th Amendment had you specifically in mind.

I wouldn't use the Framer's intent as an argument for gay "marriage", as the Framers never would have even considered two men or two woman living together as a couple anything but sinful and deviant behavior. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and like so many fail to admit, right NOW, the gays have the same EXACT rights as EVERYONE else in this nation when it comes to marriage. They are not happy with having equal protection, they wish to make their deviant relationships a special category. They want eveyone to recognize their lifestyle as natural, normal and acceptable, and many of us will never think that way. As a business owner I will be forced to accept gay marriage inspite of my personal religous beliefs that condemn it so to say it has no effect on me is a lie.

The Framer's would have been shocked at the idea of women voting or of black men being fully a person.

No, I don't have "the exact same rights" as everyone else. I don't have the right to marry the non-familial consenting adult of my choice in all 50 states. That's not equality. My LEGAL marriage does not grant me the same rights, benefits and privileges that a heterosexual marriage grants.

How are you "forced to accept" my marriage "as a business owner"? What does that even mean and how would it effect you in any way?

What does any of this have to do with DADT which has been gone for a year now and the military isn't falling apart?
It's not going to be ingored and it's not that cons forget the facts, it's that we actually KNOW the facts and the facts are ususally quite different than what the liberal or the sodomite put forth. It doesn't matter that the "contract" was between a man and a woman's father, the marriage was STILL between a man and a woman. The fact that polygamy was practiced, and for that matter polyandry is also irelevent as it was STILL a union between a man and a woman just done multiple times, and interacial marriage is also still a union between a man and a woman. What does any of this have to do with making marriage something it's never been, a union between two members of the same gender?

My marriage for 36 years has been one man and one woman.
I am so confident in my marriage, my faith and my religious beliefs that allowing 2 people of the same sex that happen to love each other to marry has NO affect on me and my wife.
Same with everyone else. Show me how gay marriage has ANY effect on any other marriage anywhere.
But let's get this straight. ALL marriage is same sex marriage. The same sex over and over and over again.
It is a long and tedious meal with dessert at the beginning.
You must be a liberal. You support a Constitutional Amendment to take rights AWAY from a certain group of folk you do not like, to ban gay marriage. You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.
Old women with nothing else to do but gossip are interested in such things as gay marriage.
Us southern red necks prefer to mind our own business.
Gay marriage is weird as it gets but who gives a shit? None of anyone's business and AFFECTS NO ONE.

I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not, but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group, that is blatant bull crap, as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away. Gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", is just that, nonsense. It's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been, and always will be, used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves. As for gay marriage harming or not harming my marriage that's irelevent, and is of course a non-issue, nothing but a strawman argument. Something doesn't have to effect me or my situation personally for me to know that either A. there is no such thing or B. it's not good for society as a whole.

So now your argument is that gay marriage is the same as rape, robbery and the other crimes you list.
And we have asked you for JUST ONE example of how "it's not good for society as a whole".
And you are just like what George Kennedy said to Paul Neuman in Cool Hand Luke.
"You just keep coming back with nuttin"
Respectfully, you are not very swift there Moe.
You doing dope doesn't effect me in any way either yet that's not allowed, you going to a prostitute doesn't effect me in any way either yet it's not premitted, so what's your point? My point is that two gays living together as a couple is not a marriage and never will be recognized as such by any sane and rational person. I have no problem with civil unions that bestow some of the tax benefits that married couples enjoy, but those unions will never be marriage regardless of what some liberal judge rules.

Why isn't two men living together considered a 'marriage'? Why not?

Why isn't a Cadillac called a Dodge? Why not? Because a Cadillac is NOT a Dodge that's why not.

But they are both cars and people can drive in them both.

Your logic is quite fascinating, I must say. So....haven't checked back yet. Shall I be apologizing for ruining Marriage for you?
No one believes that you don't hate homosexuals, son. It's obvious you do.

And learn how to use html tagging correctly, would you please?

You are completely wrong that gays have equal protection under the law. They cannot file a federal married tax return, they are not entitled to spousal Social Security death benefits, and a whole raft of other privileges extended to other married people are denied to them.

So this is a civil rights issues EXACTLY like interracial marriage. Bigots like you used to whine about marriage being redefined for interracial couples, too. "Marriage has always between two people of the same race!!!"

And just like you, your bigoted predecessors were unable to provide a rational reason for why that should be so. "We've always done it that way" is a stupid reason for perpetuating discrimination. Since the bigots could not provide a rational reason for why that discrimination should be continued, marriage benefits under the law had to be extended to interracial marriages just as they will have to be provided to gay marriages.

There is no difference.


I've said it a hundred times on this board, I couldn't care LESS if gays 'get married'. I think they should get the exact same benefits any other married couple gets, taxes, benefits, rights, the whole shooting match.

But if you think gays are not in our schools trying to 'proselytize', teaching prepubescent kids that gay sex is 'normal', you haven't looked at the curriculum in California lately.

By all means, show us EXACTLY what they are teaching. I happen to have pre-pubescent children in CA public schools so I'm interested to see how hyperbole matches reality.

I would like evidence too. My child just went thru the CA public school curriculum, and I am still in touch with many in the teaching field here in CA. Plus it is easy to get access to the CA curriculum on line.
I've said it a hundred times on this board, I couldn't care LESS if gays 'get married'. I think they should get the exact same benefits any other married couple gets, taxes, benefits, rights, the whole shooting match.

But if you think gays are not in our schools trying to 'proselytize', teaching prepubescent kids that gay sex is 'normal', you haven't looked at the curriculum in California lately.

By all means, show us EXACTLY what they are teaching. I happen to have pre-pubescent children in CA public schools so I'm interested to see how hyperbole matches reality.

Whatever I post will be ridiculed by you because you and I have different definitions of the word 'normal'. To me, "Heather has Two Mommies" is NOT normal, but then again neither are you.

To you, OTOH, it is COMPLETELY normal.
Heather has Two Mommies is being used in what grade level and please point out the curriculm source.
Which time?

Any time? I assume that during these times you did not require medical assistance, because if you did, your life would have been saved by the doctor who treated you, not a God.

Surprisingly enough, in these instances your assumption would be correct.

20 years ago I went through a very painful divorce, and while in a drug and alcohol induced state I tried to kill myself by jumping off a 5th floor parking deck. I was physically pulled back from my demise by Divine Intervention.

No...you wised up.
10 years ago I was driving a severely overloaded truck and trailer through a massive thunderstorm and lost control of the vehicle. Nothing I did regained control, and as I headed for a bridge rail and a 100 ft plummet God Himself straightened out that truck and trailer about 5 feet before I went over the edge.

Did you see a giant hand?

There have been a couple other instances but those 2 kind of stand out.

Actually it sounds like the Easter Bunny saved you.
My marriage for 36 years has been one man and one woman.
I am so confident in my marriage, my faith and my religious beliefs that allowing 2 people of the same sex that happen to love each other to marry has NO affect on me and my wife.
Same with everyone else. Show me how gay marriage has ANY effect on any other marriage anywhere.
But let's get this straight. ALL marriage is same sex marriage. The same sex over and over and over again.
It is a long and tedious meal with dessert at the beginning.
You must be a liberal. You support a Constitutional Amendment to take rights AWAY from a certain group of folk you do not like, to ban gay marriage. You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.
Old women with nothing else to do but gossip are interested in such things as gay marriage.
Us southern red necks prefer to mind our own business.
Gay marriage is weird as it gets but who gives a shit? None of anyone's business and AFFECTS NO ONE.

I'm glad for you, but my faith and my religous beliefs not only condemn the idea, they teach that nations/people that promote, condone and or support such filth support the agenda of the evil one. Your faith and religous beliefs may include serving the evil one, mine do not but in this nation you have the right to believe in any silly religion you wish to. As for being a liberal because I support a Constitutional amendment to take rights aways from a group is blatant bull crap as no Constituutional amendment is neccessary as nobody wants to take anyone's rights away, gays right now enjoy the same exact rights as EVERY other American when it comes to marriage. Nowhere does the Constitution address any particular group's right to redifine human institutions such as marriage and family so you're wrong there also. As for that last bit of nonsense, "You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document DEDICATED to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain group of people what they can not do, rather than TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do.", it's best you face reality. The Constituiton has been and always will be used to deny citizens the right to do whatever they want to, hence the Constitutional laws against rape, robbery, drug use, tax evasion, prostitution and the 10001 other laws that forbid citizens from doing things that harm no one but themselves.

A compelling legal argument, obviously.

It’s as if the Framers of the 14th Amendment had you specifically in mind.

Lol, my hatred of gays? That's rich. You don't know me, you don't know a damn thing about me, I never posted one word saying I hate gays, but you automatically judge me as hating gays. I can see you're just one more bigoted, prejudiced, intolerant jackass. I don't need to show any societal harm to society to know that their is no such thing as a gay marriage. I have no problems with gay unions allowing the same tax benefits as married couples, but two people of the same gender living together as a couple is not a marriage. Please don't confuse my grasp of reality with hatred

No one believes that you don't hate homosexuals, son. It's obvious you do.

And learn how to use html tagging correctly, would you please?
The only obvious thing is you're a prejudiced, intolerant bigot. As for learning to use tagging correctly, I have only been on these boards for less than a week, and I can't seem to find any tutorial on how to do so. Rather than act like a blazing jackass you may have directed me on how to find this out.

I don't buy this excuse. All you have to do is hit the quote button, as you obviously did. But then you started tinkering around and screwed up your posts.

Just hit the quote button and quit fucking things up.

EVERY man in this nation has the right to marry ANY woman who will have him and ANY woman in this land has the right to marry ANY man who'll have her that IS equal protection under the law. Unfortunatly homosexuals don't want equality, they want a special dispensation with regards to redifining the word marriage.

You really can't see the forest for the trees. Harken with me now back just a few decades ago when a bigot like you was saying, "Any WHITE man can marry any WHITE woman who will have him, and any WHITE woman can marry any WHITE man who will have her. Any BLACK man can marry any BLACK woman who will have him, and any BLACK woman can marry any BLACK man who will have her. Unfortunately, interracial couples don't want equality, they want a special dispenstation with regards to redefining the word marriage."

You are exactly the identical kind of bigot, son.

So this is a civil rights issues EXACTLY like interracial marriage. Bigots like you used to whine about marriage being redefined for interracial couples, too. "Marriage has always between two people of the same race!!!"
Wrong, accepting interacial marriage has nothing to do with the acceptance of deviant behavior.

As I explained in small words to you earlier, claiming something to be "deviant" without providing evidence it causes harm to society is irrational. Bogus, son. Stupid. Idiotic. There are people who believe dancing is deviant behavior, but they don't get to ban YOU from dancing just because they don't like YOU dancing.

And just like you, your bigoted predecessors were unable to provide a rational reason for why that should be so. "We've always done it that way" is a stupid reason for perpetuating discrimination. Since the bigots could not provide a rational reason for why that discrimination should be continued, marriage benefits under the law had to be extended to interracial marriages just as they will have to be provided to gay marriages.
Yet we do have a good reason. There is no such thing as gay "marriage". Good enough reason for me and any other rational thinking human being.

Holy shit, I just don't know what to do with this kind of illogic.

"There is no such thing as gay marriage". Harken back to just a few decades ago when bigots like you said, "There is no such thing as interracial marriage. That is a good enough reason for banning interracial marriage!"

This is known as circular reasoning. A logical fallacy.

So, basically, you are opposed to gay marriage because gay marriage is not allowed.

"There is no such thing as a free black man and that is a rational reason for keeping slaves." You see how incredibly dumb that sounds? That is what you sound like.

There is no difference.
Sure there is. You don't choose your race, you choose to engage in deviant sexual behavior.

When did you choose not to be gay? Tell us all about it.

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A compelling legal argument, obviously.

It’s as if the Framers of the 14th Amendment had you specifically in mind.

I wouldn't use the Framer's intent as an argument for gay "marriage", as the Framers never would have even considered two men or two woman living together as a couple anything but sinful and deviant behavior. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and like so many fail to admit, right NOW, the gays have the same EXACT rights as EVERYONE else in this nation when it comes to marriage. They are not happy with having equal protection, they wish to make their deviant relationships a special category. They want eveyone to recognize their lifestyle as natural, normal and acceptable, and many of us will never think that way. As a business owner I will be forced to accept gay marriage inspite of my personal religous beliefs that condemn it so to say it has no effect on me is a lie.

With the exception of your personal repulsion towards gays, their marriage has no impact on you or your business. Nobody is forcing you to accept gays, what they are doing is stopping you from forcing your personal views on the government

The 14th amendment does apply to gays and they don't have the same rights as you do. You can marry the person you love and they can't

Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.
No one believes that you don't hate homosexuals, son. It's obvious you do.

And learn how to use html tagging correctly, would you please?
The only obvious thing is you're a prejudiced, intolerant bigot. As for learning to use tagging correctly, I have only been on these boards for less than a week, and I can't seem to find any tutorial on how to do so. Rather than act like a blazing jackass you may have directed me on how to find this out.

I don't buy this excuse. All you have to do is hit the quote button, as you obviously did. But then you started tinkering around and screwed up your posts.

Just hit the quote button and quit fucking things up.


You really can't see the forest for the trees. Harken with me now back just a few decades ago when a bigot like you was saying, "Any WHITE man can marry any WHITE woman who will have him, and any WHITE woman can marry any WHITE man who will have her. Any BLACK man can marry any BLACK woman who will have him, and any BLACK woman can marry any BLACK man who will have her. Unfortunately, interracial couples don't want equality, they want a special dispenstation with regards to redefining the word marriage."

You are exactly the identical kind of bigot, son.
As I explained in small words to you earlier, claiming something to be "deviant" without providing evidence it causes harm to society is irrational. Bogus, son. Stupid. Idiotic. There are people who believe dancing is deviant behavior, but they don't get to ban YOU from dancing just because they don't like YOU dancing.

Holy shit, I just don't know what to do with this kind of illogic.

"There is no such thing as gay marriage". Harken back to just a few decades ago when bigots like you said, "There is no such thing as interracial marriage. That is a good enough reason for banning interracial marriage!"

This is known as circular reasoning. A logical fallacy.

So, basically, you are opposed to gay marriage because gay marriage is not allowed.

"There is no such thing as a free black man and that is a rational reason for keeping slaves." You see how incredibly dumb that sounds? That is what you sound like.

There is no difference.
Sure there is. You don't choose your race, you choose to engage in deviant sexual behavior.

When did you choose not to be gay? Tell us all about it.


No sense arguing with the sodomite because you base all your arguments on your own perverse nature and deviant desires. I do it so I want it to be ok and I want everyone else to look at it as it's ok. Well here's the facts boy, even if some judges say you can call what you engage in a marriage, we'll both know it's not won't we? I'll bypass all your white-negro marriage bs because that's all it is, bs. A strawman argument that has nothing to do with the gay "marriage" issue, nothing but obfuscation and misdirection. You and I both know you CHOOSE to engage in deviant homosexual behavior, period. Whatever happened during your upbringing to twist the wires, or cross the wires in your brain to make you think that's acceptable behavior is irelevent, all that's relevent is the choice you make to engage in it, and nobody in this nation should be given special status, or special "rights" just because they choose to engage in cerain behaviors. You're a homosexual, fine I get it, I don't care. What I do care abuot is the insistance by the homosexual community that we must all accept your immoral, perverse and deviant behavior as natural and normal when it's not.
I wouldn't use the Framer's intent as an argument for gay "marriage", as the Framers never would have even considered two men or two woman living together as a couple anything but sinful and deviant behavior. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and like so many fail to admit, right NOW, the gays have the same EXACT rights as EVERYONE else in this nation when it comes to marriage. They are not happy with having equal protection, they wish to make their deviant relationships a special category. They want eveyone to recognize their lifestyle as natural, normal and acceptable, and many of us will never think that way. As a business owner I will be forced to accept gay marriage inspite of my personal religous beliefs that condemn it so to say it has no effect on me is a lie.

With the exception of your personal repulsion towards gays, their marriage has no impact on you or your business. Nobody is forcing you to accept gays, what they are doing is stopping you from forcing your personal views on the government

The 14th amendment does apply to gays and they don't have the same rights as you do. You can marry the person you love and they can't

Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.

Wrong on every point

Who your employees choose to marry is none of your business. You cannot use your religious beliefs to deny them benefits for being gay any more than you can deny them benefits for being Jewish

Your petty argument that gays are free to marry people of the opposite sex is ridiculous and was labeled as such when attorneys in Virginia vs Loving made the same agument against interracial marriage

Your last statement makes absolutely no sense and is not worthy of reply

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