Right Wing Anti-Gay Hate Group Furious At Ryan's Remarks Not To Bring Back DADT

You doing dope doesn't effect me in any way either yet that's not allowed, you going to a prostitute doesn't effect me in any way either yet it's not premitted, so what's your point? My point is that two gays living together as a couple is not a marriage and never will be recognized as such by any sane and rational person. I have no problem with civil unions that bestow some of the tax benefits that married couples enjoy, but those unions will never be marriage regardless of what some liberal judge rules.
In God's eyes gay marriage is not marriage either.

Yes but God is not relevant to most people.

Just when I started thinking you couldn't get any dumber...
It's not going to be ingored and it's not that cons forget the facts, it's that we actually KNOW the facts and the facts are ususally quite different than what the liberal or the sodomite put forth. It doesn't matter that the "contract" was between a man and a woman's father, the marriage was STILL between a man and a woman. The fact that polygamy was practiced, and for that matter polyandry is also irelevent as it was STILL a union between a man and a woman just done multiple times, and interacial marriage is also still a union between a man and a woman. What does any of this have to do with making marriage something it's never been, a union between two members of the same gender?

Tell us again...how does our legal marriage affect your legal/religious marriage in any way?

You doing dope doesn't effect me in any way either yet that's not allowed,

Those doing illegal drugs DO hurt themselves and others in many ways...legal, medical and social...so that is a bad analogy...btw, drug dealers and users can still marry.

you going to a prostitute doesn't effect me in any way either yet it's not premitted, so what's your point?

I don't go to prostitutes and in Nevada they are legal. BTW....prostitutes and their johns are allowed to marry.

My point is that two gays living together as a couple is not a marriage and never will be recognized as such by any sane and rational person.

Sorry to hear that you have decided to be on the back end of history. Many places thruout the world recognize gay marriage and that number of places is growing, not shrinking.
I have no problem with civil unions that bestow some of the tax benefits that married couples enjoy, but those unions will never be marriage regardless of what some liberal judge rules.
And that SOME is unconstitutional. BTW...my marriage is totally legal despite what you want or think. Now...how has that affected you in any way?
Just when I started thinking you couldn't get any dumber...

My statement is true. Many people don't care about God, they don't believe in him, and they don't involve God in their marriage.

Your statement is horseshit.

In America over 90% believe in God.

In the world that figure is still over 50%.

90% of Americans aren't very smart, which is why they continue to believe in a mythical being they can't, and will never, prove exists.
My statement is true. Many people don't care about God, they don't believe in him, and they don't involve God in their marriage.

Your statement is horseshit.

In America over 90% believe in God.

In the world that figure is still over 50%.

90% of Americans aren't very smart, which is why they continue to believe in a mythical being they can't, and will never, prove exists.

You have the right to be as ignorant as you wish, I'm glad to see you exercising it vigorously...

Your statement is horseshit.

In America over 90% believe in God.

In the world that figure is still over 50%.

90% of Americans aren't very smart, which is why they continue to believe in a mythical being they can't, and will never, prove exists.

You have the right to be as ignorant as you wish, I'm glad to see you exercising it vigorously...


Explain to me why belief in a being you cannot prove exists is so important to you?
90% of Americans aren't very smart, which is why they continue to believe in a mythical being they can't, and will never, prove exists.

You have the right to be as ignorant as you wish, I'm glad to see you exercising it vigorously...


Explain to me why belief in a being you cannot prove exists is so important to you?

I don't believe, I KNOW. There's a difference.

I don't have to 'prove God exists', He has already proven His existence to ME.
You have the right to be as ignorant as you wish, I'm glad to see you exercising it vigorously...


Explain to me why belief in a being you cannot prove exists is so important to you?

I don't believe, I KNOW. There's a difference.

I don't have to 'prove God exists', He has already proven His existence to ME.

I know the easter bunny exists, too. I don't have to prove his existence, because he proved his existence to me.

See how retarded that sounds?
Explain to me why belief in a being you cannot prove exists is so important to you?

I don't believe, I KNOW. There's a difference.

I don't have to 'prove God exists', He has already proven His existence to ME.

I know the easter bunny exists, too. I don't have to prove his existence, because he proved his existence to me.

See how retarded that sounds?

Really? God has proved His existence to me many times. He has intervened in and saved my life many times. For what purpose I'm not sure, but I am sure of the events.

Has your bunny ever done anything like that for you?
I don't believe, I KNOW. There's a difference.

I don't have to 'prove God exists', He has already proven His existence to ME.

I know the easter bunny exists, too. I don't have to prove his existence, because he proved his existence to me.

See how retarded that sounds?

Really? God has proved His existence to me many times. He has intervened in and saved my life many times. For what purpose I'm not sure, but I am sure of the events.

Has your bunny ever done anything like that for you?

My bunny brings me chocolate every Easter. That is all the proof I need!!!!

When did God save your life?
First off if you are a gay man you ALREADY enjoy the same exact rights as I have, and that EVERY other man in this nation has, which is the right to marry any woman that will have you. If you are a gay female you ALREADY have the same exact rights as any other woman in this nation has, and that is the right to marry any man that will have you. Same rights for ALL citizens, gay, straight, bi or a-sexual. As for baby Jesus Crying, He was a baby, I'm sure He cried all the time like any other baby did.

And the issue is those rights aren’t being acknowledged by the state; and in some cases states have gone so far as to amend their constitutions or enact measure designed to single out and exclude same-sex couples from marriage law, clearly in violation of the 14th Amendment.

“A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.”

The issue is that there is no such thing as gay "marriage". Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, period.

My marriage license from the state of CA disagrees with you.
Lol, my hatred of gays? That's rich. You don't know me, you don't know a damn thing about me, I never posted one word saying I hate gays, but you automatically judge me as hating gays. I can see you're just one more bigoted, prejudiced, intolerant jackass. I don't need to show any societal harm to society to know that their is no such thing as a gay marriage. I have no problems with gay unions allowing the same tax benefits as married couples, but two people of the same gender living together as a couple is not a marriage. Please don't confuse my grasp of reality with hatred

No one believes that you don't hate homosexuals, son. It's obvious you do.

And learn how to use html tagging correctly, would you please?

Being rational? Saying two lesbians or two sodomites shackig up together is a marriage does not mean you are being rational either slick. As for the homos. Loving vs Virginia, though gay marraige may become the law of the land someday, it's not in the same category as Loving vs Virginia because that WAS a civil rights issue based on denying some men and woman equal protection under the law, while that is not the case with homosexual marriage, as homosexuals right now share the same exact rights all other citizens have. Gay men have the same rights as straight men, and gay woman have the same rights as straight woman. If it ever becomes the law of the land, it will based on the redifintion of the word marriage, and not on any denial of rights and it will be enacted by the same types of judges that decided the right to slaughter a baby in the womb is some how tied to a woman's right to privacy. In other words, ignorant, politically motivated activist judges who base their decsions on their own immoralities, poltiical views and party affiliations and not on any real reading of the Constitution or the intents of the Founders.

You are completely wrong that gays have equal protection under the law. They cannot file a federal married tax return, they are not entitled to spousal Social Security death benefits, and a whole raft of other privileges extended to other married people are denied to them.

So this is a civil rights issues EXACTLY like interracial marriage. Bigots like you used to whine about marriage being redefined for interracial couples, too. "Marriage has always between two people of the same race!!!"

And just like you, your bigoted predecessors were unable to provide a rational reason for why that should be so. "We've always done it that way" is a stupid reason for perpetuating discrimination. Since the bigots could not provide a rational reason for why that discrimination should be continued, marriage benefits under the law had to be extended to interracial marriages just as they will have to be provided to gay marriages.

There is no difference.


I've said it a hundred times on this board, I couldn't care LESS if gays 'get married'. I think they should get the exact same benefits any other married couple gets, taxes, benefits, rights, the whole shooting match.

But if you think gays are not in our schools trying to 'proselytize', teaching prepubescent kids that gay sex is 'normal', you haven't looked at the curriculum in California lately.

By all means, show us EXACTLY what they are teaching. I happen to have pre-pubescent children in CA public schools so I'm interested to see how hyperbole matches reality.
I know the easter bunny exists, too. I don't have to prove his existence, because he proved his existence to me.

See how retarded that sounds?

Really? God has proved His existence to me many times. He has intervened in and saved my life many times. For what purpose I'm not sure, but I am sure of the events.

Has your bunny ever done anything like that for you?

My bunny brings me chocolate every Easter. That is all the proof I need!!!!

When did God save your life?

Which time?
Really? God has proved His existence to me many times. He has intervened in and saved my life many times. For what purpose I'm not sure, but I am sure of the events.

Has your bunny ever done anything like that for you?

My bunny brings me chocolate every Easter. That is all the proof I need!!!!

When did God save your life?

Which time?

Any time? I assume that during these times you did not require medical assistance, because if you did, your life would have been saved by the doctor who treated you, not a God.
No one believes that you don't hate homosexuals, son. It's obvious you do.

And learn how to use html tagging correctly, would you please?

You are completely wrong that gays have equal protection under the law. They cannot file a federal married tax return, they are not entitled to spousal Social Security death benefits, and a whole raft of other privileges extended to other married people are denied to them.

So this is a civil rights issues EXACTLY like interracial marriage. Bigots like you used to whine about marriage being redefined for interracial couples, too. "Marriage has always between two people of the same race!!!"

And just like you, your bigoted predecessors were unable to provide a rational reason for why that should be so. "We've always done it that way" is a stupid reason for perpetuating discrimination. Since the bigots could not provide a rational reason for why that discrimination should be continued, marriage benefits under the law had to be extended to interracial marriages just as they will have to be provided to gay marriages.

There is no difference.


I've said it a hundred times on this board, I couldn't care LESS if gays 'get married'. I think they should get the exact same benefits any other married couple gets, taxes, benefits, rights, the whole shooting match.

But if you think gays are not in our schools trying to 'proselytize', teaching prepubescent kids that gay sex is 'normal', you haven't looked at the curriculum in California lately.

By all means, show us EXACTLY what they are teaching. I happen to have pre-pubescent children in CA public schools so I'm interested to see how hyperbole matches reality.

Whatever I post will be ridiculed by you because you and I have different definitions of the word 'normal'. To me, "Heather has Two Mommies" is NOT normal, but then again neither are you.

To you, OTOH, it is COMPLETELY normal.
More hate and bigotry from the far right, but that's not to anyone's surprise.

A right wing anti-gay hate group is furious at Ryan for remarks during a recent even that he was against bringing back DADT.

Keep up the good work right wingers :clap2: :eusa_hand:

‘Kvetch and Retreat’: Paul Ryan

Hmm, the protesters are angry at Ryan and you're still going to bash everyone. I guess Obama is the only one who "evolves" under pressure. Yea, right.
My bunny brings me chocolate every Easter. That is all the proof I need!!!!

When did God save your life?

Which time?

Any time? I assume that during these times you did not require medical assistance, because if you did, your life would have been saved by the doctor who treated you, not a God.

Surprisingly enough, in these instances your assumption would be correct.

20 years ago I went through a very painful divorce, and while in a drug and alcohol induced state I tried to kill myself by jumping off a 5th floor parking deck. I was physically pulled back from my demise by Divine Intervention.

10 years ago I was driving a severely overloaded truck and trailer through a massive thunderstorm and lost control of the vehicle. Nothing I did regained control, and as I headed for a bridge rail and a 100 ft plummet God Himself straightened out that truck and trailer about 5 feet before I went over the edge.

There have been a couple other instances but those 2 kind of stand out.
And the issue is those rights aren’t being acknowledged by the state; and in some cases states have gone so far as to amend their constitutions or enact measure designed to single out and exclude same-sex couples from marriage law, clearly in violation of the 14th Amendment.

“A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.”

The issue is that there is no such thing as gay "marriage". Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, period.

My marriage license from the state of CA disagrees with you.

As does mine.

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