Right Wing Anti-Gay Hate Group Furious At Ryan's Remarks Not To Bring Back DADT

I wouldn't use the Framer's intent as an argument for gay "marriage", as the Framers never would have even considered two men or two woman living together as a couple anything but sinful and deviant behavior. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and like so many fail to admit, right NOW, the gays have the same EXACT rights as EVERYONE else in this nation when it comes to marriage. They are not happy with having equal protection, they wish to make their deviant relationships a special category. They want eveyone to recognize their lifestyle as natural, normal and acceptable, and many of us will never think that way. As a business owner I will be forced to accept gay marriage inspite of my personal religous beliefs that condemn it so to say it has no effect on me is a lie.

With the exception of your personal repulsion towards gays, their marriage has no impact on you or your business. Nobody is forcing you to accept gays, what they are doing is stopping you from forcing your personal views on the government

The 14th amendment does apply to gays and they don't have the same rights as you do. You can marry the person you love and they can't

Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.

Incorrect, in Perry v. Brown, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause:

Prior to November 4, 2008, the California Constitution guaranteed the right to marry to opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples alike. On that day, the People of California adopted Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. We consider whether that amendment violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. We conclude that it does.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog: Opinion Analysis: Ninth Circuit in Perry v. Brown, the Prop 8 case
Yes............a gay man can marry a female and have it recognized as a legal marriage.

But..........in our Constitution, it promises us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By not allowing someone to marry who they LOVE, that kinda craps all over the pursuit of happiness thing. Can a gay man love a straight woman? Dunno. But, I do know that if the gay male was able to marry another gay male that they DID love, they'd be happier. Drinking and driving makes many happy, denying them that right kinda craps all over the whole pursuit of happiness thing. Going to prostitutes makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Shooting dope in thier veins makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Driving well above the speed limit makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Marrying a twelve year old kid makes some sick scrotes happy, denying them that right sorta craps all over that whole pursuit of happiness thing. I could go on and on and on. That pursuit of happiness thing is meaningless. A

s far as the whole choice or born that way debate? Yes, while some people may make a choice to try it, scientists have proven that sexuality and who you're attracted to has more to do with the structure and wiring of the brain more than anything else. Really? because studies I have seen, done by some of the most pro-homosexual researchers around and written up in some of the most pro-homosexual sources available cannot say that definitively and have to concede it may be a combination of birth and upbringing, yet they have been unable to find any sceintific proof of the whole birth thing.
What makes people gay? Biologists may never get a complete answer to that question, but researchers in Sweden have found one more sign that the answer lies in the structure of the brain.

Scientists at the Karolinska Institute studied brain scans of 90 gay and straight men and women, and found that the size of the two symmetrical halves of the brains of gay men more closely resembled those of straight women than they did straight men. In heterosexual women, the two halves of the brain are more or less the same size. In heterosexual men, the right hemisphere is slightly larger. Scans of the brains of gay men in the study, however, showed that their hemispheres were relatively symmetrical, like those of straight women, while the brains of homosexual women were asymmetrical like those of straight men. The number of nerves connecting the two sides of the brains of gay men were also more like the number in heterosexual women than in straight men.

Just what these brain differences mean is still not clear. Ever since 1991, when Simon LeVay first documented differences in the hypothalamus of gay and straight men, researchers have been struggling to understand what causes these differences to occur. Until now, the brain regions that scientists have come to believe play a role in sexual orientation have been related to either reproduction or sexuality. The Swedish study, however, is the first to find differences in parts of the brain not normally involved in reproduction — the denser network of nerve connections, for example, was found in the amygdala, known as the emotional center of the brain. "The big question has always been, if the brains of gay men are different, or feminized, as earlier research suggests," says Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of human genetics at University of California Los Angeles, "then is it just limited to sexual preference or are there other regions that are gender atypical in gay males? For the first time, in this study it looks like there are regions of the brain not directly involved in sexuality that seem to be feminized in gay males." so again, speculation, nothing definitive. I can give you studies that support the theory that it is largely due to enviroment and upbringing

Read more: What the Gay Brain Looks Like - TIME

And then................there's the whole religious thing about being gay. Here's some information from a scholar site called Sacred Texts Archive. It's a place on the 'net where various scholars combine their views on different things. And..........it's not allowed to be included on this site unless proper scholarly research has been done.

Did you know?

* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality. Jesus condemend ALL sexual immoratity, and considering the fact that homosexuality is considered an abomination, I would have to consider it immoral don't you think?
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers. Lol, this isn't even close to the facts as Jude tells that it was destroyed due to immorality, adn that immorality was sexual in nature. This is a bs argument from sodomite "scholars" that has been debunked by every Christian bible scholar on the earth. Jude 7 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. One only need to look to the bible to find what "going after strange flesh signifies.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage. The bible never condemns many things by name, but that doesn't mean the bible supports such things. If sex between two members of the same gender is called, unnatural, immoral and an abomionation deserving of death in civil laws and damnation at the judgment, and to be married in the bible means egaging in seuxal union, the ban on same sex marriage is implied to any but the most Godless of humans.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union. More sodomite promoting bs from Godless heathens that is nowhere supported by anything in the Scriptures
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality. Of course they don't. Hinduism, and all other false religions serve the same master as those that promote homosexual marriage, the devil.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals. So is eating their own feces, have at it..

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home
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With the exception of your personal repulsion towards gays, their marriage has no impact on you or your business. Nobody is forcing you to accept gays, what they are doing is stopping you from forcing your personal views on the government

The 14th amendment does apply to gays and they don't have the same rights as you do. You can marry the person you love and they can't

Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.

Incorrect, in Perry v. Brown, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause:

Prior to November 4, 2008, the California Constitution guaranteed the right to marry to opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples alike. On that day, the People of California adopted Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. We consider whether that amendment violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. We conclude that it does.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog: Opinion Analysis: Ninth Circuit in Perry v. Brown, the Prop 8 case

The 9th circuit court is a joke and has had their decisions overturned more than any other appeals court in our history.
So you think guys should be drilling each other in the military? WTF is wrong with you people.

Make Love Not War !

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Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.

Incorrect, in Perry v. Brown, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause:

Prior to November 4, 2008, the California Constitution guaranteed the right to marry to opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples alike. On that day, the People of California adopted Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. We consider whether that amendment violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. We conclude that it does.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog: Opinion Analysis: Ninth Circuit in Perry v. Brown, the Prop 8 case

The 9th circuit court is a joke and has had their decisions overturned more than any other appeals court in our history.

Has that decision been overturned?
Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.

Incorrect, in Perry v. Brown, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause:

Prior to November 4, 2008, the California Constitution guaranteed the right to marry to opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples alike. On that day, the People of California adopted Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. We consider whether that amendment violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. We conclude that it does.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog: Opinion Analysis: Ninth Circuit in Perry v. Brown, the Prop 8 case

The 9th circuit court is a joke and has had their decisions overturned more than any other appeals court in our history.

The 9th Circuit hears more cases than any other. DOMA is being ruled unconstitutional all over the country and not just with the 9th Circuit. Deflection fail.
Yes............a gay man can marry a female and have it recognized as a legal marriage.

But..........in our Constitution, it promises us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By not allowing someone to marry who they LOVE, that kinda craps all over the pursuit of happiness thing. Can a gay man love a straight woman? Dunno. But, I do know that if the gay male was able to marry another gay male that they DID love, they'd be happier.
Drinking and driving makes many happy, denying them that right kinda craps all over the whole pursuit of happiness thing. Going to prostitutes makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Shooting dope in thier veins makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Driving well above the speed limit makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Marrying a twelve year old kid makes some sick scrotes happy, denying them that right sorta craps all over that whole pursuit of happiness thing. I could go on and on and on. That pursuit of happiness thing is meaningless.

And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.


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Wrong on just about every point. Let's start with their marriage having no impact on me or my business. If I inadvertantly hire a homosexual, and it would have to be inadvertantly because I would never hire one intentionally, and they decide to get married, I will then have to offer the same exact benefits to their "spouse" as I do to my other married employees, and to do so violates my religous beliefs, so I would have to stop the benefits to ALL my employees rather than go against my religous beliefs, therefore it does effect me and my business. Your second point, I never said the 14th amendment did not apply to homosexuals, I said it didn't apply to the arguments for their right to marry because they are not excluded from marrying right now. And lastly, no, I cannot marry anone I love, nor can you, nor can anyone else in the land. You can marry anyone you love who will take you, but if the one that you love doesn't love you you have no right to marry them, which is why 1,000's of guys a day get their hearts broken.

Incorrect, in Perry v. Brown, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause:

Prior to November 4, 2008, the California Constitution guaranteed the right to marry to opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples alike. On that day, the People of California adopted Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. We consider whether that amendment violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. We conclude that it does.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog: Opinion Analysis: Ninth Circuit in Perry v. Brown, the Prop 8 case

The 9th circuit court is a joke and has had their decisions overturned more than any other appeals court in our history.

Proving that without any doubt that the Supreme Court IS NOT liberal.
So when the Supreme Court makes rulings they are NOT liberal?
Yes............a gay man can marry a female and have it recognized as a legal marriage.

But..........in our Constitution, it promises us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By not allowing someone to marry who they LOVE, that kinda craps all over the pursuit of happiness thing. Can a gay man love a straight woman? Dunno. But, I do know that if the gay male was able to marry another gay male that they DID love, they'd be happier.
Drinking and driving makes many happy, denying them that right kinda craps all over the whole pursuit of happiness thing. Going to prostitutes makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Shooting dope in thier veins makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Driving well above the speed limit makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Marrying a twelve year old kid makes some sick scrotes happy, denying them that right sorta craps all over that whole pursuit of happiness thing. I could go on and on and on. That pursuit of happiness thing is meaningless.

And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.



Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.
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Drinking and driving makes many happy, denying them that right kinda craps all over the whole pursuit of happiness thing. Going to prostitutes makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Shooting dope in thier veins makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Driving well above the speed limit makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Marrying a twelve year old kid makes some sick scrotes happy, denying them that right sorta craps all over that whole pursuit of happiness thing. I could go on and on and on. That pursuit of happiness thing is meaningless.

And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.



Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

Then why did you equate illegal acts with two non-familial tax paying citizens having the right to legally marry each other?
And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.



Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

Then why did you equate illegal acts with two non-familial tax paying citizens having the right to legally marry each other?

Because he's a bigoted idiot who bitterly clings to the dogma that they've been taught.

But, what else do you expect from a close minded asshole?
Drinking and driving makes many happy, denying them that right kinda craps all over the whole pursuit of happiness thing. Going to prostitutes makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Shooting dope in thier veins makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Driving well above the speed limit makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Marrying a twelve year old kid makes some sick scrotes happy, denying them that right sorta craps all over that whole pursuit of happiness thing. I could go on and on and on. That pursuit of happiness thing is meaningless.

And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.



Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

On the subject of the 14th Amendment you demonstrated ignorance. And now on the matter of the pursuit of happiness, you again show your unfamiliarity of some of the more significant principles of our nation. The pursuit of happiness is not about achieving some passing joy. You really should study our nation's precepts more deeply.

And you most certainly did attempt to equate harmful behaviors with gay marriage. That is because you have an irrational hatred of gays.

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Drinking and driving makes many happy, denying them that right kinda craps all over the whole pursuit of happiness thing. Going to prostitutes makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Shooting dope in thier veins makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Driving well above the speed limit makes many happy, denying them that right sorta craps on that whole pursuit of happiness thing. Marrying a twelve year old kid makes some sick scrotes happy, denying them that right sorta craps all over that whole pursuit of happiness thing. I could go on and on and on. That pursuit of happiness thing is meaningless.

And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.



Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

Your right to swing your arm if it makes you happy stops at my right to not be hit by your arm.......now, tell us how our homosexuality harms you.
And there it is. It never fails that gay bashers like you attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia. You just can't stop yourselves. It is pathological.

This is the slippery slope fallacy.

You see, because you cannot prove that homosexuality impinges on anyone's rights you have to find a behavior that DOES impinge on someone else's rights and attempt to make it morally equivalent to homosexuality.

It is a bogus and transparent tactic.

Pedophilia harms children. Homosexuality harms no one.



Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

Then why did you equate illegal acts with two non-familial tax paying citizens having the right to legally marry each other?

Trouble reading? I was addressing the poster's comments that the Constitution's right to pursue happiness was a good reason to allow homosexual marriage because to deny it would deny their right to pursue happiness. I was pointing out the absudity of that argument because there are many instances when you are not allowed to pursue happiness in this nation, therefore it is not really a right.
Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

Then why did you equate illegal acts with two non-familial tax paying citizens having the right to legally marry each other?

Trouble reading? I was addressing the poster's comments that the Constitution's right to pursue happiness was a good reason to allow homosexual marriage because to deny it would deny their right to pursue happiness. I was pointing out the absudity of that argument because there are many instances when you are not allowed to pursue happiness in this nation, therefore it is not really a right.

But you equated them with illegal acts so your "argument" failed on all levels.

Marriage is, according to the SCOTUS, a fundamental right. In order to deny a fundamental right, you must demonstrate a societal harm in allowing it. Go!
I know the easter bunny exists, too. I don't have to prove his existence, because he proved his existence to me.

See how retarded that sounds?

I see how retarded that makes you sound, buit I don't see any correlation between your nonsense and a person's knowledge of the God they serve.

But you can't prove God exists anymore than I can prove the Easter bunny exists.


Any time? I assume that during these times you did not require medical assistance, because if you did, your life would have been saved by the doctor who treated you, not a God.

Surprisingly enough, in these instances your assumption would be correct.

20 years ago I went through a very painful divorce, and while in a drug and alcohol induced state I tried to kill myself by jumping off a 5th floor parking deck. I was physically pulled back from my demise by Divine Intervention.

10 years ago I was driving a severely overloaded truck and trailer through a massive thunderstorm and lost control of the vehicle. Nothing I did regained control, and as I headed for a bridge rail and a 100 ft plummet God Himself straightened out that truck and trailer about 5 feet before I went over the edge.

There have been a couple other instances but those 2 kind of stand out.

The first instance, you straightened yourself out and realised there was more to life. That wasn't God, that was your own conscience.
Second instance, you regained control of the car just at the last moment. Not God.

You can claim it was God doing these things, but it wasn't.

First instance I was physically beyond the point that I could save myself, gravity had already taken hold.

Second instance my hands were completely off the wheel as I was ducking down to the floorboards to try and protect myself from the impending crash.

In both cases I was beyond being able to do ANYTHING, and in both cases there was no other human around that could 'save' me.

God is real, and He loves us ALL. Invite Him into your life and see for yourself.
Piss off slick. My statement had nothing to do with any correlation between child molesting scum and homosexuality in general. I KNOW that except for a small number of child molesting low life homosexuals, the vast, vast, vast, majority of homosexuals detest child molestors as much as everyone else, so no, this has nothing to do with any argument against homosexual marriage. It is EXACTLY what it says, an argument against the nonsense that the pursuit of happiness has anything to do with gay marriage or anything to do with anyone not having their pursuit of happines infirnged upon by the govt and the law. Get a grip dude, according to your logic I also think speeding is the moral equivalent to homosexuality, or that doing drugs in the moral equivalent to it, which is not the case at all.

Then why did you equate illegal acts with two non-familial tax paying citizens having the right to legally marry each other?

Because he's a bigoted idiot who bitterly clings to the dogma that they've been taught.

But, what else do you expect from a close minded asshole?

Lol, not much a stretch to see a Sailor defending the legalization of homosexual marriage, lol.
No...you wised up.

Did you see a giant hand?

Actually it sounds like the Easter Bunny saved you.

One thing I know for sure is that it wasn't the Easter Bunny that put the huge bruise on my shoulder when I was pulled back from my 'flying lesson', and it wasn't anything I did in that truck that turned it 30 degrees and kept it from going off of that bridge.

Scoff all you want, I was tempted not to answer the question truthfully just to avoid your ignorant derision, but I decided that I was bigger than whatever childish insult that could be hurled at me. That's the way God made me, I guess.

And that's the thing about God and His relationship with us, it's PERSONAL.

IOW, you can't vicariously experience it through another person's words/descriptions, it has to be understood on a much deeper level. I am confident to the point of cockiness in the fact of God's existence, power and love for ALL of us. Even those of us that purposefully do things to piss Him off.

How do you know your god is a HE?

The Scriptures call Him 'Father'...
You shall reap what you sow.

HIV/AIDS - Gay and Bisexual Men's Healthwww.cdc.gov/msmhealth/HIV.htmCached[/URL] - Similar
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The rise in HIV incidence among young adults was fueled by a 34 percent increase in HIV infections among young gay and bisexual men. ... Correct and consistent use of the male latex condom is highly effective in reducing HIV transmission.
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