Right-Wing Bergdahl Flip Flop is All About Obama

I find this idiocy from the left truly amusing and pathetic given some of the crap they said about Chris Kyle who did serve with Honor and Distinction when compared with Bowe Bergdahl who did not.
It would be difficult to execute a traitor who had been left in the hands of the enemy.

Logic enough to "bring him home".
Bill Whittle explains this issue clearly and with passion.....lefties beware...he makes you look like morons....

Bill Whittle American Deserter Truth Revolt

Six men, however, were left behind, and their names are, from left to right and top to bottom:

SSG Michael Murphrey, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Matthew Martinek, 2LT Darryn Andrews and SSG Kurt Curtiss.


I am asking you to stop reading for a moment – just stop reading, and don’t just glance at that composite picture of these men’s faces. Just stop for a moment, and look at them, as I did, and realize that the mothers and fathers of these six men did not get to stand in glory next to Barack Obama at the White House, or walk arm-in-arm with him down the portico. Those parents suffered – they suffer today and will suffer for every day of their lives – because Bowe Bergdhal thought the Afghan deployment was lame and walked off towards the mountains. Those parents are suffering today because when Bowe Bergdhal took his walk, they – and many, many others – were sent to look for him. And they were killed, while Bowe Bergdahl lived, because while they too probably thought the deployment was lame they stayed and did their duty to their unit, their Army, their parents, their country, it’s President and most of all they fulfilled their duty to themselves.

Once Bergdahl had been repatriated, and the rumors of his desertion started to gain traction, we were told by the President’s Press Secretary how Bergdahl had served with distinction. This was a lie, and they knew it was a lie. Recently, Bergdahl’s platoon mate, Jordan Vaugh, told Fox News on camera how they had been sent out no less than fifty times trying to rescue this deserter, not only putting even more men at risk but seriously disrupting the tempo of offensive operations. He told about the disbelief and disgust at being forced to sign non-disclosure agreements in the wake of the controversy. He told about the shock and dismay and destruction of morale caused by the repeated attempts to risk his life, and those of his fellow soldiers, to recover this deserter and the shame he felt, not at America’s mission in Afghanistan but rather at the cover-up being pushed onto him and his fellow soldiers by the Obama administration.
We were kept from knowing the truth about this guy by an America hating President obsessed with letting prisoners at Gitmo free....no matter who they were, how many innocent Americans they butchered, or how dangerous they still are.....

so...sell your crap to your lefty friends.....the truth outs you as jerks and fools.....
You all leave that poor poor Obama alone

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. the left has become so desperate. they are turning everything into some major outrage. from a law in a state now to this idiot who is a deserter.
The Internet is not kind to lefties...that is why they took control of it.....
I find this idiocy from the left truly amusing and pathetic given some of the crap they said about Chris Kyle who did serve with Honor and Distinction when compared with Bowe Bergdahl who did not.
That is the real rub. So much hate for Kyle who served in honor. So much love for a deserter that was exchanged for FIVE Taliban brass.

I find this idiocy from the left truly amusing and pathetic given some of the crap they said about Chris Kyle who did serve with Honor and Distinction when compared with Bowe Bergdahl who did not.
That is the real rub. So much hate for Kyle who served in honor. So much love for a deserter that was exchanged for FIVE Taliban brass.


actually...let's call them what they are because it shows what obama did....they are Taliban monsters who butcher innocent men, women and children and who are going to go back to doing it now that they are free....the blood,of the people they now kill will stain obama....
Actually it is a good study in liberals love hate for the military.

Conservatives make heros out of our men and women in uniform, that is why when someone like Bergdahl comes around it makes the service look bad thus conservatives don't like it.

On the other hand liberals hate those who do what they would not and serve in the military. Thus when someone like Bergdahl comes around they say he severed with honor and distinction.

That is pretty much what Obama has done, which is separate from what Bergdahl did.

Oh, that's such bullshit.

Kerry served; Bush did not.

A President at the time with actual military service would have served us better than what we ended up with, which is America's biggest foreign policy fuck-up in Iraq by chickenhawks who didn't know shit.
bush served in the Air Guard as a Pilot......

and the fuck up was leaving Iraq...we should still be there in enough nip umbels that we could have kept it peaceful...and then supplied moderates in Iran with resources to over throw the nut jobs.....

Kerry is an idiot....
Actually it is a good study in liberals love hate for the military.

Conservatives make heros out of our men and women in uniform, that is why when someone like Bergdahl comes around it makes the service look bad thus conservatives don't like it.

On the other hand liberals hate those who do what they would not and serve in the military. Thus when someone like Bergdahl comes around they say he severed with honor and distinction.

That is pretty much what Obama has done, which is separate from what Bergdahl did.

Oh, that's such bullshit.

Kerry served; Bush did not.

A President at the time with actual military service would have served us better than what we ended up with, which is America's biggest foreign policy fuck-up in Iraq by chickenhawks who didn't know shit.

that a lie. Bush did serve. when did Obama serve anyone or anything but himself.

and yet you still support all them Democrats who voted for the Iraq war. how funny no blame on them
Gary Sinise: Obama Regime Must Explain The #Bergdahl Trade Immediately

Gary Sinise, such a friend of veterans and the military, such a good man. But Obama doesn’t think he owes anyone an explanation for anything.

Via The Blaze:

After the U.S. Army announced Bowe Bergdahl would be charged with desertion on Wednesday, actor Gary Sinise said the Obama administration “must explain” the controversial Bergdahl trade that set five Taliban commanders free.

More importantly, he said the administration owes an explanation to the family members of soldiers who lose their lives searching for him. Members of Bergdahl’s platoon have claimed that “soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down.”

ALL of it here:
Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers
Holy shit. I fucking hate liberals.

You aren't a lone ranger dear. What's worse is these Obot cult followers. they'll use anything (like a law in some state) and anyone (like this frikken deserter) to put down anyone who criticizes their, Obama
Another Obama Disgrace: Trading Enemy Scum for a Deserter. Why Believe Another Word He Says?
March 26th, 2015 - 9:29 am

Lemme see your warface

Tom Bevan at RealClearPolitics has a devastating indictment of the Coward-in-Chief and his deliberate thumb in the eye to the honor of the American military:

Travel back with me, dear reader, to a magical and sunny time. It was only 10 months ago, on a glorious June morning when President Obama called the White House press corps together in the Rose Garden. There, our smiling president proudly announced that the United States had secured the release of an American serviceman held captive in Afghanistan for five years.

Flanked by the grateful parents of returning Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the president lauded his administration’s “ironclad commitment to bring our prisoners of war home.” The soldier’s father, Bob Bergdahl, read a prayer; the young man’s mother, Jani, hugged the president. It was a story that could please all Americans: parenthood (quite properly) trumping partisanship.

Yet even as White House image-makers touted the picture of a concerned commander-in-chief looking out for the troops, a nagging bit of foreshadowing interjected itself into the narrative. For starters, the senior Bergdahl’s prayer was delivered in Arabic and began with a blessing from the Koran. While his son was in captivity Bob Bergdahl had grown his hair and beard long, Taliban-style, and now he also sprinkled his remarks from the White House lectern with a few words of Pashto, the language of Bowe Bergdahl’s captors.

Imagine that: just over a decade after the atrocity of Sept. 11 — the Koran is being read aloud from the White House Rose Garden. Let that sink in: the Koran, the enemy’s “sacred” text and how-to manual.It would have been as if Henry Morgenthau had read excerpts of Mein Kampf from the FDR White House during World War II. Of course, it is, for the moment, Barry Hussein’s residence, so perhaps our part-Arab, disgracefully Islamophilic president was just following his heart.

ALL of it here:
Another Obama Disgrace Trading Enemy Scum for a Deserter. Why Believe Another Word He Says Unexamined Premises
Talk about flip flop....
Now when asked if Bergdahl is still considered to have served with "honor and distinction" the WH press secretary doesn't give an answer....
Aren't they proud of their guy anymore?

Yet another inane, distorted liberal OP. It's just amazing the way you folks ignore facts and logic.

One, at first we knew little about the circumstances of Bergdahl's disappearance and conduct thereafter.

Two, as soon as evidence began to surface that Bergdahl had deserted, which started happening a day or two after the deal was announced, conservatives began to condemn Obama's idiotic swap of Bergdahl for five high-ranking Taliban commanders.

Three, before Obama made this idiotic deal, the White House was aware of the concerns raised by Bergdahl's chain of command regarding his "disappearance." So the deal is all the more inexcusable and questionable.

Four, given all that we now know, and all that we know the White House knew at the time, this deal is all the more shameful, stupid, and borderline treasonous.
Bill Whittle explains this issue clearly and with passion.....lefties beware...he makes you look like morons....

Bill Whittle American Deserter Truth Revolt

Six men, however, were left behind, and their names are, from left to right and top to bottom:

SSG Michael Murphrey, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Matthew Martinek, 2LT Darryn Andrews and SSG Kurt Curtiss.


I am asking you to stop reading for a moment – just stop reading, and don’t just glance at that composite picture of these men’s faces. Just stop for a moment, and look at them, as I did, and realize that the mothers and fathers of these six men did not get to stand in glory next to Barack Obama at the White House, or walk arm-in-arm with him down the portico. Those parents suffered – they suffer today and will suffer for every day of their lives – because Bowe Bergdhal thought the Afghan deployment was lame and walked off towards the mountains. Those parents are suffering today because when Bowe Bergdhal took his walk, they – and many, many others – were sent to look for him. And they were killed, while Bowe Bergdahl lived, because while they too probably thought the deployment was lame they stayed and did their duty to their unit, their Army, their parents, their country, it’s President and most of all they fulfilled their duty to themselves.

Once Bergdahl had been repatriated, and the rumors of his desertion started to gain traction, we were told by the President’s Press Secretary how Bergdahl had served with distinction. This was a lie, and they knew it was a lie. Recently, Bergdahl’s platoon mate, Jordan Vaugh, told Fox News on camera how they had been sent out no less than fifty times trying to rescue this deserter, not only putting even more men at risk but seriously disrupting the tempo of offensive operations. He told about the disbelief and disgust at being forced to sign non-disclosure agreements in the wake of the controversy. He told about the shock and dismay and destruction of morale caused by the repeated attempts to risk his life, and those of his fellow soldiers, to recover this deserter and the shame he felt, not at America’s mission in Afghanistan but rather at the cover-up being pushed onto him and his fellow soldiers by the Obama administration.

Actually Bill Whittle isn't what makes them look like morons.

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