Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamics - the same

doesn't that sound so forward folks?

label your fellow countrymen and women terrorist, radical fundamentalist, etc

These people are getting dangerous (and it's not Christians I'm talking about)

you need to wake up to this progressive movement... they are sounding more like what Hitler did with Jews

ALMOST all they listed is a downright LIE but you see, progressives feels it's ok to lie for their AGENDA..WAKE UP

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

-Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

-Jerry Falwell

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.

-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.

-Pat Robertson

Throw a turban and a beard on the likes of Robertson and Falwell and the US could be a zipcode of Islamistan.... I mean Christian'istan.

I don't believe Robertson is that admired by most Christians....you're wasting your breath. Christians and Muslims do NOT have anything in common. But if you enjoy lying about it.....go right ahead.

Extremists of all stripes, Christian, Muslim, atheist or Jew all have a great deal in common.
"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

-Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

-Jerry Falwell

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.

-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.

-Pat Robertson

Throw a turban and a beard on the likes of Robertson and Falwell and the US could be a zipcode of Islamistan.... I mean Christian'istan.

I don't believe Robertson is that admired by most Christians....you're wasting your breath. Christians and Muslims do NOT have anything in common. But if you enjoy lying about it.....go right ahead.

Extremists of all stripes, Christian, Muslim, atheist or Jew all have a great deal in common.

Maybe the "extremists".....but according to most atheists we are all extremists.
What saddens me is those who call themselves Christians who don't even accept the central teachings of Christ...let alone follow them, including:
Tolerance of differences among people
"Love thy neighbor as thyself"
"Turn the other cheek"
"Love thine enemy"
Caring for the infirm, the ill and the poor.
"Judge ye not least ye be judged"

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I have tolerance for ALL people no matter what their way of life is like. I'm friends with all types of people. It doesn't mean I have to promote the way they live. And as friends, they understand that.

Love thy Neighbor as thyself? Now that one can be tough! :) We're human too....

Turn the other cheek.....yes, that's also tough. I don't think God wanted us to sit by and get the crap beat out of us, or sit by and let someone ruin our lives. There is a limit.

Love Thine Enemy....there's that saying, kill them with kindness. I've found this gets to them more than anything could.

Caring for infirm, ill & poor....that one is a lie. Christians do more for them than any other.

Judge ye not.....yes, we aren't to judge. But, we are to be discerning. We are not to judge in a way that says we are any better, but we are to observe and make decisions whether another person is who we should associate with.

The problem is, atheists see these statements but don't look into their real meaning.
I don't believe Robertson is that admired by most Christians....you're wasting your breath. Christians and Muslims do NOT have anything in common. But if you enjoy lying about it.....go right ahead.

Extremists of all stripes, Christian, Muslim, atheist or Jew all have a great deal in common.

Maybe the "extremists".....but according to most atheists we are all extremists.

My experience with atheists simply doesn't support your statement.
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)

If that is what Libbies like you think, more power to ya. That is one of the most ignorant statements ever said.
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)

If that is what Libbies like you think, more power to ya. That is one of the most ignorant statements ever said.

Where does it not conform to your own beliefs?
Extremists of all stripes, Christian, Muslim, atheist or Jew all have a great deal in common.

Maybe the "extremists".....but according to most atheists we are all extremists.

My experience with atheists simply doesn't support your statement.

Our experience with Christians doesn't support the statements you have made about them in the past either, Bruce. So perhaps that will help you understand the importance of understanding this isn't a one way street here.
doesn't that sound so forward folks?

label your fellow countrymen and women terrorist, radical fundamentalist, etc

These people are getting dangerous (and it's not Christians I'm talking about)

you need to wake up to this progressive movement... they are sounding more like what Hitler did with Jews

ALMOST all they listed is a downright LIE but you see, progressives feels it's ok to lie for their AGENDA..WAKE UP

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

-Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

-Jerry Falwell

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.

-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.

-Pat Robertson

Throw a turban and a beard on the likes of Robertson and Falwell and the US could be a zipcode of Islamistan.... I mean Christian'istan.

I don't believe Robertson is that admired by most Christians....you're wasting your breath. Christians and Muslims do NOT have anything in common. But if you enjoy lying about it.....go right ahead.

Pat Robertson has enough cult followers to make him as dangerous as Jerry Falwell and a few other of the more excitable extremists.

You didn’t explain what I lied about so I’ll take your comment as deriving from hurt feelings as opposed to any actual slight. You seem a bit perplexed as to the ultimate goal of the Falwell / Robertson types even though they spell out their agenda in terms difficult to miss.
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)

If that is what Libbies like you think, more power to ya. That is one of the most ignorant statements ever said.

Where does it not conform to your own beliefs?

"They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same"

I am talking about this statement. They are not even remotely the same.
What saddens me is those who call themselves Christians who don't even accept the central teachings of Christ...let alone follow them, including:
Tolerance of differences among people
"Love thy neighbor as thyself"
"Turn the other cheek"
"Love thine enemy"
Caring for the infirm, the ill and the poor.
"Judge ye not least ye be judged"

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I have tolerance for ALL people no matter what their way of life is like. I'm friends with all types of people. It doesn't mean I have to promote the way they live. And as friends, they understand that.

Love thy Neighbor as thyself? Now that one can be tough! :) We're human too....

Turn the other cheek.....yes, that's also tough. I don't think God wanted us to sit by and get the crap beat out of us, or sit by and let someone ruin our lives. There is a limit.

Love Thine Enemy....there's that saying, kill them with kindness. I've found this gets to them more than anything could.

Caring for infirm, ill & poor....that one is a lie. Christians do more for them than any other.

Judge ye not.....yes, we aren't to judge. But, we are to be discerning. We are not to judge in a way that says we are any better, but we are to observe and make decisions whether another person is who we should associate with.

The problem is, atheists see these statements but don't look into their real meaning.

Oh yeah, those Atheists. The problem is, Christians copy slogans from their holy books without any real intention of abiding by the context.

But that's not the least bit judgmental from one who has tolerance for ALL people.
Maybe the "extremists".....but according to most atheists we are all extremists.

My experience with atheists simply doesn't support your statement.

Our experience with Christians doesn't support the statements you have made about them in the past either, Bruce. So perhaps that will help you understand the importance of understanding this isn't a one way street here.

Any disagreement with what I said?
Extremists of all stripes, Christian, Muslim, atheist or Jew all have a great deal in common.

Maybe the "extremists".....but according to most atheists we are all extremists.

My experience with atheists simply doesn't support your statement.

Nor mine.

Real Christians don't object to any of the list in the OP. Fundies - of all religions - do.

And, the atheists I know don't even give much thought to christians one way or the other. Atheists disagree with their beliefs but as long as they don't try to force those beliefs on our govt, our schools or on us, who cares? Some christians don't feel that way about others but others do.

Live and let live and don't try to take people's rights away just because you disagree with their lifestyle.
Sure luds. You're a liar and a totalitarian, so nobody believes anything you say.

You paint those who speak up for freedom, liberty, and who identify as Christian, as *criminals* because it is your desire to shut them up, lock them up, and kill them.
"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

-Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

-Jerry Falwell

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.

-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.

-Pat Robertson

Throw a turban and a beard on the likes of Robertson and Falwell and the US could be a zipcode of Islamistan.... I mean Christian'istan.

I don't believe Robertson is that admired by most Christians....you're wasting your breath. Christians and Muslims do NOT have anything in common. But if you enjoy lying about it.....go right ahead.

Extremists of all stripes, Christian, Muslim, atheist or Jew all have a great deal in common.

Why leave leftists out of your post, they're the worst of all, they cause millions of deaths when they take power and attempt to force their views on the rest of the world. No other group has exceeded the damage done to human kind than leftists have. :eusa_whistle:
What saddens me is those who call themselves Christians who don't even accept the central teachings of Christ...let alone follow them, including:
Tolerance of differences among people
"Love thy neighbor as thyself"
"Turn the other cheek"
"Love thine enemy"
Caring for the infirm, the ill and the poor.
"Judge ye not least ye be judged"

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I have tolerance for ALL people no matter what their way of life is like. I'm friends with all types of people. It doesn't mean I have to promote the way they live. And as friends, they understand that.

Love thy Neighbor as thyself? Now that one can be tough! :) We're human too....

Turn the other cheek.....yes, that's also tough. I don't think God wanted us to sit by and get the crap beat out of us, or sit by and let someone ruin our lives. There is a limit.

Love Thine Enemy....there's that saying, kill them with kindness. I've found this gets to them more than anything could.

Caring for infirm, ill & poor....that one is a lie. Christians do more for them than any other.

Judge ye not.....yes, we aren't to judge. But, we are to be discerning. We are not to judge in a way that says we are any better, but we are to observe and make decisions whether another person is who we should associate with.

The problem is, atheists see these statements but don't look into their real meaning.

Oh yeah, those Atheists. The problem is, Christians copy slogans from their holy books without any real intention of abiding by the context.

But that's not the least bit judgmental from one who has tolerance for ALL people.

Yeah, you display your 'tolerance' with every post you make. :lol:
Maybe the "extremists".....but according to most atheists we are all extremists.

My experience with atheists simply doesn't support your statement.

Nor mine.

Real Christians don't object to any of the list in the OP. Fundies - of all religions - do.

And, the atheists I know don't even give much thought to christians one way or the other. Atheists disagree with their beliefs but as long as they don't try to force those beliefs on our govt, our schools or on us, who cares? Some christians don't feel that way about others but others do.

Live and let live and don't try to take people's rights away just because you disagree with their lifestyle.

You post that garbage then sit and preach to us about Christians
live and let live huh, then why don't you keep your noses out of our second amendment rights...or not be forced to bake cakes for someone, or if people want a ban on abortions after 20 weeks, and we could go on and on
These kinds of comparisons are pretty silly.

At this point in time, radical Islamics are responsible for a large portion of the terrorist acts around the world. Right wing Christians are a fairly large portion of this country's population and certainly not especially comparable.

Even if you go with the extremists, right now Islam seems to have the greatest penchant for violent acts from the more extreme followers.

I am not and have never been Christian. I dislike religion of all stripes. I'd venture to guess I have been more outwardly anti-Christian than almost any poster here. That said, I would not try to compare modern day Christianity with radical Islam.

This is a poor attempt to demonize both Christians and US conservatives. The OP could at least have stuck to the truly radical Christians, the abortion clinic bombers or the like, rather than try and tie all right-wing Christians with radical Islam.
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)

Your running hard on beating out the board haters.When was the last time a fundamentalist,or pentecostal church,stages a terrorist attack??when was that,when was the last publicly declared war on the US spoken by a church representative?? When was that? Why do you hate others so much,why is that?

Joesph Gobbles would have love you.

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