Right wing Georgia Governor Kemp and DeSantis Call Out Trump's Shocking Kim Jong Un Congratulations!

The stupidity and insane mentality of those opposing a supposed Bogeyman joining a serious club for mankind's good .
Rather proves the Pence Haley theorem showing that two plus two does equal one hundred and seven .
So let me get this straight….the World Health Organization appoints North Korea to its ”executive board“….and they are upset that Trump said “congrats”?.

This is the organization all these globo-homos love praising. The organization that got everything wrong about COVID.

So are any of these homos going to demand that the W.H.O. be disbanded because they have this murderous regime on its executive board? No, they are just whining that Trump pointed it out.
Hey hypocrite. Now all of a sudden you don’t hate the World Health Organization because they hired your hero’s lover?

Makes me think your “globalists are evil!” act was just that. An act.
You don't know anything about WHO.

haha i know they are a chinese puppet that dropped the ball to protect china and mislead the public about the chinese virus, and they just elected a NK dictator

did they not cover that on their website yoi linked to?
haha i know they are a chinese puppet that dropped the ball to protect china and mislead the public about the chinese virus, and they just elected a NK dictator

did they not cover that on their website yoi linked to?

You're a weapons grade plum when it comes to comprehension. The WHO has been in Geneva since 1948.
LOL 'Right wing'.

Yeah, Gov Kemp is a "Left Wing CNN Big Spending Big Government Zionist 911 W Dominion Machines "Biden Republican" who loves The Taliban" - all of it.

The Georgia GOP is completely sabotaged, hasn't been recognizable since Newt was couped as Speaker. And Newt is the last Great Republican to hold office....
Trump playing nice with N Korea is a gift of legitimacy to them. Always has been. It seems he admires men who hold vast unaccountable personal power. This behavior does nothing to endear himself to anyone in the west but he does not seem to be able to help it.
Are you claiming Kim Jong Un isn’t the leader of North Korea?
It's just another small part of Trump's inexplicable refusal to criticize despots while continually insulting our allies.
First of all, what allies? Name one. We have no allies. We have protectorates who take our money and our military protection and then insult us.

Second of all, Trump understands how childish these dictators are, and avoids provoking them. This is the difference between a businessman and a politician. A businessman's goal is not to publically pwn those they negotiate with but to get what they want out of them.

By praising these manchildren, Trump makes it less likely that they will act out as nuclear powers. No, he doesn't get to draw applause by publicly excoriating them, but he does get to make the world safer.

For all the criticism of Trump praising Putin, Trump did not allow Russia to build a pipeline that he later had to blow up, nor did he stand idly by while Putin invaded Crimea and Ukraine. That was obama and biden who let those events happen.
Hey hypocrite. Now all of a sudden you don’t hate the World Health Organization because they hired your hero’s lover?

Makes me think your “globalists are evil!” act was just that. An act.
What? When have I ever praised the W.H.O.?

They are evil and NK is a prefect representation of them.

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