Right-wing nutjobs start harassing parents and families of the dead in Newtown

Your deliberately false contention that the Sandy Hook truthers are "right wing."

Many of the Chomsky crowd don't like Obama - even though they are Marxists.

And your contention, therefore, is that "Marxists" are rabid opponents of gun control?

The right to arms is just one of 10 guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Last I checked, the democrats wanted to revoke all of them.

That's because your definition of "the last time you checked" was when you last listened to some rabid radio talk-show-host.

So the Truthers claim that 9/11 was a hoax to revoke basic civil liberties such as the 4th amendment right to be secure in person and papers, and the right to be safe from unwarranted detention in secret government prisons.

Both of which are Left-Wing/Libertarian causes, that the Right-Wingers of the time seemed to care little to nothing about.

Where the truthers go off track, both with 9/11 and Sandy Hook is with causation. 9/11 went down pretty much like the government said. But that doesn't change the fact that it was used to revoke 4th amendment and habeas corpus. They mixed up cause and effect.

Same is true with Sandy Hook, the left and the corrupt state media have jumped on the tragedy in a full assault on civil liberties, seeking to destroy the second amendment. That doesn't mean Obama and his corrupt gang of filthy fucks at MSNBC, the NY Times, et al are the perpetrators, just that they are filthy opportunists who use tragedy in hopes of stripping constitutional rights from the people.

None of which changes the fact that the people who make up the crazy faction that believes Sandy Hook was manufactured are, by-and-large, right-wingers.

We can just use this board as an example.

All of the people on USMB who have made any claim about Sandy Hook being a hoax, are in fact self-identified right-wingers.

I refer you to "Paulitician's" thread on the subject, Here:


Please give me a single example of a "Left-Winger" on this board that has argued the same, and I will concede your point.
And of course NONE of that explains why people are calling the victims of this tragedy and harassing them.

Which was my initial point.
Hopefully Vast LWC is referring to a despicable, small, extreme right wing minority but given the fact he/she thinks anyone to the right of Senator Max Baucus is a radical wingnut.......... :dunno:

I am.

And I don't in fact think that most on the right are nuts.

I believe that most people on the right and the left are just trying to do what's right, as they see it.

But then you have the crazy extremists that do shit like this.
Why legitimize the crazy conspiracy and why blame it on the right wing? The 9-11 inside job conspiracy is promoted by the left wing and is still raging. Why print the name of a poor little victim on this forum? The initial post is sponsored by a left winger and the left is so hungry for a cause that they don't care about victims or tragedies or the US Constitution. Why did they call the Ft. Hood shooting a "workplace violence" incident? Some tragedies should be exploited and some tragedies should be kept low profile to protect the left wing jihad base even when the perp was a member of the Military and the victims were Soldiers.
and here the whole nation was thinking the real disgrace is liberals pussified immoral gun control posturing....
Hopefully Vast LWC is referring to a despicable, small, extreme right wing minority but given the fact he/she thinks anyone to the right of Senator Max Baucus is a radical wingnut.......... :dunno:

I am.

And I don't in fact think that most on the right are nuts.

I believe that most people on the right and the left are just trying to do what's right, as they see it.

But then you have the crazy extremists that do shit like this.
Sure looked like you were trying to score cheap political points......... But then isn't that what most here try to do..... :dunno:
My apologies if I misunderstood your intent.
Why legitimize the crazy conspiracy and why blame it on the right wing? The 9-11 inside job conspiracy is promoted by the left wing and is still raging. Why print the name of a poor little victim on this forum? The initial post is sponsored by a left winger and the left is so hungry for a cause that they don't care about victims or tragedies or the US Constitution. Why did they call the Ft. Hood shooting a "workplace violence" incident? Some tragedies should be exploited and some tragedies should be kept low profile to protect the left wing jihad base even when the perp was a member of the Military and the victims were Soldiers.

But, I'm not blaming it on the right-wing.

I'm blaming it on "right-wing nutjobs".

Group A (nut-jobs) being a subgroup of Group B (right-wingers).

With a separate, unrelated, subgroup of nut-jobs being a part of Group C (left-wingers).

The only thing I am expressing anger about in this thread is that a group of people are harassing the victims of this tragedy, which is disgusting.

I did not mention anything concerning the gun control debate at all. Just the horrible behavior of a specific group of individuals.
Sure looked like you were trying to score cheap political points......... But then isn't that what most here try to do..... :dunno:
My apologies if I misunderstood your intent.

Perhaps my wording could have been better.
But, I'm not blaming it on the right-wing.

I'm blaming it on "right-wing nutjobs".

Group A (nut-jobs) being a subgroup of Group B (right-wingers).

With a separate, unrelated, subgroup of nut-jobs being a part of Group C (left-wingers).

The only thing I am expressing anger about in this thread is that a group of people are harassing the victims of this tragedy, which is disgusting.

I did not mention anything concerning the gun control debate at all. Just the horrible behavior of a specific group of individuals.
I gotta hand it to you, man, you're knocking yourself out trying to keep this thread on topic, but every single right-winger posting in, is trying to derail it.

If those "harassing nut-jobs" were really left-wingers, the righties in this thread would have no problem talking about it until the cows come home. But since they are avoiding it like the plague, they "know" it's right-wingers doing all the harassing of those Newton families.
And your contention, therefore, is that "Marxists" are rabid opponents of gun control?

Nope, but the Chomskyites, a subset of Marxists, are.

That's because your definition of "the last time you checked" was when you last listened to some rabid radio talk-show-host.

That's your idea of a retort?

The left, with Obama leading the charge, is engaged in a full on frontal assault on civil liberty.

The 2nd amendment is what the left is attacking today, but not long ago they were just as viciously after the 1st amendment.

Obama Attacks Religious Organizations/Ignores First Amendment

The fact is the democratic party is actively working to revoke all civil liberties, as part of the drive to an authoritarian system, the goal of the left in virtually all cases.

Both of which are Left-Wing/Libertarian causes, that the Right-Wingers of the time seemed to care little to nothing about.


Funny, I hadn't noticed Obama or the ruling majority leftists moving to stop the abuses of the USPA and other infringements?

In fact, they appear too busy trying to revoke the 1st and 2nd amendments to bother with restoring the 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th.

None of which changes the fact that the people who make up the crazy faction that believes Sandy Hook was manufactured are, by-and-large, right-wingers.

In this forum, both are fairly well left of center, with one being a far left nutjob,

We can just use this board as an example.

All of the people on USMB who have made any claim about Sandy Hook being a hoax, are in fact self-identified right-wingers.

I refer you to "Paulitician's" thread on the subject, Here:


So Paulatician, a slightly left of center Libertarian, and 9/11, a deranged whackjob Chomskyite Marxist, are the two who subscribe to the CT.

What was your point?

Please give me a single example of a "Left-Winger" on this board that has argued the same, and I will concede your point.

There are also 9/11 truthers.

Don't I know it. They're a bunch of nut-jobs as well.

But at least they haven't been calling the families of the dead and harassing them, calling them "liars".

It's the 9-11 Truthers who are behind the Sandy Hook garbage. Why do you call them 'right wing'?

From your article:

One popular video, which already has 134,000 views, was made by the producers of a popular 9/11 Truther film. “Just as the movie ‘Operation Terror’ shows the 9/11 attacks were a made-for-TV event, so too were the mass shootings … There can be no doubt that Sandy Hook was a staged event,” the narrator intones. He goes on to say that the adults who participated in the media coverage of the shootings “should be prosecuted as accessories after the fact in a mass murder” — i.e., the parents whose children were murdered in the massacre should be thrown in prison.
They aren't using the correct terms. Sandy Hook was not a hoax. It really happened. It is more likely that the tragedy was engineered and carried out by this regime. obama needed a specular tragedy to advance his agenda so he fixed one.

What the FU**??? You actually think someone in the US government carried out this tragedy? SERIOUSLY?

oh pipe down, some people thought Bush carried out 9/11...

Seriously, Sandy Hook was engineered by some government operative that was the guiding hand. obama wants to stop oil drilling. There is an accidental explosion in the gulf. obama wants to release terrorist Rahman. Somehow an obscure video is dubbed into arabic and mysteriously distributed to mosques in the middle east. obama wants gun control. There's Sandy Hook almost immediately.

Twice would be a coincidence. Three time is deliberate.

It would have been easy to identify Lantz. The only one who would know that Adam made a new friend is his mother, now dead.
They aren't using the correct terms. Sandy Hook was not a hoax. It really happened. It is more likely that the tragedy was engineered and carried out by this regime. obama needed a specular tragedy to advance his agenda so he fixed one.

What the FU**??? You actually think someone in the US government carried out this tragedy? SERIOUSLY?

oh pipe down, some people thought Bush carried out 9/11...

Oh a lot more than some.

More than half of Democrats believed Bush knew

"How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?" the poll asked.

A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was "very likely." Another 28.2% called it "somewhat likely."

That is: More than half of Democrats, according to a neutral survey, said they believed Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.

More than half of Democrats believed Bush knew - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
Why legitimize the crazy conspiracy and why blame it on the right wing? The 9-11 inside job conspiracy is promoted by the left wing and is still raging. Why print the name of a poor little victim on this forum? The initial post is sponsored by a left winger and the left is so hungry for a cause that they don't care about victims or tragedies or the US Constitution. Why did they call the Ft. Hood shooting a "workplace violence" incident? Some tragedies should be exploited and some tragedies should be kept low profile to protect the left wing jihad base even when the perp was a member of the Military and the victims were Soldiers.

But, I'm not blaming it on the right-wing.

I'm blaming it on "right-wing nutjobs".

Group A (nut-jobs) being a subgroup of Group B (right-wingers).

With a separate, unrelated, subgroup of nut-jobs being a part of Group C (left-wingers).

The only thing I am expressing anger about in this thread is that a group of people are harassing the victims of this tragedy, which is disgusting.

I did not mention anything concerning the gun control debate at all. Just the horrible behavior of a specific group of individuals.

Why legitimize the conspiracy and print the name of the poor little victim to make an arcane political point about an alleged subgroup of society which could be either right wing or left wing or have no political affiliation?
Pray tell what makes you think that they are right wingers?

That' you rw's are all defending them ... That's a good place to start.

Besides, aren't you rw's the very same ones who have been stomping all over the victim's families just so you can sell guns to illegals and terrorists?

Yeah, you're one and the same.

Stephanie says so.
Nope, but the Chomskyites, a subset of Marxists, are.
That's your idea of a retort?
The left, with Obama leading the charge, is engaged in a full on frontal assault on civil liberty.
The 2nd amendment is what the left is attacking today, but not long ago they were just as viciously after the 1st amendment.
The fact is the democratic party is actively working to revoke all civil liberties, as part of the drive to an authoritarian system, the goal of the left in virtually all cases.
Funny, I hadn't noticed Obama or the ruling majority leftists moving to stop the abuses of the USPA and other infringements?
In fact, they appear too busy trying to revoke the 1st and 2nd amendments to bother with restoring the 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th.
In this forum, both are fairly well left of center, with one being a far left nutjob,
So Paulatician, a slightly left of center Libertarian, and 9/11, a deranged whackjob Chomskyite Marxist, are the two who subscribe to the CT.
What was your point?

See, now I understand where the problem lies.

To you, anyone that is even slightly to the left of, say, Rush Limbaugh, is "slightly left of center".

And anyone that slightly to the left of, say, Sean Hannity, is a raving "Chomsky-ite Marxist".

Now that I understand where your definitions fit, we can all understand why you'd feel that "left-wingers" would be involved in a conspiracy theory group that thinks Obama engineered the Sandy Hook massacre in order to have an excuse to "take their guns away".

Got it.
What the FU**??? You actually think someone in the US government carried out this tragedy? SERIOUSLY?

oh pipe down, some people thought Bush carried out 9/11...

Seriously, Sandy Hook was engineered by some government operative that was the guiding hand. obama wants to stop oil drilling. There is an accidental explosion in the gulf. obama wants to release terrorist Rahman. Somehow an obscure video is dubbed into arabic and mysteriously distributed to mosques in the middle east. obama wants gun control. There's Sandy Hook almost immediately.

Twice would be a coincidence. Three time is deliberate.

It would have been easy to identify Lantz. The only one who would know that Adam made a new friend is his mother, now dead.

More than 30 school mass murders since Columbine .. Obama is responsible for all of them????

Kinda like he was able to "transport" himself from Kenya to Honolulu, BEFORE he was born, to place those two birth announcements and STILL he got back to Kenya in time to be born.

Yeah, makes sense.

Thanks katzen-nutter.
Pray tell what makes you think that they are right wingers?

That' you rw's are all defending them ... That's a good place to start.

Besides, aren't you rw's the very same ones who have been stomping all over the victim's families just so you can sell guns to illegals and terrorists?

Yeah, you're one and the same.

Stephanie says so.

Yet, most 9-11 Truthers and those who believe Bush caused or knew 9-11 beforehand are DEMOCRATS:

"How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?" the poll asked.

A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was "very likely." Another 28.2% called it "somewhat likely."

That is: More than half of Democrats, according to a neutral survey, said they believed Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.

More than half of Democrats believed Bush knew - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

And the Sandyhook video is made by 9-11 Truthers!

One popular video, which already has 134,000 views, was made by the producers of a popular 9/11 Truther film. “Just as the movie ‘Operation Terror’ shows the 9/11 attacks were a made-for-TV event, so too were the mass shootings … There can be no doubt that Sandy Hook was a staged event,” the narrator intones. He goes on to say that the adults who participated in the media coverage of the shootings “should be prosecuted as accessories after the fact in a mass murder” — i.e., the parents whose children were murdered in the massacre should be thrown in prison.

(from the OP article)

Meet the Sandy Hook truthers - Salon.com
More than 30 school mass murders since Columbine .. Obama is responsible for all of them????

Kinda like he was able to "transport" himself from Kenya to Honolulu, BEFORE he was born, to place those two birth announcements and STILL he got back to Kenya in time to be born.

Yeah, makes sense.

Thanks katzen-nutter.

Of course he is.

Oh, and Katzen-nutter is a "left-winger" by the way... Just like Paulitician...

There are also 9/11 truthers.

Don't I know it. They're a bunch of nut-jobs as well.

But at least they haven't been calling the families of the dead and harassing them, calling them "liars".

No, you usually found them trying to hold protests, at the grave sites of those families paying their respects for a loved one who died overseas fighting a war.

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