Right-wing nutjobs start harassing parents and families of the dead in Newtown

Let's face it. It has become political sadly. You have the left (Diane Sawyer I.e.) ONLY interviewing those parents that want to limit gun ownership. So, both sides have an agenda in this tragedy. Fair? No!

How does any of that justify people calling the families of the dead children and harassing them?

Or pretending the whole thing was somehow a hoax, and saying horrible things about school children and grieving parents online in an attempt to support their claim?
ok, SO NO LEFT WINGERS NOW OWN GUNS and there sure can't be any left-winger pro-gun fanatics..

you hear that folks:lol:

You do understand that you're insane, right?

Are you seriously saying that it's Left-Wingers that are in support of gun rights now?

Please feel free to post that assertion on the hundreds of threads on these very boards that are screaming about Left-Wingers trying to control guns at this very moment.

Let's see what kind of response you get.
well of course he is, salon says so:doubt:

Well, here's their site:

It seems unbelievable, because it is. - Home

And here's a news story about it from a media source that is not part of American politics (as it's Canadian):

Conspiracy theorists claim Sandy Hook tragedy is elaborate government hoax

This one's from "The Mail Online", which is certainly not left-wing by any means:

Gene Rosen: Conspiracy theorists attack Sandy Hook hero who sheltered children after massacre | Mail Online

And this is from "Business Insider":

Sandy Hook Shooting Conspiracy Theories - Business Insider

Need more proof?

And not one of them doesn anything to support your bull shit claim that they are right wingers.

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ok, SO NO LEFT WINGERS NOW OWN GUNS and there sure can't be any left-winger pro-gun fanatics..

you hear that folks:lol:

You do understand that you're insane, right?

Are you seriously saying that it's Left-Wingers that are in support of gun rights now?

Please feel free to post that assertion on the hundreds of threads on these very boards that are screaming about Left-Wingers trying to control guns at this very moment.

Let's see what kind of response you get.

OMG, you are going to try and tell us no left wingers are in support of gun rights
you are the insane one AND STUPID..really YOU ARE
And not one of them doesn anything to support your bull shit claim that they are right wingers.


Yes, obviously you're right PredFan.

Obviously a group of people who feel that the Obama administration perpetrated a large-scale hoax in order to pass tighter gun-control legislation is made of of left-wingers.


Well done.

ok, SO NO LEFT WINGERS NOW OWN GUNS and there sure can't be any left-winger pro-gun fanatics..

you hear that folks:lol:

You do understand that you're insane, right?

Are you seriously saying that it's Left-Wingers that are in support of gun rights now?

Please feel free to post that assertion on the hundreds of threads on these very boards that are screaming about Left-Wingers trying to control guns at this very moment.

Let's see what kind of response you get.

Ok, so now we understand you.

A small group of crazies who think it was set up to push an agenda = Right Wingers
In general, lefties are against guns = NO lefties support guns

You are a buffoon. Have fun with your fail thread doofus.
And not one of them doesn anything to support your bull shit claim that they are right wingers.


Yes, obviously you're right PredFan.

Obviously a group of people who feel that the Obama administration perpetrated a large-scale hoax in order to pass tighter gun-control legislation is made of of left-wingers.


Well done.


Give us a break, people thought Bush had a hand in 9/11
you need a large scale break
OMG, you are going to try and tell us no left wingers are in support of gun rights
you are the insane one AND STUPID..really YOU ARE

Whatever, asshole.

I'm not going to play your game anymore.

Keep posting crap, go ahead, I'll feel free not to respond.
They aren't using the correct terms. Sandy Hook was not a hoax. It really happened. It is more likely that the tragedy was engineered and carried out by this regime. obama needed a specular tragedy to advance his agenda so he fixed one.
It could be said that Salon was using a victim of the horrible massacre to advance a fake political theory and to make a buck. The conspiracy advanced by Salon that there is some right cabal harassing the victims of the massacre is disturbing in itself.
Ok, so now we understand you.

A small group of crazies who think it was set up to push an agenda = Right Wingers
In general, lefties are against guns = NO lefties support guns

You are a buffoon. Have fun with your fail thread doofus.


"Hey, let's try to stall a thread by pretending that left-wingers are the ones that are rabid about gun rights!"

Nice try ass-hat.

Please go troll somewhere else. Thanks.
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It could be said that Salon was using a victim of the horrible massacre to advance a fake political theory and to make a buck. The conspiracy advanced by Salon that there is some right cabal harassing the victims of the massacre is disturbing in itself.

That is exactly what it is, everyone who hits their site they make MONEY..that's why I won't go there..garbage
They aren't using the correct terms. Sandy Hook was not a hoax. It really happened. It is more likely that the tragedy was engineered and carried out by this regime. obama needed a specular tragedy to advance his agenda so he fixed one.
This is what I was referring to when I labeled you insane.
They aren't using the correct terms. Sandy Hook was not a hoax. It really happened. It is more likely that the tragedy was engineered and carried out by this regime. obama needed a specular tragedy to advance his agenda so he fixed one.

And there you go.

Thanks for showing everyone how crazy you are.

Now I imagine the Trolls will start calling you a "left-winger".
And since they are pro-gun fanatics, that would make them right-wingers, for the most part.

Izzate the official position of you anti-liberty fanatics?

Though, admittedly, there could be a bunch of Libertarian nut-jobs in the mix as well.

I assume you view anyone not working with you to revoke the Bill of Rights as a "nut-job?"
Good point. "9/11 was and inside job" is a leftist fucktard. A Chomskyite.

Lots of 9/11 truthers are left-wingers, many of them are Libertarians or Right-Wingers.

What does that have to do with this?

Do the 9/11 Truthers also claim that 9/11 was a conspiracy by the government to take away our guns?

Are all conspiracy theories somehow related?

So, everyone who believes that Monsanto is secretly inserting mind-control drugs in our food must then also believe that JFK was killed by Elvis?

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