Right wing salute.


Jun 25, 2009
Not fucking there !


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cute. Never seen that before.I understand his rage about what was happening to his country but killing kids? I mean come on..
In Europe, they are cautious about their Progressive totalitarians.

In America, we take them straight from community organizing to POTUS!

It does not get more retarded than this statement right here.

How ignorant do you have to be not to know Breivik is a white supremacist?

He is a right wing extremist, through and through.

Nice try. Stop guzzling Glenn Beck's piss.

How far to the right do you have to be before Breivik looks like a Progressive to you?

Pretty damned far, I'd say.


Yeah, dumbfuck....it is really National Christians, eh?

Would that be Nazi still or Nastians? :eusa_whistle:

Just because Hitler and his goons were not as far left as the brown shirts and the communists doesn't make them the GOP like you mouth-breathers try to claim decades later.

Also, just because some KKK mouth-breathers stole the anti-Jews platform from the Nazis doesn't connect the dots back to Christians in the GOP that defend the Jews and Israel at any cost.

Kinda strange you idiots come here one day trashing the GOP for supporting Israel then try to call us the Nazis....stupidity or deranged mind?

Nazi....National Socialist.

Uh, left-wing...asshole.

Nazis are socialist like the German Democratic republic was democratic.
Yeah, dumbfuck....it is really National Christians, eh?

Would that be Nazi still or Nastians? :eusa_whistle:

Just because Hitler and his goons were not as far left as the brown shirts and the communists doesn't make them the GOP like you mouth-breathers try to claim decades later.

No one is claiming Nazis are the GOP. The only mouthbreathers are the ones claming Nazis are left wing.

They are extreme right wing. Hysterical douchbags like Beck have been trying to redefine what was has been common knowledge for 75 years.

If you think some scumbag like Breivik would philosophically lock lips with Barack Obama, you are literally retarded.

The extremist beliefs of Nazis do bleed over into mainstream conservative rhetoric once in a while. As someone who is intimately familiar with white nationalists, my ears recognize that bleed-over whenever I hear of "culture wars" or rants against "multiculturalism".

And again, you have to be literally retarded to think screeds about a "culture war" or rants against multiculturalim come from the Left.
You try to act like a conservative here, but we know you're a cum-guzzling liberal.

This nutjob in Norway odds are is anti-Christian, anti-muslim, etc. He is against religion in general and immigrants coming to his country in the name of their religion.

Norway has had nuts like him burning down Christian churches for decades, but mouth-breathers like you are oblivious to it and don't care. Of course, when he lashes out at political party youth he opposes, it must be some "right-wing" terrorist act, not some left-wing anarchist that hates all religion and immigrants. :eusa_whistle:

When you can find an example of Bible thumpers in Norway shooting up muslims and immigrants like they had with their churches burned by white trash like this guy, then you can come out of your hole.

Yeah, dumbfuck....it is really National Christians, eh?

Would that be Nazi still or Nastians? :eusa_whistle:

Just because Hitler and his goons were not as far left as the brown shirts and the communists doesn't make them the GOP like you mouth-breathers try to claim decades later.

No one is claiming Nazis are the GOP. The only mouthbreathers are the ones claming Nazis are left wing.

They are extreme right wing. Hysterical douchbags like Beck have been trying to redefine what was has been common knowledge for 75 years.

If you think some scumbag like Breivik would philosophically lock lips with Barack Obama, you are literally retarded.

The extremist beliefs of Nazis do bleed over into mainstream conservative rhetoric once in a while. As someone who is intimately familiar with white nationalists, my ears recognize that bleed-over whenever I hear of "culture wars" or rants against "multiculturalism".

And again, you have to be literally retarded to think screeds about a "culture war" or rants against multiculturalim come from the Left.
You try to act like a conservative here, but we know you're a cum-guzzling liberal.

This nutjob in Norway odds are is anti-Christian, anti-muslim, etc. He is against religion in general and immigrants coming to his country in the name of their religion.

Norway has had nuts like him burning down Christian churches for decades, but mouth-breathers like you are oblivious to it and don't care. Of course, when he lashes out at political party youth he opposes, it must be some "right-wing" terrorist act, not some left-wing anarchist that hates all religion and immigrants. :eusa_whistle:

When you can find an example of Bible thumpers in Norway shooting up muslims and immigrants like they had with their churches burned by white trash like this guy, then you can come out of your hole.

You get dumber by the second. Breivik claimed to be acting on behalf of a secret order of the Knights Templar and wrote a Christian manifesto.

In 2009, he wrote "Today's Protestant church is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like minimalist shopping centres. I am a supporter of an indirect collective conversion of the Protestant church back to the Catholic."[190] On his Facebook profile, Breivik described himself as a Christian,[123] though he is critical of the Catholic and Protestant churches, objecting to their "current suicidal path". Before the attacks, he stated an intention to attend Frogner Church in a final "Martyr's mass".[191]

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Europe, they are cautious about their Progressive totalitarians.

In America, we take them straight from community organizing to POTUS!

It does not get more retarded than this statement right here.

How ignorant do you have to be not to know Breivik is a white supremacist?

He is a right wing extremist, through and through.

Nice try. Stop guzzling Glenn Beck's piss.


You do know that is the left ideologies like socialism and communism that seem to be the white supremacists....I think maybe you need to go back to your school and slap your history teachers because they failed you miserably.
Yeah, the Nazis taking over companies, pushing universal healthcare, euthansia of mentally and physically sick, hatred of the Jews and pushing for the collective over the invidiual will be GOP platforms on display next week......not at the DNC.

There won't be anything about universal healthcare, the collective, etc at the DNC cesspool, not a word.:eusa_whistle:

Nazis are socialist like the German Democratic republic was democratic.

...like Saddam Hussein's Republican Guards were Republicans.

This incredibly dangerous idea that all tyranny must be a left wing thing is the Big Lie of the conservatives, by now the dummies are so confused they wouldn't know a fascist from a footstool.
Yeah, dumbfuck....it is really National Christians, eh?

Would that be Nazi still or Nastians? :eusa_whistle:

Just because Hitler and his goons were not as far left as the brown shirts and the communists doesn't make them the GOP like you mouth-breathers try to claim decades later.

Also, just because some KKK mouth-breathers stole the anti-Jews platform from the Nazis doesn't connect the dots back to Christians in the GOP that defend the Jews and Israel at any cost.

Kinda strange you idiots come here one day trashing the GOP for supporting Israel then try to call us the Nazis....stupidity or deranged mind?

Nazi....National Socialist.

Uh, left-wing...asshole.

Nazis are socialist like the German Democratic republic was democratic.
The KKK are a democrat invention you know.

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