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Right Wing Surge In Europe

As stated within introduction section of this site, I am an anti EU activist who had been pushing for an EU in/out referendum for over a decade. That is, I know something of issue implied within this thread. After all, I am one of those fighting at ground zero, and have been for long time.

Immigration is a major issue with large portion of population, and not just here in UK. It is also an issue I try to avoid as much as possible. The main reason being the race card gets pulled too often, and it clouds judgement. From what I have been reading on USA, you have the same problem.

Getting people afraid to speak out against immigration for fear of being accused of being racist does not change how they will vote on issue. The only thing achieved by those pulling out the race card is distort the issues, which will not change how people vote at the ballot box.

The other big issue is trade. It is used often with Europhiles saying if UK withdraws from EU trade would suffer, and jobs will be lost.

As you can see, the issues surrounding the demand for an EU in/out referendum are complex, and full of misinformation. My part within this battle being to sort out the facts from fiction, and make public more aware of what they do not see happening, which does have a major impact on all their lives either directly or indirectly.

Note that I am a member of UK debating forum where I do much of my postings, which includes links to national and international headlines where relevant, and even direct links to source, which includes both the UK and EU Parliaments.

The following is part link to where you will find many of my posts. Note I cannot supply a link from here due to being a new member. I trust doing this does not violate the rules of this site.

ukdebate.co.uk/forums/index.php?board=22.0]European]European Union Politics Debate Forum[/url] Union Politics Debate Forum
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I can’t wait for a European Parliament full of people like Le Pen, Wilders, Farage, Grillo and others. It will be unable to pass a damn thing.

I’m not anti-EU. Not even anti-Euro (since it’s a "germanized" currency, it helps certain countries to learn discipline). I’m pro-stability, above all. But i don’t want a federal Europe with a strong central government and an army.
The following article is my own, and can even be found on some UK MEP web sites:

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Defending the UK right to Self Rule from the EU

By Phoenix One UK

Who should hold the ultimate power?

The British people elected its government to govern the UK not surrender powers - in whole or part - to any foreign power, including the EU. No government possessed a mandate from the people to relinquish any part of United Kingdom's sovereignty, a sovereign nation that belongs to its people not any government.

Parliament derives its power from the people. Not even the Crown can dissolve Parliament without the consent of Parliament, and Parliament consists of elected representatives of the people. When Parliament consents to the Crown dissolving Parliament it is actually the people consenting to dissolving Parliament. Note Parliament is dissolved prior to every General Election.

Throughout many debates, and not just on the European Union, the people have very clearly expressed their non-confidence in the Government and Politicians elected into office. The reasons for such non-confidence are numerous, but one stands above all. Members of Parliament had exceeded their authority and abused the powers entrusted them by the people.

Depriving the people of referendum on European Union is a breach of Government mandate. The act did not possess the consent of the people with all treaties signed with European Union by government without such a referendum or mandate lacking legitimacy. Europhiles often respond here stating the British people gave such a mandate in the 1975 referendum. Not so. Nowhere within the 1975 referendum was it even implied that the United Kingdom would surrender any political powers to the European Union. The European & Community Act 1972 enforces that point. The referendum was on trade with Europe not political rule from Europe either in whole or part.

Parliament is the voice of the people where candidates campaigned to be the voice their constituents. Members of Parliament were elected for that purpose, to be their voice. No MP possessed a mandate to abuse elected powers and deprive the people of that voice. Visit ReferendumList.com for entire list of MP's who voted to deprive the British people of their voice on Lisbon Treaty for a perfect example.

No government hold the ultimate power in United Kingdom. That changed the moment the people acquired the right to vote. A right - that of itself - was fought and paid for in blood. Every MP without exception derives their power from the people, including the Prime Minister. Not one would be where they are without a mandate from the people. Parliament is more than just a building, it is the voice of the people. If the people are being deprived of their voice, it is because they allowed elected MPs to deprive them of that voice. Consider the 2010 General Election. When in the UK's entire history have the leaders of major parties ever consented to debating on national television before the entire nation? Why did they do this? They needed your vote. They were desperate for your vote. They wanted to govern. They wanted your mandate to dictate policy. The political parties are at your mercy and have been for a long time. You, the people, decide the ultimate fate and direction of the country. You, the people, hold the ultimate power.

What of EU Parliament? The people elect Members of the European Parliament (MEP), but MEP's possess few powers. Even here one must also remember the EU comprises of 27 member states, and all have MEPs in EU Parliament. The UK can be outvoted in EU Parliament and had been more than once, and that is on the few issues were the UK does have a say. The real power rest with EU Commissionaires, not one of which are elected by the people. Here, the ultimate power rests with Commissionaires.

Which Parliament would you prefer? One where the ultimate power rests with the people, or one where the ultimate powers rest with the Commissionaires. Only the first qualifies as a democracy.

The people possess the power to change the policies of UK governments (often referred to as u-turns). How often have you seen political parties and/or governments do just that in response to the people standing up to be heard? Try doing that with the EU Parliament.

Note the EU is a national problem, which does not necessarily mean you have to vote for an anti-EU party to be rid of it. There are now over 100 MP's (cross-party) in Parliament that are pushing to give the British people an EU in/out referendum. If you have loyalties to particular party, then at least vote for a candidate that supports giving the British people an EU in/out referendum.

Winston Churchill

On occasion Europhiles refer to Winston Churchill stating he wanted Britain in a united Europe, implying he would approve of Britain's involvement with EU. A Europhile did the same within the UK debating forum a few days ago, but are they right?

Churchill's view is crystal clear in one of his most famous quotations:

"We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. And should European statesmen address us in the words that were used of old, 'Shall I speak for thee to the King or the Captain of the Host?', we should reply with the Shunamite woman 'Nay sir, for we dwell among our own people'".

Our relationship with the EU betrays those very words. Winston Churchill would not approve of our current relationship with European Union, and his very words clearly show he too would have been a Eurosceptic and opposed to EU.

Open borders, the euro and austerity

The EU's open border policy has played havoc and social problems for a number of EU member states, many of which made headlines in Germany, France, Italy, Ireland and UK. Rather than go into the social ramifications of the EU's open border policy, I will refer you to an article entitled "The Folly of Mass Immigration" which is the best analysis of the problem that I have ever read on the subject.

The Euro had been destined for failure since its inception. It is a 17 nation currency strait-jacket that lacks any flexibility to adjust for real economic movements. It has stripped away the independence of sovereign nations within by eliminating any form of monetary policy, meaning that each Eurozone member state has no ability to shift its money supply due to economic events, which the Eurozone crisis clearly demonstrates to extent of seeing an increase in populism, nationalism, and radicalism across the Eurozone.

Note if Greece leaves the Euro and restructures its debts, the German banks would be in deep trouble. Hence, the German banks prefer their government keep Greece on life support. Should Greece leave the Eurozone, the German government could suddenly find itself propping up its own banks, and the same can be said for France.

The euro crisis has not gone away, and attempts to halt the contagion to Spain and Italy has not been halted. Both remain at risk. Europhiles have fuelled activities to centre on national governments and even the credit rating agencies. This phase is called the blame game. Yet we see Spanish protesters marching on Brussels gathering citizens from other member states en-route. There was yet another site in Dublin Ireland that clearly display Irish protesters will be joining the Spanish column outside the EU Brussels Parliament on 15 October. For all those Europhiles who continue to push the argument that these protesters are protesting against their own governments not EU, the obvious question is, why are they marching on Brussels?

The UK does not need the EU

The UK does not need the EU for trade or anything else and never did. The UK possesses one of the most externalised economies in the world. Britain is the world's second biggest global investor and trades on a global scale.

The Europhiles tell us that our biggest trading partner is the EU, and our largest export market within the EU is Ireland. Consider this. The UK possesses a population of over 60 million people where Ireland possesses a population of 4.4 million people. This, we are told, is our largest export market in EU. Hence, if you accept that argument you must also accept Ireland is in deep financial trouble to extent of being bailed out by the ECB and IMF. Ireland's credit rating is JUNK, Further, severe austerity measures had been imposed on Ireland with the Irish people struggling to survive. Cuts have been made across the board, and they possess little money to spend. What does this tell you about our so-called largest export market in the EU?

The UK possesses one of the largest economies in the world. It is in the G8, the OECD, the WTO, the World Bank, and the UN Security Council. We are leading members of NATO and of the Commonwealth, which of itself comprises of 54 members. The UK possesses a unique and powerful transatlantic bond. None of which required the UK to surrender its sovereignty in whole or part. The idea that without the EU the UK would be isolated is not just wrong. It is absurd.

The fear mongering by Europhiles that trade would suffer if the UK withdrew from the EU is not only false, it too is absurd. The EU is also a signatory to the WTO, and it would be illegal under WTO trade law to hinder or cease trade with any nation regardless of whether it were a member state of the EU or not. The EU also relies heavily on WTO trade law to settle trade disputes, and the idea that UK withdraw from EU would affect trade is totally absurd and without merit. Add to this that the UK imports far more from the EU than it exports, and the absurdity of such a claim becomes even more self apparent.


The UK possesses many problems, as does any nation on the planet. Relinquishing control to any foreign power, especially the EU, would not resolve such problems, they would add to them.

As long as we retain control of our own voice in Parliament we have a say in the fate and direction of our country, the UK. Surrender political control to the EU, and you also surrender your voice.
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The reaction to liberalism, when it comes to America, will be sudden and awful.

But, hey, they brought it on themselves.

If the E.U. achieves its ultimate goal: the dismantling of the nations states under its mandate, the New World Order propaganda machine will increase its presence in the American media tenfold. They'll use this supposedly harmoneous and 'liberated' Europe as the benchmark of success, trotting out a mantra of 'Hey, look how much they've progressed in Europe.' Then they'll imply any resistance is opposed to progress. Then they'll begin appealing to the plebs' wallets, promising the world in return for compliance. That's how they operate. They present their argument through the prism of economics, not cultural. They exploit the underlying greed that so heavily influences our instincts.

Ask yourselves this: Who are the real extremists? Far-right nationalist parties and their members; or those who flood the countries they supposedly lead with Third World trash?
Well said, Phoenix.

I agree that the UK should maintain its sovereignty, particularly with respect to the Pound.

But I'm not sure I agree that referendum is the proper way to resolve this issue. You pay the MP's to do the critical analysis that people in the general public cannot be trusted to do. Sometimes, the best course of action is one that the public would not support by majority rule because the public tends to be, collectively speaking, an idiot sometimes.

People can be pushed only so far, even when the pushes are a million little nudges over the course of decades. People are sick of their cultures being diluted with the dregs from lesser cultures, and then being told to shut the fuck up when they speak up.

I welcome the coming tide of nationalism for European countries like Greece and Germany and England. It's too late for America. We are fucked. Might as well change our name to North Mexico.
13 November 2013

Dutch Eurosceptic Wilders and France's Le Pen unite

The Eurosceptic Dutch politician Geert Wilders and French National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen have launched what they call an "historic" alliance for next year's European elections.

Mr Wilders said they had agreed on the need to repatriate from Brussels the power to control their countries' borders and economies.

Source: BBC

Le Pen and Wilders forge plan to 'wreck' EU from within

Front National and Freedom party aim to exploit euroscepticism at European elections to block policymaking within parliament

Ian Traynor in Brussels
The Guardian, Wednesday 13 November 2013 19.09 GMT

Source: The Guardian

I haven't kept up to date with Dutch events, but from what I have been seeing coming out of France, I believe the EU's concerns of having a greater Eurosceptic presence in EU Parliament after EU election to be a valid one. And that is without considering UKIP here in UK.

The coming EU election should prove very interesting indeed. Note UKIP is not a far right political party or considered as such.

Note that being a new member I cannot supply a link, but if you copy and paste the headlines in search engines you should have little trouble in locating and reading the entire story on each.
Right Wing Surge In Europe


Don't tell me Europeans have finally awoken from their PC slumber of appeasement, multiculturalism, massive immigration, and tolerance.
Too late for some though, and almost too late for others.

If only they'd listened sooner instead of branding the Right as "Islamophobic", "racist" etc.
Well said, Phoenix.

I agree that the UK should maintain its sovereignty, particularly with respect to the Pound.

But I'm not sure I agree that referendum is the proper way to resolve this issue. You pay the MP's to do the critical analysis that people in the general public cannot be trusted to do. Sometimes, the best course of action is one that the public would not support by majority rule because the public tends to be, collectively speaking, an idiot sometimes.



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