Right-Wing Terrorists Attacked the Third Precinct, not BLM, not Antifa

Carpetbagging kook fires a couple shots out of a rifle, and he's responsible for all the burning, looting, and property damage of an enraged mob.

So idiotic that only a total moonbat could believe it.
Ian Hunter was in full support of the Black Panthers and Black LIES Matter and burned buildings and looted side by side with them.

Ian Hunter is one of them.

This thread is just another Leftist LIE!!!

Wanted for arson Mpls.

Wanted for arson Mpls

Wanted for arson Mpls.
Seems the ATF site has a few black face wearing Boogie Bois they are looking for.
Right wing terrorists were responsible for almost every death by extremists in 2019 and every single death in 2018.

Right wing terrorists were responsible for almost every death by extremists in 2019 and every single death in 2018.

LMAO @ how Gullible you Sheeple are for the Fake News.
Right wing terrorists were responsible for almost every death by extremists in 2019 and every single death in 2018.

LMAO @ how Gullible you Sheeple are for the Fake News.
Every death is listed and catalogued. What do you got? Nothing but a knee jerk reaction a 3 year old makes when he won’t take his medicine. Take your medicine bitch.
Every death is listed and catalogued. What do you got? Nothing but a knee jerk reaction a 3 year old makes when he won’t take his medicine. Take your medicine bitch.
Normal thinking Americans know who is doing all the Burning, Looting, and Murdering.

They are not fooled by Fake News like you Leftist Idiots.

Your links ... like this thread is 100% Fake News.
Boogaloo Bois did it. Because all this violence has come from the Right.

Because we all know Kamala would ask people to donate money
to bail out violent right wing protesters instead of capitalizing on it

Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) Tweeted:
If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

And, if she encourages the protesting, regardless of political affiliation,
what's your point...if you are fighting for the cause, what difference does it make
what side of the fence you're sitting on...if you're for us, you're not against us

Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) Tweeted:
FLASHBACK: As violent rioting continues across Democrat controlled cities, Kamala Harris' comments from June are striking: Protesters "should not" let up.

Does Harris believe the rioting and rampant vandalism in Kenosha should let up? https://t.co/hqkLmC5nRu

Because we all know Kamala would ask people to donate money
to bail out violent right wing protesters instead of capitalizing on it

Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) Tweeted:
If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

And, if she encourages the protesting, regardless of political affiliation,
what's your point...if you are fighting for the cause, what difference does it make
what side of the fence you're sitting on...if you're for us, you're not against us

Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) Tweeted:
FLASHBACK: As violent rioting continues across Democrat controlled cities, Kamala Harris' comments from June are striking: Protesters "should not" let up.

Does Harris believe the rioting and rampant vandalism in Kenosha should let up? https://t.co/hqkLmC5nRu

The American people know who the real criminals are here.

They are not fooled by the Fake News MSM.

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