Right-Wing Violence: Protestors Smash Obama Office Window

O sista pleeez...bammy is best buds with Bill Ayers....he just lacks the balls Ayers has.

Ahh, yes... Bill "My only regret is that we didn't do enough" Ayers. The professor who told students to 'go home and kill your parents'. That Bill Ayers? :lol:

Go ahead...you marginalize yourself by defending Omammy's terrorist friend.....oh wait you probably still think Cali can "tax" its way out the shithole it's in ;)

If by 'defending', you mean 'mocking' then yea, I'm defending. Twit.

And, no I don't think my state can tax itself out of the shithole it's in... and I blame the fucking assclowns on the left. Clear enough for you?

Those marchers were part of Occupy Oakland, and this is far from the first time they have turned violent. The media, and HuffPo tend to ignore them when they do because it destroys their meme that the Tea Party is violent and Occupy is peaceful.

I really do appreciate it when fake Indians make up stories about right wing violence that turn out to be all about left wing violence, you started my day off right. Thank you.

Protesters damage Obama Oakland office - SFGate
Looks like Chief Kooky Horse OP-ed and ran for the tall grass again.

Kinda pathetic, innit? :lol:

I guess this means no apologies have been forth coming from LaLyeKotAAHHH?
Those marchers were part of Occupy Oakland, and this is far from the first time they have turned violent. The media, and HuffPo tend to ignore them when they do because it destroys their meme that the Tea Party is violent and Occupy is peaceful.

I really do appreciate it when fake Indians make up stories about right wing violence that turn out to be all about left wing violence, you started my day off right. Thank you.

Protesters damage Obama Oakland office - SFGate
Looks like Chief Kooky Horse OP-ed and ran for the tall grass again.

Kinda pathetic, innit? :lol:

I guess this means no apologies have been forth coming from LaLyeKotAAHHH?

Lefties don't apologize...unless it's for American exceptionalism and our collective "arrogance".
Ahh, yes... Bill "My only regret is that we didn't do enough" Ayers. The professor who told students to 'go home and kill your parents'. That Bill Ayers? :lol:

Go ahead...you marginalize yourself by defending Omammy's terrorist friend.....oh wait you probably still think Cali can "tax" its way out the shithole it's in ;)

If by 'defending', you mean 'mocking' then yea, I'm defending. Twit.

And, no I don't think my state can tax itself out of the shithole it's in... and I blame the fucking assclowns on the left. Clear enough for you?

What a sweet little kid you seem to be.
another rumor from the left. It happens on the right as well. Why don't we just deal in facts for a change.

the local Pravda here, the abc affiliate said it was an occupy thing...

here ya go.

Protesters damage Obama Oakland office - SFGate

oh and yours? didn't attribute it to anyone, but you're delusional so I know you have to make shit up...

you can bet your ass IF they could attribute it to anyone right right of ralph nader they would have.

Notice carefully -- no one is defending OWS and their continued hissy fits. Or that Deany and the guy with his head up his butt aren't explaining the message that OWS was delivering or why violence is their favorite medium.. BUT -- right-wingers, they'd do it with guns and bombs..

And Trajan -- clue to Bay Area Medium -- I posted a SJ Merc paragraph on the "demo", and they DIDN'T NAME the group responsible, but if you looked at the full URL -- it was filed in a directory under OCCUPY... No sense revealing news that embarasses your customers is there? THAT -- is irresponsible and extremely biased journalism..

If I HAD a SJ Merc right now -- I'd line the cat box with it..

I hear you....the locale affiliates do their own thing, this the Bay Area Oblast edition.
What was the protest march for ?

Yes, I notice that Hufflepuff didn't bother to tell us who the protesters were, or what evidence the police had that they were responsible, or whether or not the police arrested anyone (which you would think they would have done, if they were that certain of who was responsible).
:lol::lol: The Alinsky rules for radicals.... how funny. The left infiltrate TEA Party rallies to make them look racist... and the herd buy that without question... it's your side that does that. Not the right... unless you have some direct evidence of such. Like I had against the left... I joined the HuffPuff's 'watch the TEAs group'. They openly told members how to infiltrate the TEAs, what kind of signs to make, how to take pictures of themselves as TEA Partiers and how/where to post them to make the appear legitimate. The herd are amoral freaks.
Flaccid-Label posts a pic of a young rw activist who has no record of infiltrating Occupy, and thinks that's proof that the rw infiltrates Occupy and does bad deeds?

Someone is going to have to explain that logic to me.

Well, maybe not. There IS no logic to it...Flaccid_Label is just a moron troll.

LOL you right wing idiots must take pride in your stupidity

Daily Kos: James O'Keefe spotted at Occupy Wall Street, possibly violating probation

Oooh! Daily Kos said so! That'll certainly prove it . . . to everyone with an IQ under 50.
Smashing a store window? Doesn't sound very right wing.

Now bombs and guns sounds much more "right wing".

True, the right wingers usually go more sinister with their attacks

Arkansas Democrat's cat killed, painted with "liberal"

Wow, yet another story about an incident where the perpetrator is totally unknown, but the dipshits at Hufflepuff and the dipshits who kiss their asses simply make assumptions and think that somehow, miraculously, THIS time their opinions are going to matter to someone.

You wanna talk about "sinister", let's talk about this insane need to scream accusations at political opponents with no proof.
Smashing a store window? Doesn't sound very right wing.

Now bombs and guns sounds much more "right wing".

True, the right wingers usually go more sinister with their attacks

Arkansas Democrat's cat killed, painted with "liberal"

Wow, yet another story about an incident where the perpetrator is totally unknown, but the dipshits at Hufflepuff and the dipshits who kiss their asses simply make assumptions and think that somehow, miraculously, THIS time their opinions are going to matter to someone.

You wanna talk about "sinister", let's talk about this insane need to scream accusations at political opponents with no proof.
It was a group of Occupiers, too. It's common knowledge that they are right wing. Er. Right?

You mean they weren't within their 1st amendment rights? You would abridge the 1st amendment over a stupid window?
What was the protest march for ?

Yes, I notice that Hufflepuff didn't bother to tell us who the protesters were, or what evidence the police had that they were responsible, or whether or not the police arrested anyone (which you would think they would have done, if they were that certain of who was responsible).

You don't know much about the police in Oakland, do you?
This game was played in Germany years ago and was proven to be a fraud. So history repeats itself after all?
Number of violent incidents by Tea Party members versus OWS. Pretty obvious who commits violence. You guys have backed off presidents since Ford though...

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