Right Winger Calls on Republican Voters to Destroy America!

The economy has already been killed with ObamaCare. Everyone is finding out what is inside the legislation means paying more in premiums than they did before; for starters. The Economy has also been killed with blocking Keystone, blocking offshore drilling, increased regulation, select-corporate cronyism. Cash is still sitting on the sidelines. The Markets want more fiscal discipline in Washington. Main Street wants a Washington that is going to help it grow; not a Washington that is going to punish it.

I don't know what thriving economy you are referring to.

Obamacare? It hasn't even went into full effect.

good gawd, you're below level...

never mind

Does not change the fact. The more we learn, the shittier it gets.. not mention costly

freedom isn't free. we already pay for the poor and more. it will all balance out
I noticed Bill Kristol's name in the first sentence. That guy is responsible for the Iraq War (Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and he is currently on Fox's payroll/Fox News sunday.

Anyway, yes, I hope they fracture into two permanent minority parties :)

Bill Kristol is also responsible for "discovering" Sarah Palin. And we all know how she helped the GOP to find higher ground.

Just because the media needs to destroy Sarah Palin doesn't mean she isn't better than Barack Obama. The media could destroy him with much less effort than destroying Sarah Palin and even less effort than trying to make him look competent.
Yeah America will be "destroyed" if we cut some spending.
IMO it will be saved.

It's not about spending. It's about an extreme right wing faction destroying the once grand GOP.

Democrats will be the only credible party in the future and we know one party rule for too long is a threat of huge proportions:evil:
You are still an idiot. It is obamaturd and the dimwits that have been destroying this country.

Go learn the new politics forums rules. I won't report you
I noticed Bill Kristol's name in the first sentence. That guy is responsible for the Iraq War (Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and he is currently on Fox's payroll/Fox News sunday.

Anyway, yes, I hope they fracture into two permanent minority parties :)

Bill Kristol is also responsible for "discovering" Sarah Palin. And we all know how she helped the GOP to find higher ground.
Bill Kristol and Sarah Palin would be a better potus and vice then what we have now.
It's not about spending. It's about an extreme right wing faction destroying the once grand GOP.

Democrats will be the only credible party in the future and we know one party rule for too long is a threat of huge proportions:evil:
You are still an idiot. It is obamaturd and the dimwits that have been destroying this country.

Go learn the new politics forums rules. I won't report you
What new rules? Calling you what you are is against the rules now? Talk about pc.
The sequester cuts NOTHING. It simply lowers the number of future spending.

The sequester = MORE SPENDING idiots.

Liberals don't understand anything.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc4sk1oVvtE]Sen. Rand Paul on Fox Business: Sequester Cuts Not Enough 2/13/2013 - YouTube[/ame]
I noticed Bill Kristol's name in the first sentence. That guy is responsible for the Iraq War (Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and he is currently on Fox's payroll/Fox News sunday.

Anyway, yes, I hope they fracture into two permanent minority parties :)

Bill Kristol is also responsible for "discovering" Sarah Palin. And we all know how she helped the GOP to find higher ground.
Bill Kristol and Sarah Palin would be a better potus and vice then what we have now.

This isn't the humor sub-forum.

As to the OP, when will Repubs stop their war on America? :(
Right Winger Calls on Republican Voters to Destroy America!

April 1, 2013

Know-Nothing Young People

"I mean, there’s something pathetic about it. I’ve found it really distasteful. I mean I myself am socially conservative on the marriage issue but even if you’re not, just say what you believe and let the country decide…. This kind of pathetic attempt of ‘Oh my god, young people especially are liberal so let’s just rush to cater to them As if they’re going to respect you if you just embrace the views of some 26-year-old who doesn’t know anything honestly. Can’t adults say young people are sometimes wrong?

Gee, this TV show is popular so let’s just throw over thousands of years of history and what the great religions teach and let’s just embrace it because, hey, you don’t want to be on the other side from a TV show that has 20 million viewers. I mean, really, that’s what a serious political party does?"

Right Winger Calls on Republican Voters to Destroy America!

Paul Roderick Gregory, Contributor
Domestic and world economics from a free-market perspective

Op/Ed | 2/09/2013 @ 10:40AM
If Republicans Bend on the Sequester, They Don't Deserve Our Support

I was frustrated by William Kristol’s Don’t Be Seduced by the Sequester. Kristol argues Republicans must be the grown-up party. The sequester cuts will delay the deployment of two battle ships at a crucial time. Per Kristol: Republicans should negotiate a more measured (and smaller) reduction with the President even if means delays in spending cuts. Bad advice! Believe me: The sequestered funds will be the only cuts in discretionary spending we will get over the next four years. Any Republican who walks away from the sequester for a future “compromise” with Obama does not deserve our votes, contributions, or volunteer efforts.

Tea Party, prepare to write down names.


If Republicans cave on the sequester, they might as well go home and turn Washington over to the Democrats.


The above is a call that is irrational and dangerous. When ideology trumps what is good for the whole of the nation you get what Madison warned about in his Federalist #9 and #10 -- Factionalism that places the interests and rights of the whole at risk for a narrow ideological and /or partisan agenda.

This is about more than the Tea Party of Libertarian ideologues running around screaming and shouting 'Fire' in the crowded halls of government. This is about wanting to destroy America. This is about a temper tantrum of a right wing culture that has become infantilized.

I wonder how many names have been written down? :eusa_whistle:
Right Winger Calls on Republican Voters to Destroy America!

Paul Roderick Gregory, Contributor
Domestic and world economics from a free-market perspective

Op/Ed | 2/09/2013 @ 10:40AM
If Republicans Bend on the Sequester, They Don't Deserve Our Support

I was frustrated by William Kristol’s Don’t Be Seduced by the Sequester. Kristol argues Republicans must be the grown-up party. The sequester cuts will delay the deployment of two battle ships at a crucial time. Per Kristol: Republicans should negotiate a more measured (and smaller) reduction with the President even if means delays in spending cuts. Bad advice! Believe me: The sequestered funds will be the only cuts in discretionary spending we will get over the next four years. Any Republican who walks away from the sequester for a future “compromise” with Obama does not deserve our votes, contributions, or volunteer efforts.

Tea Party, prepare to write down names.


If Republicans cave on the sequester, they might as well go home and turn Washington over to the Democrats.


The above is a call that is irrational and dangerous. When ideology trumps what is good for the whole of the nation you get what Madison warned about in his Federalist #9 and #10 -- Factionalism that places the interests and rights of the whole at risk for a narrow ideological and /or partisan agenda.

This is about more than the Tea Party of Libertarian ideologues running around screaming and shouting 'Fire' in the crowded halls of government. This is about wanting to destroy America. This is about a temper tantrum of a right wing culture that has become infantilized.

Paul Ryan's budget calls for something like $4.6 Trillion in budget cuts in 10 years. For the mathematically challenged, that's about $460 Billion a year in cuts (not accounting for a drop in interest payments, of course). For anyone who thinks that the sequester will eventually result in real pain (and job loss) across the economy, Ryan's budget would make the sequester seem like flush times.

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