Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

No wonder Todd wants it.

Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

Because it would encourage another round of 'FuckYouMobiles' being produced by the auto companies, getting 15 MPG, with 20 gallon tanks. It's a recipe for oil dependency, and the next time Republicans scare Americans about those evil Muslims the price jumps through the roof again, lead by the Wall Street speculators who look for any reason at all to raise oil prices.
DumBama increased standards on trucks as well in the future. If it's not bad enough the additional expenses we suffer because of pollution standards, now the cost of trucks will increase even more because of the new CAFE standards on those as well.

So what happens when we have an increased cost to delivery vehicles? We pass on that loss to our customers. How do our customers recoup that loss? They pass them on to us--the American consumer.

A new cheap tractor today is about $120,000. That's a no bells--no whistles vehicle. In the future, that vehicle will cost about $140,000. A good over-the-road vehicle will cost nearly a quarter million dollars.

So now the cost of products is going to increase because of these new and more recent standards. We will pay for that in the store. More people will turn to foreign made products and that will put more Americans out of work.
Shut the fuck up, Sally. You wingnuts SUCK at predicting the future.

2002: We will be greeted as liberators.
2012: If Obama is re-elected, we will have $6.00 gas.
What about six years under and because of obama averaging >$3.50?

How about writing a legible sentence?

If you mean Obama's seven years in office we've had $3.50 a gal gasoline then what's to talk about. Nothing he did or didn't do on energy policy caused the price of gas to rise so high that it would destroy the U.S. Economy. It was never headed to $6 a gal and signs were clear in 2011 that it not going there.

Keystone was a phony issue in 2911 used to fearmonger voters during the 2011 election season even though fear-mongers who could read business journals knew how phony it was.

All candidates look for ways to ‘shorthand’ a political message and the Republicans have found such an opportunity in just one word – Keystone.

But is Obama’s decision on the Keystone Pipeline to blame?

To answer the question, I went looking for someone who could really make the case against the President. And who better to do this than Ray Perryman, the very economist hired by TransCanada (the company seeking to build the pipeline) to support the economic value in building the pipelinein the first place?

According to Mr. Perryman, who continues to strongly support the construction of the Keystone project, once “fully implemented and flowing reasonably close to capacity”, the pipeline could result in a 3.5 to 4 cent decrease in the price per gallon of gas, based on current conditions. Perryman does allow that his estimate might be on the high side by adding, “I should also point out that a modest change of this nature will often be swamped by the day-to-day factors that impact market prices.”

Is Obama Really To Blame For Rising Gas Prices? Do You Really Care?

Boy! Maybe an iffy 4 cents when the pipeline was fully operational according to "Ray Perryman, the very economist hired by TransCanada (the company seeking to build the pipeline) to support the economic value in building the pipelinein the first place?"

And here is Moody's Keystone truth in 2011.


According to Moody’s (hardly a bastion of liberal thought), when considering the varying regional impact of not having the pipeline and taking an average of the results, the conclusion is that the construction of the pipeline would lower US gas prices by 1.6 cents per gallon.

That’s less than a quarter each time we stop for a fill up.

How easy it is to see that RW'ers are not interested in facts when they find a buzzword that works. Keystone tied to hoped for $6 gas was the mother of all buzzwords in the 2011 election season.
It's ignorance like yours that is so dangerous.
Obama's reimplementation of offshore drilling restrictions drove the price of energy up and with that all consumer goods and that kept the econony in the hole as a result.
Obama excusers like you are partly to blame. Thanks a lot.
Roshawn 12936503
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.

Catch up. It has already been noted on this thread that $1.35 a gal gasoline in Jan 2009 was during the Great Bush Recession and the U.S. Economy was losing nearly a million jobs a month.

So what do you prefer.

(A) $1.35 a gal gasoline while losing a million jobs a month. Approaching double digit inflation.


(B) $2.00 a gal gasoline while adding a 271,000 jump in payrolls as reported for October 2015. Achieving 5% unemployment.
Wrong. The price dropped because drilling moratoriums were lifted and subsequent plans to drastically expand supply impacted the price. Exactly the same way fracking has done it this time around. Difference is that Obama had the authority to reimplement drilling restrictions but had no control over fracking on privately leased locations.
Thanks for acquiescing to a failed economy. You owe me $$.
DumBama increased standards on trucks as well in the future. If it's not bad enough the additional expenses we suffer because of pollution standards, now the cost of trucks will increase even more because of the new CAFE standards on those as well.

So what happens when we have an increased cost to delivery vehicles? We pass on that loss to our customers. How do our customers recoup that loss? They pass them on to us--the American consumer.

A new cheap tractor today is about $120,000. That's a no bells--no whistles vehicle. In the future, that vehicle will cost about $140,000. A good over-the-road vehicle will cost nearly a quarter million dollars.

So now the cost of products is going to increase because of these new and more recent standards. We will pay for that in the store. More people will turn to foreign made products and that will put more Americans out of work.
Shut the fuck up, Sally. You wingnuts SUCK at predicting the future.

2002: We will be greeted as liberators.
2012: If Obama is re-elected, we will have $6.00 gas.

DumBama: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
DumBama: If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company.
DumBama: The cost of healthcare insurance will go down, sometimes by $2,500 per year.

It's not predicting the future, it's explaining econ 101 to all you liberals. You don't have the intelligence to understand that when you make it more expensive on business to operate, they react. They raise the price of their product, find cheaper ways to make it which lowers quality, or they have it made outside of the country.

Liberals think that when you force more costs onto business, they just sit there looking stupid and take it.
Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

No wonder Todd wants it.

Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

Because it would encourage another round of 'FuckYouMobiles' being produced by the auto companies, getting 15 MPG, with 20 gallon tanks. It's a recipe for oil dependency, and the next time Republicans scare Americans about those evil Muslims the price jumps through the roof again, lead by the Wall Street speculators who look for any reason at all to raise oil prices.

Too bad you don't understand that speculators make money whether the price goes up or down. You make just as much money when it goes down as you do up. The only thing a commodity has to do is move. The money is made when you can figure out which way the price will go.
Wrong. The price dropped because drilling moratoriums were lifted and subsequent plans to drastically expand supply impacted the price. Exactly the same way fracking has done it this time around. Difference is that Obama had the authority to reimplement drilling restrictions but had no control over fracking on privately leased locations.
Thanks for acquiescing to a failed economy. You owe me $$.

So you prefer recession and losing a million jobs a month if gas is $1.35 and you call adding a quarter million jobs a month and $2 gas a failed economy. An economy that lowered unemployment to 6% in two years instead of the four years that Romney said he needed to get there.

No thanks we left behind an absoluty disastrous economy when a Democrat became presudent in 2009.

Romney said to let Ford go bankrupt in 2008 either the other two, and that bailing them would destroy all three. Did you here the big three's record breaking sales for November?

No a failed economy was coming if McCain or Romney got elected.
This is delicious irony especially given the previous high gas price Repub Prez was a former oil man albeit briefly

Is the President responsible for the price of gasoline?

No, the commodities market is.

What a President can do however is influence the price. If speculators see that a President is doing things to restrict fuel, of course they will go long (meaning the price will increase) on their contracts. If a President is doing what he can to increase fuel supply, the speculators will go short meaning the price will decrease.

So, should the president "influence" the price of gasoline? Why? Why not?

Any President should influence the price of gasoline because it has an impact on our economy.

This makes the broader assumption that the President should be responsible for promoting economic growth, one I vehemently disagree with. Our nation is not a business and the President is not our manager.
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.

You mean the week before the economy destroying hack left office. There was never an increase in oil supply before Obama took over. Idiot Bush filled the SPR with $100+ oil & so completely destroyed the global economy that gasoline demand & price tanked. There has never in history been a worse President or higher oil prices than $147 oil Bush caused.
Oldstyle 12936289
How many people were killed on shallow water drilling rigs, Notfooled? I'll give you the answer...NONE! Yet the Obama Administration shut down permits for shallow water drilling as well as for deep water drilling and then made them pay for a third party examination of their safety protocols before they were allowed to start drilling again. Care to explain the logic behind that? You can't...but go ahead and try...

I work in heavy construction and have all my life in the field and in the office. Worker safety is more important in this industry than anything else including schedule and profit.

So when eleven people die on an oil rig - it does not matter what type it was. You err on the side of caution. You put a few pennies saved for your gas tank ahead of oil workers lives. I don't need to explain anything. You don't give a Damn about the environment and you don't give a damn about workers lives and limbs and well being.

There's no logic or morality there Oldstyle.

There was a catastrophic failure on a foreign run oil rig in U.S. waters. The price of gas did not go extremely up as a result of the moratorium on permits. Those that predicted they would go way up, were exaggerating at best, outright lying at worst. Current pricing proves them wrong.

So if a heavy crane malfunctioned on a high rise construction project killing 11 people...would you cease issuing building permits for single family homes? That would be absurd...correct? Yet essentially that's what the Obama Administration did when they had a blowout on a deep water drilling platform...they ceased issuing permits for shallow water drillers even though it's completely different technology and the shallow water drillers have an almost perfect safety record! You only do something like THAT if you're using the blowout on the deep water rig as an excuse to shut down the entire drilling industry because you don't like oil.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

The left are the ones who should be eating crow. They said domestic production would not have an effect on price, the opposite of the stated intent of the liberal was the result, as always.

Although I am loving the price drop, as stated in another thread this might really lead to a world in turmoil. Much more likely then Obama's claim about Climate Change.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

A couple of days ago, I paid $1.78/gal. Unlike conservatives, I don't long for the days under a conservative president like Bush, when gas was OVER $4/gal.
Are you REALLY that naive about what caused that price decrease, Mustang? It had zero to do with anything Barack Obama of liberals like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi did! I'm sorry but the cause of that lower price is the use of fracking techniques that suddenly made millions of barrels of oil economically viable right here in the US...something that scared the Saudis and the rest of the OPEC nations into dropping the price of oil drastically. So when you fill up your Volvo at the pump say thank you to the people in the US oil industry that developed fracking...and say thank you to the conservative Governors of States like South Dakota that allowed it to take place in their States!
Obama has given out more exploration permits than any other president. I recently read that his policies have led to oil/gas production that is equal to finding an entire Iraq.

The Keystone disaster shows that Obama is not in the hip pocket of the Koch's.

When OPEC chooses to drop the price per barrel for oil, it is not the Presidents doing, just as its not the Presidents doing when OPEC raises the price.

OPEC wants fracking to stop so the have lowered prices on their oil. It is much more expensive to get the oil through fracking than through drilling. When oil prices drops, fracking slows way down.

Obama nor Bush had anything to do with high or low oil prices.

Find it funny that libs blamed Bush for high oil prices, dismissed him when they were low, dismissed Obama when they went back up and now credit Obama when they drop.

It takes a special stupid to do that.
Ray 12937258
Too bad you don't understand that speculators make money whether the price goes up or down. You make just as much money when it goes down as you do up. The only thing a commodity has to do is move. The money is made when you can figure out which way the price will go.

So speculators were likely certain in 2011 that gas prices could never go to $6.00 a gallon as Republicans were making that outlandish claim that Obama was driving gas to that level. Don't you agree that lying is disgusting.
Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

No wonder Todd wants it.

Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

Because it would encourage another round of 'FuckYouMobiles' being produced by the auto companies, getting 15 MPG, with 20 gallon tanks. It's a recipe for oil dependency, and the next time Republicans scare Americans about those evil Muslims the price jumps through the roof again, lead by the Wall Street speculators who look for any reason at all to raise oil prices.

Because it would encourage another round of 'FuckYouMobiles' being produced by the auto companies, getting 15 MPG, with 20 gallon tanks.

You mean people could buy the vehicles they want?
US auto companies could sell the vehicles that are profitable?
Yeah, I can see why liberals are against that.
So if a heavy crane malfunctioned on a high rise construction project killing 11 people...would you cease issuing building permits for single family homes?
That's a piss-poor analogy. That accident would not affect a natural resource that is depended upon for millions of jobs, not to mention the ecological damage which in turn causes more economic damage far into the future.

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