Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

So, should the president "influence" the price of gasoline? Why? Why not?

Any President should influence the price of gasoline because it has an impact on our economy.

This makes the broader assumption that the President should be responsible for promoting economic growth, one I vehemently disagree with. Our nation is not a business and the President is not our manager.

Why would you be against a President causing lower prices on a necessary evil which helps the economy of the entire nation? When DumBama spent nearly a trillion dollars on the Pork Bill, were you against that as well?

Yes I was.

I'm against that kind of government because I don't think the state should have the power, let alone the responsibility, to make us "better". Instead, it should protect our freedom to decide for ourselves what constitutes "the good life" and pursue it as we see fit.

So do you know any American that doesn't think lower fuel prices benefit themselves yet alone the rest of the country?

This public land is just that--public. That should mean it belongs to all of us. If that is the case, why shouldn't we drill on public lands that have oil in them?

That's not manipulation, that's simply doing the smart thing with our lands.
who gets the profits from oil on "our" land and who cleans the mess up? Also, the oil co's already have plenty of land to drill on that they're not even utilizing.

Drill Baby Drill, Obama Tells Oil
In a statement issued Tuesday, Salazar says the administration wants companies "to develop the tens of millions of acres they've already leased but have left sitting idle."

Stop w/ the rw talking-points.
So, should the president "influence" the price of gasoline? Why? Why not?

Any President should influence the price of gasoline because it has an impact on our economy.

This makes the broader assumption that the President should be responsible for promoting economic growth, one I vehemently disagree with. Our nation is not a business and the President is not our manager.

Why would you be against a President causing lower prices on a necessary evil which helps the economy of the entire nation? When DumBama spent nearly a trillion dollars on the Pork Bill, were you against that as well?

Yes I was.

I'm against that kind of government because I don't think the state should have the power, let alone the responsibility, to make us "better". Instead, it should protect our freedom to decide for ourselves what constitutes "the good life" and pursue it as we see fit.

So do you know any American that doesn't think lower fuel prices benefit themselves yet alone the rest of the country?
This public land is just that--public. That should mean it belongs to all of us. If that is the case, why shouldn't we drill on public lands that have oil in them?

Public land shouldn't be used for commercial enterprise at all.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

Golly, that's weird.. It's 2.19 here (Southwest Florida) at RACETRAK. 2.27 at Mobil.

The bad news for your little would-be thesis here, is that the cost of gosline has declined IN SPITE OF obama... NOT DUE TO ANYTHING HE'S DONE TO BRING IT DOWN.

Of course, you're invited to cite the obama policies that you feel lead to lower prices.

Here's a clue:

Roshawn 12936503
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.

Catch up. It has already been noted on this thread that $1.35 a gal gasoline in Jan 2009 was during the Great Bush Recession and the U.S. Economy was losing nearly a million jobs a month.

So what do you prefer.

(A) $1.35 a gal gasoline while losing a million jobs a month. Approaching double digit inflation.


(B) $2.00 a gal gasoline while adding a 271,000 jump in payrolls as reported for October 2015. Achieving 5% unemployment.
Wrong. The price dropped because drilling moratoriums were lifted and subsequent plans to drastically expand supply impacted the price. Exactly the same way fracking has done it this time around. Difference is that Obama had the authority to reimplement drilling restrictions but had no control over fracking on privately leased locations.
Thanks for acquiescing to a failed economy. You owe me $$.

When President Bush announced his plan why did prices continue to rise then?
They didn't rise. They went down immediately. Starting in July 2008 when the Alaskan exec-ordered offshore restriction was lifted. Then they dropped significantly when the major offshore moratorium expired at the end of September 2008.

President Bush announced his plan before July. Prices kept climbing due to Saber rattling by the President and fears that Iran was going to try and shut down the straight of Hormuz. The law of supply and demand took over and by Jan-Feb 2009 prices bottomed out.
Any President should influence the price of gasoline because it has an impact on our economy.

This makes the broader assumption that the President should be responsible for promoting economic growth, one I vehemently disagree with. Our nation is not a business and the President is not our manager.

Why would you be against a President causing lower prices on a necessary evil which helps the economy of the entire nation? When DumBama spent nearly a trillion dollars on the Pork Bill, were you against that as well?

Yes I was.

I'm against that kind of government because I don't think the state should have the power, let alone the responsibility, to make us "better". Instead, it should protect our freedom to decide for ourselves what constitutes "the good life" and pursue it as we see fit.

So do you know any American that doesn't think lower fuel prices benefit themselves yet alone the rest of the country?

This public land is just that--public. That should mean it belongs to all of us. If that is the case, why shouldn't we drill on public lands that have oil in them?

That's not manipulation, that's simply doing the smart thing with our lands.
who gets the profits from oil on "our" land and who cleans the mess up? Also, the oil co's already have plenty of land to drill on that they're not even utilizing.

Drill Baby Drill, Obama Tells Oil
In a statement issued Tuesday, Salazar says the administration wants companies "to develop the tens of millions of acres they've already leased but have left sitting idle."

Stop w/ the rw talking-points.

Suggestion: If you're going to post something, it might be a good idea to read it first. This post reveals the reason oil companies are NOT drilling on the land. As I posted earlier, getting permits of land is one thing, getting drilling rights is quite another.
This makes the broader assumption that the President should be responsible for promoting economic growth, one I vehemently disagree with. Our nation is not a business and the President is not our manager.

Why would you be against a President causing lower prices on a necessary evil which helps the economy of the entire nation? When DumBama spent nearly a trillion dollars on the Pork Bill, were you against that as well?

Yes I was.

I'm against that kind of government because I don't think the state should have the power, let alone the responsibility, to make us "better". Instead, it should protect our freedom to decide for ourselves what constitutes "the good life" and pursue it as we see fit.

So do you know any American that doesn't think lower fuel prices benefit themselves yet alone the rest of the country?

This public land is just that--public. That should mean it belongs to all of us. If that is the case, why shouldn't we drill on public lands that have oil in them?

That's not manipulation, that's simply doing the smart thing with our lands.
who gets the profits from oil on "our" land and who cleans the mess up? Also, the oil co's already have plenty of land to drill on that they're not even utilizing.

Drill Baby Drill, Obama Tells Oil
In a statement issued Tuesday, Salazar says the administration wants companies "to develop the tens of millions of acres they've already leased but have left sitting idle."

Stop w/ the rw talking-points.

Suggestion: If you're going to post something, it might be a good idea to read it first. This post reveals the reason oil companies are NOT drilling on the land. As I posted earlier, getting permits of land is one thing, getting drilling rights is quite another.

That's Dottie in a nutshell! Spouting off about "rw talking-points" while citing articles that she hasn't read. If she actually HAD read the article then she'd understand why what the Obama Administration claimed was just more smoke and mirrors designed to fool the American public.
Last paragraph in the article:

A spokesman for the Department of the Interior, asked to respond to the industry's contention that DOI's report is both misleading and absurd, says, "The report speaks for itself. The notion that we have somehow locked up federal lands clearly doesn't square with the facts. Our goal is to continue expanding safe and responsible development, and we will continue to take steps to deliver on that priority."

I'll take that over American Petroleum Institute statements any day of the week.
Why would you be against a President causing lower prices on a necessary evil which helps the economy of the entire nation? When DumBama spent nearly a trillion dollars on the Pork Bill, were you against that as well?

Yes I was.

I'm against that kind of government because I don't think the state should have the power, let alone the responsibility, to make us "better". Instead, it should protect our freedom to decide for ourselves what constitutes "the good life" and pursue it as we see fit.

So do you know any American that doesn't think lower fuel prices benefit themselves yet alone the rest of the country?

This public land is just that--public. That should mean it belongs to all of us. If that is the case, why shouldn't we drill on public lands that have oil in them?

That's not manipulation, that's simply doing the smart thing with our lands.
who gets the profits from oil on "our" land and who cleans the mess up? Also, the oil co's already have plenty of land to drill on that they're not even utilizing.

Drill Baby Drill, Obama Tells Oil
In a statement issued Tuesday, Salazar says the administration wants companies "to develop the tens of millions of acres they've already leased but have left sitting idle."

Stop w/ the rw talking-points.

Suggestion: If you're going to post something, it might be a good idea to read it first. This post reveals the reason oil companies are NOT drilling on the land. As I posted earlier, getting permits of land is one thing, getting drilling rights is quite another.

That's Dottie in a nutshell! Spouting off about "rw talking-points" while citing articles that she hasn't read. If she actually HAD read the article then she'd understand why what the Obama Administration claimed was just more smoke and mirrors designed to fool the American public.

Or in other words--lie.

I was listening to the radio this morning and they played a clip from Dick Durbin. He said that Republicans were denying women access to healthcare. How are Republicans doing that?

By denying, of course it means to prevent or to stop. Just because Republicans don't want the taxpayer to pay for free stuff anymore is not denying anybody of anything. But that's how Democrats lie to try and get their way. The uninformed voters (who Democrats heavily rely upon) would actually believe that Republicans did something to stop women from getting healthcare if they heard this speech of his.
Last paragraph in the article:

A spokesman for the Department of the Interior, asked to respond to the industry's contention that DOI's report is both misleading and absurd, says, "The report speaks for itself. The notion that we have somehow locked up federal lands clearly doesn't square with the facts. Our goal is to continue expanding safe and responsible development, and we will continue to take steps to deliver on that priority."

I'll take that over American Petroleum Institute statements any day of the week.

You will? Then explain why oil companies would do that if they really want the oil. Do you think they are not using the land to make DumBama look bad? That's an awful long stretch, don't you think?
Obama lowered gas prices so......

He's the bitch responsible for global warming then!

When are the libs gonna call for his impeachment and claim he's not really a natural born American?
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Hey, but for the oil boom occurring as a result of production on PRIVATE lands, oil and gas prices would be right where O
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Since when have right-wingers complained about about the price of gasoline going down, dumbass?
hey didn't rise. They went down immediately. Starting in July 2008 when the Alaskan exec-ordered offshore restriction was lifted. Then they dropped significantly when the major offshore moratorium expired at the end of September 2008

Gasoline prices went down as the Great Bush Recession was collapsing the U.S. economy at a rate not seen since the Great Depression. Lifting restrictions had nothing to do with lowering gasoline prices. Jobs were being lost at a pace going to one million per month.

What on earth is your point with regards to the OP?
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Genius. The prices are as a result of oil being harvested on PRIVATELY owned lands. Gas prices are at current levels in spite of Obama's ridiculous energy policy.
So please, stop reaching.
During the '08 campaign Obama stated he would be comfortable with four dollar gasoline.
Knowing how large of an ego Obama has , he is seething over his failed Green Energy nonsense. If Obama had his way and his propensity to use executive orders with little regard for the consequences, it would come as no surprise if he went ahead and slapped a two or three dollar per gallon federal tax on motor fuels....That just to be able to say "I'll show you"...
Muhammed 12943621
Since when have right-wingers complained about about the price of gasoline going down, dumbass?

If you did not read what you are replying to why did you bother to comment. My point is not that rightwingers are complaining - it is that rightwingers were so vicious and boldly lying that Obama's energy policy was going to send gasoline prices through the roof and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Now that they have been proven wrong they have all shut up about gas prices wanting us to forget how ugly, misguided and unconcerned with facts and economic science when a buzzword like Keystone appears in their fantasy world.

Of course those RW'rs predicting $6 gas back in 2011 aren't complaining about low prices. They are complaining about being reminded how dishonest and dirty they are.
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Obama has given out more exploration permits than any other president. I recently read that his policies have led to oil/gas production that is equal to finding an entire Iraq.

The Keystone disaster shows that Obama is not in the hip pocket of the Koch's.
Oh cut the crap. Those permits are unproductive and if so, would make production cost prohibitive.
Obama gets to talk out of both sides of his mouth. He gets to say " I issued permits"....When he is really saying "screw you"...
If Obama was in the least bit interested in the health of the US oil industry, he would have approved Keystone.
His policies? Are you fucking insane?
The oil production from the northern plains is 100% private sector activity on 100% privately owned lands.
Federal policy has ZERO to do with it.
Since when have right-wingers complained about about the price of gasoline going down, dumbass?

If you did not read what you are replying to why did you bother to comment. My point is not that rightwingers are complaining - it is that rightwingers were so vicious and boldly lying that Obama's energy policy was going to send gasoline prices through the roof and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Now that they have been proven wrong they have all shut up about gas prices wanting us to forget how ugly, misguided and unconcerned with facts and economic science when a buzzword like Keystone appears in their fantasy world.

Of course those RW'rs predicting $6 gas back in 2011 aren't complaining about low prices. They are complaining about being reminded how dishonest and dirty they are.

I know RWs who were predicting 23 cent/gallon gasoline.

Look how high it is now.

It's a hell of a lot higher than that, Are you going to try to lie your way out of that FACT?
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The prices are as a result of oil being harvested on PRIVATELY owned lands.

Of course they are. I have said so right here many times. Didn't RW'ers know that in 2011 that oil was being harvested on privately owned land. Obama knew it. I knew it. So why was the RW'ers message back then what you are backtracking to now? Why wasn't the message in 2011 "don't panic / prices will go down despite what Obama is doing."?? Why wasn't the message aligned with the known truth back then? "We don't need Keystone - we don't need to drill on public lands; the private sector is showing how capitalism and investment in technology works."

I realize you don't want to discuss anything related to the OP. That is why I posted it.

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