Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

You Obama followers really should be honest. There is NO WAY on God's green Earth Obama is pleased with the current level of pricing for fossil fuels. And you know it!
Global demand is very low.... it is that simple.
And production increased in the US, simple as that....
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
I wonder if the Saudis increasing production has anything to d with it?
The Saudis are notorious for violating OPEC production quotas because they are the biggest kid on the block. The Saudis always want to lead in market share.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

His actions have cost jobs, no question.

Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Why would right wingers eat crow?
Obama wanted our gas to reach European level prices, how's his crow taste?
European levels are high because of taxes
Actaully you are only partly correct. Strip away all the taxes the Euro Zone countries place on gasoline and the prices thaty pay are at least TWICE what we pay here.
And that makes complete sense because few European nations produce any petroleum of any significance.
Norway is Europe's #1 producer at 1.9 million barrels per year. Next is the UK with just under 800k..Denmark creeps in with 207k...The rest of the 15 or so European producers do not pump enough to make a good hour of production from the largest producers in the world....
Muhammed 12943804
I know RWs who were predicting 23 cent/gallon gasoline.

Here is the final paragraph to which you were responding:

"Of course those RW'rs predicting $6 gas back in 2011 aren't complaining about low prices. They are complaining about being reminded how dishonest and dirty they are."

So when you do learn how to read you will see that I was not referring to RW'ers that were predicting that gas price would go down a penny. I definitely was not referring to your phantom RW'ers that were predicting gas to go down to $0.23 a gallon.

I was referring to "those" RW'rs predicting that gas would go up and were blaming it all on Obama.

You see how English works when "those" is used in a sentence it is pointing to a specific group of RW'ers in this case. Your phantom RW'ers are not in that specific group.

That is another reason why your reply is so funny.
Last edited:
Global demand is very low.... it is that simple.
And production increased in the US, simple as that....
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...
Enjoy it while you can. I noticed prices for other goods that were increased a few years back because of higher transportation cost, so retailer claimed, have not fallen at all!
If you are referring to food prices, you only have to look to the federally mandated corn Ethanol subsidy.
Once farmers saw this little federal perk, they switched corn production from feed for cattle and food and food additives to corn for ethanol.
This one subsidy has been no better than a food tax on Americans.
The price of beef, poultry( feed) dairy( feed and corn additives to some products)and anything with any type of corn derivative has skyrocketed in price.
I wonder if the Saudis increasing production has anything to d with it?
The Saudis are notorious for violating OPEC production quotas because they are the biggest kid on the block. The Saudis always want to lead in market share.
It's more about protecting markets.........reduction of production will allow other producers to gain lost markets from cut backs..
Global demand is very low.... it is that simple.
And production increased in the US, simple as that....
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...
Yeah. No shit.
Obama's problem is that in his mind we should stop using oil NOW.
We should be seeing many more vehicles running on hydrogen and natural gas. Unfortunately, there are political forces which are preventing this and other price worthy and energy efficient fuels from coming to market.
And quite frankly, the petroleum industry is bigger than any US POTUS and bigger than anyone can imagine.
In fact, the world's economic well being rests squarely on the shoulders of the availability and production of petroleum.
Enjoy it while you can. I noticed prices for other goods that were increased a few years back because of higher transportation cost, so retailer claimed, have not fallen at all!
If you are referring to food prices, you only have to look to the federally mandated corn Ethanol subsidy.
Once farmers saw this little federal perk, they switched corn production from feed for cattle and food and food additives to corn for ethanol.
This one subsidy has been no better than a food tax on Americans.
The price of beef, poultry( feed) dairy( feed and corn additives to some products)and anything with any type of corn derivative has skyrocketed in price.

Ethanol production tripled from 2002-2009. During the same time period, corn production met increased ethanol demand and produced an additional 21 percent more corn available for other needs.

When raw field corn goes into an ethanol plant, it’s not just ethanol that comes out. The ethanol process converts only the starch from the kernel to ethanol. An ethanol plant produces a lot more than just ethanol from corn. Since only the starch from the kernel is used to make cornbased ethanol, corn’s value continues even after ethanol is produced. In the dry grind ethanol process, co-products such as protein, fat and other nutrients are used to produce feed products. Every 56-pound bushel of corn used in the dry grind ethanol process yields nearly 3 gallons of ethanol and 18 pounds of distillers grain. In addition to producing 2.7 gallons of ethanol, a bushel of corn in the wet mill ethanol process produces 13.5 pounds of corn gluten feed and 2.6 pounds of high-protein corn gluten meal for livestock, as well as corn oil, corn syrup and other additives for use in human food and industrial products.
And production increased in the US, simple as that....
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...
Yeah. No shit.
Obama's problem is that in his mind we should stop using oil NOW.
We should be seeing many more vehicles running on hydrogen and natural gas. Unfortunately, there are political forces which are preventing this and other price worthy and energy efficient fuels from coming to market.
And quite frankly, the petroleum industry is bigger than any US POTUS and bigger than anyone can imagine.
In fact, the world's economic well being rests squarely on the shoulders of the availability and production of petroleum.
Which is not the case, during Oblama's tenure oil production in the US topped Saudi Arabia, making the US the top producer in the world...Why was this not accomplished during Boosh? An oilman....
Enjoy it while you can. I noticed prices for other goods that were increased a few years back because of higher transportation cost, so retailer claimed, have not fallen at all!
If you are referring to food prices, you only have to look to the federally mandated corn Ethanol subsidy.
Once farmers saw this little federal perk, they switched corn production from feed for cattle and food and food additives to corn for ethanol.
This one subsidy has been no better than a food tax on Americans.
The price of beef, poultry( feed) dairy( feed and corn additives to some products)and anything with any type of corn derivative has skyrocketed in price.

What happened is when ethanol became a commodity and started to be used, farmers that grew other grains (soybeans, barley, oats) dropped what they were growing to grow corn. Then those grains increased in cost because of low supply. That's why all food products increased in price.

But this is what happens when you decide to burn up your food supply. If there is any irony in this at all, it's that ethanol creates more pollution to produce than gasoline. :ack-1:
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...
Yeah. No shit.
Obama's problem is that in his mind we should stop using oil NOW.
We should be seeing many more vehicles running on hydrogen and natural gas. Unfortunately, there are political forces which are preventing this and other price worthy and energy efficient fuels from coming to market.
And quite frankly, the petroleum industry is bigger than any US POTUS and bigger than anyone can imagine.
In fact, the world's economic well being rests squarely on the shoulders of the availability and production of petroleum.
Which is not the case, during Oblama's tenure oil production in the US topped Saudi Arabia, making the US the top producer in the world...Why was this not accomplished during Boosh? An oilman....

Any oil man will tell you that it takes anywhere from 3-5 years before you can actually produce oil once you start the process. Bush did allow that process to start.
Muhammed 12943804
I know RWs who were predicting 23 cent/gallon gasoline.

Here us the final paragraph to which you were responding:

"Of course those RW'rs predicting $6 gas back in 2011 aren't complaining about low prices. They are complaining about being reminded how dishonest and dirty they are."

So when you do learn how to read you will see that I was not referring to RW'ers that were predicting that gas price would go down a penny. I definitely was not referring to your phantom RW'ers that were predicting gas to go down to $0.23 a gallon.

I was referring to "those" RW'rs predicting that gas would go up and were blaming it all on Obama.

You see how English works when "those" is used in a sentence it is pointing to a specific group of RW'ers in this case. Your phantom RW'ers are not in that specific group.

That is another reason why your reply is so funny.

Are their predictions a matter of public record back in 2011?

Do you have a record of public predictions "about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy"?
Global demand is very low.... it is that simple.
And production increased in the US, simple as that....
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...

It's not that we can't produce alternatives--we can. The question is at what cost?

As of today, there is nothing that can replace the supply, reliability and strength of petroleum. We pay far less for gasoline than other countries let's say in Europe.

One of our customers was a big lib. So he had a windmill installed at his business. I kinda like windmills. They are cool looking.

One day I went there and the entire top of the windmill was gone. The owner walked by and I asked what happened to the windmill? He just waved both hands towards me as if pushing away and said "Ah!" LOL!

One of the workers said that he was only two years from breaking even on his windmill investment, then the stupid thing broke, and it cost almost as much to repair as buying a new one, so he opted to just use electricity from the electric company.
Enjoy it while you can. I noticed prices for other goods that were increased a few years back because of higher transportation cost, so retailer claimed, have not fallen at all!
If you are referring to food prices, you only have to look to the federally mandated corn Ethanol subsidy.
Once farmers saw this little federal perk, they switched corn production from feed for cattle and food and food additives to corn for ethanol.
This one subsidy has been no better than a food tax on Americans.
The price of beef, poultry( feed) dairy( feed and corn additives to some products)and anything with any type of corn derivative has skyrocketed in price.

What happened is when ethanol became a commodity and started to be used, farmers that grew other grains (soybeans, barley, oats) dropped what they were growing to grow corn. Then those grains increased in cost because of low supply. That's why all food products increased in price.

But this is what happens when you decide to burn up your food supply. If there is any irony in this at all, it's that ethanol creates more pollution to produce than gasoline. :ack-1:
And production increased in the US, simple as that....
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...

It's not that we can't produce alternatives--we can. The question is at what cost?

As of today, there is nothing that can replace the supply, reliability and strength of petroleum. We pay far less for gasoline than other countries let's say in Europe.

One of our customers was a big lib. So he had a windmill installed at his business. I kinda like windmills. They are cool looking.

One day I went there and the entire top of the windmill was gone. The owner walked by and I asked what happened to the windmill? He just waved both hands towards me as if pushing away and said "Ah!" LOL!

One of the workers said that he was only two years from breaking even on his windmill investment, then the stupid thing broke, and it cost almost as much to repair as buying a new one, so he opted to just use electricity from the electric company.
They also threw a fit when petroleum ruined the whaling industry.......autos replaced horses and was fought by old timers.........They said electricity was a fluke and would never work...
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...
Yeah. No shit.
Obama's problem is that in his mind we should stop using oil NOW.
We should be seeing many more vehicles running on hydrogen and natural gas. Unfortunately, there are political forces which are preventing this and other price worthy and energy efficient fuels from coming to market.
And quite frankly, the petroleum industry is bigger than any US POTUS and bigger than anyone can imagine.
In fact, the world's economic well being rests squarely on the shoulders of the availability and production of petroleum.
Which is not the case, during Oblama's tenure oil production in the US topped Saudi Arabia, making the US the top producer in the world...Why was this not accomplished during Boosh? An oilman....
That is not the right question and you know it. The real question is what has Obama done that you can credit him with any of that production? Without an answer to that, Obama is utterly irrelevant in that increased production.
Enjoy it while you can. I noticed prices for other goods that were increased a few years back because of higher transportation cost, so retailer claimed, have not fallen at all!
If you are referring to food prices, you only have to look to the federally mandated corn Ethanol subsidy.
Once farmers saw this little federal perk, they switched corn production from feed for cattle and food and food additives to corn for ethanol.
This one subsidy has been no better than a food tax on Americans.
The price of beef, poultry( feed) dairy( feed and corn additives to some products)and anything with any type of corn derivative has skyrocketed in price.

What happened is when ethanol became a commodity and started to be used, farmers that grew other grains (soybeans, barley, oats) dropped what they were growing to grow corn. Then those grains increased in cost because of low supply. That's why all food products increased in price.

But this is what happens when you decide to burn up your food supply. If there is any irony in this at all, it's that ethanol creates more pollution to produce than gasoline. :ack-1:
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...

It's not that we can't produce alternatives--we can. The question is at what cost?

As of today, there is nothing that can replace the supply, reliability and strength of petroleum. We pay far less for gasoline than other countries let's say in Europe.

One of our customers was a big lib. So he had a windmill installed at his business. I kinda like windmills. They are cool looking.

One day I went there and the entire top of the windmill was gone. The owner walked by and I asked what happened to the windmill? He just waved both hands towards me as if pushing away and said "Ah!" LOL!

One of the workers said that he was only two years from breaking even on his windmill investment, then the stupid thing broke, and it cost almost as much to repair as buying a new one, so he opted to just use electricity from the electric company.
They also threw a fit when petroleum ruined the whaling industry.......autos replaced horses and was fought by old timers.........They said electricity was a fluke and would never work...

They also threw a fit when petroleum ruined the whaling industry

Petroleum was cheaper than whale oil. When you get a cheaper renewable, let us know.
Enjoy it while you can. I noticed prices for other goods that were increased a few years back because of higher transportation cost, so retailer claimed, have not fallen at all!
If you are referring to food prices, you only have to look to the federally mandated corn Ethanol subsidy.
Once farmers saw this little federal perk, they switched corn production from feed for cattle and food and food additives to corn for ethanol.
This one subsidy has been no better than a food tax on Americans.
The price of beef, poultry( feed) dairy( feed and corn additives to some products)and anything with any type of corn derivative has skyrocketed in price.

What happened is when ethanol became a commodity and started to be used, farmers that grew other grains (soybeans, barley, oats) dropped what they were growing to grow corn. Then those grains increased in cost because of low supply. That's why all food products increased in price.

But this is what happens when you decide to burn up your food supply. If there is any irony in this at all, it's that ethanol creates more pollution to produce than gasoline. :ack-1:
In spite of Obama's total commitment to "green" (LOL) energy..stupid fuck
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...

It's not that we can't produce alternatives--we can. The question is at what cost?

As of today, there is nothing that can replace the supply, reliability and strength of petroleum. We pay far less for gasoline than other countries let's say in Europe.

One of our customers was a big lib. So he had a windmill installed at his business. I kinda like windmills. They are cool looking.

One day I went there and the entire top of the windmill was gone. The owner walked by and I asked what happened to the windmill? He just waved both hands towards me as if pushing away and said "Ah!" LOL!

One of the workers said that he was only two years from breaking even on his windmill investment, then the stupid thing broke, and it cost almost as much to repair as buying a new one, so he opted to just use electricity from the electric company.
They also threw a fit when petroleum ruined the whaling industry.......autos replaced horses and was fought by old timers.........They said electricity was a fluke and would never work...
Almost no one believes that oil is permanent and alternatives will not replace it. That is not the point. The problem is that the government wants to FORCE alternatives to come in and replace oil long before they are ready to do so and place restrictions on oil (that conveniently come in the guise of taxing it more) so that customers are moved over before they should. This is bad. Allowing the tech to mature to the point that it replaces oil naturally is how it should be done.
The previous GOP president and GOP Congress wrote the alternative energy policy of 2005 which mandated the investment into these developments..Oblama is just following the energy policy
Cut the bullshit. Obama isn't going along with anything.
The fact is there is nothing he can do to stop domestic oil production on privately owned lands.
Obama has been obsessed with the idea of 'green energy' for who knows how long.
Obama wasted half a trillion on Solyndra. And he gave GE over one trillion dollars in tax breaks because that company's management decided to go along with Obama on his green energy bullshit
There are dozens of other businesses and countries pouring monies into developing alternative energy including fusion reactors........You can't go forward by living in the past...
Yeah. No shit.
Obama's problem is that in his mind we should stop using oil NOW.
We should be seeing many more vehicles running on hydrogen and natural gas. Unfortunately, there are political forces which are preventing this and other price worthy and energy efficient fuels from coming to market.
And quite frankly, the petroleum industry is bigger than any US POTUS and bigger than anyone can imagine.
In fact, the world's economic well being rests squarely on the shoulders of the availability and production of petroleum.
Which is not the case, during Oblama's tenure oil production in the US topped Saudi Arabia, making the US the top producer in the world...Why was this not accomplished during Boosh? An oilman....

Any oil man will tell you that it takes anywhere from 3-5 years before you can actually produce oil once you start the process. Bush did allow that process to start.
The catalyst for fracking came from higher fuel prices...

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