Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

What I'm pointing out is that you can't claim credit for Obama for lowering gas prices whilst blaming Bush for making them higher.

I'm not giving credit for Obama lowering gas prices. I give him and the U.S. Automakers credit for lowering demand for by reducing U.S. Consumption by setting higher fuel standards for cars and trucks. I give credit to all the alternative energy advances under Obama's watch. He would and should get the same credit had gas prices stayed in the $3 to $4 range. It is the proper response to too much wasteful consumption of fossil fuel products.

My point that all you RW'ers avoid like the plague is that RW'er hysteria over Obama's energy and environmental policies did not raise the price of gas to those ridiculous and scary high prices that wingnuts were attacking Obama 24/7.

So why should we trust conservative's judgment about anything when they have been proven so wrong on something pretty simple to figure out when that attack had life?
Be my guest and TRY to find those video's CHOPPED UP, you fucking, blazing, moron!

There the snippet where Obama says he would have 'preferred a gradual' something or other which I guess is what you meant by Obama 'wanting' higher gasoline prices.

The video rolls along not showing the question or the full response going to other scenes and between those chopped scenes that same five word statement is inserted again and again where no one can get the context. That is chopped up vulgar man.
Be my guest and TRY to find those video's CHOPPED UP, you fucking, blazing, moron!

There the snippet where Obama says he would have 'preferred a gradual' something or other which I guess is what you meant by Obama wanting higher gasoline prices

You mean you didn't UNDERSTAND he was talking about RAISING gas prices? Are YOU this stupid that you can't find his remarks on a search engine?...
Be my guest and TRY to find those video's CHOPPED UP, you fucking, blazing, moron!

There the snippet where Obama says he would have 'preferred a gradual' something or other which I guess is what you meant by Obama wanting higher gasoline prices

You mean you didn't UNDERSTAND he was talking about RAISING gas prices? Are YOU this stupid that you can't find his remarks on a search engine?...

You said it wasn't chopped up. You are adding to your lies.
Be my guest and TRY to find those video's CHOPPED UP, you fucking, blazing, moron!

There the snippet where Obama says he would have 'preferred a gradual' something or other which I guess is what you meant by Obama wanting higher gasoline prices

You mean you didn't UNDERSTAND he was talking about RAISING gas prices? Are YOU this stupid that you can't find his remarks on a search engine?...

You said it wasn't chopped up. You are adding to your lies.

Now LOOK who LIES, and trys to spin it that I lied with a FEW VIDEO'S! You have anything at all that proves he didn't say what he did.... No, I didn't think so, liberal :ahole-1:
You mean you didn't UNDERSTAND he was talking about RAISING gas prices?

I understand from that chopped up video that he was not talking about he himself wanting higher gas prices.

He said if the oil companies are raising prices he would prefer it to be more gradual. He is not saying he wants it or wants to drive up gas prices gradually or at a fast pace.

He wants Americans to become smart about consuming and not wasting fossil based products.

That is lowering demand which is a path to lowering prices at the pump.

That is wanting lower prices not higher prices.

You are very confused by watching these chopped up RW videos.
Staidup 12934346
Now think what prices would be if the US private market hadn't developed fracking technology?

Did you know back when that the private market was developing fracking technology? So why was Obama accused of intending to raise gasoline price so high that it would destroy the U.S. Economy. All I want to know is why you RW'ers believed Obama could skyrocket gasoline prices since 75 percent of good fracking sites are on private lands anyway. The fed lands would not have changed a thing. The offshore drilling in the Gulf is back to 2009 levels since the BP disaster forced a moratorium on new permits.

Eleven people were killed in that Deep Horizon accident. Safety for oil rig workers was enough reason alone to slow down the permitting process for offshore drilling.

The reality is the private sector developed fracking and gasoline never approached RW alarmist, panic and fearmongering political bullcrap.

Now it's as if private land fracking just appeared out of nowhere. Why the bs about public permits.

Your point makes no sense as a point relative to or antagonistic to the OP.

All I want to know is why you RW'ers believed Obama could skyrocket gasoline prices

He said he wanted higher gas prices. He said he wanted carbon taxes.
Was he lying? Did you believe his lies?
You mean you didn't UNDERSTAND he was talking about RAISING gas prices?

I understand from that chopped up video that he was not talking about he himself wanting higher gas prices.

He said if the oil companies are raising prices he would prefer it to be more gradual. He is not saying he wants it or wants to drive up gas prices gradually or at a fast pace.

He wants Americans to become smart about consuming and not wasting fossil based products.

That is lowering demand which is a path to lowering prices at the pump.

That is wanting lower prices not higher prices.

You are very confused by watching these chopped up RW videos.

Perhaps I'll just keep posting the Obuma's words, and those of those in his regime...

What I'm pointing out is that you can't claim credit for Obama for lowering gas prices whilst blaming Bush for making them higher.

I'm not giving credit for Obama lowering gas prices. I give him and the U.S. Automakers credit for lowering demand for by reducing U.S. Consumption by setting higher fuel standards for cars and trucks. I give credit to all the alternative energy advances under Obama's watch. He would and should get the same credit had gas prices stayed in the $3 to $4 range. It is the proper response to too much wasteful consumption of fossil fuel products.

My point that all you RW'ers avoid like the plague is that RW'er hysteria over Obama's energy and environmental policies did not raise the price of gas to those ridiculous and scary high prices that wingnuts were attacking Obama 24/7.

So why should we trust conservative's judgment about anything when they have been proven so wrong on something pretty simple to figure out when that attack had life?

Probably because you don't know what you're talking about.

When prices increased under DumBama, people bought more fuel efficient cars. People don't get rid of their efficiency vehicle because the price of gasoline when down, they keep them.

As we all know, this economy sucks. The economy is directly proportional to energy usage. The jobs that were created were mostly lower paying jobs and let's not forget we have the most Americans not looking for work since the mid 70's. Our welfare rolls are still at record proportions so all these people not working are not consuming fuel.

That's why we are using less gasoline and diesel. Or would you rather believe that we are now checking the inflation of our tires more often and getting more tune-ups????
. You have anything at all that proves he didn't say what he did....

No one can prove a negative. You claimed he said something so the onus to provide written confirmation in full context is on you. Until you do you shall remain a liar.

The videos are really a chopped up mess by the way. Perhaps you only watch propaganda so you think that's how everything goes these days. When a short few words are repeatedly inserted between other videos - it propaganda. It has obviously had a hypnotic effect on you.
. You have anything at all that proves he didn't say what he did....

No one can prove a negative. You claimed he said something so the onus to provide written confirmation in full context is on you. Until you do you shall remain a liar.

The videos are really a chopped up mess by the way. Perhaps you only watch propaganda so you think that's how everything goes these days. When a short few words are repeatedly inserted between other videos - it propaganda. It has obviously had a hypnotic effect on you.

I did in several video's... I can't FIX your stupid, broken beyond repair!
Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

No wonder Todd wants it.

DumBama increased standards on trucks as well in the future. If it's not bad enough the additional expenses we suffer because of pollution standards, now the cost of trucks will increase even more because of the new CAFE standards on those as well.

So what happens when we have an increased cost to delivery vehicles? We pass on that loss to our customers. How do our customers recoup that loss? They pass them on to us--the American consumer.

A new cheap tractor today is about $120,000. That's a no bells--no whistles vehicle. In the future, that vehicle will cost about $140,000. A good over-the-road vehicle will cost nearly a quarter million dollars.

So now the cost of products is going to increase because of these new and more recent standards. We will pay for that in the store. More people will turn to foreign made products and that will put more Americans out of work.
If you show your GOP card the stations will give you an additional .25 off per gallon.
Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

No wonder Todd wants it.

DumBama increased standards on trucks as well in the future. If it's not bad enough the additional expenses we suffer because of pollution standards, now the cost of trucks will increase even more because of the new CAFE standards on those as well.

So what happens when we have an increased cost to delivery vehicles? We pass on that loss to our customers. How do our customers recoup that loss? They pass them on to us--the American consumer.

A new cheap tractor today is about $120,000. That's a no bells--no whistles vehicle. In the future, that vehicle will cost about $140,000. A good over-the-road vehicle will cost nearly a quarter million dollars.

So now the cost of products is going to increase because of these new and more recent standards. We will pay for that in the store. More people will turn to foreign made products and that will put more Americans out of work.

You're just another clueless retard that doesn't understand economics.
If you show your GOP card the stations will give you an additional .25 off per gallon.

B.S!!!. - They will charge you $4 per gallon

Used my card yesterday. They took off 25 cents a gallon. Of course I am driving my VOLT so it only takes 8 gallons when totally empty. Got to keep the carbon footprint small you know. How is your electric car running?
Eliminating CAFE standards would be the stupidest fucking thing we could do.

No wonder Todd wants it.

DumBama increased standards on trucks as well in the future. If it's not bad enough the additional expenses we suffer because of pollution standards, now the cost of trucks will increase even more because of the new CAFE standards on those as well.

So what happens when we have an increased cost to delivery vehicles? We pass on that loss to our customers. How do our customers recoup that loss? They pass them on to us--the American consumer.

A new cheap tractor today is about $120,000. That's a no bells--no whistles vehicle. In the future, that vehicle will cost about $140,000. A good over-the-road vehicle will cost nearly a quarter million dollars.

So now the cost of products is going to increase because of these new and more recent standards. We will pay for that in the store. More people will turn to foreign made products and that will put more Americans out of work.

You're just another clueless retard that doesn't understand economics.

Wow, calling people retard? Pretty classless.
Ray 12935734
As we all know, this economy sucks. The economy is directly proportional to energy usage. The jobs that were created were mostly lower paying jobs and let's not forget we have the most Americans not looking for work since the mid 70's. Our welfare rolls are still at record proportions so all these people not working are not consuming fuel.

That's why we are using less gasoline and diesel.

The new Ford F-150 has top rating of 22 mpg combined (19 mpg city, 26 mpg highway) for the most fuel-efficient model, a rear-wheel-drive model with the new 2.7-liter EcoBoost V-6 engine.

Good for Ford. And Ford just announced adding 2000 jobs in Lexington Ky to build them.

You know one of the three U.S. Automakers that conservative's didn't want to bail out during the Great Bush recession of 2007 and 2008.

Remember this?

Romney published a New York Times op-ed in November 2008, even before Obama had taken office, headlined, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."

Here's some of the Op-Ed.

"If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won't go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed. Without that bailout, Detroit will need to drastically restructure itself .... Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check."

It's a good thing we kissed McCain And Romney goodbye instead.

Speaking of Romney since you brought up the slow recovery from the Great Bush Recession. It would have been worse in Romney's own words if he had won in 2011. He said he would have unemployment below 6% in four years if elected. Obama got it there in two.
So I guess liberals here don't want to talk about Obama's stated goal of driving gas prices up to $4 per gallon, which he made clear in 2008 when gas was at that price? He said he was ok with it but that he wished the increase had been more gradual ("a more gradual adjustment"). Remember that?

He does not want gas to be cheaper. He wants it to be more expensive so that we'll stop using it.


Obama's quiet war on oil


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