Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Why was the moratorium on shallow water drilling in the Gulf by the Obama Administration "proper", Notfooled?

Your hatred of our environment is duly noted.

Your total lack of an answer to my question is what is "noted"!

It's a simple one...explain to me why anyone would stop new shallow water drilling in the Gulf because of a deep water spill...when shallow water drilling has an almost perfect safety record? There really is only one logical answer to that question and it's that the person doing so doesn't like oil drilling ANYWHERE and was only too ready to use that spill as a rationale to penalize ALL drillers despite their spotless safety records!
Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon.

That's awful! How'd he do it?

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline

I'd expect growth rates to decline when you raise the top rate above the 28% ending Reagan rate.
And stopping the Keystone Pipeline from being completed simply means that oil coming from Canada to be refined in Louisiana will be carried to those refineries in trucks and on rail cars. It's more time consuming...it's more expensive and most importantly it poses a bigger safety risk to the public of spills. But this was never about "good policy"! It's always been about hating fossil fuels and trying to make them as difficult to produce as possible even though you don't even come close to having the alternative energy sources ready to pick up the slack if you were to get rid of fossil fuels.

The Keystone Pipeline is a "symbol" to Obama and the rest of you on the Left. In a country criss-crossed with tens of thousands of miles of pipelines, you idiots are convinced that THIS one is going to cause an ecological melt down! It's laughable...
with shutting down America's Gulf oil

Not one producing well was shut down after the BP blow out.

If you can't get drilling permits then oil production is going to take a big hit in the future. Oil exploration companies can't afford to have billion dollar drilling platforms sitting idle for six months. No permits? You move those platforms to areas that will grant permits and you drill there. That's what Vitter was talking about when he said that the Obama Administration was shutting down America's Gulf oil.

There are a few reasons why oil production dropped by 40% on lands controlled by the Federal Government...one of them is that oil drilling companies make their living DRILLING for oil! If you don't let them do it in the Gulf of Mexico then they will do it in waters off some other country that will let them drill. Once they go...they don't come back for a long time. The Obama Administration caused that to happen.
Claudette 5356426
. The Prez, whoever he is, has nothing to do with gas prices. The Prez just gets the blame for high prices and the credit for low prices.

Statement one is not true as stated but the second one is at least more honest than the rest of the Obama haters on this thread.

But no one has attempted to address the point made in the OP. Forget about who gets the blame or credit for the price of gasoline. Explain why RW'ers should get away with such an awful baseless prediction that Obama's energy policies would drive the price of gasoline so high it would destroy the U.S. economy? The reality is that none of Obama's policies or inaction have driven the price of gasoline to extreme economy wrecking highs.

And if you believe that the law of supply and demand applies to the oil industry then you must admit that Obama's policies to reduce U.S. demand for oil has certainly had some impact on reducing the price at the pump.

And if Obama's intent was to raise gas prices as Oldstyle claims he would not have done anything that reduces US oil consumption - he would have encouraged us to consume more. Oldstyle's argument is the most nutty of the nutty ones here.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

His actions have cost jobs, no question.

Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Why would right wingers eat crow?
Obama wanted our gas to reach European level prices, how's his crow taste?

So cheap gas is bad because of Obama?:cuckoo:
Claudette 5356426
. The Prez, whoever he is, has nothing to do with gas prices. The Prez just gets the blame for high prices and the credit for low prices.

Statement one is not true as stated but the second one is at least more honest than the rest of the Obama haters on this thread.

But no one has attempted to address the point made in the OP. Forget about who gets the blame or credit for the price of gasoline. Explain why RW'ers should get away with such an awful baseless prediction that Obama's energy policies would drive the price of gasoline so high it would destroy the U.S. economy? The reality is that none of Obama's policies or inaction have driven the price of gasoline to extreme economy wrecking highs.

And if you believe that the law of supply and demand applies to the oil industry then you must admit that Obama's policies to reduce U.S. demand for oil has certainly had some impact on reducing the price at the pump.

And if Obama's intent was to raise gas prices as Oldstyle claims he would not have done anything that reduces US oil consumption - he would have encouraged us to consume more. Oldstyle's argunent is the most nutty of the nutty ones here.

Duh? In case you didn't get the memo...Barry hasn't been able to do what he'd like to do legislatively since he lost control of Congress back in 2010! Next up on his agenda back then was Cap & Trade legislation...something that WOULD have done serious damage to the US economy.

Obama ran smack dab into a solid wall of reality when it came to his energy agenda. He would have LOVED to made fossil fuel production so expensive that the American people would have no choice but to accept so called "green alternatives" but someone with knowledge of economics obviously explained to him that doing things like Cap & Trade would bring an already slow economy to a screeching halt. They also had to explain to him that the money wasn't there for subsidies to make green energy affordable for the average American because he'd already obliged us to pay huge subsidies for ObamaCare.

Oh the pain! What is a tax and spend liberal to do when Congress says the cupboard is bare for more spending?
I wonder if the Saudis increasing production has anything to d with it?

It does. The Saudis are hoping to stop shale and tar sands production in NA. Good for them. It's great for our economy to have cheap gas. Hope they keep it up. Save our oil for when we need it.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

His actions have cost jobs, no question.

Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Why would right wingers eat crow?
Obama wanted our gas to reach European level prices, how's his crow taste?

So cheap gas is bad because of Obama?:cuckoo:

No, cheap gas is great. It also has nothing to do with Obama.
Claudette 5356426
. The Prez, whoever he is, has nothing to do with gas prices. The Prez just gets the blame for high prices and the credit for low prices.

Statement one is not true as stated but the second one is at least more honest than the rest of the Obama haters on this thread.

But no one has attempted to address the point made in the OP. Forget about who gets the blame or credit for the price of gasoline. Explain why RW'ers should get away with such an awful baseless prediction that Obama's energy policies would drive the price of gasoline so high it would destroy the U.S. economy? The reality is that none of Obama's policies or inaction have driven the price of gasoline to extreme economy wrecking highs.

And if you believe that the law of supply and demand applies to the oil industry then you must admit that Obama's policies to reduce U.S. demand for oil has certainly had some impact on reducing the price at the pump.

And if Obama's intent was to raise gas prices as Oldstyle claims he would not have done anything that reduces US oil consumption - he would have encouraged us to consume more. Oldstyle's argument is the most nutty of the nutty ones here.

Obama did do a lot to push his green bullshit and you know it. Wonder how you would have liked to pay what Europe pays for gas??

I also wonder how you feel about the millions of tax dollars he wasted on green energy. Backing a company that Bush wouldn't?? Guess tax dollars don't mean much to you. Solyndra ring any bells???

Oh and lets not forget cap and trade. That would have been just wonderful don't you think?? If he could have gotten that passed we American would have all been broke.
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Claudette 5356426
. The Prez, whoever he is, has nothing to do with gas prices. The Prez just gets the blame for high prices and the credit for low prices.

Statement one is not true as stated but the second one is at least more honest than the rest of the Obama haters on this thread.

But no one has attempted to address the point made in the OP. Forget about who gets the blame or credit for the price of gasoline. Explain why RW'ers should get away with such an awful baseless prediction that Obama's energy policies would drive the price of gasoline so high it would destroy the U.S. economy? The reality is that none of Obama's policies or inaction have driven the price of gasoline to extreme economy wrecking highs.

And if you believe that the law of supply and demand applies to the oil industry then you must admit that Obama's policies to reduce U.S. demand for oil has certainly had some impact on reducing the price at the pump.

And if Obama's intent was to raise gas prices as Oldstyle claims he would not have done anything that reduces US oil consumption - he would have encouraged us to consume more. Oldstyle's argument is the most nutty of the nutty ones here.

you must admit that Obama's policies to reduce U.S. demand for oil has certainly had some impact on reducing the price at the pump.

Policies? Besides talking, what did he do?
He raised CAFE standards for some future date, when do they start?

And if Obama's intent was to raise gas prices as Oldstyle claims

He said he wanted high prices. He wanted to phase them in, slowly.
Unless you think he was lying.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

His actions have cost jobs, no question.

Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Why would right wingers eat crow?
Obama wanted our gas to reach European level prices, how's his crow taste?

So cheap gas is bad because of Obama?:cuckoo:

Cheap gas is great, even if it makes Obama sad.
It's a good thing gas prices are low since more people are unemployed or on welfare than ever before.
How many times does this silly argument have to be debunked? Obama has decreased drilling on federal land, not increased it. If Obama had gotten his way in the North Dakota drilling case, private oil production would be substantially less than it is now. It was only because, luckily, the case landed before a sane judge that that massive drilling was not shut down--it would have been if Team Obama had won.

The Keystone oil has been flowing for years--but by truck and rail instead of the cheaper and more environment-friendly pipeline. The decision to cancel the pipeline is dumb and counter productive, and will cost of thousands of good, long-term jobs, as even some labor unions have said.

Gas prices have dropped in spite of Obama, not because of him. You guys keep forgetting that Obama said in 2008 that he thought it was good and fine that gas was around $4 per gallon but that he just wished the rise had been more gradual. Have you guys forgotten about that fact?

And, by the way, the average price of gas under Bush, for his entire 8 years, was just a tad over $2 per gallon.
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How many times does this silly argument have to be debunked? Obama has decreased drilling on federal land, not increased it. If Obama had gotten his way in the North Dakota drilling case, private oil production would be substantially less than it is now. It was only because, luckily, the case landed before a sane judge that that massive drilling was not shut down--it would have been if Team Obama had won.

Gas prices have dropped in spite of Obama, not because of him.

And, by the way, the average price of gas under Bush, for his entire 8 years, was just a tad over $2 per gallon.

Gas prices have dropped in spite of Obama, not because of him.

Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Your chart is propaganda. The char I have shows that growth reached a peak in the 1980s.


:lol: Thanks for admitting that economic growth rate has been declining since Carter left office. Reaganomics has eroded the US Economy for the last 35 years. The only growth was from Clinton & Obama. My chart if from the FED. Yours is faked. Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 each caused negative economy, negative GDP recessions. Clinton & Obama had no recessions!

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.
And stopping the Keystone Pipeline from being completed simply means that oil coming from Canada to be refined in Louisiana will be carried to those refineries in trucks and on rail cars. It's more time consuming...it's more expensive and most importantly it poses a bigger safety risk to the public of spills. But this was never about "good policy"! It's always been about hating fossil fuels and trying to make them as difficult to produce as possible even though you don't even come close to having the alternative energy sources ready to pick up the slack if you were to get rid of fossil fuels.

The Keystone Pipeline is a "symbol" to Obama and the rest of you on the Left. In a country criss-crossed with tens of thousands of miles of pipelines, you idiots are convinced that THIS one is going to cause an ecological melt down! It's laughable...

US shale is producing a condensate glut here in the USA, preventing refiners from producing cheaper gasoline & fuel. Canada needs this condensate to stop it's dirty sands production & increase cleanly extracting oil from their sands in an environmentally friendly way. This condensate will also cut in half the cost of oil production from Canada's sands. That means cleaner & cheaper oil for US here in the USA. Canada already needs 400,000 barrels of condensate per day. Soon Canada's condensate demand from the USA will max-out the capacity of a Keystone XL pipeline flowing in reverse.

Keystone XL pipeline was not designed to operate in reverse. Rail Tankers do reverse & transport in both directions. These tankers deliver oil & back-haul condensate to fulfill the need to get condensate from the refineries to Canada's tar sand production areas & oil from Canada to US refineries.

Republicans are pushing very hard to lift the 40 year old Export ban in order to raise US Oil & Gasoline prices & close US Oil Refineries.

Under Obama the first US Oil Refineries in 40 years were built & gasoline prices fell.
Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Your chart is propaganda. The char I have shows that growth reached a peak in the 1980s.


:lol: Thanks for admitting that economic growth rate has been declining since Carter left office. Reaganomics has eroded the US Economy for the last 35 years. The only growth was from Clinton & Obama. My chart if from the FED. Yours is faked. Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 each caused negative economy, negative GDP recessions. Clinton & Obama had no recessions!

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Thanks for admitting that economic growth rate has been declining since Carter left office.

Thanks for posting a chart that's not adjusted for inflation.
If we need proof that you're a fucking idiot, you're always happy to provide it.

Fucking idiot.

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