Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

No POTUS but Obama would have done any of the things he did just to further his green energy bullshit.
Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas....who else would be?

The GOP Governors of States that actually increased production? Barack Obama had nothing to do with that. He's just the guy sitting in the Oval Office while Governors in States like South Dakota pushed a pro-oil and natural gas agenda. If Obama was responsible for increased production...then it would be up on lands controlled by the Federal Government...but it was down there...which makes your OP a joke!

Governors have no control over the price of Obamagas......only the President can do that

What pray tell is "Obamagas"? Barack Obama's policies have affected the price of fossil fuels in a negative way...not in a positive way. Name one policy of his that's led to increased oil and natural gas production!

Governors who approved drilling on State owned land is what fueled this last energy "boom". They did so in spite of Barry and his minions in the Federal Government. So when you pull up to a pump this week and pay less than two dollars a gallon...give thanks to the people who made that happen and consider yourself lucky that Obama wasn't able to achieve his goal of raising that gallon of gas up to six dollars.

Please provide a quote or something where the President claimed it was his goal to raise gasoline prices to six dollars a gallon. In 2008 his plan was to drill everywhere. IF BP hadn't fucked up in the Gulf we'd have seen these prices much sooner.......

The following is the 2008 Democratic Platform that Barack Obama ran for President on...please show anywhere in that platform where he says his plan "was to drill everywhere"?

"In the local platform hearings, Americans talked about the importance of energy to the economy, to national security, and to the health of our planet. Speaking loud and clear, they said that America needs a new bold and sustainable energy policy to meet the challenges of our time. In the past, America has been stirred to action when faced with new threats to our national security, or new competitive conditions that undercut our economic leadership. The energy threat we face today may be less immediate than threats from dictators, but it is as real and as dangerous. The dangers are eclipsed only by the opportunities that would come with change. We know that the jobs of the 21st Century will be created in developing new energy solutions. The question is whether these jobs will be created in America, or abroad. We should use government procurement policies to incentivize domestic production of clean and renewable energy. Already, we've seen countries like Germany, Spain and Brazil reap the benefits of economic growth from clean energy. But we are decades behind in confronting this challenge.

For the sake of our security–and for every American family that is paying the price at the pump– we will break our addiction to foreign oil. In platform hearings around the country, Americans called for a Manhattan or Apollo Project-level commitment to achieve energy independence. We hear that call and we Democrats commit to fast-track investment of billions of dollars over the next ten years to establish a green energy sector that will create up to five million jobs. Good jobs, like those in Pennsylvania where workers manufacture wind turbines, the ones in the factory in Nevada producing components for solar energy generation plants, or the jobs that will be created when plug-in hybrids start rolling off the assembly line in Michigan. This transition to a clean-energy industry will also benefit low-income communities: we'll create an energy-focused youth job program to give disadvantaged youth job skills for this emerging industry.

It will not be easy, but neither was getting to the moon. We know we can't drill our way to energy independence and so we must summon all of our ingenuity and legendary hard work and we must invest in research and development, and deployment of renewable energy technologies—such as solar, wind, geothermal, as well as technologies to store energy through advanced batteries and clean up our coal plants. And we will call on businesses, government, and the American people to make America 50 percent more energy efficient by 2030, because we know that the most energy efficient economy will also gain the competitive edge for new manufacturing and jobs that stay here at home. We will help pay for all of it by dedicating a portion of the revenues generated by an economy-wide cap and trade program- a step that will also dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and jumpstart billions in private capital investment in a new energy economy.

We'll dramatically increase the fuel efficiency of automobiles, and we'll help auto manufacturers and parts suppliers convert to build the cars and trucks of the future and their key components in the United States. And we will help workers learn the skills they need to compete in the green economy. We are committed to getting at least 25 percent of our electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Building on the innovative efforts of the private sector, states, cities, and tribes across the country, we will create new federal-local partnerships to scale the success and deployment of new energy solutions, install a smarter grid, build more efficient buildings, and use the power of federal and military purchasing programs to jumpstart promising new markets and technologies. We'll invest in advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol which will provide American-grown fuel and help free us from the tyranny of oil. We will use innovative measures to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

To lower the price of gasoline, we will crack down on speculators who are driving up prices beyond the natural market rate. We will direct the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice to vigorously investigate and prosecute market manipulation in oil futures. And we will help those who are hit hardest by high energy prices by increasing funding for low-income heating assistance and weatherization programs, and by providing energy assistance to help middle-class families make ends meet in this time of inflated energy prices.

This plan will safeguard our economy, our country, and the future of our planet. This plan will create good jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. With these policies, we will protect our country from the national security threats created by reliance on foreign oil and global insecurity due to climate change. And this is how we'll solve the problem of four-dollar-a-gallon gas— with a comprehensive plan and investment in clean energy."

You'll note that platform included a call for an "economy wide cap and trade program" a measure that would have substantially increased energy costs across the board for American consumers...legislation that Barry, Harry and Nancy had next up on their agenda before the Democrats lost the House in the 2010 Mid-terms. That was what Obama WANTED...it was only the election of Republicans to Congress that stopped him from getting it.

Why was the moratorium on shallow water drilling in the Gulf by the Obama Administration "proper",

On May 6, Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced in a press release that “no applications for drilling permits will go forward for any new offshore drilling activity until the Department of the Interior completes the safety review process that President Obama requested.”

Following the month-long review process, the administration did three things: It imposed a six-month moratorium on drilling deeper than 500 feet. It lifted the temporary freeze on drilling in shallower waters. And it issued new safety requirements with which all drilling companies must comply.

The Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, a trade group, said the deepwater drilling moratorium did “not affect the 4,515 shallow-water wells, and it does not affect 591 producing deepwater Gulf wells.”

The association said the moratorium halted work on 33 exploratory wells, although the Interior Department later said the order idled only 21 rigs.

A federal judge lifted the deepwater moratorium that June after a company sued the Interior Department, claiming potential economic harm. But the department issued a second moratorium order the next month based not on water depth but on technology that most deepwater operations use. Like the first order, the second moratorium did not apply to “production activities” (see page 19).

While the deepwater moratorium continued, shallow-water drilling significantly slowed down. That’s because companies had to prove they could comply with the new safety requirements, which include independent, third-party verification that oil rigs are prepared to handle a well blowout.

Senator Mangles Facts on Drilling Moratorium
Why was the moratorium on shallow water drilling in the Gulf by the Obama Administration "proper",

On May 6, Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced in a press release that “no applications for drilling permits will go forward for any new offshore drilling activity until the Department of the Interior completes the safety review process that President Obama requested.”

Following the month-long review process, the administration did three things: It imposed a six-month moratorium on drilling deeper than 500 feet. It lifted the temporary freeze on drilling in shallower waters. And it issued new safety requirements with which all drilling companies must comply.

The Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, a trade group, said the deepwater drilling moratorium did “not affect the 4,515 shallow-water wells, and it does not affect 591 producing deepwater Gulf wells.”

The association said the moratorium halted work on 33 exploratory wells, although the Interior Department later said the order idled only 21 rigs.

A federal judge lifted the deepwater moratorium that June after a company sued the Interior Department, claiming potential economic harm. But the department issued a second moratorium order the next month based not on water depth but on technology that most deepwater operations use. Like the first order, the second moratorium did not apply to “production activities” (see page 19).

While the deepwater moratorium continued, shallow-water drilling significantly slowed down. That’s because companies had to prove they could comply with the new safety requirements, which include independent, third-party verification that oil rigs are prepared to handle a well blowout.

Senator Mangles Facts on Drilling Moratorium

You just underscored my point, Boo! The Obama Administration used the Gulf oil spill to hamstring oil production and further their push for alternative sources. They imposed a ban on shallow water drilling even though the safety record of shallow drillers was almost perfect and then when when they were pressured into lifting that ban (in large part by Democratic leaders from the Gulf of Mexico area) they hit those shallow water drillers with new safety requirements even though the shallow water drillers had none of the safety issues that caused the problem with deep water wells making it time consuming and expensive for them to get back into operation.
Why was the moratorium on shallow water drilling in the Gulf by the Obama Administration "proper",

On May 6, Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced in a press release that “no applications for drilling permits will go forward for any new offshore drilling activity until the Department of the Interior completes the safety review process that President Obama requested.”

Following the month-long review process, the administration did three things: It imposed a six-month moratorium on drilling deeper than 500 feet. It lifted the temporary freeze on drilling in shallower waters. And it issued new safety requirements with which all drilling companies must comply.

The Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, a trade group, said the deepwater drilling moratorium did “not affect the 4,515 shallow-water wells, and it does not affect 591 producing deepwater Gulf wells.”

The association said the moratorium halted work on 33 exploratory wells, although the Interior Department later said the order idled only 21 rigs.

A federal judge lifted the deepwater moratorium that June after a company sued the Interior Department, claiming potential economic harm. But the department issued a second moratorium order the next month based not on water depth but on technology that most deepwater operations use. Like the first order, the second moratorium did not apply to “production activities” (see page 19).

While the deepwater moratorium continued, shallow-water drilling significantly slowed down. That’s because companies had to prove they could comply with the new safety requirements, which include independent, third-party verification that oil rigs are prepared to handle a well blowout.

Senator Mangles Facts on Drilling Moratorium

You just underscored my point, Boo! The Obama Administration used the Gulf oil spill to hamstring oil production and further their push for alternative sources. They imposed a ban on shallow water drilling even though the safety record of shallow drillers was almost perfect and then when when they were pressured into lifting that ban (in large part by Democratic leaders from the Gulf of Mexico area) they hit those shallow water drillers with new safety requirements even though the shallow water drillers had none of the safety issues that caused the problem with deep water wells making it time consuming and expensive for them to get back into operation.

Wrong. No one single producing well was hamstrung, not shallow ones not deep water ones. Shallow water drilling projects were put on hold for one month after the BP blowout, for a review of safety procedures which were found to be lacking. The gulf is now producing more than ever.
an all-of-the-above strategy includes drilling all over this country.

Oldstyle 12929088
The following is the 2008 Democratic Platform that Barack Obama ran for President on...please show anywhere in that platform where he says his plan "was to drill everywhere"?

When they used the word 'transition' in 2008 it is a reference to drilling oil everywhere within reason.

Why not take Obama's words directly?

"Over the last three years, my administration has opened millions of acres of land in 23 different states for oil and gas exploration. (Applause.) Offshore, I’ve directed my administration to open up more than 75 percent of our potential oil resources. That includes an area in the Gulf of Mexico we opened up a few months ago that could produce more than 400 million barrels of oil."

So do not tell me that we’re not drilling. (Applause.) We’re drilling all over this country. (Applause.) I guess there are a few spots where we’re not drilling. We’re not drilling in the National Mall. (Laughter.) We’re not drilling at your house. "

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2012

Remarks by the President on Energy

Now, here’s the thing -- because we've seen it all before, we know better. You know better. There is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to high gas prices. There’s no silver bullet. Anybody who tells you otherwise isn’t really looking for a solution -- they’re trying to ride the political wave of the moment.

Usually, the most common thing, when you actually ask them -- all right, how is it that you're going to get back to $2.00 a gallon gas, how are you going to do it, specifically, what is your plan -- then typically what you'll hear from them is, well, if we just drilled more for oil then gas prices would immediately come down and all our problems would go away. That's usually the response.

Now, Maryland, there are two problems with that answer. First of all, we are drilling. Under my administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. (Applause.) Any time. That's a fact. That's a fact. We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high. I want everybody to listen to that -- we have more oil rigs operating now than ever. That's a fact. We’ve approved dozens of new pipelines to move oil across the country. We announced our support for a new one in Oklahoma that will help get more oil down to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Over the last three years, my administration has opened millions of acres of land in 23 different states for oil and gas exploration. (Applause.) Offshore, I’ve directed my administration to open up more than 75 percent of our potential oil resources. That includes an area in the Gulf of Mexico we opened up a few months ago that could produce more than 400 million barrels of oil.

So do not tell me that we’re not drilling. (Applause.) We’re drilling all over this country. (Applause.) I guess there are a few spots where we’re not drilling. We’re not drilling in the National Mall. (Laughter.) We’re not drilling at your house. (Laughter.) I guess we could try to have, like, 200 oil rigs in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay.


THE PRESIDENT: Well, that’s the question. We are drilling at a record pace but we’re doing so in a way that protects the health and safety and the natural resources of the American people. (Applause.)

So that’s point number one. If you start hearing this “drill, baby, drill; drill, drill, drill” -- if you start hearing that again, just remember you’ve got the facts -- we’re doing that. Tell me something new. (Applause.) That’s problem number one.

Here’s the second problem with what some of these politicians are talking about. There’s a problem with a strategy that only relies on drilling and that is, America uses more than 20 percent of the world’s oil. If we drilled every square inch of this country -- so we went to your house and we went to the National Mall and we put up those rigs everywhere -- we’d still have only 2 percent of the world’s known oil reserves. Let’s say we miss something -- maybe it’s 3 percent instead of 2. We’re using 20; we have 2.

Now, you don’t need to be getting an excellent education at Prince George’s Community College to know that we’ve got a math problem here. (Laughter and applause.) I help out Sasha occasionally with her math homework and I know that if you’ve got 2 and you’ve got 20, there’s a gap. (Laughter.) There’s a gap, right?


THE PRESIDENT: Do we have anybody who’s good at math here? Am I right? (Applause.) Okay.

So if we don’t develop other sources of energy, if we don’t develop the technology to use less energy to make our economy more energy-efficient, then we will always be dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs. (Applause.)

And that means every time there’s instability in the Middle East, which is the main thing that’s driving oil prices up right now -- it’s the same thing that was driving oil prices up last year -- every time that happens, every time that there’s unrest, any time that there’s concern about a conflict, suddenly, oil futures shoot up, you’re going to feel it at the pump. It will happen every single time.

We will not fully be in control of our energy future if our strategy is only to drill for the 2 percent but we still have to buy the 20 percent. And there’s another wrinkle to this -- other countries use oil, too. We’re not the only ones. So you’ve got rapidly-growing nations like China and India, and they’re all starting to buy cars. They’re getting wealthier. They want cars, too. And that means the price of gas will rise.

Just to give you an example -- in 2010, China alone added 10 million new cars. That’s just in one year. And there are about a billion Chinese. So they’ve got a lot more people who are going to want cars in the future, which means they are going to want to get some of that oil and that will drive prices up. So we can’t just drill our way out of the problem. We are drilling, but it’s not going to solve our problem.

That’s not the future I want for the United States of America. We can’t allow ourselves to be held hostage to events on the other side of the globe. That’s not who we are. (Applause.) America controls its own destiny. We’re not dependent on somebody else. (Applause.)

So we can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future -- an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy. Yes, develop as much oil and gas as we can, but also develop wind power and solar power and biofuels. (Applause.) Make our buildings more fuel-efficient. Make our homes more fuel-efficient. Make our cars and trucks more fuel-efficient so they get more miles for the gallon. (Applause.) That’s where I want to take this country. (Applause.)

"So we can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future -- an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy. Yes, develop as much oil and gas as we can, but also develop wind power and solar power and biofuels."

Yes, develop as much oil and gas as we can, That includes fracking and drilling.

So what now Oldstyle?

Obama is a pathological liar. Only a fool would believe anything he says.
Biggest Oil Boom in History! 72% increase in US oil production under Obama!
Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.
Claudette 12929660
Aww blow it out your ass. Obama has nothing to do with the price of gas up or down.

Then what were all the RW'er baseless predictions that his policies would drive the price of gasoline up so high the U.S. Economy would be destroyed all about?

That's an example of where technology overcame government policy. Obama and the Dims stated several times they wanted the price of gas in the U.S. to be closer to what they pay in Europe. They wanted the price to go up, not down.
Democrats Carter & Obama had domestic energy policies that increased US oil production. Republicans Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 destroyed US oil production.

Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Your chart is propaganda. The char I have shows that growth reached a peak in the 1980s.

Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
You're wrong about Republicans hating Obama, NotfooledbyW. We're rather pleased when you all spit into the wind about the gasoline price fiasco Obama created beginning with shutting down America's Gulf oil and business to current pipeline meddling being anyone else's fault but his. <giggle>
There is enough crow to go around. While Barry Hussein is trying desperately to keep the price of gas artificially high the price of gas goes down and people are using more fossil fuel. What's going to happen to all the electric cars that nobody wants and the ugly windmills and acres of solar panels when the price of energy goes down? You almost gotta laugh when the president runs off to Paris a week after the worst terrorist attack in France since WW2 and talks about the weather.
freedombeck 12932377
We're rather pleased when you all spit into the wind about the gasoline price fiasco Obama created beginning with shutting down America's Gulf oil and business to current pipeline meddling being anyone else's fault but his.

There is no gasoline price fiasco. Shutting down the Gulf and stopping the Keystone Pipeline is not a 'fault' it is correct and proper presidential policy. There was no extreme hike in gasoline prices as RW'ers were predicting as s result of that policy. Have you bought gasoline lately? If low prices are Obama's fault your ability to reason is apparently not working.

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