Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

with shutting down America's Gulf oil

Not one producing well was shut down after the BP blow out.

If you can't get drilling permits then oil production is going to take a big hit in the future. Oil exploration companies can't afford to have billion dollar drilling platforms sitting idle for six months. No permits? You move those platforms to areas that will grant permits and you drill there. That's what Vitter was talking about when he said that the Obama Administration was shutting down America's Gulf oil.

There are a few reasons why oil production dropped by 40% on lands controlled by the Federal Government...one of them is that oil drilling companies make their living DRILLING for oil! If you don't let them do it in the Gulf of Mexico then they will do it in waters off some other country that will let them drill. Once they go...they don't come back for a long time. The Obama Administration caused that to happen.

Pardon me if I don't weep for the multi-national oil companies. If they hadn't fucked-up in the Gulf, drilling\exploration would not have stalled. The Gulf is producing more now than ever.

Deepwater Permits in U.S. Gulf Exceed Pre-BP Spill Level
You have shown that data was available that such baseless blaming and predictions were nothing but RW lies and propaganda.

What I'm pointing out is that you can't claim credit for Obama for lowering gas prices whilst blaming Bush for making them higher.
Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Your chart is propaganda. The char I have shows that growth reached a peak in the 1980s.


:lol: Thanks for admitting that economic growth rate has been declining since Carter left office. Reaganomics has eroded the US Economy for the last 35 years. The only growth was from Clinton & Obama. My chart if from the FED. Yours is faked. Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 each caused negative economy, negative GDP recessions. Clinton & Obama had no recessions!

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Wrong, asshole. It's been declining since Reagan left office. Carter was the last president to preside over a long slow decline that Reagan temporarily reversed, but then we went back to the policies of the 70s.
Claudette 5356426
. The Prez, whoever he is, has nothing to do with gas prices. The Prez just gets the blame for high prices and the credit for low prices.

Statement one is not true as stated but the second one is at least more honest than the rest of the Obama haters on this thread.

But no one has attempted to address the point made in the OP. Forget about who gets the blame or credit for the price of gasoline. Explain why RW'ers should get away with such an awful baseless prediction that Obama's energy policies would drive the price of gasoline so high it would destroy the U.S. economy? The reality is that none of Obama's policies or inaction have driven the price of gasoline to extreme economy wrecking highs.

And if you believe that the law of supply and demand applies to the oil industry then you must admit that Obama's policies to reduce U.S. demand for oil has certainly had some impact on reducing the price at the pump.

And if Obama's intent was to raise gas prices as Oldstyle claims he would not have done anything that reduces US oil consumption - he would have encouraged us to consume more. Oldstyle's argument is the most nutty of the nutty ones here.

DumBama was not about to piss off a huge support base like the environmentalists. He's doing everything he can to keep them on the plantation. After the recession hit, gasoline prices plummeted which is quite normal for a recession. But throughout Obama's first term, gasoline prices increased, so Republicans were correct.
with shutting down America's Gulf oil

Not one producing well was shut down after the BP blow out.

If you can't get drilling permits then oil production is going to take a big hit in the future. Oil exploration companies can't afford to have billion dollar drilling platforms sitting idle for six months. No permits? You move those platforms to areas that will grant permits and you drill there. That's what Vitter was talking about when he said that the Obama Administration was shutting down America's Gulf oil.

There are a few reasons why oil production dropped by 40% on lands controlled by the Federal Government...one of them is that oil drilling companies make their living DRILLING for oil! If you don't let them do it in the Gulf of Mexico then they will do it in waters off some other country that will let them drill. Once they go...they don't come back for a long time. The Obama Administration caused that to happen.

Pardon me if I don't weep for the multi-national oil companies. If they hadn't fucked-up in the Gulf, drilling\exploration would not have stalled. The Gulf is producing more now than ever.

Deepwater Permits in U.S. Gulf Exceed Pre-BP Spill Level

Morons like you who gloat at the thought of fucking over big corporations are too stupid to understand that you are only fucking over yourselves.
Bush pushed Gas price up 400% from $1.10 to over $4.40 a gallon. If Republicans were still in power they would be charging over $16 a gallon today. It would be over $20 by the time Trump was sworn in. Inflation is their #1 Goal & they have all signed Norquist pledge to destroy the US Dollar's value to tax workers & savers.

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Clinton took Bush #1's 2.6% GDP Way Up to 7.5% GDP GROWTH! Bush #2 took Clinton's +7.5% GDP Growth, Down to -3.2% "NEGATIVE GDP!!! Obama Reversed Republican Negative GDP from -3.2% GDP to +5.0% GDP Growth.

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.

Funny how your chart corresponds with the Republicans in Congress more than who was President at the time.
Why was the moratorium on shallow water drilling in the Gulf by the Obama Administration "proper",

On May 6, Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced in a press release that “no applications for drilling permits will go forward for any new offshore drilling activity until the Department of the Interior completes the safety review process that President Obama requested.”

Following the month-long review process, the administration did three things: It imposed a six-month moratorium on drilling deeper than 500 feet. It lifted the temporary freeze on drilling in shallower waters. And it issued new safety requirements with which all drilling companies must comply.

The Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, a trade group, said the deepwater drilling moratorium did “not affect the 4,515 shallow-water wells, and it does not affect 591 producing deepwater Gulf wells.”

The association said the moratorium halted work on 33 exploratory wells, although the Interior Department later said the order idled only 21 rigs.

A federal judge lifted the deepwater moratorium that June after a company sued the Interior Department, claiming potential economic harm. But the department issued a second moratorium order the next month based not on water depth but on technology that most deepwater operations use. Like the first order, the second moratorium did not apply to “production activities” (see page 19).

While the deepwater moratorium continued, shallow-water drilling significantly slowed down. That’s because companies had to prove they could comply with the new safety requirements, which include independent, third-party verification that oil rigs are prepared to handle a well blowout.

Senator Mangles Facts on Drilling Moratorium

You just underscored my point, Boo! The Obama Administration used the Gulf oil spill to hamstring oil production and further their push for alternative sources. They imposed a ban on shallow water drilling even though the safety record of shallow drillers was almost perfect and then when when they were pressured into lifting that ban (in large part by Democratic leaders from the Gulf of Mexico area) they hit those shallow water drillers with new safety requirements even though the shallow water drillers had none of the safety issues that caused the problem with deep water wells making it time consuming and expensive for them to get back into operation.

Wrong. No one single producing well was hamstrung, not shallow ones not deep water ones. Shallow water drilling projects were put on hold for one month after the BP blowout, for a review of safety procedures which were found to be lacking. The gulf is now producing more than ever.

Oh sure. Obama did so willingly too.

OMSA Applauds Federal Judge's Order for Obama Administration to Act on Gulf Coast Drilling Permits
Courts Continue to Mandate Action on Offshore Energy Exploration

NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 17, 2011

The Offshore Marine Service Association today praised a federal judge's ruling ordering the U.S. Interior Department to take action on permit applications for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

The ruling came just two weeks after the same judge held the Interior Department in contempt of court for holding up deepwater drilling permits in the Gulf.

"It's deja vu all over again: A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to follow the rule of law, do its job and start acting on applications for drilling permits in the Gulf," said Jim Adams, president and CEO of the Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA).

OMSA Applauds Federal Judge's Order for Obama Administration to Act on Gulf Coast Drilling Permits
with shutting down America's Gulf oil

Not one producing well was shut down after the BP blow out.

If you can't get drilling permits then oil production is going to take a big hit in the future. Oil exploration companies can't afford to have billion dollar drilling platforms sitting idle for six months. No permits? You move those platforms to areas that will grant permits and you drill there. That's what Vitter was talking about when he said that the Obama Administration was shutting down America's Gulf oil.

There are a few reasons why oil production dropped by 40% on lands controlled by the Federal Government...one of them is that oil drilling companies make their living DRILLING for oil! If you don't let them do it in the Gulf of Mexico then they will do it in waters off some other country that will let them drill. Once they go...they don't come back for a long time. The Obama Administration caused that to happen.

Pardon me if I don't weep for the multi-national oil companies. If they hadn't fucked-up in the Gulf, drilling\exploration would not have stalled. The Gulf is producing more now than ever.

Deepwater Permits in U.S. Gulf Exceed Pre-BP Spill Level

Morons like you who gloat at the thought of fucking over big corporations are too stupid to understand that you are only fucking over yourselves.

Anyone who has a picture of "Donald the Liar" as a sig line has no business calling anyone a moron.
Well, providing the Arabs continue flooding the market in the attempt to quash US production and the world remains mired in a lingering sluggish economic recovery supply will exceed demand. Now think what prices would be if the US private market hadn't developed fracking technology? No thanks to the fool and his tools on the hill.
From 2011 the HYPOCRISY of the Obomanation and the lying, fucking DemocRATS!!!

And HERE is the Manchurian muslim wanting HIGHER PRICES specifically for his

Oh, and Don't forget, he's over in France, saying LOADS of stupid shit, about the climate, along with stating that only the U.S. has MASS GUN MURDERS, just after he returned from the scene of the 130 people were SHOT DEAD at the theater in Paris.... this guy is a total MENTAL CASE, as are ALL you left wing morons!

Oh, just as a finishing point, this takes the cake!

Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

Its just like Obama coming to take your guns. They see its not happening but by golly in their minds its about too....any day now.

They said the same thing about Bill Clinton too.

These people are nothing but liars and not very good ones at that.

They act as if the second amendment doesn't exist when they say that a democratic president will take their guns.

Then they claim their second amendment rights when they try to justify the mass shootings that have been happening for the last several years. Or when sensible safety is imposed like all gun sales are done with a background check. Not just the registered gun dealers but ALL gun sales.

That way less guns get into the hands of people who shouldn't have them yet even when the most simple and logical safety measures are even suggested those same gun freaks are screaming about their second amendment rights.

I will never understand why anyone would pay any attention to such liars and stupid people.
Staidup 12934346
Now think what prices would be if the US private market hadn't developed fracking technology?

Did you know back when that the private market was developing fracking technology? So why was Obama accused of intending to raise gasoline price so high that it would destroy the U.S. Economy. All I want to know is why you RW'ers believed Obama could skyrocket gasoline prices since 75 percent of good fracking sites are on private lands anyway. The fed lands would not have changed a thing. The offshore drilling in the Gulf is back to 2009 levels since the BP disaster forced a moratorium on new permits.

Eleven people were killed in that Deep Horizon accident. Safety for oil rig workers was enough reason alone to slow down the permitting process for offshore drilling.

The reality is the private sector developed fracking and gasoline never approached RW alarmist, panic and fearmongering political bullcrap.

Now it's as if private land fracking just appeared out of nowhere. Why the bs about public permits.

Your point makes no sense as a point relative to or antagonistic to the OP.
Vigilante 12934486
From 2011 the

And HERE is the Manchurian muslim wanting HIGHER PRICES specifically for his

So Vigilante is reduced to lying about what Obama 'wanted' in a chopped up bunch of videos that don't even show Obama wanting such a thing.

I know the crow tastes bad, but your mother should wash your mouth out with soap for making claims that aren't true.
Vigilante 12934486
From 2011 the

And HERE is the Manchurian muslim wanting HIGHER PRICES specifically for his

So Vigilante is reduced to lying about what Obama 'wanted' in a chopped up bunch of videos that don't even show Obama wanting such a thing.

I know the crow tastes bad, but your mother should wash your mouth out with soap for making claims that aren't true.

Be my guest and TRY to find those video's CHOPPED UP, you fucking, blazing, moron!

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