Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Obama has given out more exploration permits than any other president. I recently read that his policies have led to oil/gas production that is equal to finding an entire Iraq.

The Keystone disaster shows that Obama is not in the hip pocket of the Koch's.

hmmm, that's an outright lie.

COLUMN-Obama stalls drilling on federal lands: Kemp

Oil production on federally owned and managed lands, where the U.S. government has most influence on the outcome, has fallen since 2009, bucking the nationwide trend, according to a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS).

All the increase in oil and gas production has come from land in private or state ownership, where the federal government plays a minor role ("U.S. crude oil and natural gas production in federal and non-federal areas", April 10, 2014).

U.S. oil production has climbed almost 40 percent from 5.233 million barrels per day in 2009 to 7.235 million barrels per day in 2013, the CRS explains.

But while daily output from non-federal lands has risen 60 percent to 5.576 million barrels, production in federal areas has actually fallen 6 percent to 1.658 million.

Production from federal onshore areas has risen almost 80,000 barrels per day (28 percent) but the increase has been slower than on private and state lands, and more than offset by reduced output in offshore areas.

The share of oil produced in federal areas has fallen from 34 percent in 2009 to just 23 percent in 2013.

"Claims that very recent federal policies have had a significant role in the increase in domestic oil production are therefore deeply misleading," Senator Lisa Murkowski, the top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said in a report last year.

"About 96 percent of the increase in domestic oil production is attributable to growth on state and private land. Indeed, the overall domestic increase is in spite of federal policies that stymie production," she complained ("Energy 2020: A vision for America's energy future", February 2013).


It is taking longer and longer for would-be drillers to obtain the necessary permission to bore oil and gas wells on federally managed lands.

The average time taken to process an application for permit to drill (APD) had risen to 307 days in 2011, from 218 days in 2006.

The federal government's Bureau of Land Management has almost halved the time it takes to process an APD, from 127 days to 71. But the amount of time it takes the industry to complete the APD has soared from 91 days to 236, as the requirements become more onerous.
I wouldn't mind seeing gas drop to 50 cents a gallon. That would be great. But big oil controls us and is out to gouge people so it won't last long cheap.

Then how do you explain the price of gas dropping by almost 50% in the last few years?
Toddster 12927908
He urged them? What did he do about the number of leases?

Why would Obama need to increase the number of leases on federal land if oil companies were not making use of federal leases onshore and offshore that they already had? Plus the fact that the private and state lands were beginning to be exploited to produce record levels of domestic oil because of new technology developed by the private sector.

Why not urge the oil companies to use the leases they already had?

You can see, as I have already pointed out, what domestic over-production and lower global demand has done to domestic production now. Oil companies are quitting sites they have invested millions in exploiting.

Now can you get back to the OP. It's about why people like you were predicting that whatever Obama was doing or not doing was going to increase the price at the pump to five or six bucks and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Why would RW'ers make such predictions based on nothing but hatred for Obama?
Toddster 12927908
He urged them? What did he do about the number of leases?

Why would Obama need to increase the number of leases on federal land if oil companies were not making use of federal leases onshore and offshore that they already had? Plus the fact that the private and state lands were beginning to be exploited to produce record levels of domestic oil because of new technology developed by the private sector.

Why not urge the oil companies to use the leases they already had?

You can see, as I have already pointed out, what domestic over-production and lower global demand has done to domestic production now. Oil companies are quitting sites they have invested millions in exploiting.

Now can you get back to the OP. It's about why people like you were predicting that whatever Obama was doing or not doing was going to increase the price at the pump to five or six bucks and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Why would RW'ers make such predictions based on nothing but hatred for Obama?

So you're claiming fracking was all part of Obama's master plan? Really?

I think you have earned the "Dumbest Post of the Month" award.

Toddster 12927908
What did he do, when did he do it, when does it go into effect?

That question makes no sense because your final statement in the same post is an admission that you know that Obama in 2009 reached a deal with US automakers to raise CAFE standards on cars and trucks.

Toddster 12927908
I agree, CAFE standards should be repealed.

You want to repeal what Obama did yet you wonder what Obama did to reduce demand.

Why do you contradict yourself?

that Obama in 2009 reached a deal with US automakers

He's super. When does it go into effect?

You want to repeal what Obama did

I want to repeal CAFE standards. They existed before Obama, you know that, right?
Toddster 12927908
He urged them? What did he do about the number of leases?

Why would Obama need to increase the number of leases on federal land if oil companies were not making use of federal leases onshore and offshore that they already had? Plus the fact that the private and state lands were beginning to be exploited to produce record levels of domestic oil because of new technology developed by the private sector.

Why not urge the oil companies to use the leases they already had?

You can see, as I have already pointed out, what domestic over-production and lower global demand has done to domestic production now. Oil companies are quitting sites they have invested millions in exploiting.

Now can you get back to the OP. It's about why people like you were predicting that whatever Obama was doing or not doing was going to increase the price at the pump to five or six bucks and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Why would RW'ers make such predictions based on nothing but hatred for Obama?

Why would Obama need to increase the number of leases on federal land if oil companies were not making use of federal leases onshore and offshore that they already had?

So he contributed to increased production by reducing the number of leases?

Plus the fact that the private and state lands were beginning to be exploited to produce record levels of domestic oil because of new technology developed by the private sector.

Wait, you're admitting that Obama had nothing to do with the increased supply. That's refreshing.

Now can you get back to the OP. It's about why people like you were predicting that whatever Obama was doing or not doing was going to increase the price at the pump to five or six bucks and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Well he did want to increase the cost of carbon based fuels. He mocked "Drill, baby, drill", but it worked.

Why would RW'ers make such predictions based on nothing but hatred for Obama?

Why would anyone believe a politician wants to make something more expensive?
Maybe because he said so?
bripat 12928308
So you're claiming fracking was all part of Obama's master plan? Really?

No that is not even close to being true. Why would you make that crap up?

I wrote this in the post that produced your dishonest response:

"Plus the fact that the private and state lands were beginning to be exploited to produce record levels of domestic oil because of new technology developed by the private sector."

Obama had nothing to do with fracking technology and I never said it was part of his plan overall balanced energy plan.
High gas prices were a big issue in the prez races .

You can't hold high gas against him then say he has nothing to do with low prices . You can't have it both ways .
High gas prices were a big issue in the prez races .

You can't hold high gas against him then say he has nothing to do with low prices . You can't have it both ways .

You can't hold high gas against him then say he has nothing to do with low prices .

What did he actually do to make prices lower?
Toddster 12928470
So he contributed to increased production by reducing the number of leases?

He didn't reduce the amount of leases. He pointed out that the oil companies had leases on federal lands that they were not drilling. So the number of new leases back then had nothing to do with why the price of gas at the pump never got close to $6 dollars a gallon as RW'ers were fearmongering about.

It's quite obvious that any federal environmental or safety and health regulation of new leases on federal lands did not force the price of gasoline to go above $4 per gallon.

So the question still remains; why did RW'ers falsely and recklessly predict that Obama's policies would drive the price of gas so high it would destroy the economy?

They were wrong - they are eating crow right now.
Toddster 12928470
So he contributed to increased production by reducing the number of leases?

He didn't reduce the amount of leases. He pointed out that the oil companies had leases on federal lands that they were not drilling. So the number of new leases back then had nothing to do with why the price of gas at the pump never got close to $6 dollars a gallon as RW'ers were fearmongering about.

It's quite obvious that any federal environmental or safety and health regulation of new leases on federal lands did not force the price of gasoline to go above $4 per gallon.

So the question still remains; why did RW'ers falsely and recklessly predict that Obama's policies would drive the price of gas so high it would destroy the economy?

They were wrong - they are eating crow right now.

Probably because he decreased the use of public land for drilling. The prices we see for fuel today is directly related to Fracking which the Democrats hate and are still expressing concerns about.
High gas prices were a big issue in the prez races .

You can't hold high gas against him then say he has nothing to do with low prices . You can't have it both ways .

Sure you can. He had nothing to do with current gas prices. He did everything in his power to make them go up.
Toddster 12927908
He urged them? What did he do about the number of leases?

Why would Obama need to increase the number of leases on federal land if oil companies were not making use of federal leases onshore and offshore that they already had? Plus the fact that the private and state lands were beginning to be exploited to produce record levels of domestic oil because of new technology developed by the private sector.

Why not urge the oil companies to use the leases they already had?

You can see, as I have already pointed out, what domestic over-production and lower global demand has done to domestic production now. Oil companies are quitting sites they have invested millions in exploiting.

Now can you get back to the OP. It's about why people like you were predicting that whatever Obama was doing or not doing was going to increase the price at the pump to five or six bucks and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Why would RW'ers make such predictions based on nothing but hatred for Obama?

You have to understand the difference between leases and drilling rights. Sure, leases are easy to get under any administration. All they do with those leases is explore the possibilities of oil production. Drilling permits on public land? Good luck with that one.

When gasoline prices were much higher than today, DumBama himself said that we would not see any impact if we started to explore and drill (several years ago) and he was correct. It's exactly what Bush said as well. It takes many years before the oil production actually has an impact.
This price decrease was brought about by energy policies put forth by GOP leadership in States...policies that were fought against by the Obama Administration. If you feel compelled to give someone credit for that increased production then give it to the people who deserve it!

Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas....who else would be?

The GOP Governors of States that actually increased production? Barack Obama had nothing to do with that. He's just the guy sitting in the Oval Office while Governors in States like South Dakota pushed a pro-oil and natural gas agenda. If Obama was responsible for increased production...then it would be up on lands controlled by the Federal Government...but it was down there...which makes your OP a joke!

Governors have no control over the price of Obamagas......only the President can do that

What pray tell is "Obamagas"? Barack Obama's policies have affected the price of fossil fuels in a negative way...not in a positive way. Name one policy of his that's led to increased oil and natural gas production!

Governors who approved drilling on State owned land is what fueled this last energy "boom". They did so in spite of Barry and his minions in the Federal Government. So when you pull up to a pump this week and pay less than two dollars a gallon...give thanks to the people who made that happen and consider yourself lucky that Obama wasn't able to achieve his goal of raising that gallon of gas up to six dollars.

Please provide a quote or something where the President claimed it was his goal to raise gasoline prices to six dollars a gallon. In 2008 his plan was to drill everywhere. IF BP hadn't fucked up in the Gulf we'd have seen these prices much sooner.......

The following is the 2008 Democratic Platform that Barack Obama ran for President on...please show anywhere in that platform where he says his plan "was to drill everywhere"?

"In the local platform hearings, Americans talked about the importance of energy to the economy, to national security, and to the health of our planet. Speaking loud and clear, they said that America needs a new bold and sustainable energy policy to meet the challenges of our time. In the past, America has been stirred to action when faced with new threats to our national security, or new competitive conditions that undercut our economic leadership. The energy threat we face today may be less immediate than threats from dictators, but it is as real and as dangerous. The dangers are eclipsed only by the opportunities that would come with change. We know that the jobs of the 21st Century will be created in developing new energy solutions. The question is whether these jobs will be created in America, or abroad. We should use government procurement policies to incentivize domestic production of clean and renewable energy. Already, we've seen countries like Germany, Spain and Brazil reap the benefits of economic growth from clean energy. But we are decades behind in confronting this challenge.

For the sake of our security–and for every American family that is paying the price at the pump– we will break our addiction to foreign oil. In platform hearings around the country, Americans called for a Manhattan or Apollo Project-level commitment to achieve energy independence. We hear that call and we Democrats commit to fast-track investment of billions of dollars over the next ten years to establish a green energy sector that will create up to five million jobs. Good jobs, like those in Pennsylvania where workers manufacture wind turbines, the ones in the factory in Nevada producing components for solar energy generation plants, or the jobs that will be created when plug-in hybrids start rolling off the assembly line in Michigan. This transition to a clean-energy industry will also benefit low-income communities: we'll create an energy-focused youth job program to give disadvantaged youth job skills for this emerging industry.

It will not be easy, but neither was getting to the moon. We know we can't drill our way to energy independence and so we must summon all of our ingenuity and legendary hard work and we must invest in research and development, and deployment of renewable energy technologies—such as solar, wind, geothermal, as well as technologies to store energy through advanced batteries and clean up our coal plants. And we will call on businesses, government, and the American people to make America 50 percent more energy efficient by 2030, because we know that the most energy efficient economy will also gain the competitive edge for new manufacturing and jobs that stay here at home. We will help pay for all of it by dedicating a portion of the revenues generated by an economy-wide cap and trade program- a step that will also dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and jumpstart billions in private capital investment in a new energy economy.

We'll dramatically increase the fuel efficiency of automobiles, and we'll help auto manufacturers and parts suppliers convert to build the cars and trucks of the future and their key components in the United States. And we will help workers learn the skills they need to compete in the green economy. We are committed to getting at least 25 percent of our electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Building on the innovative efforts of the private sector, states, cities, and tribes across the country, we will create new federal-local partnerships to scale the success and deployment of new energy solutions, install a smarter grid, build more efficient buildings, and use the power of federal and military purchasing programs to jumpstart promising new markets and technologies. We'll invest in advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol which will provide American-grown fuel and help free us from the tyranny of oil. We will use innovative measures to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

To lower the price of gasoline, we will crack down on speculators who are driving up prices beyond the natural market rate. We will direct the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice to vigorously investigate and prosecute market manipulation in oil futures. And we will help those who are hit hardest by high energy prices by increasing funding for low-income heating assistance and weatherization programs, and by providing energy assistance to help middle-class families make ends meet in this time of inflated energy prices.

This plan will safeguard our economy, our country, and the future of our planet. This plan will create good jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. With these policies, we will protect our country from the national security threats created by reliance on foreign oil and global insecurity due to climate change. And this is how we'll solve the problem of four-dollar-a-gallon gas— with a comprehensive plan and investment in clean energy."

You'll note that platform included a call for an "economy wide cap and trade program" a measure that would have substantially increased energy costs across the board for American consumers...legislation that Barry, Harry and Nancy had next up on their agenda before the Democrats lost the House in the 2010 Mid-terms. That was what Obama WANTED...it was only the election of Republicans to Congress that stopped him from getting it.
I wouldn't mind seeing gas drop to 50 cents a gallon. That would be great. But big oil controls us and is out to gouge people so it won't last long cheap.

Correct, but it's not big oil.

Since we get much of our oil from private land, land owners halt production if they are not getting the price they want per barrel.

Oil companies come to your property and find the oil they are looking for. They estimate that you can be worth X amount of dollars if the oil on the commodities market sells for X amount of dollars. But then the bottom drops out. Commodities investors are going short which brings the price down. All of a sudden, you are not getting X amount per barrel for your oil any longer. You are getting half of the estimate.

So you halt production on your land until the price increases. If you and others do the same thing, then commodities investors once again buy long oil which increases the price per barrel.
Toddster 12928470
So he contributed to increased production by reducing the number of leases?

He didn't reduce the amount of leases. He pointed out that the oil companies had leases on federal lands that they were not drilling. So the number of new leases back then had nothing to do with why the price of gas at the pump never got close to $6 dollars a gallon as RW'ers were fearmongering about.

It's quite obvious that any federal environmental or safety and health regulation of new leases on federal lands did not force the price of gasoline to go above $4 per gallon.

So the question still remains; why did RW'ers falsely and recklessly predict that Obama's policies would drive the price of gas so high it would destroy the economy?

They were wrong - they are eating crow right now.

He didn't reduce the amount of leases.

Prove it.

He pointed out that the oil companies had leases on federal lands that they were not drilling.

Did that increase supply?

why did RW'ers falsely and recklessly predict that Obama's policies would drive the price of gas so high it would destroy the economy?

I'm still waiting for something he did to increase the supply of oil. Did you have anything?
Toddster 12928470
Wait, you're admitting that Obama had nothing to do with the increased supply.

The Federal Government does not drill oil it regulates the drilling of oil. The known fact is that federal regulations while Obama is President did not drive the price of gasoline up so high that it would destroy the economy.

What happened is abandoned fields are popping up all over the U.S. Because fracking new fields is a losing investment.

So what is your infatuation with the number of new leases the past seven years?

Whether Obama approved a zillion new leases or none, the outcome is the same. The price of gasoline did not go over $4 a gallon. So why did RW'ers make that crap up as if they had some solid basis to make such a claim?
Toddster 12929125
I'm still waiting for something he did to increase the supply of oil. Did you have anything?

Wait all you want. More new leases during the past six years would not have changed the reality that RW'ers were wrong about Obama's policies driving up the price of gasoline and destroy the economy.

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