Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Oldstyle 12973214
. As part of his "all of the above" strategy, Notfooled...please show me what initiatives the Obama Administration put forward to increase fossil fuel production!

I told you Obama's energy strategy 'all of the above' included private sector fracking. You can't argue that private sector fracking didn't happen can you? So Obama's initiative included increasing fossil fuel production in the U.S. It was part of the overall strategy to reduce demand while increasing U.S. Production which included fracking on private lands.

Your request has been answered many times now. Call Rush to see if you can come up with another baseless line of attack. Perhaps he can help you come up with something new.

Obama "claimed" to have increased fossil fuel production in the US but that claim has always been laughable and underscores how desperate for a "win" his Administration is at this point! The truth is...production of oil and natural gas on lands that the Federal Government had control of...went down! Production of oil and natural gas on lands that the Federal Government didn't have control of went up dramatically! Obama simply took credit for something that he had NOTHING to do with!

So would you like to tell me what policy initiative by this Administration HAS increased natural gas and oil production? So far you're not giving me an answer at all. It's simple stuff, Notfooled...show me what Barry did to help...not hurt...the fossil fuels industries?
And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say .

Sorry. You are wrong. Gas prices went up during those lethargic years and it was blamed by RE'ers solely on Obama, they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time whether or not the economy has been lethargic in your opinion or not. You help prove my point by tying low gas prices to economic lethargy. But you as a RW'er are doubly wrong when making your argument because you RW'ers nominated Romney in 2012 who admitted he would have made the economic lethargy last twice as long. His policies we were told would get unemployment down to 6% in four years of his first term. Obama reached that goal in two years.

So your basic argument means that RE'ers in 2012 should have been predicting $6 a gallon gas under Romney not Obama. That is if they wanted to make such bold faced lie prediction like that at all.
Real unemployment is still near 11%.
Politically bigoted people like you keep others down.
Oldstyle 12973214
. As part of his "all of the above" strategy, Notfooled...please show me what initiatives the Obama Administration put forward to increase fossil fuel production!

I told you Obama's energy strategy 'all of the above' included private sector fracking. You can't argue that private sector fracking didn't happen can you? So Obama's initiative included increasing fossil fuel production in the U.S. It was part of the overall strategy to reduce demand while increasing U.S. Production which included fracking on private lands.

Your request has been answered many times now. Call Rush to see if you can come up with another baseless line of attack. Perhaps he can help you come up with something new.
Correlation does not equal causation.
FAQ2 12977608
Correlation does not equal causation.

You are right there was no correlation between Obama being reelected and higher gas prices. It was all lies in 2012 when RW'ers made that claim.
Papa 12975267
Funny libs were wanting $5 a gallon gas, hell Obama wanted high gas prices.

Let's see a direct quote from Obama saying that he wanted high gas prices. It must be written down somewhere if you actually believe it is true.
Papa 12975267
Funny libs were wanting $5 a gallon gas, hell Obama wanted high gas prices.

Let's see a direct quote from Obama saying that he wanted high gas prices. It must be written down somewhere if you actually believe it is true.

Here is the article about Obama's Energy Secretary wanting to do just that.

Times Tough for Energy Overhaul

Chu's Europe gas quote haunts W.H.

I admit it was wrong, the Obama administration wanted higher than $5 a gallon. They feel it would help the environment to raise the price.

Do you disagree with the President?
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Funny libs were wanting $5 a gallon gas, hell Obama wanted high gas prices.
That way they can claim victory when the prices skyrocket and victory when they drop. No matter what happens under Obama or why, it is a good thing that he has caused.
Funny libs were wanting $5 a gallon gas, hell Obama wanted high gas prices.
That way they can claim victory when the prices skyrocket and victory when they drop. No matter what happens under Obama or why, it is a good thing that he has caused.
Papa 12975267
Funny libs were wanting $5 a gallon gas, hell Obama wanted high gas prices.

Let's see a direct quote from Obama saying that he wanted high gas prices. It must be written down somewhere if you actually believe it is true.

Here is the article about Obama's Energy Secretary wanting to do just that.

Times Tough for Energy Overhaul

Chu's Europe gas quote haunts W.H.

I admit it was wrong, the Obama administration wanted higher than $5 a gallon. They feel it would help the environment to raise the price.

Do you disagree with the President?

I'm amused by the liberal mantra that Obama didn't want higher prices for gasoline when the man who he selected to be his Energy Secretary, Steven Chu had repeatedly called for raising gas prices in America to the level of European gas prices so that the American people would be weaned off fossil fuels and pushed into using alternative fuels.

Did Obama refuse to be candid about what his plans were for oil? Damn right he was...if you watch the interview he gave with NBC's John Harwood it's obvious that he doesn't want to level with the American voters when it comes to his thoughts on gas prices. It's also obvious in his reply to Ed Henry when asked about wanting higher gas prices that he's not going to admit that he's doing everything that he can to make fossil fuels more expensive so that "green" alternatives are economically feasible.

This is the same man who wants Cap & Trade legislation passed even though he KNOWS that it will increase the cost of electricity across the board for Americans! He knows it and quite frankly...he doesn't care. In Barack Obama's eyes that's a "sacrifice" that Americans should be willing to make because he and other liberals have decided that's what's BEST for them!

The truth of the matter is that Steven Chu did a complete 180 when asked by Congress if he did indeed think we should have higher gas prices! After stating exactly that for decades, Chu looked his questioner in the eye and declared with a straight face that he didn't want higher gas prices because that would be bad for the economy! The number one rule of the Obama Administration is if the policy that you're pushing is going to be unpopular with voters...then it's imperative that they not be told the truth!
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Roshawn 12974958
Real unemployment is still near 11%.
Politically bigoted people like you keep others down.

No it isn't. That is a lie. Unemployment is calculated the way it has always been calculated. There is no 'real' in what you wrote. Shame on you.
Oldstyle 12978002
It's also obvious in his reply to Ed Henry when asked about wanting higher gas prices that he's not going to admit that he's doing everything that he can to make fossil fuels more expensive.

There is no quote from Chu or Obama that they 'want' to raise the price of gasoline at any time for any reason. And all actions to reduce demand as well as include the private sector fracking boom in a 'All of the Above' energy policy is solid proof that neither Chu or Obama 'wanted' to raise the price of gasoline.

Anyone claiming what they 'want' when they said as Oldsyle admits is the exact opposite, is not telling the truth about what Obama wants.
Papageo 12977837
Here is the article about Obama's Energy Secretary wanting to do just that.

Times Tough for Energy Overhaul

What is wrong with you people? This is cited from that link to the WSJ 2008:

. But Mr. Obama has dismissed the idea of boosting the federal gasoline tax, a move energy experts say could be the single most effective step to promote alternative energies and temper demand. Mr. Obama said Sunday that a heightened gas tax would be a "mistake" because it would put "additional burdens on American families right now."

And on offshore drilling:

. Her views on that issue put her sharply to the left of Mr. Obama's nominee for national-security adviser, retired Marine Corps Gen. James Jones, who supports expanded offshore drilling.

You have cited nothing ttat helps you one bit.
Roshawn 12974958
Real unemployment is still near 11%.
Politically bigoted people like you keep others down.

No it isn't. That is a lie. Unemployment is calculated the way it has always been calculated. There is no 'real' in what you wrote. Shame on you.

Seriously you need to change your name to fooled by Obama!
Papageo 12977837
Here is the article about Obama's Energy Secretary wanting to do just that.

Times Tough for Energy Overhaul

What is wrong with you people? This is cited from that link to the WSJ 2008:

. But Mr. Obama has dismissed the idea of boosting the federal gasoline tax, a move energy experts say could be the single most effective step to promote alternative energies and temper demand. Mr. Obama said Sunday that a heightened gas tax would be a "mistake" because it would put "additional burdens on American families right now."

And on offshore drilling:

. Her views on that issue put her sharply to the left of Mr. Obama's nominee for national-security adviser, retired Marine Corps Gen. James Jones, who supports expanded offshore drilling.

You have cited nothing ttat helps you one bit.

You asked for the link, I gave it to you. You silly libs and the President were wanting to raise gas prices. According to the Obama administration they want it to European levels. Now, you don't like it? Lol!

It proves that is what the administration wanted it and have failed miserably at their goal. Maybe once he got into office Obama realized that his raising prices would kill any Democrats hopes of being re-elected. The fact that you are dishonest in this area shows how stupid the idea was in the first place and the democratic base doesn't give two cents about carbon footprints or clean anything, they just want to get re-elected.

Now why the change?
Oldstyle 12978002
It's also obvious in his reply to Ed Henry when asked about wanting higher gas prices that he's not going to admit that he's doing everything that he can to make fossil fuels more expensive.

There is no quote from Chu or Obama that they 'want' to raise the price of gasoline at any time for any reason. And all actions to reduce demand as well as include the private sector fracking boom in a 'All of the Above' energy policy is solid proof that neither Chu or Obama 'wanted' to raise the price of gasoline.

Anyone claiming what they 'want' when they said as Oldsyle admits is the exact opposite, is not telling the truth about what Obama wants.

The article in 2008 proves you are full of bull.
Oldstyle 12978002
It's also obvious in his reply to Ed Henry when asked about wanting higher gas prices that he's not going to admit that he's doing everything that he can to make fossil fuels more expensive.

There is no quote from Chu or Obama that they 'want' to raise the price of gasoline at any time for any reason. And all actions to reduce demand as well as include the private sector fracking boom in a 'All of the Above' energy policy is solid proof that neither Chu or Obama 'wanted' to raise the price of gasoline.

Anyone claiming what they 'want' when they said as Oldsyle admits is the exact opposite, is not telling the truth about what Obama wants.

Besides what others have posted here, I posted an article earlier this year how they wanted to place additional unnecessary regulations on fracking. What what have resulted from those? Lower prices?
Oldstyle 12978002
It's also obvious in his reply to Ed Henry when asked about wanting higher gas prices that he's not going to admit that he's doing everything that he can to make fossil fuels more expensive.

There is no quote from Chu or Obama that they 'want' to raise the price of gasoline at any time for any reason. And all actions to reduce demand as well as include the private sector fracking boom in a 'All of the Above' energy policy is solid proof that neither Chu or Obama 'wanted' to raise the price of gasoline.

Anyone claiming what they 'want' when they said as Oldsyle admits is the exact opposite, is not telling the truth about what Obama wants.

Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.
FAQ2 12978941
Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.

Simple then show us where he actually says that he wants to raise the price of fossil fuels out of the market.

Just show it.

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