Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Ray 12985619
So let's try this again:

Gas Price Perfidy
The president wanted higher gas prices, not a boom in domestic production.
2:05 PM, Mar 03, 2012 | By MARIO LOYOLA

Gas Price Perfidy

Graphic of the Day: Drilling Permits Down 36% Under Obama Administration

Graphic of the Day: Drilling Permits Down 36% Under Obama Administration

Obama Administration Approving Only 35 Percent of Gulf Drilling Plans
Rob Bluey / @RobertBluey / November 24, 2011

Obama Administration Approving Only 35 Percent of Gulf Drilling Plans

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development
By Kelly David Burke
Published June 22, 2013

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development | Fox News

GOP, Industry Ready To Fight Back Obama’s Regulation On Shale Gas
6:23 PM 03/21/2015

Read more: GOP, Industry Ready To Fight Back Obama’s Regulation On Shale Gas

Geee, now where would Republicans get the idea that gas was going to increase????

Where in all that did Obama say he wanted to increase the price of gasoline at the pump in any way. None of that forced gasoline prices upward. I realize that is the known reality and you do not show much interest in reality in all your posts.

I want to see what Obama said, not what you think he said or done bumbling idiot like Gingrich or Limbaugh thinks Obama wants or ulterior motives have been,

Those idiots were wrong and you still can't find the decency to quote Obama's words on the subject.

Do you think the oil industry should be left unregulated to do whatever they want. Do you think they would willingly pass cost savings from deregulation down to the consumer?

Already posted and you ignored. Very dishonest to say the least.
The "problem" is shutting those shallow water drillers down showed the lengths that Obama's Administration was willing to go to "handicap" the fossil fuel industry, Synth!
And I see the fossil fuel industry much the way I see the tobacco industry. As an industry that harms society, our children, and their children.

an industry that harms society, our children, and their children.

Is that why you're heating and cooling your home with wind and solar?
Not wind. I'm not even sure wind is zoned residential.

So you're heating and cooling with solar?
One of Ray's links:

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development
By Kelly David Burke

Published June 22, 2013

Ray didn't notice the date and he didn't notice the reason for cutting back.

The reason is this is not fracking to retrieve actual oil and the process of converting the shale into oil takes tremendous amounts of water.

Water is a precious commodity in the west right now and it is wise policy to conserve it. It was wise policy not to use or possibly pollute natural water sources to produce no-profit oil from shale because the value of crude has dropped much lower than the costs needed in the process.

Thus no price increase effect on gasoline from the proposed regulation in 2013 which makes a lot of sense if one bothers to read beyond the Fox News Headline.

The headline could have been:

Obama Admin Plans Conserving Western States Water by Reduction of Shale Mining Permits
One of Ray's links:

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development
By Kelly David Burke

Published June 22, 2013

Ray didn't notice the date and he didn't notice the reason for cutting back.

The reason is this is not fracking to retrieve actual oil and the process of converting the shale into oil takes tremendous amounts of water.

Water is a precious commodity in the west right now and it is wise policy to conserve it. It was wise policy not to use or possibly pollute natural water sources to produce no-profit oil from shale because the value of crude has dropped much lower than the costs needed in the process.

Thus no price increase effect on gasoline from the proposed regulation in 2013 which makes a lot of sense if one bothers to read beyond the Fox News Headline.

The headline could have been:

Obama Admin Plans Conserving Western States Water by Reduction of Shale Mining Permits

More ignoring and avoidance by the dishonest left.
One of Ray's links:

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development
By Kelly David Burke

Published June 22, 2013

Ray didn't notice the date and he didn't notice the reason for cutting back.

The reason is this is not fracking to retrieve actual oil and the process of converting the shale into oil takes tremendous amounts of water.

Water is a precious commodity in the west right now and it is wise policy to conserve it. It was wise policy not to use or possibly pollute natural water sources to produce no-profit oil from shale because the value of crude has dropped much lower than the costs needed in the process.

Thus no price increase effect on gasoline from the proposed regulation in 2013 which makes a lot of sense if one bothers to read beyond the Fox News Headline.

The headline could have been:

Obama Admin Plans Conserving Western States Water by Reduction of Shale Mining Permits

You have made two assertions: one is that Republicans lied about the price of fuel as if they had a crystal ball instead of an opinion. Two, is that DumBama participated in the policies of lower fuel prices.

Neither are true. People had every reason to believe that DumBama's energy policies would increase the price of fuel; particularly electricity because he closed down electric power plants, implemented extremely expensive regulations on the coal fired power plants that he allowed to remain open, and yes, because of his stance on oil drilling and fracking.

If you need more links, just ask. I only posted a few in my way overcrowded folder of Obama and energy.
Ray 12985619
So let's try this again:

Gas Price Perfidy
The president wanted higher gas prices, not a boom in domestic production.
2:05 PM, Mar 03, 2012 | By MARIO LOYOLA

Gas Price Perfidy

Graphic of the Day: Drilling Permits Down 36% Under Obama Administration

Graphic of the Day: Drilling Permits Down 36% Under Obama Administration

Obama Administration Approving Only 35 Percent of Gulf Drilling Plans
Rob Bluey / @RobertBluey / November 24, 2011

Obama Administration Approving Only 35 Percent of Gulf Drilling Plans

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development
By Kelly David Burke
Published June 22, 2013

Obama administration cuts back oil shale development | Fox News

GOP, Industry Ready To Fight Back Obama’s Regulation On Shale Gas
6:23 PM 03/21/2015

Read more: GOP, Industry Ready To Fight Back Obama’s Regulation On Shale Gas

Geee, now where would Republicans get the idea that gas was going to increase????

Where in all that did Obama say he wanted to increase the price of gasoline at the pump in any way. None of that forced gasoline prices upward. I realize that is the known reality and you do not show much interest in reality in all your posts.

I want to see what Obama said, not what you think he said or done bumbling idiot like Gingrich or Limbaugh thinks Obama wants or ulterior motives have been,

Those idiots were wrong and you still can't find the decency to quote Obama's words on the subject.

Do you think the oil industry should be left unregulated to do whatever they want. Do you think they would willingly pass cost savings from deregulation down to the consumer?

Yes I do, and here's why:

Fuel prices are set in the commodities market. Trust me, I've traded commodities for several years.

In that time, if it's one thing I've learned, it's that speculators base their investments on available news of X commodity.

If the news about X commodity is bad, investors purchase what's called Long Contracts meaning they expect the price to increase. If the news about X commodity is good, investors purchase short contracts meaning they expect the price to decrease.

We make the exact same amount of money if a commodity goes down as when it goes up. The key is to calculate which direction the commodity is going to go. If you can do that, then you make money.

So in your scenario, if the government announced it would be backing off regulations on fuel, that would cause hysteria in the commodities market. Less regulation is good for any product, so the speculators are likely to buy short contracts pushing the price downwards. When that happens, the price at the pump (or whatever fuel outlet you wish to consider) will decrease.
Oldstyle 12978002 There is no quote from Chu or Obama that they 'want' to raise the price of gasoline at any time for any reason. And all actions to reduce demand as well as include the private sector fracking boom in a 'All of the Above' energy policy is solid proof that neither Chu or Obama 'wanted' to raise the price of gasoline.

Anyone claiming what they 'want' when they said as Oldsyle admits is the exact opposite, is not telling the truth about what Obama wants.

Besides what others have posted here, I posted an article earlier this year how they wanted to place additional unnecessary regulations on fracking. What what have resulted from those? Lower prices?

Fooled is a dishonest hack, we gave him the links.

You can lead a liberal to the water but you can't make them think.

For him to try and make the case that DumBama is for lower fuel is similar to a Republican trying to make the case that a Republican President wanted more abortions.

It just doesn't make sense.
Pub dupe.^^ Of course he is, why wouldn't he be. And libs in general don't hate fracking, just wanted it to be as safe as possible, and did.

No, any diehard lib is against fossil fuels. They believe that we control the climate with them. So of course DumBama and most Democrats are against us using any fuel that isn't created by a windmill or solar panel.
No, they're for intelligence, and taxing Big Oil fairly, oh and smart cars. You're welcome.
Besides what others have posted here, I posted an article earlier this year how they wanted to place additional unnecessary regulations on fracking. What what have resulted from those? Lower prices?

Fooled is a dishonest hack, we gave him the links.

You can lead a liberal to the water but you can't make them think.

For him to try and make the case that DumBama is for lower fuel is similar to a Republican trying to make the case that a Republican President wanted more abortions.

It just doesn't make sense.
Pub dupe.^^ Of course he is, why wouldn't he be. And libs in general don't hate fracking, just wanted it to be as safe as possible, and did.

No, any diehard lib is against fossil fuels. They believe that we control the climate with them. So of course DumBama and most Democrats are against us using any fuel that isn't created by a windmill or solar panel.
No, they're for intelligence, and taxing Big Oil fairly, oh and smart cars. You're welcome.

Smart cars? The same smart cars that get those evil subsidies that you libs rally against?

How is big oil not taxed fairly? The have the same standards of taxation as any other industry. Care to challenge me on that, I have my FactCheck article right here to prove it to ya.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
Fooled is a dishonest hack, we gave him the links.

You can lead a liberal to the water but you can't make them think.

For him to try and make the case that DumBama is for lower fuel is similar to a Republican trying to make the case that a Republican President wanted more abortions.

It just doesn't make sense.
Pub dupe.^^ Of course he is, why wouldn't he be. And libs in general don't hate fracking, just wanted it to be as safe as possible, and did.

No, any diehard lib is against fossil fuels. They believe that we control the climate with them. So of course DumBama and most Democrats are against us using any fuel that isn't created by a windmill or solar panel.
No, they're for intelligence, and taxing Big Oil fairly, oh and smart cars. You're welcome.

Smart cars? The same smart cars that get those evil subsidies that you libs rally against?

How is big oil not taxed fairly? The have the same standards of taxation as any other industry. Care to challenge me on that, I have my FactCheck article right here to prove it to ya.
Cars today have more power and economy than ever- thanks to Dems pressing it forever- I have NO idea what you're talking about.. The average effective corporate tax rate is 12%, a disgrace, And mostly paid by small business who can't afford accountants and lobbyists. TY, GOP.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
O's debt is 80%+ bailing out victims of W's corrupt world depression, fool. STILL 300 billion/year. Great job, GOP.
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.
Last edited:
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
O's debt is 80%+ bailing out victims of W's corrupt world depression, fool. STILL 300 billion/year. Great job, GOP.
Sounds like the white man burdens of holding the black man down theory. Blame the white man Bush for Obama's black hardship troubles. It's the typical response of a irresponsible immature black man to point the finger and not take accountability. Blame game!

Obama's own tab:
ObamaCare’s cost is currently estimated at a net cost of $1.207 trillion dollars by 2025. Obama 1 trillion on welfare. Tab adding up.
...you said, "Bush" is the reason we are in this mess in the first place"...I thought Obama had it contained, handled? flip-flop, 8 yrs to get it right! Time up. Change! I want a refund. he didn't change shit but his tie.

...Reagan did it in 7, so what's the excuse. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. What's the point of being prez if you can't fix it? Fraud!
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
O's debt is 80%+ bailing out victims of W's corrupt world depression, fool. STILL 300 billion/year. Great job, GOP.
Sounds like the white man burdens of holding the black man down theory. Blame the white man Bush for Obama's black hardship troubles. It's the typical response of a irresponsible immature black man to point the finger and not take accountability. Blame game!

Obama's own tab:
ObamaCare’s cost is currently estimated at a net cost of $1.207 trillion dollars by 2025. Obama 1 trillion on welfare. Tab adding up.
...you said, "Bush" is the reason we are in this mess in the first place"...I thought Obama had it contained, handled? flip-flop, 8 yrs to get it right! Time up. Change! I want a refund. he didn't change shit but his tie.

...Reagan did it in 7, so what's the excuse. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. What's the point of being prez if you can't fix it? Fraud!
You are a clueless brainwashed functional moron. We have the best economy in the world now. If you had any clue you'd sthu.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
O's debt is 80%+ bailing out victims of W's corrupt world depression, fool. STILL 300 billion/year. Great job, GOP.
Sounds like the white man burdens of holding the black man down theory. Blame the white man Bush for Obama's black hardship troubles. It's the typical response of a irresponsible immature black man to point the finger and not take accountability. Blame game!

Obama's own tab:
ObamaCare’s cost is currently estimated at a net cost of $1.207 trillion dollars by 2025. Obama 1 trillion on welfare. Tab adding up.
...you said, "Bush" is the reason we are in this mess in the first place"...I thought Obama had it contained, handled? flip-flop, 8 yrs to get it right! Time up. Change! I want a refund. he didn't change shit but his tie.

...Reagan did it in 7, so what's the excuse. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. What's the point of being prez if you can't fix it? Fraud!
We have the best economy in the world now.
Why would you prefer for me to be silent, so you can take away my freedom of speech liberal. Such a democratic bully. Just like a terrorist throwing 5 year old tantrums. Is that how you verbally abuse your ladies like a jerk.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "moron" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.

States who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly ranking


Kentucky – Median household income: $42,958 Poverty rate: 19.1%

Kentucky's 7.4% unemployment rate is still quite a bit higher than the rates of other states.


Bernie Sanders own state as Senator Vermont top 10 worst economic in nation.

Rich States, Poor States - 2015 Economic Outlook

Mississippi – Median household income: $39,680 Poverty rate: 21.5%

New Mexico – Median household income: $44,803 Poverty rate: 21.3%

West Virginia – Median household income: $41,059 Poverty rate: 18.3%

Arkansas – Median household income: $41,262 Poverty rate: 18.9%

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