Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
O's debt is 80%+ bailing out victims of W's corrupt world depression, fool. STILL 300 billion/year. Great job, GOP.
Sounds like the white man burdens of holding the black man down theory. Blame the white man Bush for Obama's black hardship troubles. It's the typical response of a irresponsible immature black man to point the finger and not take accountability. Blame game!

Obama's own tab:
ObamaCare’s cost is currently estimated at a net cost of $1.207 trillion dollars by 2025. Obama 1 trillion on welfare. Tab adding up.
...you said, "Bush" is the reason we are in this mess in the first place"...I thought Obama had it contained, handled? flip-flop, 8 yrs to get it right! Time up. Change! I want a refund. he didn't change shit but his tie.

...Reagan did it in 7, so what's the excuse. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. What's the point of being prez if you can't fix it? Fraud!
We have the best economy in the world now.
Why would you prefer for me to be silent, so you can take away my freedom of speech liberal. Such a democratic bully. Just like a terrorist throwing 5 year old tantrums. Is that how you verbally abuse your ladies like a jerk.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "moron" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.

States who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly ranking


Kentucky – Median household income: $42,958 Poverty rate: 19.1%

Kentucky's 7.4% unemployment rate is still quite a bit higher than the rates of other states.


Bernie Sanders own state as Senator Vermont top 10 worst economic in nation.

Rich States, Poor States - 2015 Economic Outlook

Mississippi – Median household income: $39,680 Poverty rate: 21.5%

New Mexico – Median household income: $44,803 Poverty rate: 21.3%

West Virginia – Median household income: $41,059 Poverty rate: 18.3%

Arkansas – Median household income: $41,262 Poverty rate: 18.9%
BS. See if you can figure out what caused the ruin of the nonrich here, dumbass dupe. And see sig last line.

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb...able=58&Freq=Qtr&FirstYear=2008&LastYear=2010
4 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php/household-sector-debt-of-gdp
4 = http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/
5/6 = http://www.businessinsider.com/15-c...lity-in-america-2010-4?slop=1#slideshow-start

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Obama 8 trillion dollar debt compared to $1.82 gas price, doesn't make up for 8 million unemployed eating crow soup. Not even a bitter sweet victory
O's debt is 80%+ bailing out victims of W's corrupt world depression, fool. STILL 300 billion/year. Great job, GOP.
Sounds like the white man burdens of holding the black man down theory. Blame the white man Bush for Obama's black hardship troubles. It's the typical response of a irresponsible immature black man to point the finger and not take accountability. Blame game!

Obama's own tab:
ObamaCare’s cost is currently estimated at a net cost of $1.207 trillion dollars by 2025. Obama 1 trillion on welfare. Tab adding up.
...you said, "Bush" is the reason we are in this mess in the first place"...I thought Obama had it contained, handled? flip-flop, 8 yrs to get it right! Time up. Change! I want a refund. he didn't change shit but his tie.

...Reagan did it in 7, so what's the excuse. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. What's the point of being prez if you can't fix it? Fraud!
Reagan did it by spending trillions on defense and a corrupt S+L bubble. Great job, dupe.
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

He had to back off, the President couldn't get him confirmed telling Americans what he really wanted to do. You asked for the quotes and you got them along with the YouTube video. I gave you what you wanted and you still want to lie.
Last edited:
I just have to ask again.

Obama: GREAT president? Or the GREATEST president?

Dude, you can keep pretending that Barry is great but it's been apparent for quite some time now that he doesn't have a clue what he's doing on the economy or with foreign policy. What's worse is that he's surrounded himself with a cadre of people who are equally clueless.

That speech to "reassure" Americans that his administration was on the ball combating terrorism was pathetic. He's been making that same speech for years now and it's as toothless now as it was the first time he gave it. Barack Obama is more concerned with not offending Muslims who aren't extremists than he is with destroying the ones who are!
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

He had to back off, the President couldn't get him confirmed telling Americans what he really wanted to do. You asked for the quotes and you got them along with the YouTube video. I gave you what you wanted and you still want to lie.

Back off? Papa...Steven Chu LIED to that Congressional committee. You know it...I know it...Chu knows it...Barry knows it. Let's be honest here...this administration has no qualms about lying to the American people if that lie will further their agenda. It's for our own good seems to be their rationale.
Ray 12985466
Ray From Cleveland said:
No, any diehard lib is against fossil fuels. They believe that we control the climate with them. So of course DumBama and most Democrats are against us using any fuel that isn't created by a windmill or solar panel.

You are not engaged in a debate with a die-hard liberal. I love using fossil fuels to get to work and go where my wife and I like to go. I love fossil fuels that propels my Triumph motorcycle up the Shenandoah mountains. I also love the lower price of gas as well as getting 30 mpg in my Ford Escape and 70 mpg on my bike.

I also love taking my HPV bike out for a 100 good weekend day 100 mike ride. Does that mean I hate fossil fuels because I love to ride bicycles too?

I appreciate that the stimulus plan in '09 provided much funding for major bike path improvements in the DC metro area. I now can ride from near my house to Dulles Airport and then all the way to DC and on south Mt Vernon on some of the most beautiful bike paths in the country.

Best of both worlds. Enjoying fossil fuels and enjoy not using fossil fuels.

So why don't you go find a die hard lib to argue with since you can't get anywhere with a normal American.
I'm amused that none of you die hard liberals will ever admit that you're a die hard liberal! Why is that, "FooledbyObama"?
Gas prices were at $1.35 a gallon here when Obama was elected back in November of 2008 so after nearly seven years of Obama as President gas prices are almost back to what they were when he was elected.

Yes and America was losing a million jobs a month back then . The trick has been to have lower prices of gas and oil without wrecking the economy as was the result of the Great Bush recession.

The point is right wing hacks were predicting $6 a gallon gas based on hatred of Obama alone instead of focusing on market and policy realities.

Most of you were predicting destruction of the U.S. economy because of what Obama was doing or not doing. Eat your crow if you were one of them. It will be interesting to go back and see who all the false prophets were and know to not pay attention to anything that is predicted out of hatred.

Are you saying Obama gets credit for the price or that he's done something to ensure that gas prices stay low? It was actually Obama who said he felt $5 a gallon gas was good but wanted the price to rise slower.

No one is eating crow here. I'm glad gas is lower now because the prices in the grocery store are still higher and utilities are still high. I don't know why you're acting like Obama did something to fix the economy because it's still not stable.

I think you are making false assumptions based on hatred of Republicans.
Gas prices were at $1.35 a gallon here when Obama was elected back in November of 2008 so after nearly seven years of Obama as President gas prices are almost back to what they were when he was elected.

Yes and America was losing a million jobs a month back then . The trick has been to have lower prices of gas and oil without wrecking the economy as was the result of the Great Bush recession.

The point is right wing hacks were predicting $6 a gallon gas based on hatred of Obama alone instead of focusing on market and policy realities.

Most of you were predicting destruction of the U.S. economy because of what Obama was doing or not doing. Eat your crow if you were one of them. It will be interesting to go back and see who all the false prophets were and know to not pay attention to anything that is predicted out of hatred.

Are you saying Obama gets credit for the price or that he's done something to ensure that gas prices stay low? It was actually Obama who said he felt $5 a gallon gas was good but wanted the price to rise slower.

No one is eating crow here. I'm glad gas is lower now because the prices in the grocery store are still higher and utilities are still high. I don't know why you're acting like Obama did something to fix the economy because it's still not stable.

I think you are making false assumptions based on hatred of Republicans.

The low price of gas is one of the few things that's going well for us in this economy, Clementine! Of course Progressives can't bring themselves to admit that happened despite Barry but the truth is...if you took out the stimulus to our economy that was provided by advances in fracking...the already pedestrian economic numbers for the Obama Administration would be downright awful!
Yup, only the best economy in the world is all. Thanks for the corrupt world depression duh.
Ray 12985466
Ray From Cleveland said:
No, any diehard lib is against fossil fuels. They believe that we control the climate with them. So of course DumBama and most Democrats are against us using any fuel that isn't created by a windmill or solar panel.

You are not engaged in a debate with a die-hard liberal. I love using fossil fuels to get to work and go where my wife and I like to go. I love fossil fuels that propels my Triumph motorcycle up the Shenandoah mountains. I also love the lower price of gas as well as getting 30 mpg in my Ford Escape and 70 mpg on my bike.

I also love taking my HPV bike out for a 100 good weekend day 100 mike ride. Does that mean I hate fossil fuels because I love to ride bicycles too?

I appreciate that the stimulus plan in '09 provided much funding for major bike path improvements in the DC metro area. I now can ride from near my house to Dulles Airport and then all the way to DC and on south Mt Vernon on some of the most beautiful bike paths in the country.

Best of both worlds. Enjoying fossil fuels and enjoy not using fossil fuels.

So why don't you go find a die hard lib to argue with since you can't get anywhere with a normal American.
I'm amused that none of you die hard liberals will ever admit that you're a die hard liberal! Why is that, "FooledbyObama"?
Diehard means dumb and close-minded, for conservatives ONLY.-
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

He had to back off, the President couldn't get him confirmed telling Americans what he really wanted to do. You asked for the quotes and you got them along with the YouTube video. I gave you what you wanted and you still want to lie.
He's a gd idiot lol...and obviously has nothing to do with energy POLICY.
Are you saying Obama gets credit for the price or that he's done something to ensure that gas prices stay low? It was actually Obama who said he felt $5 a gallon gas was good but wanted the price to rise slower.

Didn't say that and I'm not saying it. I am saying Obama did nothing that could have driven gasoline prices to six dollars a gallon as RW'ers were claiming in 2012 if Obama was elected to serve a second term. They were wrong and lying because nothing under Obama's power as President could cause that magnitude of rise or lowering of gasoline prices at the pump was available to him. Keystone was a buzzword lie. Whether or not that project happened or not would an effect on the privmce of gas in the range of a few pennies at long after Obsms served out his second term.
Papageo 12986487
He had to back off, the President couldn't get him confirmed telling Americans what he really wanted to do. You asked for the quotes and you got them along with the YouTube video. I gave you what you wanted and you still want to lie.

There we can see that RW'ers have to lie through baseless unsubstantiated conjecture and conspiracy theories to argue something very critical to the myth they created that Obama wanted to raise the price of gasoline so high it would destroy any hope of sustained economic recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 - 09.

The lie on your side is made up with no evidence that Obama was not telling Americans what he really wanted to do when he himself stated that he did not want to raise gas prices.

That's a conspiracy theory you got going there Papageo and it's a pretty lousy one because gas prices have come way down when your CT needed them to go way up.

Eat your crow Papa. You just have shown us what you are. And it is an ugly Trump like way to run your life.
Last edited:
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
in colorado 1.62 gallon ...thats got to be driving these repub-lie tards over the cliff once again ...
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

He had to back off, the President couldn't get him confirmed telling Americans what he really wanted to do. You asked for the quotes and you got them along with the YouTube video. I gave you what you wanted and you still want to lie.
He's a gd idiot lol...and obviously has nothing to do with energy POLICY.

Who Chu? Why would Obama want him as his Energy Secretary if he was an idiot?
Papageo 12986487
He had to back off, the President couldn't get him confirmed telling Americans what he really wanted to do. You asked for the quotes and you got them along with the YouTube video. I gave you what you wanted and you still want to lie.

There we can see that RW'ers have to lie through baseless unsubstantiated conjecture and conspiracy theories to argue something very critical to the myth they created that Obama wanted to raise the price of gasoline so high it would destroy any hope of sustained economic recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 - 09.

The lie on your side is made up with no evidence that Obama was not telling Americans what he really wanted to do when he himself stated that he did not want to raise gas prices.

That's a conspiracy theory you got going there Papageo and it's a pretty lousy one because gas prices have come way down when your CT needed them to go way up.

Eat your crow Papa. You just have shown us what you are. And it is an ugly Trump like way to run your life.

You are a dishonest partisan hack, I heard what the Energy Secretary said, I heard Obama say what he said. I also know that Obama wanted to send heating costs higher and failed.

Though we reap the benefits of this administration's failure. It is not what Obama wanted and anyone with a mind knows that.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
in colorado 1.62 gallon ...thats got to be driving these repub-lie tards over the cliff once again ...

I love that the Obama administration has failed to lift gas prices higher.
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

Trump has nothing to do this, this is about Obama and how he has failed to increase gas prices like he wanted. I for one am happy he has failed, Democrat that voted for him must be pissed because that is a reason libs will vote for him.

The videos and the articles don't lie. He and his administration said it, they own it and they failed. I am glad he failed.

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