Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

R-Derp and Franco...the two "intellects" of the Progressive left here at USMessageBoard! It's like arguing with Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Considering how often they are caught in lies on the USMB and considering how often they lose when they challenge liberals, you would think CROW was a Republican mainstay when it comes to diet.

The resident liar calling others liars. :lmao:
FAQ2 12978941
Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.

Of course it's been refuted and not one of you RW'ers have found any evidence written or spoken that Obama 'wants' to increase the costs of fossil fuels one whit. His actions and policies have not done so either. If he stated such s thing and it is well established one of you RW'ers should be able to post it. It hasn't happened yet. So the lies continue about Obama wanting to increase the price of gasoline going all the way back to 2012.
FAQ2 12978941
Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.

Of course it's been refuted and not one of you RW'ers have found any evidence written or spoken that Obama 'wants' to increase the costs of fossil fuels one whit. His actions and policies have not done so either. If he stated such s thing and it is well established one of you RW'ers should be able to post it. It hasn't happened yet. So the lies continue about Obama wanting to increase the price of gasoline going all the way back to 2012.

Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.
I'm curious, Franco...has the gap gotten bigger or smaller under Barack Obama? Hmmmmm?

When Obama took office Bush's legacy was much worse than whatever the 'gap' you are suddenly concerned about when nearly one million American jobs being lost in a month.

Bush's legacy was a net zero added jobs.

Obama has been adding jobs steadily since turning Bush's mess around. He will leave office creating at least 10 million new jobs.

So now you got to bitch about jobs not being good enough. There is still work to be done, but whatever gap you are diverting to its much better to be adding jobs than losing them.

Income equality is largely a private sector issue except that rich people like Romney don't pay as high a percentage of their income as the upper percentile of the working middle class. The Feds could fix that and Obama has forced the Bush tax cuts for the rich expire. But Republicans buck that effort every inch of the way - clinging to their trickle down theories that never really worked over the long run.
FAQ2 12978941
Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.

Of course it's been refuted and not one of you RW'ers have found any evidence written or spoken that Obama 'wants' to increase the costs of fossil fuels one whit. His actions and policies have not done so either. If he stated such s thing and it is well established one of you RW'ers should be able to post it. It hasn't happened yet. So the lies continue about Obama wanting to increase the price of gasoline going all the way back to 2012.

Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.
Yup, 7 years of policy doesn't matter, only 1 gotcha moment for the out of touch academic. RW idiocy. It's called brainwashing.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.
Considering how often they are caught in lies on the USMB and considering how often they lose when they challenge liberals, you would think CROW was a Republican mainstay when it comes to diet.

The resident liar calling others liars. :lmao:
One Dean lie, dingbat? lol
FAQ2 12978941
Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.

Of course it's been refuted and not one of you RW'ers have found any evidence written or spoken that Obama 'wants' to increase the costs of fossil fuels one whit. His actions and policies have not done so either. If he stated such s thing and it is well established one of you RW'ers should be able to post it. It hasn't happened yet. So the lies continue about Obama wanting to increase the price of gasoline going all the way back to 2012.

Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.
That was before the Booosh World Depression. How thick can you get?
FAQ2 12978941
Are you seriously refuting the reality that Obama wants to price fossil fuels out of the market?

He has stated so several times - it is well established.

Of course it's been refuted and not one of you RW'ers have found any evidence written or spoken that Obama 'wants' to increase the costs of fossil fuels one whit. His actions and policies have not done so either. If he stated such s thing and it is well established one of you RW'ers should be able to post it. It hasn't happened yet. So the lies continue about Obama wanting to increase the price of gasoline going all the way back to 2012.

Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.
Yup, 7 years of policy doesn't matter, only 1 gotcha moment for the out of touch academic. RW idiocy. It's called brainwashing.

It wasn't once, it was several times. But I like the failed Obama policy, it is saving me a lot of money. Kudos to the failure.
Papageo 12992127
Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.

Obama was not President in 2008 and he did not have an energy secretary then either.

Obama never said he wanted to raise gas prices - ever. And Chu stated that what he wrote in 2008 was not his policy when he was approved as Energy Secretary in 2009. That is a statement in the Congressional Record and he has not stated otherwise since.

You have nothing to back up what is not obviously a lie. It's a lie because you cannot find any evidence that Obama wanted to raise gas prices while he has been President.

You are eating your crow but not backing up you claims.
Papageo 12992127
Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.

Obama was not President in 2008 and he did not have an energy secretary then either.

Obama never said he wanted to raise gas prices - ever. And Chu stated that what he wrote in 2008 was not his policy when he was approved as Energy Secretary in 2009. That is a statement in the Congressional Record and he has not stated otherwise since.

You have nothing to back up what is not obviously a lie. It's a lie because you cannot find any evidence that Obama wanted to raise gas prices while he has been President.

You are eating your crow but not backing up you claims.

Your excuses are just a way to try to rationalize your partisan bias. Congrats on being dishonest.
Papageo 12992127
Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.

Obama was not President in 2008 and he did not have an energy secretary then either.

Obama never said he wanted to raise gas prices - ever. And Chu stated that what he wrote in 2008 was not his policy when he was approved as Energy Secretary in 2009. That is a statement in the Congressional Record and he has not stated otherwise since.

You have nothing to back up what is not obviously a lie. It's a lie because you cannot find any evidence that Obama wanted to raise gas prices while he has been President.

You are eating your crow but not backing up you claims.

At the 30 second mark he says he would have preferred a gradual adjustment.
Because, you see, he's not upset with high gas prices.
Papageo 12992127
Him and his energy secretary stated it in 08, the MSNBC video talked about Obama raising the fuel prices. But it's cool by me, I am enjoying Obama's failure.

Obama was not President in 2008 and he did not have an energy secretary then either.

Obama never said he wanted to raise gas prices - ever. And Chu stated that what he wrote in 2008 was not his policy when he was approved as Energy Secretary in 2009. That is a statement in the Congressional Record and he has not stated otherwise since.

You have nothing to back up what is not obviously a lie. It's a lie because you cannot find any evidence that Obama wanted to raise gas prices while he has been President.

You are eating your crow but not backing up you claims.

At the 30 second mark he says he would have preferred a gradual adjustment.
Because, you see, he's not upset with high gas prices.

No Todd, it is obvious that he didn't say that, just ask partisan nut jobs. Lol!

I swear they neglect the truth to push an agenda.
I'm curious, Franco...has the gap gotten bigger or smaller under Barack Obama? Hmmmmm?
It will continue to grow until Reaganist tax rates are changed. DUH.

Darn that Reagan and his top rate of 28%!!!

Things will not improve until we raise rates to 39.6%.
Wait, what? A hike of 41% isn't enough for you fuckwits?
The effective rate is 12% for corps and in the teens for income.

The effective rate is 12% for corps

Yeah, when you deduct things like cost of goods sold and payroll, your rate drops.

and in the teens for income.

So why'd you whine about Reagan's 28% rate?
We had the best economy in the world BEFORE Barack Obama! His lack of leadership prolonged the "Great Recession" for years in the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. As his second term grinds to a conclusion he doesn't even TRY to put forth an economic plan to grow the economy because he's been out of ideas on how to do that since Larry Summers left after the fiasco of the "Obama Stimulus". Under Barack Obama the Fed has been forced to keep interest rates at almost zero for the longest sustained period in history. Why? Because every time they even HINT at raising them the stock market goes into a nosedive. That's not indicative of a strong economy...that's indicative of a weak one!
Your mindless obstructionist GOP has blocked all other solutions, functional moron.

Name an Obama "solution" to economic growth that the GOP has blocked, Franco. Better yet...name an Obama "solution" to economic growth that this President has even PROPOSED!
Everything, functional moron- CHANGE THE CHANNEL. Another stimulus, infrastructure jobs bill, raise min wage, tax the rich and corps more like their fair share and invest in America, free community college and training for 3 million tech jobs going begging etc etc etc. IDIOT.

Ah yes...another stimulus like the first stimulus that wasted almost a trillion dollars and didn't produce anywhere close to the jobs that you Progressives said it would? Infrastructure spending like in the first stimulus that Obama finally had to admit didn't produce the "shovel ready" jobs that you Progressives said it would? Raising the Minimum Wage that would cost jobs? Raising taxes that would slow investment and the economy? You have no more idea how to stimulate an economy than Barry does!
I know, a corrupt bubble and the stupidest wars ever would do it. But thanks for all the knee jerk, idiot, discredited talking points, functional moron.
Always so funny.

Libs are always parroting how government spending money on virtually anything at all massively improves the economy creating millions of jobs and then, when the DoD becomes part of the conversation, they decry the largest governmental discretionary spending AND the largest single employer in the nation providing very well paid jobs as destroying the nation.

Yes, cognitive dissonance is strong in the partisans.
I'm curious, Franco...has the gap gotten bigger or smaller under Barack Obama? Hmmmmm?

When Obama took office Bush's legacy was much worse than whatever the 'gap' you are suddenly concerned about when nearly one million American jobs being lost in a month.

Bush's legacy was a net zero added jobs.

Obama has been adding jobs steadily since turning Bush's mess around. He will leave office creating at least 10 million new jobs.

So now you got to bitch about jobs not being good enough. There is still work to be done, but whatever gap you are diverting to its much better to be adding jobs than losing them.

Income equality is largely a private sector issue except that rich people like Romney don't pay as high a percentage of their income as the upper percentile of the working middle class. The Feds could fix that and Obama has forced the Bush tax cuts for the rich expire. But Republicans buck that effort every inch of the way - clinging to their trickle down theories that never really worked over the long run.

So income inequality is a private sector thing but job creation is a government thing?
We had the best economy in the world BEFORE Barack Obama! His lack of leadership prolonged the "Great Recession" for years in the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. As his second term grinds to a conclusion he doesn't even TRY to put forth an economic plan to grow the economy because he's been out of ideas on how to do that since Larry Summers left after the fiasco of the "Obama Stimulus". Under Barack Obama the Fed has been forced to keep interest rates at almost zero for the longest sustained period in history. Why? Because every time they even HINT at raising them the stock market goes into a nosedive. That's not indicative of a strong economy...that's indicative of a weak one!

We had the best economy in the history of the world BEFORE George Bush! Bush's poor management & leadership caused a "Recession" and a "Depression" destroying over 18 million Jobs & exploding deficits, debt & prices. It was the the worst economy in modern economic history.

With all due respect, Kiss...legislation by Democrats had just as much to do with the recession as anything that George W. Bush did. Might I remind you that Bush was one of the few leaders in Washington warning of the dangers of a impending crash prior to it taking place? Saying what took place is solely the fault of Bush is laughably partisan on your part. Trust me...there was plenty of blame to go around by both parties.
Yup, it's pure coincidence all the corrupt bubbles and recessions/depressions happen under the GOP. MORON. All W did was go after Fannie and Freddie- Just like attacking Iraq after 9/11- had NOTHING to do with it.

What Bush did was point out that polices at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were potentially dangerous to the American economy. Was he incorrect in that assessment?
Yes, he was incorrect in that statement. People buying a house had to prove they had a job and could pay for it. A fact Republicans ALWAYS leave out.

It was banks and derivatives that took down insurance companies and caused the economy to tank.

No, it was the government regulations that allowed them to give out loans to people with no downpayment or credit check.

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