Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Remember now the far left wanted high gas prices to curb the driving habits of everyone in America except themselves..

However you can thank ISIS for the low oil prices...
You can thank them.
I'll attribute the price drop to fracking and the supply increase it enhances.

It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..

Saudi Arabia has increased the flow of OIL on the market to keep prices low even against the advice of OPEC.. It also keeps Putin and ISIS from making big profits in OIL to fuel their empires..

So you can thank ISIS...

It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..

How much oil is ISIS selling each day?
How are 'RW'er 'eating crow' regarding the cost of gasoline? You aren't (still) SERIOUSLY suggesting OBAMA or the Democrats have had anything to do with the price, are you?!


Learn to read. The eating crow is for predicting that gasoline would go way up because Obama is President. The price has gone way down. Not too hard to comprehend is it?

The prices have gone way down despite Barry. Why is that so hard to comprehend? If Barack Obama HAD gotten his way with energy policy it's rather obvious that decline in energy prices would never have happened.

He pretty much said so too.
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.
You oaf. You idoit. You moron.

I'm so embarrased by your post.

The reason gas was so cheap in the last days of the failed Bush presidency is because the economy was in freefall due to his hamhanded policies. Millions of daily commuters were removed from the workforce when unemployment skyrocketed.

What's the matter with you? Didn't you know this undeniable fact? Please quit the internet.

LOL, that's classic. And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say what you just said again into a mirror...
whatever you have to tell yourselves Rw'ers. It took a two-term Democrat President to get prices down
The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

And yet you can't tell us what he did to bring prices down.

Oh, that's right. He just happened to be in the White House at the time. Well.......that's good enough for a liberal.

In fairness, they credit Reagan and HW with bringing down the Soviet Union because they were in office at the time it happened.

No wait, they don't...
whatever you have to tell yourselves Rw'ers. It took a two-term Democrat President to get prices down
The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down
You are a troll. An ignorant, dishonest troll.
Go farook yourself.
And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say .

Sorry. You are wrong. Gas prices went up during those lethargic years and it was blamed by RE'ers solely on Obama, they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time whether or not the economy has been lethargic in your opinion or not. You help prove my point by tying low gas prices to economic lethargy. But you as a RW'er are doubly wrong when making your argument because you RW'ers nominated Romney in 2012 who admitted he would have made the economic lethargy last twice as long. His policies we were told would get unemployment down to 6% in four years of his first term. Obama reached that goal in two years.

So your basic argument means that RE'ers in 2012 should have been predicting $6 a gallon gas under Romney not Obama. That is if they wanted to make such bold faced lie prediction like that at all.
And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say .

Sorry. You are wrong. Gas prices went up during those lethargic years and it was blamed by RE'ers solely on Obama, they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time whether or not the economy has been lethargic in your opinion or not. You help prove my point by tying low gas prices to economic lethargy. But you as a RW'er are doubly wrong when making your argument because you RW'ers nominated Romney in 2012 who admitted he would have made the economic lethargy last twice as long. His policies we were told would get unemployment down to 6% in four years of his first term. Obama reached that goal in two years.

So your basic argument means that RE'ers in 2012 should have been predicting $6 a gallon gas under Romney not Obama. That is if they wanted to make such bold faced lie prediction like that at all.

I ask the question once again, Notfooled...name an Obama policy that's decreased the cost of oil and led to lower gas prices!
And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say .

Sorry. You are wrong. Gas prices went up during those lethargic years and it was blamed by RE'ers solely on Obama, they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time whether or not the economy has been lethargic in your opinion or not. You help prove my point by tying low gas prices to economic lethargy. But you as a RW'er are doubly wrong when making your argument because you RW'ers nominated Romney in 2012 who admitted he would have made the economic lethargy last twice as long. His policies we were told would get unemployment down to 6% in four years of his first term. Obama reached that goal in two years.

So your basic argument means that RE'ers in 2012 should have been predicting $6 a gallon gas under Romney not Obama. That is if they wanted to make such bold faced lie prediction like that at all.

Energy prices don't fluctuate, got it. History doesn't support that theory, just so you know
easyt 12924601
. The prices have gone way down despite Barry. Why is that so hard to comprehend? If Barack Obama HAD gotten his way with energy policy it's rather obvious that decline in energy prices would never have happened.

NFBW 12924656
Learn to read. The eating crow is for predicting that gasoline would go way up because Obama is President. The price has gone way down. Not too hard to comprehend is it?

Oldstyle 12924735
. How are 'RW'er 'eating crow' regarding the cost of gasoline? You aren't (still) SERIOUSLY suggesting OBAMA or the Democrats have had anything to do with the price, are you?!

Sun Devil 12971461
. He pretty much said so too.

RW'ers are having a difficult time undersstanding the point of the OP. As seen on all message boards when RW'ers have no argument or point to make versus the truth, they rely on their basic Neanderthal brain-dead type reply "RW'ers good - Obama bad". Repeat 99 billion times.

This thread is no exception.

It's obvious no political party is responsible for all the private sector fracking that began its current golden age of high powered hydro/fracking in 2003 when Bush invaded Iraq and oil prices went through the roof after that. It took high $80 a barrel oil to make massive fracking a decent investment.

So if a president must be credited for the fracking boom thank Bush43 for the 4485 American troops he got killed and 40,000 wounded plus the scores of Iraqis killed and wounded and the millions that were displaced. And of course the trillions dollar price tag that was passed on to the next generation for low gasoline prices as a result of the private sector fracking boom that began in 2003 along with the invasion of Iraq.

Renember RW news media:entertainment mogul (Rupert Murdich) predicting prior to the dumb (as Obama called it) Iraq invasion that oil would go down from $40 to $20 a barrel by invading Iraq which would give the entire world a tax cut of unprecedented benefit.

Do you see how &€#RW'ers suck at making predictions when oil and invasions and future prices are involved? They are horrible.
Oldstyle 12972396
I ask the question once again, Notfooled...name an Obama policy that's decreased the cost of oil and led to lower gas prices!

I've replied that my point is based on the fact that private sector fracking that took off in 2003 is what helped in large part to lead us to the lower price of gas today. So I know of no reason that you keep making your irrelevant request.

You knew that private sector fracking was going on in 2012. So why would you believe every crackpot politician and RW'er that was predicting massive increases in gasoline if Obama was elected for a second term.

Obama's energy policy was called "all of the above" which included private sector fracking. So how do you rightwingers declare that Obama's energy policy failed to contribute to the lower price of gasoline right now? Private sector fracking went on its merry way under Obama's energy policy. So much so that major investments in existing and potential drilling sites has dropped off due to the decrease in that value of a barrel of oil where fracking more sites would see a diminished or negative return on investment.

Why not start blaming Obama for every oil company that abandons millions spent on new fracking fields. That is your game isn't it. Something goes wrong blame Obama. Something goes right - call it Obama failing to prevent it.
Oldstyle 12972396
I ask the question once again, Notfooled...name an Obama policy that's decreased the cost of oil and led to lower gas prices!

I've replied that my point is based on the fact that private sector fracking that took off in 2003 is what helped in large part to lead us to the lower price of gas today. So I know of no reason that you keep making your irrelevant request.

You knew that private sector fracking was going on in 2012. So why would you believe every crackpot politician and RW'er that was predicting massive increases in gasoline if Obama was elected for a second term.

Obama's energy policy was called "all of the above" which included private sector fracking. So how do you rightwingers declare that Obama's energy policy failed to contribute to the lower price of gasoline right now? Private sector fracking went on its merry way under Obama's energy policy. So much so that major investments in existing and potential drilling sites has dropped off due to the decrease in that value of a barrel of oil where fracking more sites would see a diminished or negative return on investment.

Why not start blaming Obama for every oil company that abandons millions spent on new fracking fields. That is your game isn't it. Something goes wrong blame Obama. Something goes right - call it Obama failing to prevent it.

Let me guess...you bought Obama's "all of the above" stump speech? The first thing you have to remember about Barry is that what he SAYS has very little to do with what he DOES!

As part of his "all of the above" strategy, Notfooled...please show me what initiatives the Obama Administration put forward to increase fossil fuel production!
rw'ers are still Roshawnmarkweezing (whining) over the fact that it took a Dem President to get gas prices lowered. Too bad, so sad rw'ers :rofl:
Do I blame Barack Obama for a recession that dragged on forever? I do. He chose to chase after ObamaCare...something that cost jobs and slowed the economy rather than deal with high unemployment and a sluggish economy.

Do I blame Barack Obama for the "success" of ISIS? I do. He badly underestimated their capabilities and then chose to pretend that they weren't a threat we needed to worry about when in fact they were.

Do I blame Barack Obama for a lack of transparency in this administration? I do. He's been so busy "managing" scandal after scandal that his Wh
rw'ers are still Roshawnmarkweezing (whining) over the fact that it took a Dem President to get gas prices lowered. Too bad, so sad rw'ers :rofl:

And what exactly was it that Democratic President DID to get gas prices lower? You have no answer for that, Dottie because we both know that Barack Obama did NOTHING to lower the price of oil in this country.
Energy prices don't fluctuate, got it.

(fluctuate [fluhk-choo-eyt] verb (used without object), fluctuated, fluctuating.1.to change continually; shift back and forth; vary irregularly: The price of gold fluctuated wildly lastmonth.)

You just said energy prices don't shift back and forth irregularly?

Perhaps you should read this and hundreds of energy studies and commentary on the fluctuations in the energy market:

The Economic Effects of Energy Price Shocks∗ Lutz Kilian†

University of Michigan and CEPR July 12, 2008


Large fluctuations in energy prices have been a distinguishing characteristic of the U.S. economy since the 1970s. Turmoil in the Middle East, rising energy prices in the U.S. and evidence of global warming recently have reignited interest in the link between energy prices and economic performance. This paper addresses a number of the key issues in this debate: What are energy price shocks and where do they come from? How responsive is energy demand to changes in energy prices? How do consumers’ expenditure patterns evolve in response to energy price shocks? How do energy price shocks affect U.S. real output, inflation and stock prices? Why do energy price increases seem to cause recessions, but energy price decreases do not seem to cause expansions? Why has there been a surge in the price of oil in recent years? Why has this new energy price shock not caused a recession so far? Have the effects of energy price shocks waned since the 1980s and, if so, why? As the paper demonstrates, it is critical to account for the endogeneity of energy prices and to differentiate between the effects of demand and supply shocks in energy markets, when answering these questions.

Last edited:
Oldstyle 12973214
. As part of his "all of the above" strategy, Notfooled...please show me what initiatives the Obama Administration put forward to increase fossil fuel production!

I told you Obama's energy strategy 'all of the above' included private sector fracking. You can't argue that private sector fracking didn't happen can you? So Obama's initiative included increasing fossil fuel production in the U.S. It was part of the overall strategy to reduce demand while increasing U.S. Production which included fracking on private lands.

Your request has been answered many times now. Call Rush to see if you can come up with another baseless line of attack. Perhaps he can help you come up with something new.
The Left is ALWAYS so badly informed :(

Don't worry, the Saudi's are busily fucking with the market.

Soon it will not be cost effective to Frack and the prices will sky rocket to a place the Left is more comfortable with.
Oldstyle 12972396
I ask the question once again, Notfooled...name an Obama policy that's decreased the cost of oil and led to lower gas prices!

I've replied that my point is based on the fact that private sector fracking that took off in 2003 is what helped in large part to lead us to the lower price of gas today. So I know of no reason that you keep making your irrelevant request.

You knew that private sector fracking was going on in 2012. So why would you believe every crackpot politician and RW'er that was predicting massive increases in gasoline if Obama was elected for a second term.

Obama's energy policy was called "all of the above" which included private sector fracking. So how do you rightwingers declare that Obama's energy policy failed to contribute to the lower price of gasoline right now? Private sector fracking went on its merry way under Obama's energy policy. So much so that major investments in existing and potential drilling sites has dropped off due to the decrease in that value of a barrel of oil where fracking more sites would see a diminished or negative return on investment.

Why not start blaming Obama for every oil company that abandons millions spent on new fracking fields. That is your game isn't it. Something goes wrong blame Obama. Something goes right - call it Obama failing to prevent it.

GOP, Industry Ready To Fight Back Obama’s Regulation On Shale Gas
6:23 PM 03/21/2015

House Speaker John Boehner promised Friday Republicans will “do all we can” fight Obama’s new regulations on fracking, reports The Hill.

“The Obama administration is so eager to appease radical environmentalists that it is regulating a process that is already properly regulated,” Boehner said.

Republican Sen. James Inhofe, senior member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, believes the new regulations will simply add “a new layer of top-down bureaucratic regulation that duplicates what is already being done effectively by the states.”

The standards focus on better well construction to minimize water contamination, but many see them as a brake on the oil and gas boom fueling the economy and energy security.

Read more: GOP, Industry Ready To Fight Back Obama’s Regulation On Shale Gas

This is the real Obama Energy Plan.
And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say .

Sorry. You are wrong. Gas prices went up during those lethargic years and it was blamed by RE'ers solely on Obama, they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time whether or not the economy has been lethargic in your opinion or not. You help prove my point by tying low gas prices to economic lethargy. But you as a RW'er are doubly wrong when making your argument because you RW'ers nominated Romney in 2012 who admitted he would have made the economic lethargy last twice as long. His policies we were told would get unemployment down to 6% in four years of his first term. Obama reached that goal in two years.

So your basic argument means that RE'ers in 2012 should have been predicting $6 a gallon gas under Romney not Obama. That is if they wanted to make such bold faced lie prediction like that at all.

they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time

A prediction of a future event was a lie? What are you, 12 years old? Shit.
And six lethargic economic years later, gas is cheap and you don't get the connection you just ranted about. Say .

Sorry. You are wrong. Gas prices went up during those lethargic years and it was blamed by RE'ers solely on Obama, they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time whether or not the economy has been lethargic in your opinion or not. You help prove my point by tying low gas prices to economic lethargy. But you as a RW'er are doubly wrong when making your argument because you RW'ers nominated Romney in 2012 who admitted he would have made the economic lethargy last twice as long. His policies we were told would get unemployment down to 6% in four years of his first term. Obama reached that goal in two years.

So your basic argument means that RE'ers in 2012 should have been predicting $6 a gallon gas under Romney not Obama. That is if they wanted to make such bold faced lie prediction like that at all.

they also predicted it would continue to rise to five to ten dollars a gallon if Obama were to win a second term.

That was a lie at the time

A prediction of a future event was a lie? What are you, 12 years old? Shit.

Democrats don't lie, only Republicans lie. When Democrats don't tell the truth, they "misspeak."
Just got 25 cents off my gas by showing my GOP Club card. Got to love the Republicans.

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