Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Lovin' my Obama :afro: gasoline :mm:

why couldnt the former Repub Prez, who boedicca voted for 2X no doubt, accomplish this for our great nation :dunno:
So if a heavy crane malfunctioned on a high rise construction project killing 11 people...would you cease issuing building permits for single family homes?
That's a piss-poor analogy. That accident would not affect a natural resource that is depended upon for millions of jobs, not to mention the ecological damage which in turn causes more economic damage far into the future.

If you can show me where a shallow water driller caused ecological damage "far into the future", Synth...then you might have a point and the Obama Administration would have had just cause to shut down shallow water drilling permits! The truth however is that shallow water drillers have an unbelievably good safety record. Why would you stop permitting for shallow water drillers when the problem is deep water drilling? That makes absolutely no sense at all UNLESS you don't like oil as a viable energy source because it's cheaper than the "green" alternatives! The fact is...Obama's people used an oil spill crisis to make life difficult for an energy sector that they don't like.
#1, I didn't know you were specifying a different type of water drilling. I don't know about shallow water drilling, so at the moment I can't comment.

But if the larger point is that "never let a crisis go to waste", then yes - and I agree with the administration that we should be pivoting away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. They not only pollute our planet and contribute to climate change, it also funds the people who want to kill us.

And the Republicans are just as guilty of never letting a crisis go to waste, as they have turned some edited videos into a crusade to defund Planned Parenthood across the country.

Every group takes political advatage of events that align with their agenda. Period.

Two points, Synth...

First of all you can't "pivot" away from fossil fuels until you have viable alternative sources. We need oil, natural gas and coal because they are cheap energy sources for us. If you want to replace those sources then you'd better be ready to go all in on nuclear power because energy produced from wind and solar aren't anywhere NEAR enough to replace fossil fuels!

Secondly...Obama and his people were able to shut down shallow water drillers because too many Americans are uneducated about the difference between deep water drilling and shallow water drilling. People like yourself lump them together without knowing the facts. I'd like you to honestly look at the safety record for shallow water drillers and still tell me that THEY should have been shut down along with the deep water drillers! Then explain the rationale behind the Obama Administration's decision to stop permits for them as well as the deep water drillers...I'd like to hear from you what that might be!
Well, if he has shut them down and we still have $1.75 gas what's the problem?

The "problem" is shutting those shallow water drillers down showed the lengths that Obama's Administration was willing to go to "handicap" the fossil fuel industry, Synth! For month after month, the people he'd put in charge kept those shallow water drillers sitting idle even though they had done nothing wrong! Barack Obama used the oil spill crisis to try and further his green energy agenda and he didn't care if he hurt innocent people in the process.

The price of gas is at the level it is today DESPITE Barack Obama. It's at that level because of fracking...something that Obama actively opposed. It's at that level because OPEC nations drastically lowered the price of their oil because of all the oil that the US was suddenly producing.

For you on the left to come here now and claim that low gas prices at the pump is an Obama "accomplishment"...is nothing more than political farce!
Problem 1 is that it could be even cheaper today if not for his interference, and problem 2 is that you leftists are giving your failure all the credit for lower fuel prices when he's done what he could to increase them.

No. Obama's 'interference' was supposed to cause $6 gas by this year according to people you listen to. You are eating your crow right now when you are admitting that Obama's 'interference' produced no such result. And now you expect us to accept that you know that prices would be lower right now if it were not for Obama's interference.

I have stated the private sector gets most the credit for increased US oil production and Obama gets some credit for lower U.S. demand. That's truly what I am saying about who gets credit for lower gas prices at the pump.

But you still can't resist making things up in order to blame Obama's policy effects on a gallon of gas no matter how low it goes.

If they paid us to remove gasoline from their stations you'd still blame Obama. It's in your DNA.

I'll give anybody just credit provided it's deserving. But to say DumBama happened to be in the White House at the time doesn't warrant credit at all. I want to see cause and effect.

Some vehicles getting a little bit better gas milage doesn't cut it either. It's minuscule in the larger picture. It's like saying you killed one cockroach therefore are responsible for solving the cockroach problem of the entire house.

Without the expansion of fracking, yes, gasoline might be close to $6.00 per gallon today. Nobody knew that the technology would advance so quickly. And if you can find me one person who can accurately predict the price of any fuel 100% of the time, please tell me who that is. I'll use my home equity loan for investments and follow their advice. I'd love to retire earlier than expected.
Ray 12958417
Without the expansion of fracking, yes, gasoline might be close to $6.00 per gallon today.

"Might Be? No freakin anybody with knowledge of the industry and then global oil market history since the BP oil spill would make that claim now.

It's like you have an addiction to blaming Obama for anything bad - and not giving credit to Obama for anything good.

You will say anything to get your fix.
Problem 1 is that it could be even cheaper today if not for his interference, and problem 2 is that you leftists are giving your failure all the credit for lower fuel prices when he's done what he could to increase them.

No. Obama's 'interference' was supposed to cause $6 gas by this year according to people you listen to. You are eating your crow right now when you are admitting that Obama's 'interference' produced no such result. And now you expect us to accept that you know that prices would be lower right now if it were not for Obama's interference.

I have stated the private sector gets most the credit for increased US oil production and Obama gets some credit for lower U.S. demand. That's truly what I am saying about who gets credit for lower gas prices at the pump.

But you still can't resist making things up in order to blame Obama's policy effects on a gallon of gas no matter how low it goes.

If they paid us to remove gasoline from their stations you'd still blame Obama. It's in your DNA.

Obama's 'interference' was supposed to cause $6 gas by this year according to people you listen to.

He tried, he failed.
Obama is sad about his failure.
Conservatives are glad he failed.
Ray 12958417
Without the expansion of fracking, yes, gasoline might be close to $6.00 per gallon today.

"Might Be? No freakin anybody with knowledge of the industry and then global oil market history since the BP oil spill would make that claim now.

It's like you have an addiction to blaming Obama for anything bad - and not giving credit to Obama for anything good.

You will say anything to get your fix.

Correct, nobody would make that claim NOW. But a few years ago? Of course some made that claim. It was reasonable too. $6.00 per gallon was what, only $2.50 away from the going price back then?
Ray 12961929
Ray From Cleveland said:
Correct, nobody would make that claim NOW. But a few years ago? Of course some made that claim. It was reasonable too. $6.00 per gallon was what, only $2.50 away from the going price back then?

So RW'ers didn't know in 2012 through 2013 that fracking technology "advanced quickly"
In 2003? Yet this was stated in a published
Report about fracking December 2012 by Michael MacRae, ASME.org.

"Fracking’s new golden age began in 2003, as oil and gas producers began to explore the nation’s massive shale formations in earnest. Today companies are extracting more oil and gas from the Bakken than they can ship." Dec 2012. Read more below.

So according to you, conservatives are truly ignorant of fracking facts but don't care one whit to make fake predictions based solely on their self-induced ignorance and of course hatred of Obama.

Non-explosive fracking (Hydrafrac patented by Halliburton in 1949) began in earnest producing successful wells in the mid-1950s. But you wrote below That "Nobody knew that the technology would advance so quickly."

Ray 12958417
Without the expansion of fracking, yes, gasoline might be close to $6.00 per gallon today. Nobody knew that the technology would advance so quickly.

That is a ridiculous, baseless statement. Big oil companies in the US were already extracting more oil and gas from the Bakken than they could ship. Since you also now say and I have agreed that it was fracking technology that has contributed (you claim 'all' but I and most experts would say 'in part') to the reduction in US gasoline prices, the claim that the rapid advance of fracking was not known by political hacks forecasting $6 a gal gas is an outright reduculously invalid argument.

Commercial Fracking Explodes
According to a 2010 fracking history by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the idea of non-explosive alternatives to nitroglycerin took root in the 1930s. Experiments through the next decade paved the way for the first industrial-scale commercial uses of the modern patented “Hydrafrac” process in1949, with Halliburton holding an exclusive license in the early years. SPE recounts that 332 wells were fracked in the first year alone, with up to 75 percent production increases recorded. By the mid-1950s, fracking hit a pace of about 3,000 wells a month.

A typical early fracture took 750 gallons of fluid (water, gelled crude oil, or gelled kerosene) and 400 lbm of sand. By contrast, modern methods can use up to 8 million gallons of water and 75,000 to 320,000 pounds of sand. Fracking fluids can take the form of foams, gels, or slickwater combinations and often include benzene, hydrochloric acid, friction reducers, guar gum, biocides, and diesel fuel. Likewise, the hydraulic horsepower (hhp) needed to pump fracking material has risen from an average of about 75 hhp in the early days to an average of more than 1,500 hhp today, with big jobs requiring more than 10,000 hhp.

Fracking: A Look Back

And the fracking explosion in technology basically occurred due to market and external forces such as the invasion of Iraq that first rapidly helped drive $40 oil prices to well above $100/barrel . Iraq invasion was 2003 - ""Fracking’s new golden age began in 2003"

So your double-speak remains. RW'ers didn't know about the rapid boom in fracking but they knew so much about oil markets that they could predict a $3 increase in a gallon of gas that would all be solely on the basis of Obama contriving in the White House to overwhelm fracking so much to drive the price of gas up so high it would destroy the economy during a second term. It's hogwash that you are committing to writing here.

Last edited:
This is bad news for the left who want pump prices as high as possible.

Lower prices mean more demand for SUV's and other large fossil fueled vehicles, less demand for mass transit and alternative fueled vehicles.

Liberals love their low priced Obamagas......makes conservatives pout

Dude, don't you know about global warming? what's wrong with you advocating cheap fossil fuels? you're boiling the ocean, didn't you see An Inconvenient Truth?
That's a piss-poor analogy. That accident would not affect a natural resource that is depended upon for millions of jobs, not to mention the ecological damage which in turn causes more economic damage far into the future.

If you can show me where a shallow water driller caused ecological damage "far into the future", Synth...then you might have a point and the Obama Administration would have had just cause to shut down shallow water drilling permits! The truth however is that shallow water drillers have an unbelievably good safety record. Why would you stop permitting for shallow water drillers when the problem is deep water drilling? That makes absolutely no sense at all UNLESS you don't like oil as a viable energy source because it's cheaper than the "green" alternatives! The fact is...Obama's people used an oil spill crisis to make life difficult for an energy sector that they don't like.
#1, I didn't know you were specifying a different type of water drilling. I don't know about shallow water drilling, so at the moment I can't comment.

But if the larger point is that "never let a crisis go to waste", then yes - and I agree with the administration that we should be pivoting away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. They not only pollute our planet and contribute to climate change, it also funds the people who want to kill us.

And the Republicans are just as guilty of never letting a crisis go to waste, as they have turned some edited videos into a crusade to defund Planned Parenthood across the country.

Every group takes political advatage of events that align with their agenda. Period.

Two points, Synth...

First of all you can't "pivot" away from fossil fuels until you have viable alternative sources. We need oil, natural gas and coal because they are cheap energy sources for us. If you want to replace those sources then you'd better be ready to go all in on nuclear power because energy produced from wind and solar aren't anywhere NEAR enough to replace fossil fuels!

Secondly...Obama and his people were able to shut down shallow water drillers because too many Americans are uneducated about the difference between deep water drilling and shallow water drilling. People like yourself lump them together without knowing the facts. I'd like you to honestly look at the safety record for shallow water drillers and still tell me that THEY should have been shut down along with the deep water drillers! Then explain the rationale behind the Obama Administration's decision to stop permits for them as well as the deep water drillers...I'd like to hear from you what that might be!
Well, if he has shut them down and we still have $1.75 gas what's the problem?

Problem 1 is that it could be even cheaper today if not for his interference, and problem 2 is that you leftists are giving your failure all the credit for lower fuel prices when he's done what he could to increase them.
Cheaper than $1.43?
The "problem" is shutting those shallow water drillers down showed the lengths that Obama's Administration was willing to go to "handicap" the fossil fuel industry, Synth!
And I see the fossil fuel industry much the way I see the tobacco industry. As an industry that harms society, our children, and their children.
The "problem" is shutting those shallow water drillers down showed the lengths that Obama's Administration was willing to go to "handicap" the fossil fuel industry, Synth!
And I see the fossil fuel industry much the way I see the tobacco industry. As an industry that harms society, our children, and their children.

an industry that harms society, our children, and their children.

Is that why you're heating and cooling your home with wind and solar?
The low gas prices are due to increased domestic supply from fracking on private lands - which Obama opposed and the dismal performance of the Obama economy.
No, ObamaGas is so low due to Obama. How can you be so silly? There's a whole thread devoted to it!

The price of gasoline today, Synth...is actually just one more example of how inept Barack Obama is as a President! He wanted to raise the price of fossil fuels here in the US so that we would have no choice but to use "green" alternative sources of energy but instead had to sit there in the Oval Office and watch enterprising Americans find new ways to produce millions of barrels of cheap oil...so much oil in fact that it scared the OPEC nations into dropping the price of their oil by a huge amount. You can put the label of "ObamaGas" on what we're getting at the pump these days but anyone with half a brain knows that term should be used sarcastically.
The low gas prices are due to increased domestic supply from fracking on private lands - which Obama opposed and the dismal performance of the Obama economy.
No, ObamaGas is so low due to Obama. How can you be so silly? There's a whole thread devoted to it!

The price of gasoline today, Synth...is actually just one more example of how inept Barack Obama is as a President! He wanted to raise the price of fossil fuels here in the US so that we would have no choice but to use "green" alternative sources of energy but instead had to sit there in the Oval Office and watch enterprising Americans find new ways to produce millions of barrels of cheap oil...so much oil in fact that it scared the OPEC nations into dropping the price of their oil by a huge amount. You can put the label of "ObamaGas" on what we're getting at the pump these days but anyone with half a brain knows that term should be used sarcastically.

BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.
You oaf. You idoit. You moron.

I'm so embarrased by your post.

The reason gas was so cheap in the last days of the failed Bush presidency is because the economy was in freefall due to his hamhanded policies. Millions of daily commuters were removed from the workforce when unemployment skyrocketed.

What's the matter with you? Didn't you know this undeniable fact? Please quit the internet.
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.
You oaf. You idoit. You moron.

I'm so embarrased by your post.

The reason gas was so cheap in the last days of the failed Bush presidency is because the economy was in freefall due to his hamhanded policies. Millions of daily commuters were removed from the workforce when unemployment skyrocketed.

What's the matter with you? Didn't you know this undeniable fact? Please quit the internet.
I hope you're being facetious. Unemployment is still high yet the price of oil skyrocketed after obama reimplemented drilling restrictions.
What's an idoit? Is that French for idiot?
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.
You oaf. You idoit. You moron.

I'm so embarrased by your post.

The reason gas was so cheap in the last days of the failed Bush presidency is because the economy was in freefall due to his hamhanded policies. Millions of daily commuters were removed from the workforce when unemployment skyrocketed.

What's the matter with you? Didn't you know this undeniable fact? Please quit the internet.
I hope you're being facetious. Unemployment is still high yet the price of oil skyrocketed after obama reimplemented drilling restrictions.
What's an idoit? Is that French for idiot?

Seriously, you need to stop posting stuff. It's so cringe-inducing. Unemployment is down from the Bush Recession highs. The Fed is actually going to raise rates because they think the economy is going to "overheat" . The price of oil went up from the Bush Recession's lack-of-demand lows because Obama got Americans back to work.
BTW, the price through much of the country was 1.35 on Jan 11, 2009, the week before the hack took office.
You oaf. You idoit. You moron.

I'm so embarrased by your post.

The reason gas was so cheap in the last days of the failed Bush presidency is because the economy was in freefall due to his hamhanded policies. Millions of daily commuters were removed from the workforce when unemployment skyrocketed.

What's the matter with you? Didn't you know this undeniable fact? Please quit the internet.
I hope you're being facetious. Unemployment is still high yet the price of oil skyrocketed after obama reimplemented drilling restrictions.
What's an idoit? Is that French for idiot?

Seriously, you need to stop posting stuff. It's so cringe-inducing. Unemployment is down from the Bush Recession highs. The Fed is actually going to raise rates because they think the economy is going to "overheat" . The price of oil went up from the Bush Recession's lack-of-demand lows because Obama got Americans back to work.
Wrong, you idoit.
Drilling restrictions being lifted and then reimplemented caused the fluctuation in price exactly the same way fracking has caused the price to go back down.
Morons like you cost my household over $10,000 annually.

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