Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.


Talk about using statistics to "prove" something that's totally erroneous! Clinton experienced job growth because of the Dot Com Boom...not because he raised taxes! If I see one more clueless liberal gush about how Clinton created jobs by raising taxes I think I'm going to hurl! Didn't any of you take economics in college?

Once again...you're using questionable statistics to validate Barry's lack of spending when the truth is that he took over from George W. Bush at the height of government stimulus spending to combat the recession and has kept those high levels of spending even though the recession officially ended YEARS ago!
though the 2nd keystone project has been stalled

a couple of days ago the same path was approved under a dakota project


Where does it cross into Canada?

the keystone pipeline has crossed the border years ago

if you believe it is not already here you are believing a lie

but since you asked it crosses in North Dakota

You specified the 2nd Keystone pipeline. That proposed pipeline was going to cross in Montana.

it is all the keystone pipeline
So if a heavy crane malfunctioned on a high rise construction project killing 11 people...would you cease issuing building permits for single family homes?
That's a piss-poor analogy. That accident would not affect a natural resource that is depended upon for millions of jobs, not to mention the ecological damage which in turn causes more economic damage far into the future.

If you can show me where a shallow water driller caused ecological damage "far into the future", Synth...then you might have a point and the Obama Administration would have had just cause to shut down shallow water drilling permits! The truth however is that shallow water drillers have an unbelievably good safety record. Why would you stop permitting for shallow water drillers when the problem is deep water drilling? That makes absolutely no sense at all UNLESS you don't like oil as a viable energy source because it's cheaper than the "green" alternatives! The fact is...Obama's people used an oil spill crisis to make life difficult for an energy sector that they don't like.
#1, I didn't know you were specifying a different type of water drilling. I don't know about shallow water drilling, so at the moment I can't comment.

But if the larger point is that "never let a crisis go to waste", then yes - and I agree with the administration that we should be pivoting away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. They not only pollute our planet and contribute to climate change, it also funds the people who want to kill us.

And the Republicans are just as guilty of never letting a crisis go to waste, as they have turned some edited videos into a crusade to defund Planned Parenthood across the country.

Every group takes political advatage of events that align with their agenda. Period.

Two points, Synth...

First of all you can't "pivot" away from fossil fuels until you have viable alternative sources. We need oil, natural gas and coal because they are cheap energy sources for us. If you want to replace those sources then you'd better be ready to go all in on nuclear power because energy produced from wind and solar aren't anywhere NEAR enough to replace fossil fuels!

Secondly...Obama and his people were able to shut down shallow water drillers because too many Americans are uneducated about the difference between deep water drilling and shallow water drilling. People like yourself lump them together without knowing the facts. I'd like you to honestly look at the safety record for shallow water drillers and still tell me that THEY should have been shut down along with the deep water drillers! Then explain the rationale behind the Obama Administration's decision to stop permits for them as well as the deep water drillers...I'd like to hear from you what that might be!
Well, if he has shut them down and we still have $1.75 gas what's the problem?
Roshawn 12945477
RoshawnMarkwees said:
What's more, if the price dropped due to economic downturn then the price would have stayed low all through the Obama term because the economy has yet to recover.

It was not an economic downturn. It was the worst recession since the Great Depression and I think the rate of job losses per month in the U.S. When Bush left his mess behind was steeper than in the Great Depression.

You say the economy has yet to recover? That is about the dumbest argument presented yet on this thread.

The economy began its recovery 69 months ago and not once went backwards.

"Our businesses have now added 13.5 million jobs over 68 straight months. The longest streak on record."

Actually as of the beginning of this year, his jobs were less than half of your figure

View attachment 56147

The figures I cited were private sector jobs through October last month only.

64 Straight Months Of Private Sector Job Growth
Jul 2, 2015

Under President Obama's leadership, the economy has added private sector jobs for 64 straight months. During this span, 12.8 million private sector jobs have been created.

In the Senate, Democrats are fighting to continue this positive trend and help speed along the economic recovery.

Click here to see examples of jobs-boosting measures enacted so far by the Senate:

- See more at: 64 Straight Months Of Private Sector Job Growth | Democratic Policy & Communications Center

Grab some bench.
Because my employer (like millions of others) found an escape to providing health insurance, so they jumped on it. I know he won't go back to providing insurance and many others won't either.

So you work for a small business and the owner cut your compensation package. Most small businesses are loyal to their employees and want to keep them. Your pay cut sounds like your boss doesn't think much of you. Maybe you should go work where collective bargaining is in place. Get yourself some negotiating power.
My god there is a shit ton or correlation being posted here without any thought on causation whatsoever.
Because my employer (like millions of others) found an escape to providing health insurance, so they jumped on it. I know he won't go back to providing insurance and many others won't either.

So you work for a small business and the owner cut your compensation package. Most small businesses are loyal to their employees and want to keep them. Your pay cut sounds like your boss doesn't think much of you. Maybe you should go work where collective bargaining is in place. Get yourself some negotiating power.

I've been with the same company over 20 years and I have less than 10 years before I retire. Why would I switch companies because these Communist control freaks ruined it for me?

That's besides the fact that because of Commie Care, any employer can now drop coverage at any time. Uprooting and changing everything about your employment situation is fruitless if you're going to end up in the same boat you started--only lower on the ladder.
Roshawn 12945477
RoshawnMarkwees said:
What's more, if the price dropped due to economic downturn then the price would have stayed low all through the Obama term because the economy has yet to recover.

It was not an economic downturn. It was the worst recession since the Great Depression and I think the rate of job losses per month in the U.S. When Bush left his mess behind was steeper than in the Great Depression.

You say the economy has yet to recover? That is about the dumbest argument presented yet on this thread.

The economy began its recovery 69 months ago and not once went backwards.

"Our businesses have now added 13.5 million jobs over 68 straight months. The longest streak on record."

Actually as of the beginning of this year, his jobs were less than half of your figure

View attachment 56147

The figures I cited were private sector jobs through October last month only.

64 Straight Months Of Private Sector Job Growth
Jul 2, 2015

Under President Obama's leadership, the economy has added private sector jobs for 64 straight months. During this span, 12.8 million private sector jobs have been created.

In the Senate, Democrats are fighting to continue this positive trend and help speed along the economic recovery.

Click here to see examples of jobs-boosting measures enacted so far by the Senate:

- See more at: 64 Straight Months Of Private Sector Job Growth | Democratic Policy & Communications Center

Grab some bench.

So the BLS says over 7 million so far and FactCheck says over 6 million since the beginning of the year. So what you're telling me is that since the beginning of this year, we've added over 7 million new jobs?
So if a heavy crane malfunctioned on a high rise construction project killing 11 people...would you cease issuing building permits for single family homes?
That's a piss-poor analogy. That accident would not affect a natural resource that is depended upon for millions of jobs, not to mention the ecological damage which in turn causes more economic damage far into the future.

If you can show me where a shallow water driller caused ecological damage "far into the future", Synth...then you might have a point and the Obama Administration would have had just cause to shut down shallow water drilling permits! The truth however is that shallow water drillers have an unbelievably good safety record. Why would you stop permitting for shallow water drillers when the problem is deep water drilling? That makes absolutely no sense at all UNLESS you don't like oil as a viable energy source because it's cheaper than the "green" alternatives! The fact is...Obama's people used an oil spill crisis to make life difficult for an energy sector that they don't like.
#1, I didn't know you were specifying a different type of water drilling. I don't know about shallow water drilling, so at the moment I can't comment.

But if the larger point is that "never let a crisis go to waste", then yes - and I agree with the administration that we should be pivoting away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. They not only pollute our planet and contribute to climate change, it also funds the people who want to kill us.

And the Republicans are just as guilty of never letting a crisis go to waste, as they have turned some edited videos into a crusade to defund Planned Parenthood across the country.

Every group takes political advatage of events that align with their agenda. Period.

Two points, Synth...

First of all you can't "pivot" away from fossil fuels until you have viable alternative sources. We need oil, natural gas and coal because they are cheap energy sources for us. If you want to replace those sources then you'd better be ready to go all in on nuclear power because energy produced from wind and solar aren't anywhere NEAR enough to replace fossil fuels!

Secondly...Obama and his people were able to shut down shallow water drillers because too many Americans are uneducated about the difference between deep water drilling and shallow water drilling. People like yourself lump them together without knowing the facts. I'd like you to honestly look at the safety record for shallow water drillers and still tell me that THEY should have been shut down along with the deep water drillers! Then explain the rationale behind the Obama Administration's decision to stop permits for them as well as the deep water drillers...I'd like to hear from you what that might be!
Well, if he has shut them down and we still have $1.75 gas what's the problem?

Problem 1 is that it could be even cheaper today if not for his interference, and problem 2 is that you leftists are giving your failure all the credit for lower fuel prices when he's done what he could to increase them.

Talk about using statistics to "prove" something that's totally erroneous! Clinton experienced job growth because of the Dot Com Boom...not because he raised taxes! If I see one more clueless liberal gush about how Clinton created jobs by raising taxes I think I'm going to hurl! Didn't any of you take economics in college?

Another fact leftists don't want to admit to is that Clinton did lower taxes on capital gains which helped stimulate the stock market and other investments. Clinton did that on the advice of Newt Gingrich. He also presided with a Republican led Congress--the first Republican led Congress in the 40 years before him.
Bush & Republicans caused Healthcare spending to skyrocket. Clinton & Obama lowered the rate of Healthcare Spending.

Clinton had the best Jobs Record in History. Bush Destroyed 18 million Jobs!!! Obama has restored & created 13 million Jobs.

Republicans Bush 1 & 2 Exploded the Deficit, Price Inflation, Destroying the Value of the US Dollar. Clinton & Obama Cleaned up Bush's Messes, Slashed the Deficits, Restored Faith in the US Dollar, Lowered Prices.


More Oil & Gas production increase & More Miles of Gas & Oil Pipelines Laid under President Obama than any other President.


Utter bull. I just posted a FactCheck link, and you still want to lie about DumBama's jobs record.
you're funny :p discounting meticulously compiled data but you have a fact check picture :rolleyes-41:

Who is Dumbama BTW? NEWSFLASH!!! The President ran for office and won. You? Not so much.

Yes, we know who won. We also know who turned this country into a giant welfare state. It's one of the many reasons Americans turned the leadership of Congress and Senate over to the Republicans.
and they've been there in office how long and accomplished what exactly?

See above.
o the BLS says over 7 million so far and FactCheck says over 6 million since the beginning of the year. So what you're telling me is that since the beginning of this year, we've added over 7 million new j

You are looking at BLS which is public and private jobs. Declining Public Sector jobs have been the drag on employment recovery. You should be happy about that. The numbers I came are starting from when the Bysh recession ended not Jan 2009 when there were some negative months for new private sector jobs too.

Do the math 175k x 68 mos is almost 12 million new jobs for a quick check that it is possible.
Last edited:
Fracking did not explode until Obama took office & Boundaries & Setbacks were waved for Environmentally friendly EcoPad drillers that now make up over 95% of fracking because it cost $15 a barrel less.

Problem 1 is that it could be even cheaper today if not for his interference, and problem 2 is that you leftists are giving your failure all the credit for lower fuel prices when he's done what he could to increase them.

No. Obama's 'interference' was supposed to cause $6 gas by this year according to people you listen to. You are eating your crow right now when you are admitting that Obama's 'interference' produced no such result. And now you expect us to accept that you know that prices would be lower right now if it were not for Obama's interference.

I have stated the private sector gets most the credit for increased US oil production and Obama gets some credit for lower U.S. demand. That's truly what I am saying about who gets credit for lower gas prices at the pump.

But you still can't resist making things up in order to blame Obama's policy effects on a gallon of gas no matter how low it goes.

If they paid us to remove gasoline from their stations you'd still blame Obama. It's in your DNA.
Not one Obama hating wingnut predictor wants to yell about how Obama's rejection of Keystone pipeline and EPA abuses and his contempt for big oil was going to lead to $5 to $6 gasoline and destroy jobs and the economy.

Where are you?

Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82.

National avg at $2.04 right now.

You are an economically illiterate moron.

The low gas prices are due to increased domestic supply from fracking on private lands - which Obama opposed and the dismal performance of the Obama economy.

Obama does get credit for the DEMAND DESTRUCTION caused by stagnant/falling real wages, the high costs of ObamaCare, the historically low Labor Force Participation Rate, doubling of the Federal Debt, and resulting moribund economic growth rate.

To translate this into language you might have a chancing of GROKKING: People with NO MONEY can't buy gas.

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