Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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I'm a Democrat. But I'm not a liberal nor a progressive

:wtf: So you vote for them ... why? It's like saying you go to Church but you are not a Christian. Did your wife tell you to?
No! You misunderstand. I'm in Maryland. The only way to vote against Hillary is to be a Democrat and vote for someone else in the primary's.

Sucks. I know.
And you still lost....by a lot.
I didn't lose a thing.

They all SUCK! Maybe we should move the DC crowd to Gitmo. It's where they all belong.
I'm a Democrat. But I'm not a liberal nor a progressive

:wtf: So you vote for them ... why? It's like saying you go to Church but you are not a Christian. Did your wife tell you to?
No! You misunderstand. I'm in Maryland. The only way to vote against Hillary is to be a Democrat and vote for someone else in the primary's.

Sucks. I know.
And you still lost....by a lot.
I didn't lose a thing.

They all SUCK! Maybe we should move the DC crowd to Gitmo. It's where they all belong.

There you are, losing again.
I don't think I paid $500. I did buy some practice ammo at the time. I've practiced loading and I've taken it to the range. I just don't obsess over it. Haven't looked at it in the past 6 months.
Why did you bother? Except for "shits and giggles"? It's worth $500. Why not sell it and buy some Birkenstock's or send the money to your favorite charity? Given your claim is true, that is.
Ali was raised as a Christian. He has a lot Christian values in his DNA. These animals are raised to hate the infidel and homosexuals from birth. They only have murder in their DNA.
Sorry dude, but religion isn't in a person's DNA. Nor is culture.

Example, if you take a gang-banger's orphaned child out of the ghetto and raise it in a solid middle class home, that child will turn out a lot better than a twin who was left in the ghetto or an orphanage. This has been proven several times in psychological studies.

I know it's not in their DNA. That's just another way of saying that certain attitudes that are instilled from birth can't be changed later in life.
I'm a Democrat. But I'm not a liberal nor a progressive

:wtf: So you vote for them ... why? It's like saying you go to Church but you are not a Christian. Did your wife tell you to?
No! You misunderstand. I'm in Maryland. The only way to vote against Hillary is to be a Democrat and vote for someone else in the primary's.

Sucks. I know.
And you still lost....by a lot.
I didn't lose a thing.

They all SUCK! Maybe we should move the DC crowd to Gitmo. It's where they all belong.

There you are, losing again.
Nope! Still have lost nothing.

Please be specific in what I have lost!
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
No mention that it was an islamic terrorist that the government knew about.

just another attempt to demand we give up our rights.

leftist are such useless subhumans, unworthy to live in America.
Easy? Look at the laws already on the books:

18 U.S. Code Chapter 44 - FIREARMS

And you think it's easy to purchase a firearm? Are you out of your mind?

Is it difficult? Other than getting out of bed when does it get complicated?

Uh, when you get to the gun store?

Yep, for me it required the salesperson to make a call that took less than 5 minutes and he was complaining by how long it took.
That's a lie. What state did you buy your firearm in then?

Arizona. No lie. I spent more time debating jam at the grocery store.

I see. Arizona is an open carry state. Other than the Tuscon shooting and the Waddel Buddhist Temple shooting, just how many mass shootings have taken place in Arizona? I define a mass shooting as one that takes 5 or more lives.
I don't think I paid $500. I did buy some practice ammo at the time. I've practiced loading and I've taken it to the range. I just don't obsess over it. Haven't looked at it in the past 6 months.
Why did you bother? Except for "shits and giggles"? It's worth $500. Why not sell it and buy some Birkenstock's or send the money to your favorite charity? Given your claim is true, that is.

So, when I say "shits and giggles" that's my polite way of saying none of your business.

Anyway, thankfully I'm not in a lowly position where I need to sell my shit for a pair of sandals, I'll survive just fine.
Your mother was wise, bro. No doubt a woman as wise as her also taught you to look into a mirror before judging others.

Actually I'm asking for you right wingers to JUDGE yourselves......

So, who among us is advocating for the continued sale of assault weapons to help maniacs kill as many people as possible????

The AR-15 is not an assault weapon. It's semi-automatic, like any standard hunting rifle.

Ask 103 people who were shot last night if they give a flying fuck about the difference.
Put blame where it belongs, on the Muslim man who actually did the killing. Not the so called "assault weapon" ...
Dumbass motherfucker.
Is it difficult? Other than getting out of bed when does it get complicated?

Uh, when you get to the gun store?

Yep, for me it required the salesperson to make a call that took less than 5 minutes and he was complaining by how long it took.
That's a lie. What state did you buy your firearm in then?

Arizona. No lie. I spent more time debating jam at the grocery store.

I see. Arizona is an open carry state. Other than the Tuscon shooting and the Waddel Buddhist Temple shooting, just how many mass shootings have taken place in Arizona? I define a mass shooting as one that takes 5 or more lives.

I don't know, why don't you tell me? Shold I be especially concerned with the goings on in Arizona?
More so called "gun control" = more criminal behavior... Fact
So they think. Anti-gun advocates are all about authoritarian control. They think curing the symptoms of social problems will solve the problem. Ergo, banning guns will solve gang problems, domestic disputes, suicide, mental illness and terrorism. They are wrong, of course. Just like Stalin and Mao.

How has your plan worked out in France? What terrorist shootings have you stopped with the strategy you want to follow here to limit the legal sale of guns?

I'll type slow that even a moron like you can keep up......A terrorist can drive....DRIVE....from Syria or Iraq to France without much problem, storing assault rifles along with a spare tire....So,NO...France has a bitch of a time stopping and searching every car coming across at about 5 borders....So that's rather tough for them.

Conversely, terrorists here in the US (thanks to you and your ilk and the NRA) can simply buy such lethal weapons with your blessings....
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.
Killed 50 people with it....THAT is some assault weapon

That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?
Does anyone know if the shooter bought his assault weapon(s) legally?

From what I heard, the shooter worked as a "security guard" and was readily licensed to purchase any weapon he desired.

According the ATF he bought a long gun and a handgun just days ago.

So, it's apparently fact. Do what you want with the info.
It is apparently a fact that you are blaming the weapon.

Do what you want with the info.
Thank goodness we live in a country with strong second amendment protections

A country where if you want to go out and kill fags, you can buy the weapon of your choice

God Bless America....Home of the free
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