Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

Except they are not used for crime or mass shootings anywhere near how often they are used by law abiding people

3,750,000 AR-15s were not used for any crime.......one was........

When we get to the point where AR-15s are used 1,500,000 times a year then we can talk...........1 or 2 times a year....compared to 35,000 accidental car deaths.....give me a break.
Once he tries to enter the EU, he has to go through customs and subject himself to all the usual immigration controls.

You're full of shit, of course.

Stated by the nitwit who has probably never traveled outside of Mississippi or some other backward county.
He admitted no such thing. The fact that it hasn't occurred isn't proof that it couldn't occur. Before 9/11, passenger planes had never been used to destroy a building. According to your "logic," it should have been impossible.

After 9/11 we enacted laws and forced airlines to barricade cockpit doors. Not to mention the creation of the DHS. So, good job Jr, way to fail that shit.

In the meantime we do know the effectiveness of assault style weapons in the hands of terrorists...or anyone really. Why can't you morons just deal with the fact that they are effective? Hell, they are sold as though they are the weapon of choice of warriors. Can't have it both ways.

Your theory is that since it hasn't happened, then it must be impossible. That's an idiot theory.

The bottom line is that the 2nd Amendment covers semi-automatics like the AR-15.

My theory is that weapons like the AR15 are more dangerous than the average handgun, you don't even want to wade into those waters, your ideology won't allow you to.

The 2nd amendment covers the AR15 up until a law were passed to ban it and others like it, then it's up to...oh-oh, the rights bane of American democracy...the judiciary.

I have to state again, I'm not necessarily for the ban of assault style weapons...and after listening to you fucks I'm having a difficult time not just wanting them banned outright. Can't get a straight answer from one of you. Believe what you want but at least have an understanding of their proven ability to mow people down.

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?
Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

Except they are not used for crime or mass shootings anywhere near how often they are used by law abiding people

3,750,000 AR-15s were not used for any crime.......one was........

When we get to the point where AR-15s are used 1,500,000 times a year then we can talk...........1 or 2 times a year....compared to 35,000 accidental car deaths.....give me a break.

How often are AR15s used by private citizens to prevent mass shootings again?
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
I'm sorry to inform the radical left that "good Christians" don't support selling so-called "assault weapons" to maniacs and neither does the right wing or the freaking NRA. The worst school shooting in history happened a couple of years ago because liberals who ran the Va. Tech Blacksburg didn't want to lock up a dangerous maniac even when coeds came forward and accused him of stalking. The local police cooperated and dismissed the charges and ordered the maniac to attend psychiatric counseling and forgot about it. Meanwhile idiot liberals in state government decided that a maniac's privacy trumps public safety so the court ordered psychiatric counseling didn't turn up in the instant name check to purchase a firearm. Lefties need to make a choice this November. Are they willing to base their political knowledge on cliches and emotion and trade freedom for socialism and are they going to trust an administration that authorized the shipment of thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels in some insane law-enforcement scheme that didn't have a chance of working? Are they going to play the old democrat game "never let a crisis go to waste" whenever a tragedy happens and are they willing to enforce the freaking laws on the books?
After 9/11 we enacted laws and forced airlines to barricade cockpit doors. Not to mention the creation of the DHS. So, good job Jr, way to fail that shit.

In the meantime we do know the effectiveness of assault style weapons in the hands of terrorists...or anyone really. Why can't you morons just deal with the fact that they are effective? Hell, they are sold as though they are the weapon of choice of warriors. Can't have it both ways.

Your theory is that since it hasn't happened, then it must be impossible. That's an idiot theory.

The bottom line is that the 2nd Amendment covers semi-automatics like the AR-15.

My theory is that weapons like the AR15 are more dangerous than the average handgun, you don't even want to wade into those waters, your ideology won't allow you to.

The 2nd amendment covers the AR15 up until a law were passed to ban it and others like it, then it's up to...oh-oh, the rights bane of American democracy...the judiciary.

I have to state again, I'm not necessarily for the ban of assault style weapons...and after listening to you fucks I'm having a difficult time not just wanting them banned outright. Can't get a straight answer from one of you. Believe what you want but at least have an understanding of their proven ability to mow people down.

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?
Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

"An honest hunter?" So gun owners who aren't hunters aren't honest?
.......simple query...What HAPPENED to that anti-gun (read assault weapon) bill????
It was voted down in Congress. How does that change your lie that "They haven't been endangered of banning in over a decade"?

Are you man enough to admit you misspoke? Lied? Or are you just a spineless weasel who will dodge and evade the fact you were caught in a lie?

You should know better....left wing nut jobs do not recognize gender distinctions...so when you ask him if he is "man" enough...they/he/she/it won't understand what you mean.....
3,750,000 AR-15s were not used for any crime.......one was........

Obama and company will be happy to know that you're in favor of Iran and N. Korea having nukes since.....after all...those 2 countries have never used a nuke against anyone.......yet......
It is apparently a fact that you are blaming the weapon.

Do what you want with the info.

Stupid response used by the same trite mentality.....

Here I'll (again"make it very simple for you and the biases you must carry....

Was the weapon used in this latest shooting one that could MAXIMIZE deaths as many as possible in the shortest amount of time???? Yes or No?

Of right wingers and left leaning folks, WHO is advocating for the continued sale of such weapons...........even to would-be terrorists???
Your theory is that since it hasn't happened, then it must be impossible. That's an idiot theory.

The bottom line is that the 2nd Amendment covers semi-automatics like the AR-15.

My theory is that weapons like the AR15 are more dangerous than the average handgun, you don't even want to wade into those waters, your ideology won't allow you to.

The 2nd amendment covers the AR15 up until a law were passed to ban it and others like it, then it's up to...oh-oh, the rights bane of American democracy...the judiciary.

I have to state again, I'm not necessarily for the ban of assault style weapons...and after listening to you fucks I'm having a difficult time not just wanting them banned outright. Can't get a straight answer from one of you. Believe what you want but at least have an understanding of their proven ability to mow people down.

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

Over 30 dead? not even close.......Keep going....Sandy Hook.....26.....Colorado.....under 20....and there you have your list of AR-15 crimes...and in each year they were used...an AR-15 was used for self defense.......as often as for attack...
Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

"An honest hunter?" So gun owners who aren't hunters aren't honest?

Look at the little PC bitch.
Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

Except they are not used for crime or mass shootings anywhere near how often they are used by law abiding people

3,750,000 AR-15s were not used for any crime.......one was........

When we get to the point where AR-15s are used 1,500,000 times a year then we can talk...........1 or 2 times a year....compared to 35,000 accidental car deaths.....give me a break.

How often are AR15s used by private citizens to prevent mass shootings again?

People don't carry AR-15s around...often....mass shooters are stopped with pistols......by civilians at least....and San Bernadino.....two AR-15s killed 14 people........so 7 for each one......Virginia Tech used a pistol...killed 32....Luby's cafe used a pistol killed 24........
My theory is that weapons like the AR15 are more dangerous than the average handgun, you don't even want to wade into those waters, your ideology won't allow you to.

The 2nd amendment covers the AR15 up until a law were passed to ban it and others like it, then it's up to...oh-oh, the rights bane of American democracy...the judiciary.

I have to state again, I'm not necessarily for the ban of assault style weapons...and after listening to you fucks I'm having a difficult time not just wanting them banned outright. Can't get a straight answer from one of you. Believe what you want but at least have an understanding of their proven ability to mow people down.

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

Over 30 dead? not even close.......Keep going....Sandy Hook.....26.....Colorado.....under 20....and there you have your list of AR-15 crimes...and in each year they were used...an AR-15 was used for self defense.......as often as for attack...

Is an AR15 really needed for defense?

How many Virginia Tech style shootings at that number took place by a single person?
It was voted down in Congress. How does that change your lie that "They haven't been endangered of banning in over a decade"?

Are you man enough to admit you misspoke? Lied? Or are you just a spineless weasel who will dodge and evade the fact you were caught in a lie?

Hey moron.....I simply ASKED what happened to the bill....and how much were right wing politicians bribed to vote it down?
.....of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because.

Because our enemies and potential enemies, foreign and domestic, have access to that FIREARM. Please learn the difference between a Firearm and a Weapon before you respond.
Your theory is that since it hasn't happened, then it must be impossible. That's an idiot theory.

The bottom line is that the 2nd Amendment covers semi-automatics like the AR-15.

My theory is that weapons like the AR15 are more dangerous than the average handgun, you don't even want to wade into those waters, your ideology won't allow you to.

The 2nd amendment covers the AR15 up until a law were passed to ban it and others like it, then it's up to...oh-oh, the rights bane of American democracy...the judiciary.

I have to state again, I'm not necessarily for the ban of assault style weapons...and after listening to you fucks I'm having a difficult time not just wanting them banned outright. Can't get a straight answer from one of you. Believe what you want but at least have an understanding of their proven ability to mow people down.

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

We aren't defending terrorists...you guys do....mention radical islam on this board and you nuts call us islamaphobes......

San Bernadino....2, AR-15s, 14 dead.......that would be 7 for each if you divide by 2......

So....you can't name any other attacks with an AR-15 with over 30 dead.......you fail...
To me, it would seem reasonable that any citizen ought to have the right to carry the same arms as are used by the civilian police officers in his community.
Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

Except they are not used for crime or mass shootings anywhere near how often they are used by law abiding people

3,750,000 AR-15s were not used for any crime.......one was........

When we get to the point where AR-15s are used 1,500,000 times a year then we can talk...........1 or 2 times a year....compared to 35,000 accidental car deaths.....give me a break.

How often are AR15s used by private citizens to prevent mass shootings again?

People don't carry AR-15s around...often....mass shooters are stopped with pistols......by civilians at least....and San Bernadino.....two AR-15s killed 14 people........so 7 for each one......Virginia Tech used a pistol...killed 32....Luby's cafe used a pistol killed 24........

You're right, people for the most part don't carry AR15s around in public, just think fo the horror that would be compared to the number of people who just carry hand guns. So, the vast majority of those who carry guns, carry hand guns and look at the damage AR15s do in mass casualty shootings. You'd think handguns would be more widely used given their prevalence.

The simple fact is that people don't want asault style weapons out in public and it's kind of an unpopular thing to do and the only ones who do haul them around are gun nuts, psychos and gun nuts soon to be psychos.
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