Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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My theory is that weapons like the AR15 are more dangerous than the average handgun, you don't even want to wade into those waters, your ideology won't allow you to.

The 2nd amendment covers the AR15 up until a law were passed to ban it and others like it, then it's up to...oh-oh, the rights bane of American democracy...the judiciary.

I have to state again, I'm not necessarily for the ban of assault style weapons...and after listening to you fucks I'm having a difficult time not just wanting them banned outright. Can't get a straight answer from one of you. Believe what you want but at least have an understanding of their proven ability to mow people down.

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

We aren't defending terrorists...you guys do....mention radical islam on this board and you nuts call us islamaphobes......

San Bernadino....2, AR-15s, 14 dead.......that would be 7 for each if you divide by 2......

So....you can't name any other attacks with an AR-15 with over 30 dead.......you fail...

You can mention radical Islamists all you want. It's the conflating of all Muslims as terrorists is when you nut jobs get into trouble.

I haven't seen anyone yet today defend terrorism except for Steve McGarret who last I saw was celebrating the terrorists. Have you denounced Steve yet?
In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

Over 30 dead? not even close.......Keep going....Sandy Hook.....26.....Colorado.....under 20....and there you have your list of AR-15 crimes...and in each year they were used...an AR-15 was used for self defense.......as often as for attack...

Is an AR15 really needed for defense?

How many Virginia Tech style shootings at that number took place by a single person?

It can be......it is a good weapon...easy for all sized people to shoot, women find it easy to shoot vs. most other rifles and especially shotguns which many women find hard to handle when fired......

since it is similar, but not the same as the millitary version, most people who have served are familiar with the mechanics...

the light round is stopped by drywall easier than more solid pistol rounds and you can put lights and lazers on it and still have both hands to control the rifle...or, it is light enough you can hold it forward one handed and use a phone....

the magazine capacity means that if you start the fight injured you don't have to reload when your reflexes are hampered by an adrenaline dump....

and you can shoot it more accurately because you have 3 points of contact with the rifle instead of 2, or 1 with a pistol...

.which means you will hit the bad guy more often and not miss and hit someone else....and because of the media and video games it's reputation can frighten off intruders without having to shoot them...which is also a big plus...

Those are the reasons it is a good self defense weapon...
In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

We aren't defending terrorists...you guys do....mention radical islam on this board and you nuts call us islamaphobes......

San Bernadino....2, AR-15s, 14 dead.......that would be 7 for each if you divide by 2......

So....you can't name any other attacks with an AR-15 with over 30 dead.......you fail...

You can mention radical Islamists all you want. It's the conflating of all Muslims as terrorists is when you nut jobs get into trouble.

I haven't seen anyone yet today defend terrorism except for Steve McGarret who last I saw was celebrating the terrorists. Have you denounced Steve yet?

I rarely if ever go into his threads because of the racist image on his posts......I don't celebrate terrorism......
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
I tell you the same thing I told rightwingnut who sought to exploit today's trajedy... leave politics the fuck out of this and put the nation ahead of your political agenda. It's horrific enough that 50+ people were murdered today in the 2nd worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, plus more than 50 others injured, plus all of the grieving families; don't exploit their deaths for political gains.

Put the country first. We need to unite, not further divide along partisan party lines.
More Than Half of Mass Shooters Used Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines

In truth, they are not....anything they can do a nut with a pistol can also do...it all comes down to target selection...location, location, location.....

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

We aren't defending terrorists...you guys do....mention radical islam on this board and you nuts call us islamaphobes......

San Bernadino....2, AR-15s, 14 dead.......that would be 7 for each if you divide by 2......

So....you can't name any other attacks with an AR-15 with over 30 dead.......you fail...

You can mention radical Islamists all you want. It's the conflating of all Muslims as terrorists is when you nut jobs get into trouble.

I haven't seen anyone yet today defend terrorism except for Steve McGarret who last I saw was celebrating the terrorists. Have you denounced Steve yet?

Are you ready to normalize our conversation.....we started out fine and it escalated.......can we have a normal discussion on this?
If lefties were serious about gun control and not using it as a political tool to malign Christians, they would demand that heads roll in the ATF and the FBI for the debacle that was named "operation fast/furious". It is estimated that hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens were murdered and at least one American Law Enforcement Officer was killed by illegal weapons furnished by our own freaking government and nobody even got fired much less indicted for acessory to murder.
Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

Over 30 dead? not even close.......Keep going....Sandy Hook.....26.....Colorado.....under 20....and there you have your list of AR-15 crimes...and in each year they were used...an AR-15 was used for self defense.......as often as for attack...

Is an AR15 really needed for defense?

How many Virginia Tech style shootings at that number took place by a single person?

It can be......it is a good weapon...easy for all sized people to shoot, women find it easy to shoot vs. most other rifles and especially shotguns which many women find hard to handle when fired......

since it is similar, but not the same as the millitary version, most people who have served are familiar with the mechanics...

the light round is stopped by drywall easier than more solid pistol rounds and you can put lights and lazers on it and still have both hands to control the rifle...or, it is light enough you can hold it forward one handed and use a phone....

the magazine capacity means that if you start the fight injured you don't have to reload when your reflexes are hampered by an adrenaline dump....

and you can shoot it more accurately because you have 3 points of contact with the rifle instead of 2, or 1 with a pistol...

.which means you will hit the bad guy more often and not miss and hit someone else....and because of the media and video games it's reputation can frighten off intruders without having to shoot them...which is also a big plus...

Those are the reasons it is a good self defense weapon...

Yes. it's effective.
If lefties were serious about gun control and not using it as a political tool to malign Christians, they would demand that heads roll in the ATF and the FBI for the debacle that was named "operation fast/furious". It is estimated that hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens were murdered and at least one American Law Enforcement Officer was killed by illegal weapons furnished by our own freaking government and nobody even got fired much less indicted for acessory to murder.

Eh, nobody is blaming Christians. But you're just doing another drive by so whatever.

Where did you get this......? it is not accurate.....I showed you the list from Mother Jones....the anti gun group......and please define "high capacity" magazines.....

And you do realize they mean normal pistol magazines as high capacity magazines...right...that is how they do that trick.....

And you said AR-15s......you couldn't find 5...could you?

AGain...all rifles, of all categories....including AR-15s and AK-47s kill fewer people each year than knives and clubs and empty hands...not combined...each one, knives more than rifles, clubs more than rifles, and empty hands more than rifles...

And another trick...they will take any shooting and call it a mass shooting.....you have to research the stories......gang bangers shooting each other at a party are their favorite dodge......builds up their numbers.....
You can mention radical Islamists all you want. It's the conflating of all Muslims as terrorists is when you nut jobs get into trouble....
Agreed on this point. However, when you attack all supporters of the Second Amendment as "gun nuts" or in other demeaning terms, I distrust your sincerity of doing what is just and true.

Then you should have no problem pointing out an instance where someone with a single hand gun came even close. I mean, given all those locations, locations, locations.

Okay asswipe....where were all the other AR-15s used in mass shootings.......did you list those yet...over 30 killed....vs. Virginia Tech and Luby's?

San Bernardo, why do you guys defend terrorists?

We aren't defending terrorists...you guys do....mention radical islam on this board and you nuts call us islamaphobes......

San Bernadino....2, AR-15s, 14 dead.......that would be 7 for each if you divide by 2......

So....you can't name any other attacks with an AR-15 with over 30 dead.......you fail...

You can mention radical Islamists all you want. It's the conflating of all Muslims as terrorists is when you nut jobs get into trouble.

I haven't seen anyone yet today defend terrorism except for Steve McGarret who last I saw was celebrating the terrorists. Have you denounced Steve yet?

Are you ready to normalize our conversation.....we started out fine and it escalated.......can we have a normal discussion on this?

Is this before or after you explain racist Steve?
I don't think it's possible to only blame the weapon, that doesn't' make sense

What exactly have you been doing for the past three hours? BLAMING THE WEAPON!

Holy sweet Moses you are clueless.

Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.
He had to have the right tool for the job...AR-15 with a high capacity magazine.......perfect for killing gays

The NRA made sure he had the best available weaponry

Actually, has anyone heard from the NRA yet? Usually they announce a press conference in a couple of days and just rabble through the same bullshit.
NRA will come out with an arm gays campaign
Asshole, it was all over the news...the neighbor of the San Bernardino Muslims saw people going in and out of their garage at all hours of the night...and she didn't report it though it made her suspicious because of assholes like you.

again, do you have a link?

I wasn't aware visiting people at night was suspicious.

You know, like buying a military grade weapon, that's suspicious. Having visitors, not so much.

This is the trick....I went to your link...........they include pistols in military use in that chart and that is how they get the numbers they do........they are lying....

And where did they get the number for mass shootings? Mother Jones covered all of them since 1982......do you think mother jones lied......this article is using pistols used by criminals and gang bangers to lie about mass shootings and magazine capacity....you have to be careful when you read anti gun articles...they lie.....

Don't believe me?....check on it yourself........

More than half of the killers we studied in our investigation of 62 mass shootings over the last three decades possessed weapons that would be banned by Feinstein's bill, including various semi-automatic rifles, guns with military features, and handguns using magazines with more than 10 rounds.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

You have a point here.

Would anyone arm criminals in prison? Nope.

Freedom can only be obtained by a moral people. I think the US has abandoned their Christian roots becoming more and more immoral every day. At one time Americans could be trusted with the freedom to won fire arms, but perhaps now it is time to take them away.

All that needs to happen next is for Trump to build his wall around the US, and appoint a warden for the general populace.
Several times in this thread I have made it clear, I blame the shooter. That doesn't mean you ignore the tools he had available to him. Especially the one he was holding, pointing, shooting, reloading, pointing and shooting where he hit more than 100 people.

Agreed!!!! and well stated...

of course, right wingers will retort that such weapons MUST remain legal and MUST be sold to whomever wants one because..........well, because

An honest hunter MUST be able to shoot at 100 or more deer if he so chooses......and
A homeowner MUST be able to shoot down at least 100 or more intruders to his house.

Except they are not used for crime or mass shootings anywhere near how often they are used by law abiding people

3,750,000 AR-15s were not used for any crime.......one was........

When we get to the point where AR-15s are used 1,500,000 times a year then we can talk...........1 or 2 times a year....compared to 35,000 accidental car deaths.....give me a break.

Move along....nothing to see here

No need to worry until we have 1.5 million dead
Asshole, it was all over the news...the neighbor of the San Bernardino Muslims saw people going in and out of their garage at all hours of the night...and she didn't report it though it made her suspicious because of assholes like you.

again, do you have a link?

I wasn't aware visiting people at night was suspicious.

You know, like buying a military grade weapon, that's suspicious. Having visitors, not so much.

And it took me 5 seconds.......

Neighbor Didn't Report Suspicious Activity of San Bernardino Killers For Fear of Being Called Racist
He could have set the whole place on fire after blocking the doors.....the worst night club death rates come from fire...not guns......

Why do you go through these eleborate scenarios to exonerate guns in gun slaughters...

I know. The guy could have contracted AIDS, and then had the gay sex with everyone in the night club. He could have killed hundreds that way.... he'd just have to wait a while.
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