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Right wingers, why did Andy Cuomo's COVID response become so popular?

Early on Cuomo looked and sounded good.

I watched some of his pressers and commented on them here and credited him at the time for trying to rally his troops, so to speak. I'm no fan of Cuomo, but I had to credit him for that.

I'm talking early days now, when NYC was the epicenter of this and people were utterly freaking out.

He did play the role well and I said it here then. Early days IMHO, he looked good, sounded good, gave effective pressers and so people believed him as they needed something to cling to.

We do have to be fair, also, however, in that he was a media darling because he was a dem and fighting with Trump, so he got a lot of press out of that conflict, portraying him as the knight in shining armor battling the evil orange man, which I don't think that had much truth to it at all, but people are gullible and some wanted to believe that anyhow as they hated Trump, so they positioned him as the anti-Trump for their own mental comfort.

Of course, since, it has been found he's got some very serious dirt on his hands and we have to get to the bottom of that, but early days I can see why people gravitated to him.
Thank you for being the third to give a smart, thoughtful and honest response. 18 others have gone the petty low IQ route.

I agree that he was strong early for those reasons. He was even complimentary of Trump early on as the Feds provided much aid and support

Do you think there was a thirst for Cuomo's type of communication because of what was coming out of the White House? I think Cuomo and Fauci got so popular because they talked straight in a time when our POTUS wasn't. Do you think that was a factor?

Faucci talked straight??? Hahahaa I could post 50 videos of him contradicting himself and 1000 of the MSM skewering Trump for saying exactly what Faucci said.
Talking straight doesn't mean he was always correct. I'm happy for an alternative theory about why he is so trusted and popular

The same reason I posted for Cuomo.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

Yes. Because now that the Ds are back in power Slade is pretending to be a rational poster.
Just stay on topic. Nobody cares what you think my intensions are. Try and be a grown up and have a real conversation.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

Yes. Because now that the Ds are back in power Slade is pretending to be a rational poster.

He can pretend all he wants, but he's not fooling anyone with even rudimentary powers of observation and discernment.
Of note is the fact that this occurred in virtually every state that was hard hit early on and in fact covid found it's way into NHs across the nation.
Well of course. Other than hospitals (which had to maintain readiness for waves of new patients), where else has facilities to care for sick people? Did everyone think they would be sent to libraries, or to liquor stores? Fuck people, use your heads.

Well, let's see, where did all those governors who DIDN'T wipe out their elderly populations send theirs?
Which Governors are you talking about? Can you give a name?
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

I call shenanigans. The topic is bogus. Your OP insults anyone who doesn't agree with your premise. It's transparently disingenuous, and I will treat it with the gravity you deserve.

So, no on the Mayo must mean you prefer Miracle Whip by the serving spoonful. Jerry Nadler will not approve. He's a pure Mayo-all-the-Wayo kinda guy.
Reported. Thanks for playing.

I don't have a premise in my OP BTW. I just asked a question and asked for a direct answer not a subject change. Something you weren't capable of. bye now
What ended up happening was that recovering patients ended up in rehab facilities.
Which are also full of vulnerable people, many of whom are immuno-compromised. The magical facilities that can accommodate sick and recovering people that also contain NO OTHER sick or vulnerable people simply did not and do not exist. And you will have to excuse me if I find the same people who fake concern for this while spewing out the other sides of their necks that, "It only harms old and sick people, so why are we so concerned?" to be completely full of shit and not worthy of consideration. Clearly they are just being stimulus/response amoebas. Like the poster right above ^^

Magical? I don't know if anyone's ever described a Navy hospital ship as "magical" before, but Cuomo had one handy that he could have put those patients in, instead of putting them in nursing homes.

And you will have to excuse ME if your, "Well, I KNOW you thought this at the time, because my talking points told me you did, therefore I don't have to care now!!" is leaving me laughing my ass off.
Thats a pretty sick and sad comment. I'm not religious but I will pray for your soul anyways

Their loss, my gain. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I certainly didn't forget to donate to the Cuomo campaign. I just hope he continues to put people with highly contagious pathogens into facilities filled with immunity-compromised patients. I haven't had this much business since the September 11 attacks 20 years ago when Dad was running the business!
Early on Cuomo looked and sounded good.

I watched some of his pressers and commented on them here and credited him at the time for trying to rally his troops, so to speak. I'm no fan of Cuomo, but I had to credit him for that.

I'm talking early days now, when NYC was the epicenter of this and people were utterly freaking out.

He did play the role well and I said it here then. Early days IMHO, he looked good, sounded good, gave effective pressers and so people believed him as they needed something to cling to.

We do have to be fair, also, however, in that he was a media darling because he was a dem and fighting with Trump, so he got a lot of press out of that conflict, portraying him as the knight in shining armor battling the evil orange man, which I don't think that had much truth to it at all, but people are gullible and some wanted to believe that anyhow as they hated Trump, so they positioned him as the anti-Trump for their own mental comfort.

Of course, since, it has been found he's got some very serious dirt on his hands and we have to get to the bottom of that, but early days I can see why people gravitated to him.
Thank you for being the third to give a smart, thoughtful and honest response. 18 others have gone the petty low IQ route.

I agree that he was strong early for those reasons. He was even complimentary of Trump early on as the Feds provided much aid and support

Do you think there was a thirst for Cuomo's type of communication because of what was coming out of the White House? I think Cuomo and Fauci got so popular because they talked straight in a time when our POTUS wasn't. Do you think that was a factor?

Faucci talked straight??? Hahahaa I could post 50 videos of him contradicting himself and 1000 of the MSM skewering Trump for saying exactly what Faucci said.
Talking straight doesn't mean he was always correct. I'm happy for an alternative theory about why he is so trusted and popular

The same reason I posted for Cuomo.
You think both men got popular just because of the media? People watching had not opinion on the matter, just mindlessly followed what the media said even though the media was mostly just interviewing and airing pressers from these two men?? Is that really the answer you are going with?
I don't know if anyone's ever described a Navy hospital ship as "magical" before, but Cuomo had one handy that he could have put those patients in, instead of putting them in nursing homes.

Thankfully, he didn't do that!
Thats a pretty sick and sad comment. I'm not religious but I will pray for your soul anyways

Their loss, my gain. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I certainly didn't forget to donate to the Cuomo campaign. I just hope he continues to put people with highly contagious pathogens into facilities filled with immunity-compromised patients. I haven't had this much business since the September 11 attacks 20 years ago when Dad was running the business!
Where would you recommend he put people with highly contagious pathogens?
Early on Cuomo looked and sounded good.

I watched some of his pressers and commented on them here and credited him at the time for trying to rally his troops, so to speak. I'm no fan of Cuomo, but I had to credit him for that.

I'm talking early days now, when NYC was the epicenter of this and people were utterly freaking out.

He did play the role well and I said it here then. Early days IMHO, he looked good, sounded good, gave effective pressers and so people believed him as they needed something to cling to.

We do have to be fair, also, however, in that he was a media darling because he was a dem and fighting with Trump, so he got a lot of press out of that conflict, portraying him as the knight in shining armor battling the evil orange man, which I don't think that had much truth to it at all, but people are gullible and some wanted to believe that anyhow as they hated Trump, so they positioned him as the anti-Trump for their own mental comfort.

Of course, since, it has been found he's got some very serious dirt on his hands and we have to get to the bottom of that, but early days I can see why people gravitated to him.
Thank you for being the third to give a smart, thoughtful and honest response. 18 others have gone the petty low IQ route.

I agree that he was strong early for those reasons. He was even complimentary of Trump early on as the Feds provided much aid and support

Do you think there was a thirst for Cuomo's type of communication because of what was coming out of the White House? I think Cuomo and Fauci got so popular because they talked straight in a time when our POTUS wasn't. Do you think that was a factor?

I don't know. At the time Trump's pressers were kind of hit or miss. Some days he looked pretty good, some days I wished he'd just shut up.

Cuomo did a lot with data, showing facts, tables, plans. This resonated with me personally, I think because it's how my mind generally works. He put on very well put together presentations with visual supporting material. He went through this in a very matter of fact way, that communicated well in terms of him having a grasp of the material he was presenting and the result was clear understanding of what he was trying to convey. I only watched 2-3 of his, though, so how consistent he was about this I don't actually know.

I'm in Illinois and remember thinking how obviously different his approach was to the governor's here, who was all about platitudes and BS, with very little supporting anything, and the data that was presented was pretty questionable at best, so I was more comparing those 2 at the time than either to Trump.

I think a lot of people drifted away from Trump's pressers for a couple of reasons although in my personal case I stopped paying much attention as the decisions were local, ie, what was coming out of DC/Trump had less impact on me than what was coming out of the governor's mouth here, so I watched the local ones like a hawk and would catch the highlights of the national levels ones if I had the time. What Trump was saying didn't matter, really, as the decisions for the state were being made by the governor, so I was way more interested in what he had to say.
Right now, I'm laughing my ass off at your attempt to excoriate and condemn governors who DIDN'T kill thousands of elderly citizens in defense of Cuomo.

Everyone has to die sometime. Cuomo just moved up the date. What's the problem?
Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?
Who says they did?

some lefty poll?


the leftwing wacko news media praised cuomo and also hollywood nut cases

but the general public?

Not so much
Magical? I don't know if anyone's ever described a Navy hospital ship as "magical" before, but Cuomo had one handy that he could have put those patients in, instead of putting them in nursing homes.
That ship didn't come on line till well after the crisis had peaked
So Herr Cuomo blames Covid in the nursing homes coming in via nurses, repairman, etc., not the patients today!
Cuomo is a bigger assclown than the OP!!!
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

I call shenanigans. The topic is bogus. Your OP insults anyone who doesn't agree with your premise. It's transparently disingenuous, and I will treat it with the gravity you deserve.

So, no on the Mayo must mean you prefer Miracle Whip by the serving spoonful. Jerry Nadler will not approve. He's a pure Mayo-all-the-Wayo kinda guy.
Reported. Thanks for playing.

I don't have a premise in my OP BTW. I just asked a question and asked for a direct answer not a subject change. Something you weren't capable of. bye now

Yes you do. If you can't even identify your own premise, you're even more lost without a clue than I had originally surmised.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
IMO the News Entertainment media painted him as the good guy vs. Trump as the bad guy. Like in old wrestling. They portrayed Ric Flair as the villain and Sting as the hero. I was like six then but I remember.

= Villain

= Hero

To me it was that simple. I found Cuomo to be very bad and uninformed in his briefings.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
Cuomo is a Democrat and I live in a mostly R area and we all thought Cuomo was committing murder.
You watch CNN and the Lame Stream Stream media praising the bastard no matter what he does.
Early on Cuomo looked and sounded good.

I watched some of his pressers and commented on them here and credited him at the time for trying to rally his troops, so to speak. I'm no fan of Cuomo, but I had to credit him for that.

I'm talking early days now, when NYC was the epicenter of this and people were utterly freaking out.

He did play the role well and I said it here then. Early days IMHO, he looked good, sounded good, gave effective pressers and so people believed him as they needed something to cling to.

We do have to be fair, also, however, in that he was a media darling because he was a dem and fighting with Trump, so he got a lot of press out of that conflict, portraying him as the knight in shining armor battling the evil orange man, which I don't think that had much truth to it at all, but people are gullible and some wanted to believe that anyhow as they hated Trump, so they positioned him as the anti-Trump for their own mental comfort.

Of course, since, it has been found he's got some very serious dirt on his hands and we have to get to the bottom of that, but early days I can see why people gravitated to him.
Thank you for being the third to give a smart, thoughtful and honest response. 18 others have gone the petty low IQ route.

I agree that he was strong early for those reasons. He was even complimentary of Trump early on as the Feds provided much aid and support

Do you think there was a thirst for Cuomo's type of communication because of what was coming out of the White House? I think Cuomo and Fauci got so popular because they talked straight in a time when our POTUS wasn't. Do you think that was a factor?

I don't know. At the time Trump's pressers were kind of hit or miss. Some days he looked pretty good, some days I wished he'd just shut up.

Cuomo did a lot with data, showing facts, tables, plans. This resonated with me personally, I think because it's how my mind generally works. He put on very well put together presentations with visual supporting material. He went through this in a very matter of fact way, that communicated well in terms of him having a grasp of the material he was presenting and the result was clear understanding of what he was trying to convey. I only watched 2-3 of his, though, so how consistent he was about this I don't actually know.

I'm in Illinois and remember thinking how obviously different his approach was to the governor's here, who was all about platitudes and BS, with very little supporting anything, and the data that was presented was pretty questionable at best, so I was more comparing those 2 at the time than either to Trump.

I think a lot of people drifted away from Trump's pressers for a couple of reasons although in my personal case I stopped paying much attention as the decisions were local, ie, what was coming out of DC/Trump had less impact on me than what was coming out of the governor's mouth here, so I watched the local ones like a hawk and would catch the highlights of the national levels ones if I had the time. What Trump was saying didn't matter, really, as the decisions for the state were being made by the governor, so I was way more interested in what he had to say.
That is a great analysis. I totally agree. It was the contrast of the data driven relay of information vs the political platitudes and BS. Cuomo and Fauci communicated this way which I think people responded well to. This has nothing to do with the validity of the information. As we know with Fauci his advice changed a few times, but it was accepted by many because he was relaying what he knew at the time and could admit when he was wrong and things changed. I think people for the most part will be understanding when a person is being honest and makes a mistake.

I hope more politicians can learn from this and approach more issues this way. It was sad to see how well the Political hyperbole crap worked for Trump. I don't think thats how leaders should communicate. I also think Cuomo should be held to account if he fudged numbers for political expediency. There needs to be trust between the pubic and our leaders. That trust is sacred.

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